The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 wrote:
> >
> > > > The database article at Zend mentioned a replication server for
> > > > PostgreSQL., available at The press release says the code
> > > > itself has been put into the CVS tree, but I can't find any documentation
> > > > on it anywhere.
> >
> > The article at Zend also stated that PostgreSQL could handle 1000
> > transactions a second with 100 users. This is funny, since my postgresql
> > server (7.1.2) running on a PII 533 with SCSI and 256 mb RAM (HP Server)
> > can't even handle 1000 select statements per second. Not even close.
> Small machine, sorry ... move to a Dual-PIII with a gig of RAM and
> multiple drives striped ... bump the shared memory to use 512Meg of RAM so
> that alot of caching is being done in memory ... then you have a serious
> server :)
> we did some testing where a client was seeing 4k+ TPS *shrug*
So, is one select statement equal to one of these transactions? Seems to me
that talking about transactions per second is like talking about instructions
per second on a complex instruction-set CPU - depending what you use
for an instruction, your answer could vary significantly.