Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: set returning functions in v7.3 - SORRY Egyud Csaba
- Re: pgtcl way of specifying a user Nicolas Boretos
- uppercase = lowercase jose antonio leo
- Re: 'Universal' schedule table defintion Lincoln Yeoh
- ezmlm archive to postgresql db Thomas T. Thai
- Re: 'Universal' schedule table defintion Richard Huxton
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Richard Huxton
- Re: 'Universal' schedule table defintion Kaare Rasmussen
- just 3 question Francesco Piccinini
Re: just 3 question Shridhar Daithankar
- Postgres Databases growing without much reason Andreas Rust
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Ken Guest
- Re: Postgres Databases growing without much reason Tony Grant
- db "hot switch" Pablo Varasa
- how to restore SQL Dump Mohd Ghalib Akhtar
- Re: Postgres Databases growing without much reason Andreas Rust
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Oliver Elphick
- Diff between Primary key and non primary key select Deepa
- Re: db "hot switch" Andreas Rust
- What is the default timeout setting for connections to the db? P G
Re: how to restore SQL Dump Shridhar Daithankar
- Re: db "hot switch" Pablo Varasa
- Re: Postgres Databases growing without much reason Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: How can I parse a Postgresql array result in php?
- Re: Postgres Databases growing without much reason Andreas Rust
- Re: mailing list archives Robert Treat
- Re: Diff between Primary key and non primary key select Richard Huxton
- Re: Diff between Primary key and non primary key select Greg Stark
- Re: Postgres Databases growing without much reason Jeff Eckermann
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Jeff Eckermann
- natural sort order Ken Guest
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Stephan Szabo
- Re: Postgres Databases growing without much reason Stephan Szabo
- fyi - PostgreSQL 7.3.2 and FreeBSD 5.0 Andrew Gould
- Re: just 3 question
- question about managing multiple databases Chris Hayner
- Re: uppercase = lowercase scott.marlowe
- Re: 'Universal' schedule table defintion Dennis Gearon
- Re: pgtcl way of specifying a user Patrick Nelson
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Dennis Gearon
- In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Jeffrey Baker
- question about managing multiple databases Chris Hayner
- Re: question about managing multiple databases scott.marlowe
- Match Full on foreign Key (Marc Richards)
- Postgres Windows ADO help needed (Greg Laird)
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Lincoln Yeoh
- Why doesn't my PerlCGI users postgres connections close down? (Marcus Claesson)
- Hi, Deepa
- CREATE TABLE with a name derived from a string (Savage)
- postgres not accessible in Mandrake 9.0
- Re: [CYGWIN] What other parameters to consider when increasing max mlw
- Re: PostgreSQL x Oracle
- nodeRead: did not find '}' at end of plan node (Tim Stump)
- MS-Access (Axel Spallek)
- Re: backend process crash - PL/pgSQL functions - parsing problem? (Damon Hart)
- Performance a lot softrech
- inheritance Felipe Schnack
- Linux on PowerPc Ananda K Venkataraman
- configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH Nick Kelly
- Re: FreeBSD: SMP and PostgreSQL Francisco J Reyes
- Re: How many joins is too many joins.... Francisco J Reyes
- Just installed using Fink on OS X. Fails all over the place. (Guyren G Howe)
- Oracle9i's list partitioning equivalent feature Jeff Bearer
- Maximum size of the primary key (Jass)
- GnuPG / PGP signed MD5 checksums for PostgreSQL 7.3.2, 7.3.1, 7.3, and 7.2.3
- Why must SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in target list? Dave Smith
- Can I insert Big5 Chinese from Java servlet(Tomcat) to PostgreSQL 7.3 ¾GÁn©M
- Rights for views. Viacheslav N Tararin
- accessing currval(), How? ... Trigger? I think...??? Ralph Rotondo
- Re: Rights for view. Rudy Young
- Sharing a transaction between programs. Fernando Schapachnik
- Postgresql Partnership Stephane Schildknecht
- Re: Measuring Performance/Tuning Francisco J Reyes
- Re: CREATE TABLE with a name derived from a string Stephan Szabo
- Re: natural sort order Arguile
- Re: Linux on PowerPc Gregory Seidman
- Re: Just installed using Fink on OS X. Fails all over Jeffrey Bohmer
- Re: for installation Martin Kersten
- PostGreSQL Replication question !! (Eric Cros)
- Potential bug -- script that drops postgres server Lance Thomas
- Re: [HACKERS] Alpha version of contrib/tsearch is available for testing Teodor Sigaev
- On delete cascade not working Alexander Stanier
- how to store a text file in a database AlexH
- PL/Pgsql trigger function problem. James C. Ousley
- many Warning: pg_exec() query failed CoL
- PL/Pgsql trigger function problem. James C. Ousley
- Inquiry From Form [pgsql] Chris
- Re: [OpenFTS-general] Alpha version of contrib/tsearch is available for testing Rajesh Kumar Mallah
- operators and bit field Dennis Gearon
- Re: MS-Access
- Re: [CYGWIN] What other parameters to consider when scott.marlowe
- Re: Sharing a transaction between programs. Steve Atkins
- Re: for installation Bruce Momjian
- Re: Inquiry From Form [pgsql] Tariq Muhammad
- Re: [ADMIN] What is the default timeout setting? Robert Treat
- "iscachable" functions Eric B.Ridge
- Re: CREATE TABLE with a name derived from a string Stephan Szabo
- Re: FreeBSD: SMP and PostgreSQL scott.marlowe
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Jeffrey Baker
- Re: Linux on PowerPc Jeffrey Baker
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Bruce Momjian
- Re: uppercase = lowercase Jeff Eckermann
- Broken idocs? Tilo Schwarz
- Re: pgtcl way of specifying a user Tom Lane
- Re: Inquiry From Form [pgsql] Jonathan Bartlett
- Re: operators and bit field Bruno Wolff III
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Jeffrey Baker
- Re: nodeRead: did not find '}' at end of plan node Tom Lane
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Bruce Momjian
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Bruce Momjian
- Re: "iscachable" functions Jeff Eckermann
- Re: operators and bit field Dennis Gearon
- Re: operators and bit field Dennis Gearon
- Re: Maximum size of the primary key Tom Lane
- Re: Broken idocs?
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Jeffrey Baker
- Re: "iscachable" functions Eric B.Ridge
- Re: Linux on PowerPc Medi Montaseri
- Re: "iscachable" functions Tom Lane
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Tom Lane
- Lots o' I/O Clarence Gardner
- Re: operators and bit field Tom Lane
- Re: "iscachable" functions Arguile
- Re: pgtcl way of specifying a user [SOLVED] Patrick Nelson
- parameters in views John Smith
- Re: In 7.3.1, will I be able to reindex toast? Jeffrey Baker
- pg_stat_user_tables Medi Montaseri
- Re: many Warning: Marc G. Fournier
- Re: operators and bit field Dennis Gearon
- Re: pg_stat_user_tables Bruce Momjian
- Re: Lots o' I/O Stephan Szabo
- Re: pg_stat_user_tables Tom Lane
- Re: Lots o' I/O Clarence Gardner
- Re: Dropping column silently kills multi-coumn index (was Bruce Momjian
- plpython trigger code is wrong (Re: Potential bug -- script that drops postgres server) Tom Lane
- Re: Dropping column silently kills multi-coumn index (was Justin Clift
- Re: Lots o' I/O Stephan Szabo
- Perform Action on Transaction Begin Alan Gutierrez
- Re: [HACKERS] plpython trigger code is wrong (Re: Potential bug -- script that drops postgres server) Bradley McLean