Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: continuous copy/update one table to another Terry
- Re: continuous copy/update one table to another Terry
- Re: continuous copy/update one table to another Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: continuous copy/update one table to another Szymon Guz
- Optimizer: ranges and partial indices? Or use partitioning? Adrian von Bidder
- Re: continuous copy/update one table to another Adrian von Bidder
- current transaction id AI Rumman
- Re: current transaction id A. Kretschmer
- Re: Confusion about users and roles C. Bensend
- custom index michael uwe maier
- Cannot remove prepared statement. Darryl Pye
- Re: continuous copy/update one table to another Tom Lane
- Re: Optimizer: ranges and partial indices? Or use partitioning? Tom Lane
- Re: Cannot remove prepared statement. Tom Lane
- Re: Cacti + PostgreSQL Graphing Marc G. Fournier
- Re: Cacti + PostgreSQL Graphing Marc G. Fournier
- Re: Cacti + PostgreSQL Graphing Brad Nicholson
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- [SOLVED] Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: [SOLVED] Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: [SOLVED] Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Tom Lane
- Re: Optimizer: ranges and partial indices? Or use partitioning? Adrian von Bidder
- Re: [SOLVED] Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Ed L.
- Re: Hung postmaster (8.3.9) Greg Stark
- to_timestamp() and quarters Asher Hoskins
- How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Antonio Goméz Soto
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Thom Brown
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Putting index entries to XLog Simon Riggs
- Re: custom index Simon Riggs
- need a query AI Rumman
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Thom Brown
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Craig Ringer
- Re: need a query Pavel Stehule
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Antonio Goméz Soto
- Re: to_timestamp() and quarters Tom Lane
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Thom Brown
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: to_timestamp() and quarters A. Kretschmer
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Antonio Goméz Soto
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Said Ramirez
- The OS Command for pg_hotbackup -- Use lvmsnapshot instead of tar cvzf Arnold, Sandra
- I suspend the subscription maria teresa tarquino
- tipo de dato Miguel Angel Hernandez Moreno
- Re: to_timestamp() and quarters Scott Bailey
- Array columns vs normalized table Lee Hachadoorian
- disable triggers isolated to transaction only? Vick Khera
- Re: tipo de dato Said Ramirez
- Re: Array columns vs normalized table Pavel Stehule
- Re: Array columns vs normalized table Peter Hunsberger
- Re: Array columns vs normalized table Scott Bailey
- Re: [ADMIN] The OS Command for pg_hotbackup -- Use lvmsnapshot instead of tar cvzf Chander Ganesan
- createdb but revoke dropdb Ben Eliott
- Re: Array columns vs normalized table Lee Hachadoorian
- Re: disable triggers isolated to transaction only? Ben Chobot
- Re: [ADMIN] The OS Command for pg_hotbackup -- Use lvmsnapshot instead of tar cvzf Scott Marlowe
- Re: [ADMIN] The OS Command for pg_hotbackup -- Use lvmsnapshot instead of tar cvzf Scott Marlowe
- Re: [ADMIN] The OS Command for pg_hotbackup -- Use lvmsnapshot instead of tar cvzf Scott Marlowe
- FSM and VM file akp geek
- Re: FSM and VM file Thomas Kellerer
- Re: FSM and VM file Scott Mead
- Re: FSM and VM file akp geek
- Not all functions in schema pg_catalog are "visible" Thomas Kellerer
- Re: disable triggers isolated to transaction only? Tom Lane
- SQL Syntax - like FIELD and BITPATTERN = BITPATTERN? Ozz Nixon
- Re: [SOLVED] SQL Syntax - like FIELD and BITPATTERN = BITPATTERN? Ozz Nixon
- Trigger help - updates to column data with null values Greg Fischer
- Re: Trigger help - updates to column data with null values Craig Ringer
- Re: Trigger help - updates to column data with null values Greg Fischer
- Re: SQL Syntax - like FIELD and BITPATTERN = BITPATTERN? Harvey, Allan AC
- Fwd: createdb but revoke dropdb Ben Eliott
- Re: createdb but revoke dropdb Richard Huxton
- Re: FSM and VM file Richard Huxton
- Re: createdb but revoke dropdb Ben Eliott
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: FSM and VM file akp geek
- Re: FSM and VM file Richard Huxton
- stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- Re: FSM and VM file Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Merlin Moncure
- Re: FSM and VM file akp geek
- finding duplicate numbers in a select distinct statement Terry
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Kevin Kempter
- Re: finding duplicate numbers in a select distinct statement Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: finding duplicate numbers in a select distinct statement Terry
- Re: finding duplicate numbers in a select distinct statement Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- bug in function arguments "recognition" Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Thom Brown
- LDAP Login Problem Tom Robst
- Re: LDAP Login Problem Magnus Hagander
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Tom Lane
- Re: bug in function arguments "recognition" Tom Lane
- Re: LDAP Login Problem Tom Robst
- Re: bug in function arguments "recognition" Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- Re: bug in function arguments "recognition" Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- Re: disable triggers isolated to transaction only? Greg Sabino Mullane
- Re: disable triggers isolated to transaction only? Richard Huxton
- Massive table bloat Markus Wollny
- Re: Massive table bloat Thom Brown
- Re: Massive table bloat Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Josh Kupershmidt
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- Raid 10 settings for optimal postgres performance? Chris Barnes
- Work Mem Allocation Questions Brad Nicholson
- Re: finding duplicate numbers in a select distinct statement Terry
- Re: Work Mem Allocation Questions Bill Moran
- Re: How to grant a user read-only access to a database? Kevin Kempter
- Auto VACUUM akp geek
- Re: Massive table bloat Markus Wollny
- Re: Auto VACUUM Joao Ferreira gmail
- Re: Auto VACUUM akp geek
- PQntuples returns an int. Guillaume Yziquel
- Larger volumes of chronologically ordered data and the planner John Moran
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Josh Kupershmidt
- Re: Larger volumes of chronologically ordered data and the planner Tom Lane
- Re: PQntuples returns an int. Steve Atkins
- Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Michael Gould
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Justin Graf
- Re: PQntuples returns an int. Greg Sabino Mullane
- Re: Raid 10 settings for optimal postgres performance? Greg Smith
- Re: Larger volumes of chronologically ordered data and the planner Greg Smith
- Re: Auto VACUUM Igor Neyman
- Re: Cacti + PostgreSQL Graphing Marc G. Fournier
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Michael Gould
- The REAL cost of joins Marcin Krol
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Michael Gould
- Re: Cacti + PostgreSQL Graphing Marc G. Fournier
- Re: PQntuples returns an int. Guillaume Yziquel
- Re: The REAL cost of joins Peter Hunsberger
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Justin Graf
- ArgoUML SQL code generator for PostgreSQL John Gage
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Michael Gould
- Failed to run initdb: 128 Niranjan Maturi (nmaturi)
- Failed to run initdb: 128 Niranjan Maturi (nmaturi)
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Craig Ringer
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Craig Ringer
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Greg Sabino Mullane
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. John R Pierce
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Scott Marlowe
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Scott Marlowe
- Need to Reload a Dump File - Need to Delete the PGDATA directory Again? Wang, Mary Y
- Re: Need to Reload a Dump File - Need to Delete the PGDATA directory Again? John R Pierce
- Re: The REAL cost of joins Richard Huxton
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Dave Page
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Richard Huxton
- Re: Failed to run initdb: 128 Richard Huxton
- Re: The REAL cost of joins Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Larger volumes of chronologically ordered data and the planner John Moran
- Re: The REAL cost of joins Craig Ringer
- Re: Failed to run initdb: 128 Magnus Hagander
- Re: to_timestamp() and quarters Asher Hoskins
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Justin Graf
- Re: The REAL cost of joins Merlin Moncure
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Greg Stark
- Re: Auto VACUUM akp geek
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Justin Graf
- Re: Auto VACUUM Joshua D. Drake
- non intuitive behaviour of DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Manlio Perillo
- Re: Scratching my head why results are different between machines. Scott Marlowe
- ERROR: row is too big: size 8176, maximum size 8160 DimitryASuplatov
- Re: ERROR: row is too big: size 8176, maximum size 8160 Andreas Kretschmer
- join from multiple tables Terry
- Re: join from multiple tables Thom Brown
- Re: join from multiple tables Terry
- Re: The REAL cost of joins Simon Riggs
- Optimal database table optimization method Roger Tannous
- Re: join from multiple tables Terry
- Can you set the date output format (to_char style) per session? Joshua Johnston
- Re: Can you set the date output format (to_char style) per session? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Can you set the date output format (to_char style) per session? Joshua Johnston
- Re: Optimal database table optimization method John R Pierce
- Re: Failed to run initdb: 128 Niranjan Maturi (nmaturi)
- Re: Optimal database table optimization method Adrian von Bidder
- Connection timeouts from pgAdmin Lee Hachadoorian
- Re: Connection timeouts from pgAdmin John R Pierce
- Re: Connection timeouts from pgAdmin Lee Hachadoorian
- Re: select issue with order v8.1 Terry
- Re: join from multiple tables Terry
- Re: Optimal database table optimization method Dann Corbit
- Re: Auto VACUUM Joshua D. Drake
- Restore Data Encountered the ERROR: literal carriage return found in data Error Wang, Mary Y
- Foreign key behavior different in a function and outside Mridula Mahadevan
- Re: Optimal database table optimization method John R Pierce
- need some advanced books on Postgres Thomas
- Re: Foreign key behavior different in a function and outside Tom Lane
- Re: Foreign key behavior different in a function and outside Mridula Mahadevan
- Re: need some advanced books on Postgres Adrian von Bidder
- Re: ERROR: row is too big: size 8176, maximum size 8160 Albe Laurenz
- Optimizations Ogden
- Re: Optimizations Craig Ringer
- Re: ERROR: row is too big: size 8176, maximum size 8160 Scott Marlowe
- Re: Failed to run initdb: 128 Richard Huxton
- Re: need some advanced books on Postgres Richard Huxton
- Re: ERROR: row is too big: size 8176, maximum size 8160 Albe Laurenz
- Re: join from multiple tables Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Restore Data Encountered the ERROR: literal carriage return found in data Error Richard Huxton
- Re: Foreign key behavior different in a function and outside Richard Huxton
- Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre?
- Re: Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre? Thomas Kellerer
- Re: [NOVICE] Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre? Vibhor Kumar
- Re: [NOVICE] Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre?
- Re: [NOVICE] Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre? Pavel Stehule
- Re: [NOVICE] Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre? Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: [NOVICE] Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre? Thomas Kellerer
- Re: [NOVICE] Is there any oracle user_source table equivalent in postgre?
- Xpath Index in PostgreSQL Chris Roffler
- Re: Xpath Index in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: ERROR: row is too big: size 8176, maximum size 8160 Tom Lane
- Re: need some advanced books on Postgres Tom Lane
- Re: Restore Data Encountered the ERROR: literal carriage return found in data Error Tom Lane
- Re: Optimizations Ogden
- Re: Xpath Index in PostgreSQL Chris Roffler
- Re: Auto VACUUM akp geek
- Re: FSM and VM file akp geek
- Re: select issue with order v8.1 Adrian Klaver
- Re: Xpath Index in PostgreSQL Chris Roffler
- Re: Auto VACUUM Joao Ferreira gmail
- Re: Auto VACUUM akp geek
- XML performance tuning Chris Roffler
- character confusion Steve Crawford
- kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Cyril Scetbon
- For Loop using row_data to increase performance John777
- kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Cyril Scetbon
- Re: For Loop using row_data to increase performance John777
- Re: need some advanced books on Postgres Thomas
- log_statement and syslog severity G Dutton
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Scott Marlowe
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance John R Pierce
- Re: Foreign key behavior different in a function and outside Mridula Mahadevan
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Greg Smith
- Re: Restore Data Encountered the ERROR: literal carriage return found in data Error Wang, Mary Y
- Re: character confusion Tom Lane
- Re: For Loop using row_data to increase performance Alban Hertroys
- Re: need some advanced books on Postgres Pedro Doria Meunier
- What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Wang, Mary Y
- Re: Optimizations Craig Ringer
- 9.0 VACUUM FULL vs. ALTER TABLE? Noah Misch
- How to find details of arguments in all functions in postgre - One solution
- Re: [NOVICE] How to find details of arguments in all functions in postgre - One solution Michael Wood
- Libpq: copy file to bytea column
- Filesysstems Adrian von Bidder
- Re: 9.0 VACUUM FULL vs. ALTER TABLE? Tom Lane
- Re: What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Tom Lane
- Re: What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Wang, Mary Y
- Re: What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Tom Lane
- Re: What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Scott Ribe
- Re: What's the best way to deal with the pk_seq sequence value after a restore (bulk loading)? Tom Lane
- Re: non intuitive behaviour of DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Bruce Momjian
- Re: XML performance tuning Bruce Momjian
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Bruce Momjian
- Avoiding duplicates (or at least marking them as such) in a "cumulative" transaction table. Allan Kamau
- XML Index again Chris Roffler
- compare two schemas AI Rumman
- Re: non intuitive behaviour of DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Adrian von Bidder
- Re: compare two schemas Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: XML Index again Alban Hertroys
- accessing the words in a full text index Massa, Harald Armin
- Re: XML Index again Chris
- timestamp literal out of line Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: accessing the words in a full text index Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: timestamp literal out of line Tom Lane
- should I reindex the table of more than 10 millions rows regularly when more data are inserted? zxo102 ouyang
- Re: should I reindex the table of more than 10 millions rows regularly when more data are inserted? Szymon Guz
- Re: timestamp literal out of line Thomas Kellerer
- Evaluation of Postgresql using DBT2 Megha
- postgresql 8.2 startup script Aleksandar Sosic
- Evaluation of Postgresql using DBT2 Megha
- Re: postgresql 8.2 startup script Alban Hertroys
- ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x93 Error Wang, Mary Y
- Re: Transaction wraparound problem with database postgres Markus Wollny
- Re: Transaction wraparound problem with database postgres Scott Marlowe
- Re: Avoiding duplicates (or at least marking them as such) in a "cumulative" transaction table. Scott Marlowe
- psql uses default user from kerberos ticket not the current user Dmitry Litvintsev
- Re: postgresql 8.2 startup script Vick Khera
- Re: psql uses default user from kerberos ticket not the current user Tom Lane
- How to read oracle table's data from postgre
- Re: How to read oracle table's data from postgre John R Pierce
- Re: [NOVICE] How to read oracle table's data from postgre Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: Avoiding duplicates (or at least marking them as such) in a "cumulative" transaction table. Allan Kamau
- obsessive-compulsive vacuum behavior Ben Chobot
- Re: Avoiding duplicates (or at least marking them as such) in a "cumulative" transaction table. Scott Marlowe
- Re: obsessive-compulsive vacuum behavior Scott Marlowe
- Re: obsessive-compulsive vacuum behavior Scott Marlowe
- Re: [NOVICE] How to read oracle table's data from postgre Scott Marlowe
- Re: Libpq: copy file to bytea column Albe Laurenz
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Albe Laurenz
- Re: Transaction wraparound problem with database postgres Markus Wollny
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x93 Error Albe Laurenz
- Re: Transaction wraparound problem with database postgres Scott Marlowe
- Re: Avoiding duplicates (or at least marking them as such) in a "cumulative" transaction table. Allan Kamau
- Re: FSM and VM file Richard Huxton
- Re: Foreign key behavior different in a function and outside Richard Huxton
- 2 questions when using vs2005 to debug PG chaoyong wang
- Fwd: postgresql 8.2 startup script Alban Hertroys
- Re: Failed to run initdb: 128 Richard Huxton
- Re: Failed to run initdb: 128 Magnus Hagander
- Re: XML Index again Chris Roffler
- Re: XML Index again Alban Hertroys
- Re: XML Index again Alban Hertroys
- How to find out if row was modified by EXECUTE UPDATE ... A B
- Re: How to find out if row was modified by EXECUTE UPDATE ... Pavel Stehule
- Re: XML Index again Chris Roffler
- Re: XML Index again Alban Hertroys
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x93 Error Michał Pawlikowski
- Re: XML Index again Chris Roffler
- Re: Libpq: copy file to bytea column
- Re: Libpq: copy file to bytea column
- PostgreSQL RPM sets for 9.0 Alpha4 released Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: obsessive-compulsive vacuum behavior Tom Lane
- Entering a character code in a query John Gage
- 8.3.10 Changes Brad Nicholson
- ERROR: Package compat-postgresql-libs-4-1PGDG.rhel4.i386.rpm is not signed Padmanabhan G
- 2 questions to ask chaoyong wang
- Re: 8.3.10 Changes Tom Lane
- Enterprise DB's windows package and upgrading windows. John Moran
- Re: Enterprise DB's windows package and upgrading windows. Dave Page
- DROP column: documentation unclear Adrian von Bidder
- managing tablespaces like files? Sam Carleton
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? John R Pierce
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? John R Pierce
- Re: DROP column: documentation unclear Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Sam Carleton
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Sam Carleton
- autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? John R Pierce
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Sam Carleton
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Tom Lane
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Scott Mead
- Re: autovacuum question Scott Mead
- Re: autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Re: autovacuum question Tom Lane
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Sam Carleton
- Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? dipti shah
- Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? Tom Lane
- How to save existing permissions on schema and later on restore it? dipti shah
- Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? dipti shah
- Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? John R Pierce
- Re: [NOVICE] How to read oracle table's data from postgre Greg Smith
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Greg Smith
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance John R Pierce
- Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? dipti shah
- Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? John R Pierce
- Re: Is it possible to findout actual owner of table? dipti shah
- Unexpected result from selecting an aliased but non-existing column called "name" Ian Barwick
- has_schema_privilege function dipti shah
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Rodger Donaldson
- Can we overload = operator to word numeric = text
- has_schema_privilege function Jignesh Shah
- Re: Can we overload = operator to word numeric = text Pavel Stehule
- Re: Can we overload = operator to word numeric = text
- warm standby possible with 8.1? zhong ming wu
- Re: Libpq: copy file to bytea column Albe Laurenz
- Re: Entering a character code in a query Albe Laurenz
- Re: autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Urgent help needed- alias name in update statement
- Re: Unexpected result from selecting an aliased but non-existing column called "name" Adrian Klaver
- Re: Urgent help needed- alias name in update statement Adrian Klaver
- Re: Urgent help needed- alias name in update statement Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: has_schema_privilege function Greg Stark
- Re: autovacuum question Greg Stark
- Re: autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Re: autovacuum question Scott Marlowe
- Re: autovacuum question Scott Mead
- Re: autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Justin Graf
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Greg Sabino Mullane
- Re: autovacuum question Scott Mead
- Re: autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Re: autovacuum question Bryan Montgomery
- How many file descriptors does postgres need? Royce Ausburn
- Re: autovacuum question Scot Kreienkamp
- Re: How many file descriptors does postgres need? Steve Atkins
- Re: Entering a character code in a query John Gage
- Re: How many file descriptors does postgres need? Tom Lane
- Update view/table rule order of operations or race condition Dan Fitzpatrick
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Greg Smith
- \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Thomas Kellerer
- Re: DROP column: documentation unclear Harald Fuchs
- Re: \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Tom Lane
- Re: Trying to get a C function built with MSVC Bryan Montgomery
- question on 8.4.2 build postgres C functions Steve Coleman
- Re: DROP column: documentation unclear Tom Lane
- Re: \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Thomas Kellerer
- Re: question on 8.4.2 build postgres C functions Tom Lane
- Re: \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Update view/table rule order of operations or race condition Dan Fitzpatrick
- Re: question on 8.4.2 build postgres C functions Tom Lane
- Re: Update view/table rule order of operations or race condition Tom Lane
- Re: \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Thomas Kellerer
- PostgreSQL Conference East, Hotel Discount Deadline Joshua D. Drake
- Re: \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Tom Lane
- Re: Update view/table rule order of operations or race condition Dan Fitzpatrick
- Re: \copy command: how to define a tab character as the delimiter Adrian Klaver
- Re: Not all functions in schema pg_catalog are "visible" Alvaro Herrera
- Re: obsessive-compulsive vacuum behavior Ben Chobot
- Re: [pgsql-ru-general] Deleting Large Objects Serguei Mokhov
- How to? Timestamp with timezone. Andre Lopes
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Rodger Donaldson
- Discovering Postgres Server from Windows Clients imageguy
- Postgres GIS Question akp geek
- Re: Discovering Postgres Server from Windows Clients Vick Khera
- Re: Postgres GIS Question Jeff Davis
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. Tom Lane
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. Andre Lopes
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. John R Pierce
- Re: warm standby possible with 8.1? Greg Smith
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. Alvaro Herrera
- subscribe Andrew Boag
- PostgreSQL Conference East, Hotel Discount Deadline Joshua D. Drake
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Bruce Momjian
- Postgresql 8.1 AI Rumman
- Re: Postgresql 8.1 Ben Chobot
- error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check AI Rumman
- Re: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check John R Pierce
- SAS Raid10 vs SATA II Raid10 - many small reads and writes Phillip Berry
- Re: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check Peter Eisentraut
- Re: SAS Raid10 vs SATA II Raid10 - many small reads and writes Scott Marlowe
- Re: managing tablespaces like files? Sam Carleton
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Stuart Bishop
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Magnus Hagander
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. Andre Lopes
- Re: Urgent help needed- alias name in update statement Albe Laurenz
- make available C extensions to others Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- Re: make available C extensions to others Dimitri Fontaine
- regexp_replace puzzle Harald Fuchs
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. Alvaro Herrera
- Re: regexp_replace puzzle Osvaldo Kussama
- Licence Jonathan Tripathy
- Re: Licence Thom Brown
- Re: Licence Bill Moran
- Statement Triggers Gordan Bobic
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Ben Chobot
- Re: regexp_replace puzzle David W Noon
- Re: How to? Timestamp with timezone. Steve Crawford
- Re: Licence Steve Crawford
- Re: Connection timeouts from pgAdmin Lee Hachadoorian
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity dennis jenkins
- crosstab functionality for postgres 8.1.4 Amol Chiplunkar
- Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Chris Travers
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Bruce Momjian
- Finding duplicates only. Greenhorn
- dst question jgirvin
- Re: crosstab functionality for postgres 8.1.4 Merlin Moncure
- Re: Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Justin Graf
- Re: SAS Raid10 vs SATA II Raid10 - many small reads and writes Phillip Berry
- Re: crosstab functionality for postgres 8.1.4 Tom Lane
- Re: Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Chris Travers
- Re: dst question Tom Lane
- Re: Finding duplicates only. A. Kretschmer
- Re: SAS Raid10 vs SATA II Raid10 - many small reads and writes Magnus Hagander
- Re: Statement Triggers A. Kretschmer
- Re: SAS Raid10 vs SATA II Raid10 - many small reads and writes Greg Smith
- Replacing an index item Carsten Kropf
- how to remove super user Jowad Bouzian
- Re: how to remove super user Filip Rembiałkowski
- Re: how to remove super user Ashesh Vashi
- Re: Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Justin Graf
- instaling ossp-uuid
- Re: instaling ossp-uuid Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: Replacing an index item Tom Lane
- Re: Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Chris Travers
- Re: log_statement and syslog severity Greg Smith
- Re: Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Gerhard Heift
- Small install (w/ pSQLODBC support) needed. Ozz Nixon
- Joining one-to-one and one-to-many tables Jeff Ross
- Re: Small install (w/ pSQLODBC support) needed. Sachin Srivastava
- Re: kernel version impact on PostgreSQL performance Cyril Scetbon
- Re: Naming conventions for lots of stored procedures Pavel Stehule
- Re: Joining one-to-one and one-to-many tables Garrett Murphy
- createdb: ... duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_database_datname_index" Dave Vitek
- Re: createdb: ... duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_database_datname_index" Dave Vitek
- PgEast Hotel discount deadline today! Joshua D. Drake
- recuperar nodo en estado 3 Miguel Angel Hernandez Moreno
- Re: dst question jgirvin
- querying the value of the previous row Chris Velevitch
- PgEast Hotel discount deadline today! Joshua D. Drake
- Re: querying the value of the previous row A. Kretschmer
- Re: querying the value of the previous row John R Pierce
- REVOKE ... FROM everybody? Adrian von Bidder
- Unable to call functions defined in XML2 contrib Franclin Foping
- beginning and ending of sessions jody
- Re: REVOKE ... FROM everybody? Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Postgres GIS Question akp geek
- Re: beginning and ending of sessions Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: Unable to call functions defined in XML2 contrib Tom Lane
- Function with DEFAULT arguments
- Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Unable to call functions defined in XML2 contrib Franclin Foping
- R: Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments
- Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments Tom Lane
- Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments Scott Bailey
- [RFC] Comments on PostPic project Domenico Rotiroti
- Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments Tom Lane
- [RFC] Comments on PostPic project Domenico Rotiroti
- Re: Joining one-to-one and one-to-many tables Jeff Ross
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x93 Error Wang, Mary Y
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x93 Error Alvaro Herrera
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8":0x93 Error Wang, Mary Y
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8":0x93 Error Wang, Mary Y
- static build from source on windows Jan
- unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Gordon Shannon
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Alvaro Herrera
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Gordon Shannon
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Gordon Shannon
- How to remove superuser Harry Gold
- Re: How to remove superuser John R Pierce
- Re: How to remove superuser Bruce Momjian
- Re: How to remove superuser John R Pierce
- Re: Function with DEFAULT arguments Pavel Stehule
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Joshua D. Drake
- hardware for a server A B
- Re: hardware for a server Scott Marlowe
- explicit cast for null::bigint Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- Hints for postgresql package recompilation (FIXED) Angel
- restoring a database to its initial state Manlio Perillo
- Re: restoring a database to its initial state Pavel Stehule
- Re: restoring a database to its initial state Adrian von Bidder
- unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Gordon Shannon
- Re: restoring a database to its initial state Tom Lane
- Re: ERROR: Package compat-postgresql-libs-4-1PGDG.rhel4.i386.rpm is not signed Lacey Powers
- libpq: compatibility with server versions
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Gordon Shannon
- Options for fsync? A B
- Re: Options for fsync? John R Pierce
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Alvaro Herrera
- OIDs depending data -- how to dump/restore?
- Re: OIDs depending data -- how to dump/restore? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: hardware for a server Vick Khera
- Re: OIDs depending data -- how to dump/restore? Adrian Klaver
- Is there any easy way to determine a default value specified for table column? Belka Lambda
- Re: Is there any easy way to determine a default value specified for table column? Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Re: Is there any easy way to determine a default value specified for table column? Tom Lane
- Re: OIDs depending data -- how to dump/restore?
- Re: unexplained autovacuum to prevent wraparound Gordon Shannon
- Re: OIDs depending data -- how to dump/restore? Adrian Klaver
- $libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger.dll Carlo Stonebanks
- Yikes: ERROR: out of memory Carlo Stonebanks
- Installing Postgresql on Windows XP embedded Jeffrey Ottery
- How can I create a database at a different path and not accessible by others Rekha Ravi Pai
- Re: How can I create a database at a different path and not accessible by others John R Pierce
- Re: Yikes: ERROR: out of memory Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: $libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger.dll Dave Page
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Windows XP embedded Dave Page
- Re: Yikes: ERROR: out of memory Albe Laurenz
- Faicng problem while creating system DSN itishree sukla
- Re: libpq: compatibility with server versions Albe Laurenz
- Postgres 8.4 Segfault on xpath Frank jansen
- Re: Postgres 8.4 Segfault on xpath Dimitri Fontaine
- Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host Major Services
- Re: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host A. Kretschmer
- Re: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Postgres 8.4 Segfault on xpath Magnus Hagander
- Fwd: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host Major Services
- Re: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host Major Services
- Re: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host A. Kretschmer
- Re: hardware for a server Greg Smith
- Re: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host Major Services
- Re: Options for fsync? Greg Smith
- Re: Unable to connect to Postgres database from email marketing software on the same host A. Kretschmer
- Re: Postgres 8.4 Segfault on xpath Frank jansen
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Windows XP embedded Jeffrey Ottery
- Re: libpq: compatibility with server versions Vick Khera
- Move to core xml from contrib/xml2 Frank jansen
- Re: libpq: compatibility with server versions
- Re: libpq: compatibility with server versions Vick Khera
- Re: hardware for a server A B
- Re: Postgres 8.4 Segfault on xpath Alvaro Herrera
- integer_datetime: 8.2/8.4 differences ?
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Windows XP embedded John R Pierce
- Efficient "filter query" with positive and/or negative conditions Anders Steinlein
- Re: hardware for a server Bruce Momjian
- Re: integer_datetime: 8.2/8.4 differences ? Tom Lane
- Re: hardware for a server Vick Khera
- Daylight savings time confusion Rob Richardson
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Windows XP embedded John R Pierce
- Re: hardware for a server John R Pierce
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Windows XP embedded Magnus Hagander
- Pg 8.4.3 does not start up with "Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) Joseph S
- FW: 8.4.2 One Click Installer Arnold, Sandra
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Justin Graf
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Rob Richardson
- Re: Pg 8.4.3 does not start up with "Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) Magnus Hagander
- Re: Move to core xml from contrib/xml2 Bruce Momjian
- Re: Pg 8.4.3 does not start up with "Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) Richard Huxton
- Re: FW: 8.4.2 One Click Installer Richard Huxton
- Re: Pg 8.4.3 does not start up with "Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) Joseph S
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Steve Crawford
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Adrian Klaver
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Tom Lane
- Re: Pg 8.4.3 does not start up with "Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) Tom Lane
- Re: ERROR: Package compat-postgresql-libs-4-1PGDG.rhel4.i386.rpm is not signed Padmanabhan G
- Re: hardware for a server Greg Smith
- Re: hardware for a server Greg Smith
- Re: hardware for a server Greg Smith
- Text search Chris Roffler
- reuse data in existing data directory Peter Schmidtke
- Re: Text search Richard Huxton
- Re: reuse data in existing data directory Richard Huxton
- Re: Text search Chris Roffler
- UPDATE with JOIN not using index Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: Text search Richard Huxton
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Richard Huxton
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: hardware for a server Bruce Momjian
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Richard Huxton
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Tom Lane
- Re: Text search Richard Huxton
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: Text search Chris Roffler
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Alvaro Herrera
- Re: restoring a database to its initial state Manlio Perillo
- Re: Move to core xml from contrib/xml2 Frank jansen
- Re: Move to core xml from contrib/xml2 Tom Lane
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Tom Lane
- Re: UPDATE with JOIN not using index Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: reuse data in existing data directory Peter Schmidtke
- app table names Jamie Kahgee
- Best ISP for Postgres John Gage
- Re: app table names Scott Marlowe
- Answer to my own question John Gage
- Re: app table names Vick Khera
- Re: app table names Justin Graf
- Result order of Insert ... returning fsfeel
- Re: app table names Joshua D. Drake
- return row from plpgsql? zhong ming wu
- Re: app table names Joshua D. Drake
- Re: return row from plpgsql? A. Kretschmer
- Avoiding SQL injection in Dynamic Queries (in plpgsql) Allan Kamau
- Re: Avoiding SQL injection in Dynamic Queries (in plpgsql) Craig Ringer
- Re: Avoiding SQL injection in Dynamic Queries (in plpgsql) Allan Kamau
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- Re: Avoiding SQL injection in Dynamic Queries (in plpgsql) Pavel Stehule
- Re: return row from plpgsql? zhong ming wu
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Craig Ringer
- Bulkdelete and Vacuum operations on custom index Carsten Kropf
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Craig Ringer
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- db error messages when I try to debug with pgadmin josep porres
- Re: app table names Vick Khera
- Re: Unexpected result from selecting an aliased but non-existing column called "name" Ian Barwick
- DBT-2 Error Chokshi, Meghaben
- Re: Bulkdelete and Vacuum operations on custom index Tom Lane
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Tom Lane
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Greg Smith
- building a c function Stuart McGraw
- update ... set ... subquery John Smith
- Re: building a c function Tom Lane
- Re: update ... set ... subquery Szymon Guz
- Re: building a c function Carsten Kropf
- Re: update ... set ... subquery hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: update ... set ... subquery John Smith
- Re: update ... set ... subquery Alban Hertroys
- definitions of regexp functions required Ehsan Haq
- database connections and presenting data on the web Geoffrey
- Re: database connections and presenting data on the web Yeb Havinga
- tables getting bloated akp geek
- Re: tables getting bloated Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: tables getting bloated akp geek
- compile a program witn libpq64 (error LIBCMT.Lib...) elekis
- Re: compile a program witn libpq64 (error LIBCMT.Lib...) Ashesh Vashi
- Re: tables getting bloated Vick Khera
- Re: definitions of regexp functions required Albe Laurenz
- Re: database connections and presenting data on the web Craig Ringer
- Re: tables getting bloated Craig Ringer
- Re: definitions of regexp functions required Craig Ringer
- Re: database connections and presenting data on the web Geoffrey
- accounting package Garry Saddington
- Re: accounting package Scott Mead
- Re: accounting package Roderick A. Anderson
- Who is locking me? Abraham, Danny
- Re: Who is locking me? Bill Moran
- Justin Graf
- Re: Who is locking me? Tom Lane
- Re: accounting package Ovnicraft
- Re: Who is locking me? Tim Bruce - Postgres
- Error de postgres con lenguaje C Juan Nunez
- Re: database connections and presenting data on the web John R Pierce
- Many-to-many problem Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Many-to-many problem Joe Conway
- AIX postgresql error Vikram Patil
- Re: building a c function Stuart McGraw
- Re: Many-to-many problem Grant Allen
- Will multiple CPU cores be used for expensive query Allan Kamau
- Re: Will multiple CPU cores be used for expensive query Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: accounting package SUNDAY A. OLUTAYO
- Re: compile a program witn libpq64 (error LIBCMT.Lib...) elekis
- Re: AIX postgresql error Albe Laurenz
- Creating a view: ERROR: rules on SELECT must have action INSTEAD SELECT David Waddy
- Order of Daily VACUUM, CLUSTER, REINDEX APseudoUtopia
- Re: Order of Daily VACUUM, CLUSTER, REINDEX Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Many-to-many problem Raymond O'Donnell
- MS Access 2007 update write conflict problem & resolution Little, Douglas
- Postgres officially accepted in to 2010 Google Summer of Code program Robert Treat
- Re: Order of Daily VACUUM, CLUSTER, REINDEX Leonardo F
- Re: Order of Daily VACUUM, CLUSTER, REINDEX Alvaro Herrera
- Help me with this tricky join Jay
- Re: Help me with this tricky join Jay
- Re: MS Access 2007 update write conflict problem & resolution
- Re: AIX postgresql error Vikram Patil
- Query inside a C-Function Enzo Cappa
- Re: Query inside a C-Function Joe Conway
- Re: MS Access 2007 update write conflict problem & resolution Richard Broersma
- Call for translations Peter Eisentraut
- Re: MS Access 2007 update write conflict problem & resolution
- returns 0 row from plpgsql function zhong ming wu
- Re: MS Access 2007 update write conflict problem & resolution Craig Ringer
- Re: returns 0 row from plpgsql function Pavel Stehule
- Locale problem S Arvind
- Re: Help me with this tricky join Andreas Kretschmer
- How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Andreas Kretschmer
- Transaction table Deepa Thulasidasan
- Re: Transaction table Scott Marlowe
- Re: Transaction table Scott Mead
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Scott Marlowe
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Herouth Maoz
- Restrict allowed database names? Adam Seering
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Scott Marlowe
- Re: Help me with this tricky join Jay
- Restrict allowed database names? Adam Seering
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Scott Mead
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Steve Atkins
- like operation in tsearch AI Rumman
- Re: like operation in tsearch Oleg Bartunov
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Carlo Stonebanks
- Wordpress-Mu with postgresql AI Rumman
- Re: Wordpress-Mu with postgresql Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? A. Kretschmer
- Re: Help me with this tricky join A. Kretschmer
- Re: like operation in tsearch AI Rumman
- Re: like operation in tsearch Pavel Stehule
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Craig Ringer
- Hans Samses william wayne
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Scott Marlowe
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Sergey Konoplev
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Daniel Verite
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Sergey Konoplev
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Tom Lane
- Problems with "CREATE CAST" John Shott
- Re: Transaction table Vick Khera
- Re: Problems with "CREATE CAST" Tom Lane
- Re: Transaction table John R Pierce
- Re: Problems with "CREATE CAST" John Shott
- Re: Transaction table Scott Marlowe
- unsubscribe dev mas
- Re: Licence Lew
- strange Szymon Guz
- Full Text Search: howto manage multiple languages ? Cédric MOULLET
- DBT-2 Installation error Megha
- Re: strange Tom Lane
- How to add an external lib to PG chaoyong wang
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: Full Text Search: howto manage multiple languages ? Oleg Bartunov
- Re: Licence Adrian von Bidder
- Re: Restrict allowed database names? Adrian von Bidder
- Re: Full Text Search: howto manage multiple languages ? Cédric MOULLET
- Re: AIX postgresql error Albe Laurenz
- Determining the OID of a certain type Carsten Kropf
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Tom Lane
- Re: Determining the OID of a certain type Tom Lane
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Rob Richardson
- Holger Kalbas william wayne
- Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Thom Brown
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Tom Lane
- Warm Standby Setup Documentation Ogden
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Thom Brown
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Tom Lane
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Thom Brown
- Re: Determining the OID of a certain type Carsten Kropf
- Re: Daylight savings time confusion Alban Hertroys
- Re: Determining the OID of a certain type Tom Lane
- Re: pgreplay log file replayer released Greg Stark
- Re: Determining the OID of a certain type Carsten Kropf
- Re: stopping processes, preventing connections Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Greg Smith
- user variables in session Igor Shevchenko
- Re: user variables in session Merlin Moncure
- Re: strange Greg Smith
- Avoiding deadlocks on mass delete / update Роман Маширов
- Re: strange Tom Lane
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Thom Brown
- Re: Reducing excess files in pg_xlog Tom Lane
- Create a function that updates the record with and timestamps Chris Barnes
- Re: strange Szymon Guz
- Re: Create a function that updates the record with and timestamps A. Kretschmer
- Postgresql error from interface Bob Pawley
- Re: Postgresql error from interface Tom Lane
- Re: Create a function that updates the record with and timestamps Chris Barnes
- Re: pgreplay log file replayer released Dimitri Fontaine
- server-side extension in c++ Igor
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Tony Wasson
- Re: Create a function that updates the record with and timestamps Adrian Klaver
- string functions and operators Neil Stlyz
- Re: string functions and operators John R Pierce
- Replace null values Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Replace null values John R Pierce
- Re: Replace null values Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Replace null values Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Create a function that updates the record with and timestamps A. Kretschmer
- Re: Replace null values John R Pierce
- Re: Replace null values Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Replace null values Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Replace null values Ian Haywood
- Re: pgreplay log file replayer released Albe Laurenz
- Before triggers and usage in partitioned tables Sergio Ramazzina
- Re: db error messages when I try to debug with pgadmin josep porres
- PL/pgSQL & OVERLAPS operator Tuo Pe
- Re: PL/pgSQL & OVERLAPS operator A. Kretschmer
- Re: pgreplay log file replayer released Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: Creating a view: ERROR: rules on SELECT must have action INSTEAD SELECT Filip Rembiałkowski
- Re: strange Filip Rembiałkowski
- Re: strange Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Before triggers and usage in partitioned tables Scott Mead
- Re: Before triggers and usage in partitioned tables Sergio Ramazzina
- Re: pgreplay log file replayer released Albe Laurenz
- Re: Before triggers and usage in partitioned tables Albe Laurenz
- Re: PL/pgSQL & OVERLAPS operator Tuo Pe
- Help me with this multi-table query Nilesh Govindarajan
- Fwd: Before triggers and usage in partitioned tables Sergio Ramazzina
- 2nd set of PostgreSQL 9.0 Alpha4 RPMs are available Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: PL/pgSQL & OVERLAPS operator Tom Lane
- Re: strange Tom Lane
- [SPAM] Re: pgreplay log file replayer released Ben Chobot
- Re: Fwd: Before triggers and usage in partitioned tables Tom Lane
- Re: Help me with this multi-table query Dean Rasheed
- Re: server-side extension in c++ Craig Ringer
- Re: Avoiding deadlocks on mass delete / update Craig Ringer
- Re: Help me with this multi-table query Nilesh Govindarajan
- Re: Help me with this multi-table query Dean Rasheed
- Re: PL/pgSQL & OVERLAPS operator (SOLVED!) Tuo Pe
- Concatenate Frank jansen
- Re: Help me with this multi-table query Nilesh Govindarajan
- Out of Memory during Insert yue peng
- Re: Out of Memory during Insert Thom Brown
- Re: Concatenate Albe Laurenz
- Re: Concatenate Merlin Moncure
- Re: Concatenate [solved] Frank jansen
- Re: Out of Memory during Insert Tom Lane
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Bryan Murphy
- Revoking CREATE TABLE Tony Webb
- Re: Revoking CREATE TABLE Tom Lane
- Clipping values Ovid
- Re: Revoking CREATE TABLE Tony Webb
- Fw: Clipping values Ovid
- Re: Revoking CREATE TABLE Tom Lane
- Re: Fw: Clipping values Tom Lane
- Re: Revoking CREATE TABLE Tony Webb
- question (or feature-request): over ( partition by ... order by LIMIT N) A. Kretschmer
- Re: Fw: Clipping values Ovid
- Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Tom Lane
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Paul Ramsey
- find a string contained in an attribute Karina Guardado
- Re: find a string contained in an attribute Szymon Guz
- Re: find a string contained in an attribute Karina Guardado
- data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Karina Guardado
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Szymon Guz
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Karina Guardado
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: How to dump JUST procedures/funnctions? Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Karina Guardado
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Raymond O'Donnell
- boualem guechtouli william wayne
- "\d pg_class" fails in PG 8.4 Tadipathri Raghu
- How to retrive List of Tables in a Database using... Yogi Yang 007
- Re: "\d pg_class" fails in PG 8.4 Tom Lane
- Re: How to retrive List of Tables in a Database using... Tadipathri Raghu
- Re: "\d pg_class" fails in PG 8.4 Tadipathri Raghu
- Re: How to retrive List of Tables in a Database using... John R Pierce
- Re: How to retrive List of Tables in a Database using... Scott Mead
- Re: How to retrive List of Tables in a Database using... John R Pierce
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: find a string contained in an attribute Pavel Stehule
- Side effect of synchronous_commit = off Yan Cheng CHEOK
- Re: Revoking CREATE TABLE Adrian von Bidder
- Re: Side effect of synchronous_commit = off Guillaume Lelarge
- Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema dipti shah
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema Ashesh Vashi
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema Sergey Konoplev
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema Ashesh Vashi
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema dipti shah
- What datatype should I use to store an IP Address? Andre Lopes
- Re: What datatype should I use to store an IP Address? Michał Pawlikowski
- Re: What datatype should I use to store an IP Address? Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Achieving ordered update Allan Kamau
- Re: Achieving ordered update Thom Brown
- pgfoundry registration Krzysztof Nienartowicz
- How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Tadipathri Raghu
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres
- Re: data type to store a lot of text and tables of data Karina Guardado
- Re: find a string contained in an attribute Karina Guardado
- Re: find a string contained in an attribute Pavel Stehule
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Tadipathri Raghu
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres
- Re: tables getting bloated akp geek
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Scott Mead
- Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Chris Barnes
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Scott Marlowe
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Performing FETCH ALL from a SCROLL CURSOR failing to return results Eliot Gable
- Re: Performing FETCH ALL from a SCROLL CURSOR failing to return results Tom Lane
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema John R Pierce
- Geoffrey Gowey wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn Geoffrey Gowey
- Problem with Memory Leak Pete Kay
- Re: Problem with Memory Leak Tom Lane
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Tadipathri Raghu
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Scott Marlowe
- Re: Problem with Memory Leak Pete Kay
- Re: How to retrieve List of Tables in a Database using... Yogi Yang 007
- Re: Problem with Memory Leak Tom Lane
- Re: Avoiding deadlocks on mass delete / update Роман Маширов
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn Paresh Masani
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- How to write Rules on a View to allow all actions as in the physical table? Andre Lopes
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Alan McKay
- Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Rajan, Pavithra
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Alan McKay
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Ozz Nixon
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Szymon Guz
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Rajan, Pavithra
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Timo Klecker
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Thom Brown
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Alan McKay
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Gordan Bobic
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Timo Klecker
- Solid State Drives with PG (was: in RAM DB) Alan McKay
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Szymon Guz
- Using readline for frequently used queries Tim Landscheidt
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Timo Klecker
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Rajan, Pavithra
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? John Gage
- Error 42501 permission denied for schema akp geek
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Ozz Nixon
- Re: Error 42501 permission denied for schema Tom Lane
- Re: Error 42501 permission denied for schema akp geek
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Tom Lane
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Paul Ramsey
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? John Gage
- Re: Need help on updating an entire column with a list of values, I have. Rajan, Pavithra
- Re: Solid State Drives with PG (was: in RAM DB) Merlin Moncure
- round(x) function Gaietti, Mauro \(SELEX GALILEO Guest, Italy\)
- Re: round(x) function Tom Lane
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? John R Pierce
- Re: round(x) function Justin Graf
- Re: Does anyone use in ram postgres database? Chris Barnes
- Re: Error 42501 permission denied for schema Tom Lane
- Moving data directory from one server to another Ehsan Haq
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Greg Smith
- Re: Solid State Drives with PG Greg Smith
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Ogden
- Storing data on a regular lat/lon grid Mike Charles
- Re: Solid State Drives with PG Merlin Moncure
- Re: Storing data on a regular lat/lon grid Merlin Moncure
- Re: Solid State Drives with PG Brad Nicholson
- Re: Solid State Drives with PG Merlin Moncure
- R: round(x) function Gaietti, Mauro \(SELEX GALILEO Guest, Italy\)
- Re: R: round(x) function Tom Lane
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Bryan Murphy
- Connection Pooling David Kerr
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: Connection Pooling Allan Kamau
- Re: Connection Pooling John R Pierce
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema dipti shah
- How can I import a perl module into a plperl function ? Grillo Grillo
- Re: How can I import a perl module into a plperl function ? hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Faheem Mitha
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Tadipathri Raghu
- Why index occupy less amount of space than the table with same structure. Tadipathri Raghu
- Designing Postgres Security Model dipti shah
- Re: Why index occupy less amount of space than the table with same structure. Alban Hertroys
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Tom Lane
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Scott Marlowe
- Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- How to perform text merge Andrus
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: How to perform text merge Alban Hertroys
- How to generate a valid postgre TIMESTAMP with PHP? Andre Lopes
- optimizing import of large CSV file into partitioned table? Rick Casey
- Re: How to generate a valid postgre TIMESTAMP with PHP? Scott Marlowe
- Re: optimizing import of large CSV file into partitioned table? Thom Brown
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Faheem Mitha
- Re: How to perform text merge Andrus
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- Re: Achieving ordered update Bopolissimus Platypus Jr
- Re: How many Mandatory Process are there in Postgres Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: How to generate a valid postgre TIMESTAMP with PHP? APseudoUtopia
- Re: Connection Pooling David Kerr
- hstore equality-index performance question Stefan Keller
- Re: optimizing import of large CSV file into partitioned table? Filip Rembiałkowski
- Re: Using readline for frequently used queries Tim Landscheidt
- Re: warm standby possible with 8.1? Yar Tykhiy
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Andy Colson
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Yar Tykhiy
- Re: optimizing import of large CSV file into partitioned table? Nagy Zoltan
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Andy Colson
- Re: Why index occupy less amount of space than the table with same structure. Tadipathri Raghu
- Re: Moving data directory from one server to another Ehsan Haq
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Simultaneous write requests Vitali Xevet
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Greg Smith
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Greg Smith
- Re: Simultaneous write requests Greg Smith
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Faheem Mitha
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Faheem Mitha
- Re: Connection Pooling Wappler, Robert
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: Why index occupy less amount of space than the table with same structure. Alban Hertroys
- looking for a powerful frontend/teport generator Clemens Eisserer
- need a query AI Rumman
- Re: need a query Florent THOMAS
- Re: need a query Timo Klecker
- Re: need a query Ognjen Blagojevic
- one null value in array isnt allowed??? Armand Turpel
- Re: one null value in array isnt allowed??? Wappler, Robert
- Re: hstore equality-index performance question Sergey Konoplev
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- How to give security to pg_catalogs raghavendra t
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- best practice in archiving CDR data Juan Backson
- Re: best practice in archiving CDR data A. Kretschmer
- Re: best practice in archiving CDR data Juan Backson
- Re: [pgsql-general] looking for a powerful frontend/teport generator Oliver Kohll - Mailing Lists
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: optimizing import of large CSV file into partitioned table? Dimitri Fontaine
- insert into test_b (select * from test_a) with different column order Ole Tange
- Re: How to give security to pg_catalogs Tom Lane
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Tom Lane
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- Re: insert into test_b (select * from test_a) with different column order Leif Biberg Kristensen
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Tom Lane
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: best practice in archiving CDR data Edgardo Portal
- Re: optimizing import of large CSV file into partitioned table? Rick Casey
- Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Tom Lane
- How long will the query take John Gage
- help 赤松 建司
- Re: ***SPAM*** Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Andrus
- Dblink vs calling a function that returns void Boszormenyi Zoltan
- 赤松 建司
- Re: ***SPAM*** Re: Splitting text column to multiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: best practice in archiving CDR data David Fetter
- Re: Splitting text column tomultiple rows Andrus
- Re: How long will the query take A. Kretschmer
- Re: How long will the query take Bill Moran
- Re: help Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Dblink vs calling a function that returns void Tom Lane
- Re: Splitting text column tomultiple rows Pavel Stehule
- Re: How long will the query take Andreas Kretschmer
- How to implement word wrap Andrus
- Re: Warm Standby Setup Documentation Ogden
- Processor speed relative to postgres transactions per second Chris Barnes
- Re: How to implement word wrap Thom Brown
- Re: How to implement word wrap Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: How to implement word wrap Thom Brown
- Re: Processor speed relative to postgres transactions per second Steve Atkins
- Re: How long will the query take Bill Moran
- Re: Large index operation crashes postgres Frans Hals
- Re: How to perform text merge Harald Fuchs
- PostgreSQL on Windows Mark Vantzelfde
- Re: Processor speed relative to postgres transactions per second Scott Marlowe
- Re: PostgreSQL on Windows Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: How to give security to pg_catalogs raghavendra t
- Re: PostgreSQL on Windows Mark Vantzelfde
- Re: How long will the query take John Gage
- Re: Processor speed relative to postgres transactions per second Greg Smith
- Re: playr (or similar tool)? Greg Smith
- Re: Side effect of synchronous_commit = off Arthur Turrini
- COPY ERROR paulo matadr
- Re: hstore equality-index performance question Stefan Keller
- Re: hstore equality-index performance question Sergey Konoplev
- Floating point exception in initdb Vikram Patil
- Re: Floating point exception in initdb Tom Lane
- Re: Floating point exception in initdb Vikram Patil
- Re: Floating point exception in initdb Tom Lane
- Re: Floating point exception in initdb Vikram Patil
- set statement_timeout does not work Jun Wang
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Faheem Mitha
- Re: COPY ERROR Albe Laurenz
- Re: How to implement word wrap Andrus
- Re: Get the list of permissions/privileges on schema dipti shah
- Re: insert into test_b (select * from test_a) with different column order Ole Tange
- Re: How to implement word wrap Alban Hertroys
- Emphasizing "current item" in subclass of QAbstractItemView Davor J.
- Re: insert into test_b (select * from test_a) with different column order Szymon Guz
- Get the list of permissions on schema for current user dipti shah
- Running/cumulative count using windows Oliver Kohll - Mailing Lists
- Re: Running/cumulative count using windows A. Kretschmer
- different behaviour between select and delete when constraint_exclusion = partition Marc Cousin
- createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" moataz Elmasry
- createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" moataz Elmasry
- Re: Processor speed relative to postgres transactions per second Merlin Moncure
- Re: different behaviour between select and delete when constraint_exclusion = partition Tom Lane
- Re: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" Andy Colson
- User action accounting Joshua Berry
- Re: hstore equality-index performance question Stefan Keller
- Re: hstore equality-index performance question Tom Lane
- Re: User action accounting Andy Colson
- Re: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" moataz Elmasry
- Re: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" moataz Elmasry
- Re: User action accounting Joshua Berry
- Re: Dblink vs calling a function that returns void Merlin Moncure
- Converting time interval to double precision of time unit Mike Toews
- Re: User action accounting Andy Colson
- Re: Dblink vs calling a function that returns void Tom Lane
- Re: User action accounting Steve Atkins
- Re: set statement_timeout does not work Jun Wang
- Re: Converting time interval to double precision of time unit Alban Hertroys
- Re: set statement_timeout does not work Scott Marlowe
- Wiki Updates - 9.0 Tyler Hains
- Re: Wiki Updates - 9.0 Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Wiki Updates - 9.0 Greg Smith
- Re: Converting time interval to double precision of time unit Tom Lane
- Re: Converting time interval to double precision of time unit Mike Toews
- Running Windows on a Mac partition John Gage
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition Scott Marlowe
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition Joshua Berry
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition Scott Marlowe
- Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Wang, Mary Y
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Adrian Klaver
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Wang, Mary Y
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgfoundry registration Jeff Davis
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Jeff Davis
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Steve Atkins
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Adrian Klaver
- plPgSQL + CDIR/INET types ... Marc G. Fournier
- Re: plPgSQL + CDIR/INET types ... Steve Atkins
- Unsubscribe Wojtek
- Re: User action accounting Craig Ringer
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition John Gage
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition Craig Ringer
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition John Gage
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition John Gage
- Connect to postgresql database using Perl dipti shah
- Re: Connect to postgresql database using Perl Pavel Stehule
- Re: Connect to postgresql database using Perl dipti shah
- Force PostgreSQL to query a custom index structure Carsten Kropf
- Re: Connect to postgresql database using Perl John R Pierce
- Re: Connect to postgresql database using Perl dipti shah
- Re: User action accounting Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: [NOVICE] Connect to postgresql database using Perl Sean Davis
- Re: plPgSQL + CDIR/INET types ... Harald Fuchs
- Res: COPY ERROR paulo matadr
- Enc: Res: COPY ERROR paulo matadr
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Tom Lane
- Re: Force PostgreSQL to query a custom index structure Tom Lane
- Re: Migration - not null default '0' -> not null default 0 - confused Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition Joshua Berry
- Re: Running Windows on a Mac partition Craig Ringer
- Re: Res: COPY ERROR Albe Laurenz
- using gist index with dual-temporal timestamp values Anssi Kääriäinen
- Re: using gist index with dual-temporal timestamp values Andreas Kretschmer
- prevent connection using pgpass.conf Christophe Dore
- Re: prevent connection using pgpass.conf Joshua D. Drake
- Re: prevent connection using pgpass.conf Raymond O'Donnell
- Windows build missing tcl "UNKNOWN" support Carlo Stonebanks
- Running vacuum after delete does not remove all space allocated Chris Barnes
- Select in temporary table Sylvain Lara
- Re: simultaneously reducing both memory usage and runtime for a query Bruce Momjian
- Re: Select in temporary table Bill Moran
- Re: Running vacuum after delete does not remove all space allocated Scott Marlowe
- Re : Select in temporary table Sylvain Lara
- Re: Windows build missing tcl "UNKNOWN" support Tom Lane
- Re: Windows build missing tcl "UNKNOWN" support Carlo Stonebanks
- REINDEX Question raghavendra t
- Re: prevent connection using pgpass.conf Joshua D. Drake
- [Solved] 8.3 Stats Collector Stuck at 100% CPU Josh Kupershmidt
- "1-Click" installer problems Nikhil G. Daddikar