Mailing lists [pgsql-novice]
- Problem with LIKE in a SQL function Mole
- Re: Problem with LIKE in a SQL function Tom Lane
- Re: Problem with LIKE in a SQL function Garrett Bladow
- Re: Problem with LIKE in a SQL function Mole
- Startup-Script Jochen Kächelin
- Startup-Script Jochen Kächelin
- Help! Problem Installing pgsql_perl5-1.9.0 Aaron Cutchin
- moving a postgreSQL DB, etc. Reshat Sabiq
- Novice schema question Nick Sayer
- owner of type 'mmm' apperars to be invalid cristi
- information Mattia Boccia
- Re: information
- Function problem again... Mole
- AutoIncrement not working on this table only Kassel Ben CRBE
- Populating a database papapep
- Re: Populating a database Bruno Wolff III
- Re: owner of type 'mmm' apperars to be invalid Tom Lane
- Re: Populating a database papapep
- Re: owner of type 'mmm' apperars to be invalid cristi
- Re: Populating a database Bruno Wolff III
- Re: Function problem again... Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Re: AutoIncrement not working on this table only Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Re: moving a postgreSQL DB, etc. Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Re: moving a postgreSQL DB, etc. Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Re: Populating a database Nick Sayer
- Re: Populating a database Josh Berkus
- Re: Populating a database Josh Berkus
- Novice DB Schema question Nick Sayer
- AutoIncrement not working on this table only Ben Kassel
- Re: Novice DB Schema question Josh Berkus
- Re: AutoIncrement not working on this table only Kassel Ben CRBE
- List sequence assigned to primary key Brian Johnson
- Re: List sequence assigned to primary key Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- OT: displaying sender's email on Ciprian Popovici
- Resource id #3? Mark Nelson
- Re: Resource id #3? Philip Hallstrom
- Re: Resource id #3? Josh Berkus
- telnet session with PHP dr_sad(surguttel)
- Re: moving a postgreSQL DB, etc. Andrew McMillan
- Re: moving a postgreSQL DB, etc.->Thanks all Reshat Sabiq
- html forms Mattia Boccia
- Re: html forms Kassel Ben CRBE
- Display listings Setyo Nugroho
- libssl Carson Wilcox
- Re: Display listings Josh Berkus
- Re: Display listings cristi
- Re: Display listings Oliver Elphick
- Re: Display listings cristi
- Re: Display listings Oliver Elphick
- Display a function Setyo Nugroho
- Speed Performance Question Kapsalis Nikos
- Re: libssl Chris Thompson
- libssl Carson Wilcox
- postgres for skyrix Schneider, Nina
- enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Joel Rodrigues
- Re: Speed Performance Question Bruno Wolff III
- Re: enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Rod Kreisler
- Re: enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Bruno Wolff III
- Re: enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Tom Lane
- Re: enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Michael Paesold
- Use of nextval, currval Matt Clark
- Re: Use of nextval, currval Josh Berkus
- Some questions on KEYS Ludwig Lim
- Re: Use of nextval, currval Tom Lane
- Where is the saved database? Setyo Nugroho
- Performance Andy Pearce
- Rép. : Performance Erwan DUROSELLE
- Re: Where is the saved database? Andrew McMillan
- Re: Performance Andrew McMillan
- Re: enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Joel Rodrigues
- Re: enforcing alphabetic/numeric content in "char" column Rod Kreisler
- creating table with an encrypted filed Retzlaw Heinrich
- creating table with an encrypted filed Retzlaw Heinrich
- creating table with an encrypted filed Retzlaw Heinrich
- Where is the saved database? Setyo Nugroho
- Return serial from insert Rory Campbell-Lange
- Re: Return serial from insert Rod Kreisler
- Re: Return serial from insert Rod Kreisler
- Re: creating table with an encrypted filed Nick Sayer
- Re: Rép. : [NOVICE] Performance Andy Pearce
- Re: Display a function Joel Rodrigues
- Authentification Thorsten Haude
- Re: Authentification Tom Lane
- Best practice for altering a table Tim Wilson
- Re: Best practice for altering a table Tom Lane
- Re: Best practice for altering a table Josh Berkus
- Re: Best practice for altering a table Josh Berkus
- Cancelling long running query? Patrick Hatcher
- Re: Cancelling long running query? Josh Berkus
- Re: Cancelling long running query? Tom Lane
- SQL cristi
- Re: SQL Rob
- Re: SQL (Evert Carton)
- Re: SQL cristi
- Re: SQL Manfred Koizar
- Delete column Setyo Nugroho
- Re: Delete column Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Re: SQL cristi
- oidin error when parsing XML documents Simon Kelly
- Re: oidin error when parsing XML documents Tom Lane
- Invlalid EUC_JP character Lakshmi Narayanan V
- return column id from insert Rory Campbell-Lange
- Re: return column id from insert Oliver Elphick
- Re: Cancelling long running query? Patrick Hatcher
- Re: SQL statement to copy a result set to create another table. YC Nyon
- Re: return column id from insert Josh Berkus
- Re: SQL statement to copy a result set to create Devinder K Rajput
- Describe a table Chris Boget
- Re: Describe a table Tuna Chatterjee
- Help with JDBC connection... Lachlan Deck
- Can't add records Setyo Nugroho
- Re: Can't add records Josh Berkus
- Re: Can't add records Chris Smith
- Re: Describe a table Chris Smith
- ... Zeller, Raymond
- Re: return column id from insert Rory Campbell-Lange
- Re: Can't add records von Schwerdtner, Thomas (GXS, FPI)
- Re: SQL statement to copy a result set to create another table YC Nyon
- Re: SQL statement to copy a result set to create another table Bruno Wolff III
- Re: SQL statement to copy a result set to create another table Jules Alberts
- Re: Display a function Joel Rodrigues
- using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- Data Transfer from Postgresql to Sybase Karthick V
- core dump in psql (Is it a bug?) Ludwig Lim
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- Re: Return serial from insert Rory Campbell-Lange
- Efficiency of stored procedure vs large join Malcolm Hutty
- Question on locale settings Charlie Clark
- Re: creating table with an encrypted filed Retzlaw Heinrich
- I need help Giovanni Alexander Briceño Riveros
- using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- Re: core dump in psql (Is it a bug?) Tom Lane
- Re: Return serial from insert Bruno Wolff III
- Re: Efficiency of stored procedure vs large join Bruno Wolff III
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Josh Berkus
- Re: Question on locale settings Tom Lane
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Reshat Sabiq
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Rod Kreisler
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Rod Kreisler
- Need Information From India Atul Kulkarni
- Problems invoking psql. Help please. Hugh Esco
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Joel Rodrigues
- Re: using functions to generate custom error messages Reshat Sabiq
- Portability, was: using functions to generate custom error messages Josh Berkus
- Re: Need Information From India Michiel Lange
- Re: Need Information From India Ewald Geschwinde
- Help with PostgreSQL Access Andrew Tuson
- Re: Portability, was: using functions to generate custom error messages Alberto Bolchini
- Re: Portability, was: using functions to generate custom error messages Reshat Sabiq
- Re: Help with PostgreSQL Access Josh Berkus
- Re: Help with PostgreSQL Access Oliver Elphick
- run shell command from pl/pgsql Jules Alberts
- Re: run shell command from pl/pgsql Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- sort case insensitive Alexander Pucher
- Re: sort case insensitive Frank Bax
- Re: sort case insensitive Alexander Pucher
- Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please. Hugh Esco
- Re: Help with PostgreSQL Access Vijay Deval
- value too long for type character varying(25) Frank Yip
- Why am I getting this message sometimes? Trenks Park
- Re: Why am I getting this message sometimes? Rod Kreisler
- Re: value too long for type character varying(25) Tom Lane
- Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please. Oliver Elphick
- Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please. Oliver Elphick
- pg_connect() unable to connect to pgsql server (Coutts, Ashe (Testing Account))
- Re: pg_connect() unable to connect to pgsql server paul butler
- Error when creating a char column as primary key Gavin Reade
- Re: Error when creating a char column as primary key Devinder K Rajput
- Re: Error when creating a char column as primary key Tom Lane
- function does not exist error... Dan Jewett
- Re: function does not exist error... Josh Berkus
- Re: function does not exist error... Dan Jewett
- Re: function does not exist error... Josh Berkus
- Viewing Foreign key constraints in psql Ludwig Lim
- how to know backend crashed ?? HK
- How does "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" work? Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Re: Viewing Foreign key constraints in psql Tom Lane
- Re: How does "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" work? Tom Lane
- Re: function does not exist error... Dan Jewett
- ... Dan Jewett
- Need help with currval and nextvall... Dan Jewett
- Re: Need help with currval and nextvall... Philip Hallstrom
- Re: Need help with currval and nextvall... Dan Jewett
- Re: Need help with currval and nextvall... Philip Hallstrom
- Re: Need help with currval and nextvall... Josh Berkus
- Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please. Hugh Esco
- A Newbie's Primer to postgreSQL Hugh Esco
- Want an example that give detail of every database tables(its name(table name),p malik ashfaq
- graphics display Eduardo Nogueira
- Few questions Chris Boget
- Re: Few questions Bruno Wolff III
- Re: graphics display Patrick Hatcher
- arrays vs. columns Mark Nelson
- Tools: schema designer; scripts Dennis King
- Re: arrays vs. columns Bruno Wolff III
- importing DB2 timestamp? Patrick Hatcher
- Re: importing DB2 timestamp? Tom Lane
- Re: Tools: schema designer; scripts paul butler
- new behavior stev knowles
- Re: importing DB2 timestamp? Patrick Hatcher
- Error when calling this function.... Dan Jewett
- What is the maximum amount of connections a postgres database will take Graham Bartlett
- Where can I get the code to set up replication using postgres Graham Bartlett
- Want an example that give detail of every database tables(its name(table name),primarykey,forginkeys ..)using JDBCODBC malikrofi
- Want an example that give detail of every database tables(its name(table name),p malik ashfaq
- How do I write a script that ..... David Brusowankin
- access to postgres from Kylix srihari
- BusinessWeek - Postgres mentioned Frank Lee
- Re: What is the maximum amount of connections a postgres D. Duccini
- Re: How do I write a script that ..... Devinder K Rajput
- Re: BusinessWeek - Postgres mentioned Tom Lane
- Makefiles for win32 interfaces Michiel Lange
- Re: Error when calling this function.... Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Detecting table/row locks Joshua Daniel Franklin
- Re: Error when calling this function.... Dan Jewett
- Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution KEVIN ZEMBOWER
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution Tom Lane
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution KEVIN ZEMBOWER
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution Tom Lane
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution KEVIN ZEMBOWER
- Updating tables from file Lorenzo Thurman
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution Oliver Elphick
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution KEVIN ZEMBOWER
- Copy entire file as one field Warren Massengill
- DB dump problems Gallamine
- Re: Copy entire file as one field Ron Johnson
- Re: DB dump problems Ron Johnson
- Re: Copy entire file as one field Warren Massengill
- Re: DB dump problems Tom Lane
- Re: Copy entire file as one field Oliver Elphick
- 'now' doesnt seem to work in stored procedure HK
- Re: 'now' doesnt seem to work in stored procedure Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- Re: 'now' doesnt seem to work in stored procedure Tom Lane
- system cataloge? David Scullion
- Newbie problem David
- Re: Newbie problem Adam Witney
- Re: system cataloge? Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
- user defined function etsuko shimabukuro
- Re: Can't connect to socket in Debian distribution
- Re: user defined function Tom Lane
- joins Michiel Lange
- [NOVICE} php compile David Scullion
- Re: joins Oliver Elphick
- Re: 'now' doesnt seem to work in stored procedure HK
- 7.3 and Mac OS X 10.2.2 David C.Oshel
- getting a list of users Adler, Stephen
- Re: getting a list of users Oliver Elphick
- views and rules Michiel Lange
- Re: views and rules Tom Lane
- switching databases Adler, Stephen
- Re: switching databases Ewald Geschwinde
- enum Adler, Stephen
- Re: enum Adler, Stephen
- Re: switching databases Tom Lane
- Re: enum Rod Kreisler
- Re: enum Adler, Stephen
- Re: enum Rod Kreisler
- Missing Data Directory Jon Williams