Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: What the heck is happening here? Neil Conway
- Re: What the heck is happening here? Bruce Momjian
- How many no. of clients can access database simultaneously? Namrata
- Re: What the heck is happening here? Alex Pilosov
- Re: stumped on view/rule/delete problem. Tom Lane
- Re: pg_dumpall anomaly Tom Lane
- rtree index very large Christopher Zach
- Re: What the heck is happening here? Paul Tomblin
- Large OR query Zak McGregor
- RE: Large OR query Jeff Eckermann
- Re: [NOVICE] PostgreSQL problem with functions Tom Lane
- Re: Large OR query Mitch Vincent
- Re: How many no. of clients can access database simultaneously? Mitch Vincent
- Re: rtree index very large Christopher Zach
- PQFInish doesn't work armelle clech
- RE: Large OR query Tamsin
- Re: Large OR query Einar Karttunen
- total newbie question Tad Naworal
- Re: Cleanly cancel a query. Tom Lane
- PostgreSQL problem with functions Nikola Milutinovic
- ideas on optimization Andy Jenks
- problem with Pl/Pgsql function Matteo Centenaro
- Format of BOOLEAN Lehmeier, Michael
- Re: What CASE tools and clients for Postgres? (Reinoud van Leeuwen)
- More flexible case-sensitivity options in future PostgreSQL? Flacco
- Re: Current database name Alexander Solianic
- select, where and null-values (or: select null<>'1' is fuzzy) Peter Pilsl
- Rename database? Flacco
- Re: Format of BOOLEAN Doug McNaught
- Default value for bit datatype Terry Fielder
- Slow DROPing Table Somazx Interesting
- Kylix dbexpress driver ? Marc Valentin
- Re: New 7.1.2 RPMS -- 7.1.2-2.PGDG Ted
- Exploring sequences (sequence context within a transaction) NetBeans
- Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits? John Scott
- Re: very big problem with NULL (Lee Harr)
- [newbie] Relations... John Moo
- Re: total newbie question Stephan Szabo
- Re: Does PostgreSQL support EXISTS? Nils Zonneveld
- Re: ideas on optimization Doug McNaught
- Re: Text data type doesn't accept newlines? Neil Conway
- rtree index very large Christopher Zach
- Errors in log file Bonnie
- Re: [newbie] Relations... Jerzy Kut
- Help me speed things up... Paul Tomblin
- Q: pgaccess + restoring a table from a previous txt export Eric Chopin
- Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits? John Scott
- Re: problem with me or postgres ? Fred J
- Table partitioning? Gerald Gutierrez
- PQFInish doesn't work CLECH Armelle FTRD/DMI/LAN
- Oracle news article Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Re: bug?: java won't read timestamps Dave Cramer
- linking tables mazzo
- Re: How many no. of clients can access database simultaneously? Peter Eisentraut
- Re: total newbie question John Burski
- OIDs overflow Kapil Tilwani
- Index Dmitry Andrianov
- libpq++ PgDatabase and PgConnection Lucky
- What CASE tools and clients for Postgres? Milorad Poluga
- Re: Default value for bit datatype (Lee Harr)
- Re: [SQL] ORDER BY what? David Olbersen
- Re: postgres 7.1 security problem? Marcel Gsteiger
- Re: very big problem with NULL Rene Pijlman
- copy/backup database Dan
- Re: very big problem with NULL Grant
- PostgreSQL vulnerabilities with fsync turned off? (John Moore)
- Re: total newbie question Peter Eisentraut
- very big problem with NULL Grant
- report writer/generator Hilkiah Lavinier
- Re: What CASE tools and clients for Postgres? Sam Staton
- Re: WAS: PostgreSQL Replication Server? IS: Zend comparison Stacy Cornbread
- RE: Exploring sequences (sequence context within a transaction) Nicolas Huillard
- Function returning record (Alla)
- Re: [newbie] Relations... John Moo
- Re: What CASE tools and clients for Postgres? (Romuald Lobet)
- Re: What CASE tools and clients for Postgres? Rick van Dijk
- Please help! Functions passing records between them (Alla)
- maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits? (
- Adding a primary key P. Dwayne Miller
- Re: Re: Variables in Postgresql Tomas Eriksson
- Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits? John Scott
- Re: sysauth-pgsql / pam-pgsql port(s) ...
- Re: Exploring sequences (sequence context within a transaction) Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- tables, permissions, sequences Martín Marqués
- Does PostgreSQL support EXISTS? Raymond Chui
- Permissions & Ownership (BUG?) Jeff Waugh
- postgres runaway process Fred J
- Re: Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits? Tim Barnard
- Re: What CASE tools and clients for Postgres? (Romuald Lobet)
- Re: What the heck is happening here? Souk-Aloun Samuel
- Which of latest version is stable ? Jerzy Kut
- Re: stumped on view/rule/delete problem. Tom Lane
- Re: Function returning record Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Re: Accessing two differents database in a SELECT Stacy Cornbread
- RE: pg_dumpall anomaly Tim Mickol
- Connection Timeout ? Stefan Loidl
- Re: Re: [SQL] maximum number of rows in table - what about oid limits? GH
- Re: select, where and null-values (or: select null<>'1' is fuzzy) Peter Eisentraut
- Re: select, where and null-values (or: select null<>'1' is fuzzy) Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Database per user quotas Ognyan Kulev
- Re: foreign keys constraints, depending on each other Mario Weilguni
- Does PostgreSQL have implicit Order-by (John Moore)
- Re: tables, permissions, sequences Martín Marqués
- Re: REPOST: redefining location of the socket file /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 Arcady Genkin
- Re: libpq++ PgDatabase and PgConnection Tim Barnard
- abs() does not exists.. mazzo
- Re: pg_dump problem... continued Andrew W. Schmeder
- RE: Exploring sequences (sequence context within a tran saction) Sykora, Dale
- Re: Re: New 7.1.2 RPMS -- 7.1.2-2.PGDG Lamar Owen
- Re: Re: New 7.1.2 RPMS -- 7.1.2-2.PGDG (Trond Eivind Glomsrød)
- Utility for Exporting from Oracle 8i to Postgre?? Darren Chamish
- Re: Format of BOOLEAN Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Re: select, where and null-values (or: select null<>'1' is fuzzy) Stephan Szabo
- Re: [newbie] Relations... Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Big5 contains '\' Limin Liu
- Re: select, where and null-values (or: select null<>'1' is fuzzy) Doug McNaught
- Re: Default value for bit datatype Doug McNaught
- Re: Re: very big problem with NULL Tom Lane
- Re: WAS: PostgreSQL Replication Server? IS: Zend comparison Gregory Wood
- Re: Please help! Functions passing records between them Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Re: Help me speed things up... Doug McNaught
- Re: Slow DROPing Table Jan Wieck
- RE: Format of BOOLEAN Nicolas Huillard
- Re: Big5 contains '\' Limin Liu
- Utility for Exporting from Oracle 8i to Postgre?? Darren Chamish
- Re: ideas on optimization Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Re: Oracle news article Mitch Vincent
- Re: [SQL] ORDER BY what? Martín Marqués
- Re: very big problem with NULL Gregory Wood
- Re: REPOST: redefining location of the socket file /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 Tom Lane
- Re: linking tables Doug McNaught
- Re: Format of BOOLEAN Peter Eisentraut
- Re: abs() does not exists.. Stephan Szabo
- Re: Adding a primary key Thalis A. Kalfigopoulos
- Re: Permissions & Ownership (BUG?) Martín Marqués
- PHP's pg_connect() and non-standard location of the socket (was: REPOST: redefining location of the socket file /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432) Arcady Genkin
- Re: Q: pgaccess + restoring a table from a previous txt export Doug McNaught
- Re: Oracle news article Mike Mascari
- Re: Which of latest version is stable ? Martín Marqués
- Re: PHP's pg_connect() and non-standard location of the socket (was: REPOST: redefining location of the socket file /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432) Tom Lane
- Merge join exhausting swap space Martin Weinberg
- Re: abs() does not exists.. Peter Eisentraut
- Unique rows without a key Steve Micallef
- Re: Connection Timeout ? Tom Lane
- Re: Unique rows without a key GH
- Re: Merge join exhausting swap space Tom Lane
- Re: Adding a primary key GH
- Re: Big5 contains '\' Tatsuo Ishii
- Unix time stamp function? Steve Micallef