Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- nested SQL with SPI Markus Wagner
- Re: Referential Integrity problem... Joel Burton
- Re: Re: Referential Integrity problem... Stephan Szabo
- Re: Compaq iPAQ and Postgresql (Andre Schnabel)
- Finding the number of rows affected by UPDATE or INSERT? Dr. Evil
- Re: Finding the number of rows affected by UPDATE or INSERT? Joe Conway
- Re[2]: RFC: PostgreSQL and MySQL comparison. Alexey Borzov
- Solution found! was Re: Finding the number of rows affected by UPDATE or INSERT? Dr. Evil
- pg7.1 release date Alexey Borzov
- Re: url to free text search stategies in postgresql? Gunnar Rønning
- RE: Default encoding in database Tatsuo Ishii
- RE: Default encoding in database Jacob Vennervald Madsen
- Re: [SQL] getting the oid for a new tuple in a BEFORE trigger Francesco Casadei
- Re: MySQL treads belong else where. Michael
- Re: Default encoding in database Karel Zak
- Re: Default encoding in database Karel Zak
- tuning Daniel Lundqvist
- Re: Fw: [JDBC] Regarding vacuumdb Shanmugasundaram
- weird behaviour
- Re: weird behaviour
- sub select Ben-Nes Michael
- [Revoke] cannot revoke the permission of "some User".... Wong Ka Ho Matthew
- RE: MySQL treads belong else where. Andrew Snow
- Re: sub select Tod McQuillin
- --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Andrew Sullivan
- Re: nested SQL with SPI Alex Pilosov
- PostgreSQL rocks ;) Alex Pilosov
- Re: --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Larry Rosenman
- Re: --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Andrew Sullivan
- RE: RFC: PostgreSQL and MySQL comparison. Shaun Thomas
- Re: [Revoke] cannot revoke the permission of "some User".... Peter Eisentraut
- Re: --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Larry Rosenman
- Re: MySQL treads belong else where. Shaun Thomas
- Re: --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Martín Marqués
- Re: tuning Stephan Szabo
- glacial deletes (long) P.J. \"Josh\" Rovero
- quick question: index optimisations on small tables Andrew Snow
- Re: Re: Fw: [JDBC] Regarding vacuumdb Stephan Szabo
- Majordomo being upgraded ... Marc G. Fournier
- Re: Solution found! was Re: Finding the number of rows affected by UPDATE or INSERT? Jeff Eckermann
- Re: quick question: index optimisations on small tables Peter Eisentraut
- mx is needed by postgresql-python-7.1.3-1PGDG Guy Fraser
- Re: quick question: index optimisations on small tables Arne Weiner
- Re: --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Appology : MySQL threads belong else where. Guy Fraser
- Re: A903-35A9-76AF : CONFIRM from pgsql-general (subscribe) Kirk Strauser
- Re: [NOVICE] protected ON DELETE CASCADE Albert Reiner
- plpgsql function and constraints Jakub Ouhrabka
- Compaq iPaQ - Postgresql David M. Richter
- Re: Printable report generation Jean-Maurice MALGRAS
- Query Sanjay Pandey
- HELP: Trend reporting Jason Charette
- PostgreSQL what language Arkadiusz Malinowski
- Re: problems transfering databases Miroslav Koncar
- Regarding vacuumdb Bhuvaneswari
- Is that pgsql support the database partitioning? Corn
- Run scripts (Christoph)
- no Relation no 'id' in psql and PGAccess Arkadiusz Malinowski
- Re: Run scripts Ryan Mahoney
- HELP WANTED: Open Source Consultant Programmer wanted for quick project tmb
- Re: PostgreSQL what language
- Re: --enable-syslog and Solaris 7 Martín Marqués
- Re: Query Doug McNaught
- Re: RFC: PostgreSQL and MySQL comparison. Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Is that pgsql support the database partitioning? Doug McNaught
- Re: Re: quick question: index optimisations on small tables Andrew Snow
- query help G.L. Grobe
- Re: Re: quick question: index optimisations on small tables Stephan Szabo
- Re: query help Stephan Szabo
- Error in trying to dump any database Martin Weinberg
- Re: url to free text search stategies in postgresql? Karen Ellrick
- Re: Error in trying to dump any database Martin Weinberg