Leadership team
Oleg Bartunov
Postgres Professional CEO and Co-founder
A major contributor to PostgreSQL, Bartunov has been using PostgreSQL since 1995 and has been developing and promoting PostgreSQL since 1996. His PostgreSQL contributions include the locale support, GiST, GIN, and SP-GiST extensibility infrastructures, full text search, KNN, NoSQL features (HStore and JSONB), and several extensions including fuzzy search, support for tree-like structures, and arrays.
Currently, he is working on extending TOAST capabilities and performance optimizations for JSONB data type.
Teodor Sigaev
Technical Director and Co-founder
Teodor, a PostgreSQL Major Contributor and PostgreSQL Committer, has been a PostgreSQL developer since 2000. Together with Oleg Bartunov, he created the PostgreSQL full-text search system and worked on semi-structured data support, new index access methods, including spatial data, and more. He graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, in 1996 and has worked for several large technology companies.
Ivan Panchenko
COO and Co-founder
Since 1996, Ivan has worked on developing high performance business applications and started using PostgreSQL in 1998. He has led numerous content development projects for large technology companies and social networks. He has also helped develop an entertainment ticketing service, an internet portal and other business and Web applications. Ivan graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, in 1994. In 1997 he got his Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Andrey Fleyta
Vice President of Sales and Global Business Development
Andrey Fleyta serves as VP Sales and VP Global Business Development at Postgres Professional where he was the first employee. Previously, he worked as Director, Deputy CTO, and CEO at a variety of tech companies. Andrey spent 6 years at Cisco as System Engineer and Engineering Manager.