No, it should be a few seconds.
Could you provide more details? OS, language, is it a single
transaction or not, table description, even maybe your program?
The transaction thing is the most important: if you have
insert ...;
insert ...;
insert ...;
then it is 1 transaction for each insert statement, which is slow.
But if you :
begin transaction
insert ...;
insert ...;
insert ...;
It should be MUCH faster .
>>> "Andy Pearce" <> 11/08 10:47 >>>
I have a postgresql 7.2.1 db running on a Pentium Pro server with 160mb
ram and scsi drive. I tried to perform a copy to load about 7000
records, using a c program I'd written and it takes about 20 minutes to
complete. each record has 5 field and the total size of each record is
about 56 characters.
Does 20 minutes sound about right for such an action?
Thanks for your help