Re: Error when calling this function.... - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Henshall, Stuart - Design & Print
Subject Re: Error when calling this function....
Msg-id E382B5D8EDE1D6118DBE0008C759BCD6116AE6@WCPEXCHANGE
Whole thread Raw
In response to Error when calling this function....  (Dan Jewett <>)
Responses Re: Error when calling this function....
List pgsql-novice

Dan Jewett wrote:
> Am I wrong to assume that I can simply call the following function
> with SELECT catalog_batch(); ?
> Additionally, I am still unclear as to how I should handle the return
> type for this function.  Is what I have ok?  Should the word Complete
> in the return statement be quoted?
> CREATE FUNCTION catalog_batch() RETURNS text AS '
>       DECLARE
>               mp3rec RECORD;
>       BEGIN
>               FOR mp3rec IN SELECT * FROM mp3catalog LOOP
>               INSERT INTO album (title, media, path, release_date)
> VALUES (mp3catalog.album, mp3catalog.audioformat, mp3catalog.path,
> mp3catalog.year);
>               INSERT INTO track (album_id, trk_no, trk_title, time,
> genre, bitrate, channel, notes) VALUES (SELECT
> currval("album_album_id_seq"), mp3catalog.track, mp3catalog.title,
> mp3catalog.time, mp3catalog.genre, mp3catalog.bitrate,
> mp3catalog.channels, mp3catalog.comment);
>               INSERT INTO participant (name) VALUES
> (mp3catalog.artist);
>               INSERT INTO performance (album_id, participant_id)
> VALUES (SELECT currval("album_album_id_seq"), SELECT
> currval("participant_participant_id_seq"));
>               END LOOP;
>               RETURN Complete;
>       END;'
>       LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> recordings=> select catalog_batch();
> NOTICE:  Error occurred while executing PL/pgSQL function
> catalog_batch NOTICE:  line 9 at SQL statement
> ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "SELECT"
> and from phpPgAdmin:
> Database recordings
> No table detected... unable to retrieve primary or unique keys for
> edit/delete Error - /Library/WebServer/Documents/phpPgAdmin/sql.php
> -- Line: 112
> PostgreSQL said: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "SELECT" Your
> query: select catalog_batch()
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to
You don't need the VALUES when you select ie:
INSERT INTO tbl (a,b) SELECT a,b FROM tbl2;
- Stuart

pgsql-novice by date:

From: Michiel Lange
Subject: Makefiles for win32 interfaces
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