Mailing lists
Here you can access PostgreSQL mailing lists for Postgres users and developers.
User lists
pgsql-general (294738)
—General discussion area for users. Apart from compile, acceptance test, and bug problems, most new users will probably only be interested in this mailing list (unless they want to contribute to development or documentation). All non-bug related questions regarding PostgreSQL's version of SQL, and all installation related questions that do not involve bugs or failed compiles, should be restricted to this area. Please note that many of the developers monitor this area.
pgsql-advocacy (21599)
—Coordinates people working on promoting PostgreSQL, organizing user groups, and dealing with PostgreSQL marketing and PR. Also a good place to ask for presentations and flyers if you need them.
pgsql-announce (5059)
—Announcement list pertaining to PostgreSQL and various third party software.
Developer lists
pgsql-hackers (562674)
—The PostgreSQL developers team lives here. Discussion of current development issues, problems and bugs, and proposed new features. If your question cannot be answered by people in the other lists, and it is likely that only a developer will know the answer, you may re-post your question in this list. You must try elsewhere first!
pgsql-rrreviewers (496)
—This mailing list supports Round Robin Review during commitfests by allowing the CommitFest Mom to assign random patches to a list of volunteer reviewers. Discussion of the contents of the patches takes place on pgsql-hackers and NOT here, so only sign up for this list if you're volunteering to be assigned a patch!
pgsql-cluster-hackers (413)
—Discussion of adding replication and clustering features to PostgreSQL, both inside the database and via integration with additional software.
Project lists
Inactive lists
pgsql-ports (4754)
inactiveFormer discussion about porting to and compiling PostgreSQL on various different platforms. Current discussion should be carried out on pgsql-hackers.
pgsql-testers (260)
inactiveFor active testers of PostgreSQL Alphas and Betas to report test results.
pgsql-cygwin (4406)
inactiveFormer discussion of running, compiling, installing PostgreSQL under Windows, using cygwin.
pgsql-hackers-pitr (38)
inactiveFormer discussion related to the implementation of the PITR feature.
pgsql-hackers-win32 (2428)
inactiveFormer discussion of issues relating to the native Win32 port of PostgreSQL. Current win32 development issues should be raised on -hackers.
pgsql-patches (29767)
inactiveObsolete list for posting patches to the PostgreSQL source code. Those must now be sent to pgsql-hackers.