Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: Binary params in libpq Craig Ringer
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- restore a server backup Malm Paul
- new databases using a template. Malm Paul
- Re: restore a server backup Vibhor Kumar
- Re: how to avoid repeating expensive computation in select Orhan Kavrakoglu
- pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity and current_query Alex
- Re: pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity and current_query Szymon Guz
- Tool for shifting tables from Mysql to Postgresql Adarsh Sharma
- Re: restore a server backup Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Tool for shifting tables from Mysql to Postgresql Raghavendra
- Re: Tool for shifting tables from Mysql to Postgresql Jaiswal Dhaval Sudhirkumar
- Postgresql not start during Startup Adarsh Sharma
- Re: Postgresql not start during Startup Ray Stell
- Re: Binary params in libpq Kelly Burkhart
- Re: Lock ACCESS EXCLUSIVE and Select question ! Alan Acosta
- Re: Lock ACCESS EXCLUSIVE and Select question ! Andrew Sullivan
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Adrian Klaver
- Re: Binary params in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Screencasts for PostgreSQL James B. Byrne
- Re: Lock ACCESS EXCLUSIVE and Select question ! Alan Acosta
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Adrian Klaver
- Re: Binary params in libpq Tom Lane
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Tom Lane
- Re: slow building index and reference after Sybase to Pg Gary Fu
- Re: Issues with imported blobs from Postgres 8 to 9 Mahdi Mankai
- Re: Issues with imported blobs from Postgres 8 to 9 David Johnston
- Thousands of users using one schema -> ERROR: row is too big Magnus Reftel
- Re: Thousands of users using one schema -> ERROR: row is too big Bill Moran
- Re: Thousands of users using one schema -> ERROR: row is too big Magnus Reftel
- #PgEast Training Schedule Up Joshua D. Drake
- #PgEast Training Schedule Up Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Thousands of users using one schema -> ERROR: row is too big Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Thousands of users using one schema -> ERROR: row is too big Tom Lane
- #PgEast Training Schedule Up Joshua D. Drake
- What could cause sudden increase in "PARSE" stage of prepared statements? hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Pierre Racine
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Pavel Stehule
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Vibhor Kumar
- Query should have failed, but didn't? Royce Ausburn
- Re: Query should have failed, but didn't? Andy Colson
- Re: Query should have failed, but didn't? David Johnston
- Re: Query should have failed, but didn't? Royce Ausburn
- Comparing md5 hash with md5 password hash Michał Koba
- Re: Comparing md5 hash with md5 password hash Thom Brown
- pg_dump slow with bytea data chris r.
- Re: pg_dump slow with bytea data chris r.
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Merlin Moncure
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: pg_dump slow with bytea data Merlin Moncure
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Merlin Moncure
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Pierre Racine
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Merlin Moncure
- Re: Dynamic binding in plpgsql function Merlin Moncure
- I need your help to get opinions about this situation Rayner Julio Rodríguez Pimentel
- Per-session memory footprint (9.0/windows) Hannes Erven
- how are you? suresh ramasamy
- Re: Per-session memory footprint (9.0/windows) Scott Mead
- Re: pg_dump slow with bytea data Alban Hertroys
- Index question Michael Black
- Re: *****SPAM***** Index question Scott Ribe
- Re: Index question Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Index question Scott Ribe
- Re: Index question Joshua D. Drake
- Re: how are you? John R Pierce
- Grant question Michael Black
- Re: Index question Michael Black
- Re: Grant question Bill Moran
- Re: Grant question S G
- Re: Grant question Bosco Rama
- How to approach dynamic status reporting James B. Byrne
- select DISTINCT not ordering the returned rows Ioana Danes
- Re: select DISTINCT not ordering the returned rows Ioana Danes
- Re: select DISTINCT not ordering the returned rows Tom Lane
- Re: select DISTINCT not ordering the returned rows Thomas Kellerer
- Re: select DISTINCT not ordering the returned rows Ioana Danes
- Re: Per-session memory footprint (9.0/windows) Hannes Erven
- Re: Per-session memory footprint (9.0/windows) Tom Lane
- Re: how to avoid repeating expensive computation in select Merlin Moncure
- Re: PG on two nodes with shared disk ocfs2 & drbd Jasmin Dizdarevic
- Re: PG on two nodes with shared disk ocfs2 & drbd Craig Ringer
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc35c Jasmin Dizdarevic
- Re: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc35c Craig Ringer
- data type Nick Raj
- close connection more expensive that open connection? Rob Sargent
- Integrated Trigers Alpha Beta
- Re: Integrated Trigers Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: I need your help to get opinions about this situation David Johnston
- Re: Screencasts for PostgreSQL Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: Postgresql not start during Startup Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: data type Willy-Bas Loos
- opening connection more expensive than closing connection? Rob Sargent
- invalid byte sequence Maximilian Tyrtania
- Re: opening connection more expensive than closing connection? Rob Sargent
- closing connection more expensive than opening connection? Rob Sargent
- Why count(*) doest use index?
- Tracking table modifications / table stats Derrick Rice
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Tracking table modifications / table stats Merlin Moncure
- Re: Tracking table modifications / table stats Andy Colson
- Re: Tracking table modifications / table stats Derrick Rice
- orphaned?? tmp files Reid Thompson
- Re: orphaned?? tmp files Tom Lane
- Re: I need your help to get opinions about this situation Greg Williamson
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- updating all records of a table Gauthier, Dave
- Re: updating all records of a table Joshua D. Drake
- Pgdump error "invalid page header in block" tuanhoanganh
- Re: Pgdump error "invalid page header in block" John R Pierce
- Re: invalid byte sequence Craig Ringer
- full text search zab08
- Re: updating all records of a table Andrew Sullivan
- Re: updating all records of a table Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Pgdump error "invalid page header in block" Vibhor Kumar
- How to select a list of sequences? Kenneth Buckler
- Re: invalid byte sequence Maximilian Tyrtania
- Re: Screencasts for PostgreSQL James B. Byrne
- Re: How to select a list of sequences? Raghavendra
- Re: How to select a list of sequences? Raghavendra
- Re: updating all records of a table Rob Sargent
- Re: How to select a list of sequences? salah jubeh
- Re: updating all records of a table Gauthier, Dave
- gmane? Thufir Hawat
- script errors or PEBKAC? Thufir Hawat
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Adrian Klaver
- Re: script errors or PEBKAC? Michael Black
- Re: script errors or PEBKAC? Adrian Klaver
- Re: script errors or PEBKAC? Adrian Klaver
- Re: I need your help to get opinions about this situation Rayner Julio Rodríguez Pimentel
- Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? John R Pierce
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Bosco Rama
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? John R Pierce
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Bosco Rama
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? John R Pierce
- Re: Unprivileged access to pgsql functions? Matt Warner
- Re: updating all records of a table Chris Browne
- Significance of numbers in server errors? Sebastien Boisvert
- Re: Significance of numbers in server errors? Peter Geoghegan
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Adrian Klaver
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- test data Andy Colson
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Adrian Klaver
- Re: test data David Johnston
- Re: invalid byte sequence Craig Ringer
- 9.1 - rewrite less alter table? hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: updating all records of a table ray
- Re: updating all records of a table Martijn van Oosterhout
- PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Andre Lopes
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Pavel Stehule
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Andre Lopes
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Pavel Stehule
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Andre Lopes
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Allan Kamau
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? John R Pierce
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? John R Pierce
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: updating all records of a table Willy-Bas Loos
- Web Hosting matty jones
- School teacher in need of HELP
- Re: Web Hosting Mike Christensen
- Re: School teacher in need of HELP Adrian Klaver
- Re: Web Hosting Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: Web Hosting Bret Fledderjohn
- Re: Web Hosting Ogden
- Re: Web Hosting Martin Gainty
- Re: Web Hosting Uwe Schroeder
- Re: School teacher in need of HELP Jaime Casanova
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Allan Kamau
- Re: Web Hosting Brent Wood
- Re: Question about switchover with PG9 replication Jean-Armel Luce
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Alban Hertroys
- Copying few tables from one database to another Alexander Farber
- Re: Copying few tables from one database to another Vibhor Kumar
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Andre Lopes
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Pavel Stehule
- Re: PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to? Andre Lopes
- Re: School teacher in need of HELP Cia Watson
- Re: Web Hosting Reid Thompson
- regarding ROW comparisons Jon Nelson
- How to Create Table from CSV ray
- Re: How to Create Table from CSV Vibhor Kumar
- Re: How to Create Table from CSV Rich Shepard
- Re: Web Hosting Eduardo
- Re: Finding Errors in .csv Input Data Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: Covert database from ASCII to UTF-8 Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: FTS and words near one another Dimitri Fontaine
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Glenn Maynard
- Re: How to Create Table from CSV Dimitri Fontaine
- Composite index structure Nick Raj
- Re: Finding Errors in .csv Input Data Rich Shepard
- Deleted database from pgAdmin akp geek
- Re: Deleted database from pgAdmin Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to Create Table from CSV ray joseph
- Re: Web Hosting Eduardo
- Re: School teacher in need of HELP Rob Sargent
- Re: new databases using a template. Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: pg_dump slow with bytea data chris r.
- PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Durumdara
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Vibhor Kumar
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Adrian Klaver
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Durumdara
- Re: pg_dump slow with bytea data Merlin Moncure
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Adrian Klaver
- Logic AND between some strings yagru_alvarez
- Re: Web Hosting matty jones
- Logic AND between some strings yagru_alvarez
- Logic AND between some strings yagru_alvarez
- Re: Web Hosting Ogden
- Re: pg_dump slow with bytea data Merlin Moncure
- Re: Logic AND between some strings Vick Khera
- First production install - general advice runner
- Re: First production install - general advice Ray Stell
- Understanding of LOCK and pg_sleep interaction David Johnston
- Re: Web Hosting Benjamin Smith
- Re: Web Hosting Matt
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Understanding of LOCK and pg_sleep interaction Tom Lane
- unexpected EOF on client connection vs 9.0.3 Piotr Czekalski
- Re: Understanding of LOCK and pg_sleep interaction David Johnston
- Re: Logic AND between some strings Bill Thoen
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Scott Marlowe
- Re: Web Hosting Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Glenn Maynard
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Bill Thoen
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Adrian Klaver
- Re: PG and dynamic statements in stored procedures/triggers? Merlin Moncure
- Re: First production install - general advice Michael Black
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Glenn Maynard
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Merlin Moncure
- Create unique index or constraint on part of a column Ruben Blanco
- Re: Create unique index or constraint on part of a column Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Glenn Maynard
- Re: Create unique index or constraint on part of a column Jeff Davis
- Re: database is bigger after dump/restore - why? (60 GB to 109 GB) Adrian Klaver
- Re: unexpected EOF on client connection vs 9.0.3 Craig Ringer
- How to tune this query Adarsh Sharma
- Re: How to tune this query Jaiswal Dhaval Sudhirkumar
- Re: unexpected EOF on client connection vs 9.0.3 rsmogura
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Alban Hertroys
- Re: unexpected EOF on client connection vs 9.0.3 Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- NULL value vs. DEFAULT value. James B. Byrne
- Re: NULL value vs. DEFAULT value. Scott Ribe
- Re: NULL value vs. DEFAULT value. Thom Brown
- Re: NULL value vs. DEFAULT value. Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Igor Neyman
- Re: NULL value vs. DEFAULT value. David Johnston
- Re: NULL value vs. DEFAULT value. James B. Byrne
- #PgEast schedule is up Joshua D. Drake
- Using bytea field... Andre Lopes
- Re: Using bytea field... Andy Colson
- Re: Why count(*) doest use index? Glenn Maynard
- @@ to_tsquery help akp geek
- Re: Using bytea field... David Johnston
- equivalent of mysql's SET type? Reece Hart
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Steve Atkins
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Darren Duncan
- Re: 9.1 - rewrite less alter table? Noah Misch
- Re: Using bytea field... Josh Kupershmidt
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Reece Hart
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Reece Hart
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Darren Duncan
- procedure in db abcdef
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? John R Pierce
- Re: procedure in db Pavel Stehule
- Re: 9.1 - rewrite less alter table? hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: procedure in db Vibhor Kumar
- ... Vlad Arkhipov
- Transaction wraparound vacuum synchronicity Michael Graham
- Re: Using bytea field... Sim Zacks
- Re: Using bytea field... Sim Zacks
- Re: Using bytea field... rsmogura
- Re: Composite index structure Chetan Suttraway
- Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Sim Zacks
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Web Hosting Vincent Veyron
- Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Alexander Farber
- Re: [ADMIN] FW: backup using pg_dump postgreSQL 8.3.8 Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Michael Glaesemann
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Alexander Farber
- FW: backup using pg_dump postgreSQL 8.3.8 Sandy Test
- ER tool that supports domains and custom types? Arturo Perez
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Transaction wraparound vacuum synchronicity Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Alexander Farber
- Re: FW: backup using pg_dump postgreSQL 8.3.8 Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Using bytea field... Andy Colson
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Alexander Farber
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Alexander Farber
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? David Johnston
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Merlin Moncure
- Re: FW: backup using pg_dump postgreSQL 8.3.8 Adrian Klaver
- Re: FW: backup using pg_dump postgreSQL 8.3.8 Tom Lane
- Re: FW: backup using pg_dump postgreSQL 8.3.8 Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Adrian Klaver
- How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? John Edens
- How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? John Edens
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? Steve Crawford
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? Adrian Klaver
- about memory size reported by system. Edmundo Robles L.
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Reece Hart
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Merlin Moncure
- Mounting file system for WAL on Solaris 10 runner
- select count(*) Rajesh Kumar Mallah
- Re: ER tool that supports domains and custom types? Jaiswal Dhaval Sudhirkumar
- Re: select count(*) Bill Moran
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? John Edens
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: about memory size reported by system. Jaiswal Dhaval Sudhirkumar
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? David Johnston
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? John Edens
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: about memory size reported by system. Scott Marlowe
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? Steve Crawford
- Re: select count(*) Rajesh Kumar Mallah
- pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.12) in file header akp geek
- Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? John Edens
- Re: How to configure for remote TCP/IP client conncections using MS Visual Basic OLE DB calls and PostgreSQL dll's? John Edens
- Reinterpreting BYTEA as TEXT, converting BYTEA to TEXT Vlad Romascanu
- Re: Reinterpreting BYTEA as TEXT, converting BYTEA to TEXT Merlin Moncure
- Re: pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.12) in file header Adrian Klaver
- list all members in a tablespace Michael Andrew Babb
- Re: ER tool that supports domains and custom types? Arturo Perez
- Re: list all members in a tablespace Raghavendra
- 9.1 Trigger question Michael Black
- Re: First production install - general advice mark
- 9.0 streaming replication problem Sean Hsien
- Re: 9.0 streaming replication problem Sean Hsien
- Re: Detecting whether a point is in a box. hrsuprith
- output screen in psql abcdef
- Re: output screen in psql Pavel Stehule
- Re: Using bytea field... Sim Zacks
- Re: Ad hoc report writer ray
- Re: Ad hoc report writer Sim Zacks
- Re: "could not accept SSPI security context" Ahmed Shinwari
- Re: "could not accept SSPI security context" Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: output screen in psql Bill Thoen
- Re: 9.1 Trigger question Merlin Moncure
- sort mem: size in RAM vs size on Disk mark
- Re: Reinterpreting BYTEA as TEXT, converting BYTEA to TEXT Vlad Romascanu
- Re: Using bytea field... Merlin Moncure
- Post-Upgrade Question: 9.0.1 -> 9.0.3 Rich Shepard
- Re: Post-Upgrade Question: 9.0.1 -> 9.0.3 Adrian Klaver
- Re: sort mem: size in RAM vs size on Disk Peter Geoghegan
- Re: 9.1 Trigger question Michael Black
- Re: Post-Upgrade Question: 9.0.1 -> 9.0.3 Rich Shepard
- Re: Post-Upgrade Question: 9.0.1 -> 9.0.3 Rich Shepard
- Re: Post-Upgrade Question: 9.0.1 -> 9.0.3 Adrian Klaver
- Re: Post-Upgrade Question: 9.0.1 -> 9.0.3 Rich Shepard
- Re: sort mem: size in RAM vs size on Disk mark
- Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Rich Shepard
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Bruce Momjian
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Bruce Momjian
- Re: Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Rich Shepard
- Re: Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Bruce Momjian
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Reece Hart
- Re: Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Rich Shepard
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Merlin Moncure
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Adrian Klaver
- Re: Upgraded to 9.0.3, No Man Pages Rich Shepard
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Noah Misch
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Dmitriy Igrishin
- how can I get back superuser back? Jov
- Re: how can I get back superuser back? Bruce Momjian
- Upgrading using streaming replication Damien Churchill
- Re: Upgrading using streaming replication Bruce Momjian
- Re: Upgrading using streaming replication Magnus Hagander
- Re: Upgrading using streaming replication Magnus Hagander
- Re: Upgrading using streaming replication Damien Churchill
- Re: Upgrading using streaming replication Bruce Momjian
- Re: Upgrading using streaming replication Bruce Momjian
- Compare an integer to now() - interval '3 days' Alexander Farber
- Re: Compare an integer to now() - interval '3 days' David Johnston
- Re: Compare an integer to now() - interval '3 days' Szymon Guz
- Re: Compare an integer to now() - interval '3 days' Vibhor Kumar
- Re: sort mem: size in RAM vs size on Disk Igor Neyman
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Why length(to_char(1::integer, '9')) = 2 ? Bruce Momjian
- ERROR: Failed with error 22007-invalid value "" for "mm" vacuumdb akp geek
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Noah Misch
- How do you change the size of the WAL files? runner
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Bruce Momjian
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? runner
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Merlin Moncure
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Bruce Momjian
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Joshua D. Drake
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? runner
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Nicholson, Brad (Toronto, ON, CA)
- Re: How to convert ByteA to Large Objects loamy
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Andrew Sullivan
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? runner
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Gurjeet Singh
- Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Viktor Nagy
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Brian Hirt
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Rob Sargent
- Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Jo
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Hannes Erven
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Merlin Moncure
- Re: How do you change the size of the WAL files? Igor Neyman
- DBMS upgrade and backups Alexander Pyhalov
- Re: DBMS upgrade and backups Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Jo
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Pavel Stehule
- Re: DBMS upgrade and backups Alexander Pyhalov
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Tom Lane
- Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Vogt, Michael
- primary key Peter Evens
- Primary key Peter Evens
- Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Vogt, Michael
- Re: primary key Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Select for update with offset interferes with concurrent transactions Yngve N. Pettersen (Developer Opera Software ASA)
- Re: primary key Adrian Klaver
- Re: roopal oswal
- Re: Primary key Allan Kamau
- Re: Primary key Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Primary key Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Jo
- Re: Select for update with offset interferes with concurrent transactions Andy Colson
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Alexander Pyhalov
- Re: Primary key Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Viktor Nagy
- Re: Select for update with offset interferes with concurrent transactions Merlin Moncure
- Re: list all members in a tablespace Michael Andrew Babb
- Re: DBMS upgrade and backups Vick Khera
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: DBMS upgrade and backups Michael Nolan
- Move From Oracle DB to PostgreSQL DB
- Create a view with variable amount of columns depending on the rows of a table Stefan Gündhör
- Re: Move From Oracle DB to PostgreSQL DB Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: Move From Oracle DB to PostgreSQL DB Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Move From Oracle DB to PostgreSQL DB Stephen Frost
- Re: Move From Oracle DB to PostgreSQL DB John R Pierce
- Re: Move From Oracle DB to PostgreSQL DB Tom Lane
- Re: Create a view with variable amount of columns depending on the rows of a table Merlin Moncure
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks David Johnston
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- base backup and tar problems with disappearing files. Rajesh Kumar Mallah
- Partitioned Database and Choosing Subtables Bill Thoen
- Re: Partitioned Database and Choosing Subtables Christophe Pettus
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Noah Misch
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Noah Misch
- pgstat wait timeout Tory M Blue
- Re: base backup and tar problems with disappearing files. Alban Hertroys
- Re: base backup and tar problems with disappearing files. Alban Hertroys
- Re: base backup and tar problems with disappearing files. John R Pierce
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Vogt, Michael
- Application Stack Builder and Slony Tore Halvorsen
- Re: Application Stack Builder and Slony Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Application Stack Builder and Slony Tore Halvorsen
- PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Alphadion
- pgstat wait timeout Norberto Delle
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Tom Lane
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" Tom Lane
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed.
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Adrian Klaver
- Maximum number of tables Manos Karpathiotakis
- Re: Huge spikes in number of connections doing "PARSE" hubert depesz lubaczewski
- test MauMau
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Alphadion
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Merlin Moncure
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Adrian Klaver
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Alphadion
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Bruce Momjian
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Bruce Momjian
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Alphadion
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Adrian Klaver
- How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? John R Pierce
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Adrian Klaver
- Re: base backup and tar problems with disappearing files. Rajesh Kumar Mallah
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Merlin Moncure
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Bruce Momjian
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Adrian Klaver
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Merlin Moncure
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Adrian Klaver
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. John R Pierce
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Tom Lane
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Rajesh Kumar Mallah
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Bruce Momjian
- Re: Maximum number of tables Tom Lane
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? John R Pierce
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? C. Bensend
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. David Johnston
- Re: Partitioned Database and Choosing Subtables Igor Neyman
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? John R Pierce
- Re: PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed. Alphadion
- Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string andidentifier... Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? C. Bensend
- Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? John R Pierce
- Re: Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string andidentifier... Andreas Kretschmer
- autovacuum issue after upgrade to 9.0.1 George Woodring
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? general_lee
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to add hosts to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf? John R Pierce
- Enable/Disable Triggers Andy Chambers
- A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Alexander Farber
- Re: Enable/Disable Triggers Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Enable/Disable Triggers Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Copying data from one table to another - how to specify fields? Alexander Farber
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Vibhor Kumar
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Alexander Farber
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Alexander Farber
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Vibhor Kumar
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Partitioned Database and Choosing Subtables Bill Thoen
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- how to use savepoint and rollback in function tushar nehete
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Alban Hertroys
- Re: Partitioned Database and Choosing Subtables Alban Hertroys
- Re: how to use savepoint and rollback in function Alban Hertroys
- Re: how to use savepoint and rollback in function dhaval jaiswal
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Jo
- Re: Partitioned Database and Choosing Subtables Bill Thoen
- writing a plpgsql query for the first time
- Re: writing a plpgsql query for the first time Gabriele Bartolini
- Re: Postgres 8.3 vs. 8.4 - Query plans and performance Merlin Moncure
- user mapping options question Sergey Urlin
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Igor Neyman
- Re: Maximum number of tables Manos Karpathiotakis
- Re: equivalent of mysql's SET type? Merlin Moncure
- converting E'C:\\something' to bytea Vlad Romascanu
- Re: converting E'C:\\something' to bytea Bruce Momjian
- Re: converting E'C:\\something' to bytea Vlad Romascanu
- Re: converting E'C:\\something' to bytea Tom Lane
- query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Davenport, Julie
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Andrew Sullivan
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade
- Re: converting E'C:\\something' to bytea Vlad Romascanu
- Saving bytes in custom data type Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: converting E'C:\\something' to bytea Tom Lane
- Re: Saving bytes in custom data type Merlin Moncure
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Merlin Moncure
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Merlin Moncure
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Re: Maximum number of tables Dmitriy Igrishin
- Custom install options via apt-get install on ubuntu fjania
- Re: Custom install options via apt-get install on ubuntu Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: Custom install options via apt-get install on ubuntu Gary Chambers
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Pavel Stehule
- Can't get a simple COPY to work runner
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Fwd: Can't get a simple COPY to work runner
- Re: Can't get a simple COPY to work Adrian Klaver
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Re: Saving bytes in custom data type Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: autovacuum issue after upgrade to 9.0.1 Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- OT: Oleg Bartunov in Himalaya... Nick Rudnick
- Trouble with ARRAYs Ralph Smith
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Pavel Stehule
- Is PostgreSQL supported on RHEL6? MauMau
- Re: A join of 2 tables with sum(column) > 30 Alexander Farber
- Startup messages for socket protocol Guillaume Yziquel
- Getting users/privs for tables. Gauthier, Dave
- Re: Startup messages for socket protocol Tom Lane
- Re: Is PostgreSQL supported on RHEL6? Tom Lane
- Re: Getting users/privs for tables. Tom Lane
- Re: Getting users/privs for tables. Adrian Klaver
- Re: Getting users/privs for tables. Gauthier, Dave
- Re: Startup messages for socket protocol Guillaume Yziquel
- pgwatch by Cybertec bkwiencien
- Primary key vs unique index Voils, Steven M
- Re: query stuck at SOCK_wait_for_ready function call tamanna madaan
- Re: Startup messages for socket protocol Guillaume Yziquel
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Scott Ribe
- PG COPY from version 8 to 9 issue with timezonetz Brent Gulanowski
- regclass and search_path Joe Abbate
- Re: PG COPY from version 8 to 9 issue with timezonetz Adrian Klaver
- Is TimeZone applied with TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE and Extract( EPOCH ...)? bubba postgres
- Re: Is TimeZone applied with TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE and Extract( EPOCH ...)? bubba postgres
- Re: Is TimeZone applied with TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE and Extract( EPOCH ...)? bubba postgres
- Re: Is TimeZone applied with TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE and Extract( EPOCH ...)? bubba postgres
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Scott Marlowe
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Scott Marlowe
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Voils, Steven M
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Voils, Steven M
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Davenport, Julie
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Re: PG COPY from version 8 to 9 issue with timezonetz Radosław Smogura
- Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? Joseph Doench
- Re: Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? John R Pierce
- Re: Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? Joseph Doench
- Re: Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? Joseph Doench
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Scott Marlowe
- Re: Windows ODBC connection trouble? ISP issue? Adrian Klaver
- triggers and FK cascades Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Is PostgreSQL supported on RHEL6? MauMau
- Re: triggers and FK cascades David Johnston
- why does extract ( HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01 00:00:00' at time zone 'utc' ) == 16? bubba postgres
- Re: regclass and search_path Tom Lane
- Re: Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Tom Lane
- Re: regclass and search_path Joe Abbate
- Re: regclass and search_path Joe Abbate
- Convert Simple Query into tsvector & tsquery format. Adarsh Sharma
- Re: triggers and FK cascades Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
- Re: Convert Simple Query into tsvector & tsquery format. Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Scott Marlowe
- error messages during restore Geoffrey Myers
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Voils, Steven M
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Voils, Steven M
- SOCK_wait_for_ready function call caused a query to get stuck tamanna madaan
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: SOCK_wait_for_ready function call caused a query to get stuck Merlin Moncure
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Davenport, Julie
- TO_CHAR(timestamptz,datetimeformat) wrong after DST change jonathansfl
- Re: why does extract ( HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01 00:00:00' at time zone 'utc' ) == 16? bubba postgres
- Re: why does extract ( HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01 00:00:00' at time zone 'utc' ) == 16? Steve Crawford
- Re: SOCK_wait_for_ready function call caused a query to get stuck tamanna madaan
- Re: TO_CHAR(timestamptz,datetimeformat) wrong after DST change Steve Crawford
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Re: TO_CHAR(timestamptz,datetimeformat) wrong after DST change Jonathan Brinkman
- Re: why does extract ( HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01 00:00:00' at time zone 'utc' ) == 16? Steve Crawford
- Re: SOCK_wait_for_ready function call caused a query to get stuck Merlin Moncure
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Merlin Moncure
- multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Ben Chobot
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Ivan Voras
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Ben Chobot
- How do I do this in plpgsql ? Dan S
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Nicholson, Brad (Toronto, ON, CA)
- pgagent installation -- ccmake - getting selected wxWidgets configuration (version: 2.6, debug: no, static akp geek
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Ben Chobot
- Re: How do I do this in plpgsql ? Merlin Moncure
- Surge 2011 Conference CFP Katherine Jeschke
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Nicholson, Brad (Toronto, ON, CA)
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Merlin Moncure
- Re: How do I do this in plpgsql ? Pavel Stehule
- Re: multi-tenant vs. multi-cluster Scott Marlowe
- Re: pgagent installation -- ccmake - getting selected wxWidgets configuration (version: 2.6, debug: no, static Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgagent installation -- ccmake - getting selected wxWidgets configuration (version: 2.6, debug: no, static akp geek
- Re: How do I do this in plpgsql ? Dan S
- Re: error messages during restore Tom Lane
- Re: Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Tom Lane
- Insert value input syntax of an array of types without ARRAY/ROW nor casting? Stefan Keller
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Different encoding for string values and identifier strings? Or (select 'tést' as tést) returns different values for string and identifier... Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: Insert value input syntax of an array of types without ARRAY/ROW nor casting? Alban Hertroys
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Tomas Vondra
- Re: Insert value input syntax of an array of types without ARRAY/ROW nor casting? Stefan Keller
- Re: triggers and FK cascades Vincent Veyron
- Re: Insert value input syntax of an array of types without ARRAY/ROW nor casting? Vibhor Kumar
- Re: How do I do this in plpgsql ? Vibhor Kumar
- WAL shipping replication server re-sync Bosco Rama
- How do you stop the log from rotating on restart? runner
- Database Design for Components and Interconnections ray
- Re: How do you stop the log from rotating on restart? Gurjeet Singh
- cannot connect to server srikanth subramaniam
- Re: cannot connect to server John R Pierce
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections Andy Colson
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections David Johnston
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections ray joseph
- a question about row estimation in postgres Reynold Xin
- Re: a question about row estimation in postgres Tomas Vondra
- Re: a question about row estimation in postgres Nathan Boley
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections ray joseph
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections Andy Colson
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections ray joseph
- Re: Database Design for Components and Interconnections Andy Colson
- query execution time preetika tyagi
- Doubt in Backup Adarsh Sharma
- Re: cannot connect to server
- Re: Doubt in Backup
- Re: Doubt in Backup Vibhor Kumar
- Re: query execution time Vibhor Kumar
- Linux, Hungarian charset (Win1250) is supports the hungarian collation? Durumdara
- Disconnect/Resource releasing/PING Durumdara
- Fw: slony- No index found basobdutta kar
- Fw: slony- No index found basobdutta kar
- Re: Doubt in Backup Adrian Klaver
- Re: query execution time preetika tyagi
- Re: query execution time Scott Ribe
- Re: Fw: slony- No index found Vick Khera
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Merlin Moncure
- Re: Doubt in Backup Brian Hirt
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade
- Passing a table as parameter Jon Smark
- postgres conferences missing videos? Aljoša Mohorović
- Re: query execution time preetika tyagi
- Re: Fw: slony- No index found Scott Marlowe
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Pavel Stehule
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Vick Khera
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Pavel Stehule
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Aljoša Mohorović
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Vibhor Kumar
- postgresql install problem Alex
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Davenport, Julie
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Pavel Stehule
- Re: query execution time Scott Ribe
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? David Fetter
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Passing a table as parameter Pavel Stehule
- Re: postgresql install problem Andrej
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Aljoša Mohorović
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade F. BROUARD / SQLpro
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? David Fetter
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Aljoša Mohorović
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Tomas Vondra
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Tomas Vondra
- Backups with continuous archiving runner
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Tomas Vondra
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? John R Pierce
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Jon Nelson
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Derrick Rice
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Scott Marlowe
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Alban Hertroys
- share directory on windows Viliam Ďurina
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos?
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Primary key vs unique index Voils, Steven M
- Postgres 9.0 Replication - Problem in Starting up Standby Server Venkatesh
- Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- Re: share directory on windows Tom Lane
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Merlin Moncure
- Re: error messages during restore Geoffrey Myers
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Joshua D. Drake
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Susan Cassidy
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? John R Pierce
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- Re: share directory on windows Viliam Ďurina
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- Install issues Alex
- Re: Install issues John R Pierce
- Re: Install issues Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Merlin Moncure
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: postgres conferences missing videos? Tomas Vondra
- Trigger Function return values Andy Chambers
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type David W Noon
- Re: Trigger Function return values Scott Ribe
- Re: Trigger Function return values Adrian Klaver
- constraint partition issue
- Re: constraint partition issue Tom Lane
- Re: autovacuum issue after upgrade to 9.0.1 Noah Misch
- Utilities for managing streaming replication servers? Toby Corkindale
- RAID 1 - drive failed - very slow queries even after drive replaced Merrick
- Re: Utilities for managing streaming replication servers? John R Pierce
- Re: RAID 1 - drive failed - very slow queries even after drive replaced
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- Re: Utilities for managing streaming replication servers? Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Backups with continuous archiving Vibhor Kumar
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- General question salah jubeh
- pg_dump problems Martín Marqués
- Re: pg_dump problems Vick Khera
- PostgreSQL documentation specifies 2-element array for float8_accum but 3-element array expected Disc Magnet
- Re: pg_dump problems Martín Marqués
- Re: General question David Johnston
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type dennis jenkins
- Re: PostgreSQL documentation specifies 2-element array for float8_accum but 3-element array expected Merlin Moncure
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Merlin Moncure
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Tom Lane
- Re: RAID 1 - drive failed - very slow queries even after drive replaced Merlin Moncure
- Re: pg_dump problems Adrian Klaver
- Re: General question salah jubeh
- Re: PostgreSQL documentation specifies 2-element array for float8_accum but 3-element array expected Tom Lane
- Re: General question David Johnston
- Re: pg_dump problems Martín Marqués
- Re: General question salah jubeh
- Re: General question David Johnston
- Re: query taking much longer since Postgres 8.4 upgrade Davenport, Julie
- Recursive function that receives a list of IDs and returns all child IDs Sven Haag
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- Re: Recursive function that receives a list of IDs and returns all child IDs Tom Lane
- Dynamic Assignment Andy Chambers
- Re: Dynamic Assignment Pavel Stehule
- Re: pg_dump problems Adrian Klaver
- Re: constraint partition issue hyelluas
- Re: pg_dump problems Martín Marqués
- Re: Recursive function that receives a list of IDs and returns all child IDs Sven Haag
- Re: pg_dump problems Vick Khera
- Re: pg_dump problems Adrian Klaver
- Understanding Datum Nick Raj
- Re: RAID 1 - drive failed - very slow queries even after drive replaced Merrick
- In what cases can SPI_finish crash postgres backend? Jorge Arévalo
- Re: In what cases can SPI_finish crash postgres backend? Pavel Stehule
- Re: In what cases can SPI_finish crash postgres backend? Jorge Arévalo
- Re: RAID 1 - drive failed - very slow queries even after drive replaced Alban Hertroys
- Re: RAID 1 - drive failed - very slow queries even after drive replaced Andrew Sullivan
- Re: pg_dump problems Martín Marqués
- pdf saving into DB vs. saving file location ? Emi Lu
- Re: pdf saving into DB vs. saving file location ? Bill Moran
- Re: pdf saving into DB vs. saving file location ? Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: pdf saving into DB vs. saving file location ? Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Understanding Datum Nick Raj
- Re: pdf saving into DB vs. saving file location ? Vick Khera
- Re: Understanding Datum Tom Lane
- PG Session #2 : Call For Papers damien clochard
- Re: Recursive function that receives a list of IDs and returns all child IDs Merlin Moncure
- Re: constraint partition issue Tom Lane
- Re: Linux, Hungarian charset (Win1250) is supports the hungarian collation? Peter Eisentraut
- DO Statement Body Parameters David Johnston
- Re: constraint partition issue hyelluas
- Re: Utilities for managing streaming replication servers? Toby Corkindale
- Re: Recursive function that receives a list of IDs and returns all child IDs Jens Kapp
- Re: Understanding Datum Radosław Smogura
- What does error "psql: Kerberos 5 authentication not supported" means?
- Re: Weird problems with C extension and bytea as input type Adrian Schreyer
- Re: Understanding Datum Nick Raj
- Re: Understanding Datum Pavel Stehule
- Database recovery. Waqar Azeem
- Re: Database recovery. John R Pierce
- Re: Understanding Datum rsmogura
- Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- Re: DO Statement Body Parameters Willy-Bas Loos
- Strange loss of data during INSERT Altmann, Sebastian
- Re: Strange loss of data during INSERT Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: [RMX:#] Re: Strange loss of data during INSERT Altmann, Sebastian
- Re: Database recovery. Waqar Azeem
- Re: Database recovery. Karsten Hilbert
- Re: Database recovery. Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Database recovery. Karsten Hilbert
- Re: Database recovery. Waqar Azeem
- Re: DO Statement Body Parameters Pavel Stehule
- Re: Database recovery. Waqar Azeem
- Problem calling setweight function from JDBC Viliam Ďurina
- Re: Database recovery. Harald Armin Massa
- Re: [ADMIN] What does error "psql: Kerberos 5 authentication not supported" means? Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: [ADMIN] What does error "psql: Kerberos 5 authentication not supported" means? Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: [RMX:#] Re: Strange loss of data during INSERT Adrian Klaver
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- Re: constraint partition issue Tom Lane
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Tom Lane
- Re: Problem calling setweight function from JDBC Tom Lane
- Re: [ADMIN] What does error "psql: Kerberos 5 authentication not supported" means? Tom Lane
- Re: [ADMIN] What does error "psql: Kerberos 5 authentication not supported" means? raghu ram
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- which view is used another views salah jubeh
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: which view is used another views Emre Hasegeli
- Re: which view is used another views Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: [RMX:#] Re: Strange loss of data during INSERT Altmann, Sebastian
- Re: which view is used another views salah jubeh
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Default permissions for CREATE SCHEMA/TABLE? Yang Zhang
- Re: Default permissions for CREATE SCHEMA/TABLE? Stephen Frost
- Re: Default permissions for CREATE SCHEMA/TABLE? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Recursive function that receives a list of IDs and returns all child IDs Sven Haag
- Re: Default permissions for CREATE SCHEMA/TABLE? David Johnston
- Is Postgres 9 supported on Ubuntu Desktop10LTS? jcoder
- Re: Is Postgres 9 supported on Ubuntu Desktop10LTS? Andrej
- Re: Is Postgres 9 supported on Ubuntu Desktop10LTS? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Default permissions for CREATE SCHEMA/TABLE? Yang Zhang
- Re: Default permissions for CREATE SCHEMA/TABLE? Adrian Klaver
- Re: [ADMIN] What does error "psql: Kerberos 5 authentication not supported" means?
- New Application Development Announcement matt jones
- Npgsql 2.0.12 beta1 released! Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Out of memory Jeremy Palmer
- [ANNOUNCE] Npgsql 2.0.12 beta1 released! Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- Re: Out of memory Scott Marlowe
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- ERROR: type "foo_20110307_id_seq" already exists (expected relation "foo_20110307_id_seq" already exists) Marc Mamin
- cursor with dinamic string Luca Santaniello
- Re: cursor with dinamic string Pavel Stehule
- Re: cursor with dinamic string Luca Santaniello
- Re: ERROR: type "foo_20110307_id_seq" already exists (expected relation "foo_20110307_id_seq" already exists) Tom Lane
- Re: ERROR: type "foo_20110307_id_seq" already exists (expected relation "foo_20110307_id_seq" already exists) Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Need help for constructing query Marco
- Need help for constructing query Marco
- Re: Need help for constructing query David Johnston
- psql can't subtract Rob Sargent
- Re: psql can't subtract Richard Huxton
- Re: psql can't subtract Rob Sargent
- Re: psql can't subtract hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: psql can't subtract Rob Sargent
- Re: which view is used another views salah jubeh
- Re: which view is used another views Emre Hasegeli
- Query with time zone offset but without seconds Marco
- Re: Need help for constructing query Marco
- Re: Query with time zone offset but without seconds Steve Crawford
- Re: which view is used another views salah jubeh
- Re: Need help for constructing query David Johnston
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Merlin Moncure
- Re: Query with time zone offset but without seconds Adrian Klaver
- Re: Query with time zone offset but without seconds Marco
- Using data for column names in plpgsql Jake Stride
- Re: Utilities for managing streaming replication servers?
- Disk space usage analyzer? Yang Zhang
- Re: Out of memory Jeremy Palmer
- Re: Deadlock in libpq Erik Hesselink
- Re: Out of memory pasman pasmański
- Non-storable data type Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: Non-storable data type Tom Lane
- Re: Non-storable data type Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: Need help for constructing query Radosław Smogura
- index bloat query understand AI Rumman
- Re: Need help for constructing query Marco
- Postgres 9 silent installation on Windows Kalai R
- Re: Postgres 9 silent installation on Windows Vibhor Kumar
- How do i calculate a finish time when the start time is ambiguous? Rob Richardson
- A simpler time zone question Rob Richardson
- Re: A simpler time zone question Tom Lane
- What could keep a connection / query alive? Derrick Rice
- Re: A simpler time zone question Steve Crawford
- Re: A simpler time zone question Tom Lane
- Re: Disk space usage analyzer? Steve Crawford
- Re: Disk space usage analyzer? Nicholson, Brad (Toronto, ON, CA)
- can a function have a setof (returned from another function) as input Terry Kop
- Re: can a function have a setof (returned from another function) as input Pavel Stehule
- Re: How do i calculate a finish time when the start time is ambiguous? Octavio Alvarez
- Re: can a function have a setof (returned from another function) as input Merlin Moncure
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Craig Ringer
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Craig Ringer
- Re: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed. Merlin Moncure
- Re: Out of memory Jeremy Palmer
- Re: Using data for column names in plpgsql Merlin Moncure
- Re: What could keep a connection / query alive? Jerry Sievers
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Jerry Sievers
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks tushar nehete
- anonymous record as an in parameter Maximilian Tyrtania
- Re: Postgres 9 silent installation on Windows Kalai R
- postgresql-9.0 service starting problem Kalai R
- Re: Autocommit off - commits/rollbacks Adrian Klaver
- Re: anonymous record as an in parameter Merlin Moncure
- Load Increase Ogden
- not like perl.. hook
- Re: postgresql-9.0 service starting problem Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: not like perl.. Vick Khera
- Is pglesslog stable for use in 9.0? Michael Leinartas
- Date conversion using day of week Marc Munro
- Re: not like perl.. A.M.
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Adrian Klaver
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Steve Crawford
- Script perl para eliminar constraints duplicados Hans C. Poo
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Adrian Klaver
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Steve Crawford
- Re: postgresql-9.0 service starting problem Harald Armin Massa
- OSX Postgres PL/Perl Problem with Finance::Quote/Options Peter Pan
- Perl script to drop duplicated constraints definitions Hans C. Poo
- UTF8 conversion revisited Geoffrey Myers
- Curious case of the unstoppable user Thom Brown
- Re: What could keep a connection / query alive? Derrick Rice
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Steve Crawford
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Thom Brown
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Thom Brown
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Adrian Klaver
- RPM for ODBC driver Worgan, Craig (Craig)
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Thom Brown
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Thom Brown
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Guillaume Lelarge
- Re: Curious case of the unstoppable user Vibhor Kumar
- Re: OSX Postgres PL/Perl Problem with Finance::Quote/Options Vibhor Kumar
- Re: RPM for ODBC driver Vibhor Kumar
- Re: RPM for ODBC driver John R Pierce
- Re: What could keep a connection / query alive? Derrick Rice
- Totally new, two main problems. wepwep
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Adrian Klaver
- Re: Totally new, two main problems. Adrian Klaver
- Re: RPM for ODBC driver Devrim GÜNDÜZ
- Re: Problem calling setweight function from JDBC Viliam Ďurina
- Re: RPM for ODBC driver Worgan, Craig (Craig)
- Stange IO error while working with large objects. Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Is pglesslog stable for use in 9.0? Koichi Suzuki
- Re: Stange IO error while working with large objects. Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Stange IO error while working with large objects. Merlin Moncure
- Re: OSX Postgres PL/Perl Problem with Finance::Quote/Options Peter Pan
- Re: Stange IO error while working with large objects. Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: pg_dump problems Martín Marqués
- DBD::Pg 2.18.0 released Greg Sabino Mullane
- Re: OSX Postgres PL/Perl Problem with Finance::Quote/Options Alex Hunsaker
- -s does not work Paul Gaspar
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Steve Crawford
- Re: OSX Postgres PL/Perl Problem with Finance::Quote/Options Peter Pan
- Re: Date conversion using day of week Adrian Klaver
- Re: -s does not work Adrian Klaver
- Re: -s does not work Guillaume Lelarge
- revoke permissions - not working as expected Susan Cassidy
- Re: revoke permissions - not working as expected David Johnston
- Passing infinity as a timestamp value in Ruby James B. Byrne
- pg_restore Mike Orr
- Re: pg_restore John R Pierce
- Re: pg_restore Scott Marlowe
- Re: pg_restore Mike Orr
- Re: pg_restore John R Pierce
- Re: pg_restore Joshua D. Drake
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Brendan Jurd
- read-only UNLOGGED tables Leonardo Francalanci
- Re: read-only UNLOGGED tables Gianni Ciolli
- Re: Linking against static libpq using Visual C++ Julia Jacobson
- Re: read-only UNLOGGED tables Leonardo Francalanci
- Re: read-only UNLOGGED tables Simon Riggs
- Re: read-only UNLOGGED tables Leonardo Francalanci
- Re: postgresql-9.0 service starting problem Kalai R
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Adrian Klaver
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Brendan Jurd
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Marc Munro
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Brendan Jurd
- stack depth limit exceeded salah jubeh
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Adrian Klaver
- Merged Model for libpq Annamalai Gurusami
- Re: stack depth limit exceeded Gurjeet Singh
- Re: stack depth limit exceeded Jerry Sievers
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Brendan Jurd
- 7.4 quoting Steve Clark
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Steve Crawford
- Re: stack depth limit exceeded salah jubeh
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Brendan Jurd
- Re: 7.4 quoting Arjen Nienhuis
- Re: 7.4 quoting Arjen Nienhuis
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Steve Crawford
- Access to NEW.column outside of a trigger function. Gauthier, Dave
- Re: [HACKERS] Date conversion using day of week Brendan Jurd
- Counting records in a child table Mike Orr
- Re: Counting records in a child table David Johnston
- Re: 7.4 quoting Steve Clark
- Re: Counting records in a child table Mike Orr
- FreeBSD/Postgres/Apache+PHP babak badaei
- Re: FreeBSD/Postgres/Apache+PHP hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: Access to NEW.column outside of a trigger function. Jerry Sievers
- Re: Access to NEW.column outside of a trigger function. Gauthier, Dave
- Pl/Python error when import "from __future__" Davi Duarte
- Sequence names have 64 character limit? Carlo Stonebanks
- Sequence names have 64 character limit? Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: Sequence names have 64 character limit? Jerry Sievers
- Re: Sequence names have 64 character limit? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Sequence names have 64 character limit? Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: Access to NEW.column outside of a trigger function. Darren Duncan
- Re: Sequence names have 64 character limit? Jerry Sievers
- Re: Sequence names have 64 character limit? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Sequence names have 64 character limit? Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: Pl/Python error when import "from __future__" Marco Colombo
- Re: Counting records in a child table David Johnston
- Re: pg_restore Marco Colombo