Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Is there any tool to set up database automatically shreedhar
- type-casting and LIKE queries valerian
- Re: data mining and warehousing John Smith
- Is there any procedure to start postgre database server automatically shreedhar
- Re: type-casting and LIKE queries Stephan Szabo
- Re: type-casting and LIKE queries James Gregory
- constant scalar subselect no longer equivalent to constant? (Randal L. Schwartz)
- Re: constant scalar subselect no longer equivalent to constant? Joshua Moore-Oliva
- Re: Having an optional foreign key (ie. sometimes NULL) ?
- Sysid is not serial. Oleg Samoylov
- How referential integrety maintained internally Deepa K
- Is a limitation for the number of large objects that can be stored in a PostgreSQL database? u15074
- Re: How referential integrety maintained internally Richard Huxton
- Re: ~*, case insensitiveness and national chars Marcin Owsiany
- Redefining LIKE operator Pablo Sajnín
- Re: Redefining LIKE operator Larry Rosenman
- Re: Redefining LIKE operator Pablo Sajnín
- No aswer WAS: Droping a database even if someone is con nected Eric Audet
- Catching errors in pl/pgsql Fernando Papa
- Trigger in system catalog Olleg Samojlov
- Automake Olleg Samojlov
- Re: No aswer WAS: Droping a database even if someone is Csaba Nagy
- Where is the 7.3.2 Windows binary? (N/T) Charles Lewis
- contrib/lo and restoring databases Doug McNaught
- Re: constant scalar subselect no longer equivalent to constant? Tom Lane
- Re: Catching errors in pl/pgsql Richard Huxton
- Re: Is a limitation for the number of large objects that can be stored in a PostgreSQL database? Doug McNaught
- Re: Redefining LIKE operator Tom Lane
- Re: constant scalar subselect no longer equivalent to constant? (Randal L. Schwartz)
- Re: constant scalar subselect no longer equivalent to constant? (Randal L. Schwartz)
- Re: constant scalar subselect no longer equivalent to constant? Tom Lane
- Pg_hba not using local setting James Hall
- Re: Pg_hba not using local setting Tony Grant
- Online docs down again Greg Sabino Mullane
- Re: Pg_hba not using local setting Doug McNaught
- Re: now() AT TIME ZONE interval '-5 hours' returns type interval??? Steve Crawford
- Re: No aswer WAS: Droping a database even if someone is Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Getting Started in Postgresql Ian Harding
- Re: Online docs down again Alvaro Herrera
- Re: now() AT TIME ZONE interval '-5 hours' returns type interval??? Tom Lane
- Re: Automake Tom Lane
- Re: contrib/lo and restoring databases Tom Lane
- PostgreSQL and XML tom dyson
- Re: [pgsql-advocacy] PL/Java (was: stored procedures) Josh Berkus
- Re: Pg_hba not using local setting James Hall
- Connecting to a 7.1 DB with 7.3 psql Roland Glenn McIntosh
- Re: PostgreSQL and XML Tony Grant
- Re: Connecting to a 7.1 DB with 7.3 psql Tom Lane
- ooops... Tony Grant
- Re: PostgreSQL and XML scott.marlowe
- Re: PostgreSQL and XML Gavin M. Roy
- Re: PostgreSQL and XML Tony Grant
- Re: PostgreSQL and XML Gavin M. Roy
- Re: Online docs down again Robert Treat
- Re: contrib/lo and restoring databases Doug McNaught
- Re: Pg_hba not using local setting Doug McNaught
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Andrew Sullivan
- Re: type-casting and LIKE queries valerian
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL scott.marlowe
- Re: Pg_hba not using local setting James Hall
- Scope Problem with Execute? Rob Storrs
- dropped columns Clarence Gardner
- Corrupted sequences Francisco Reyes
- help with table constraint / check
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: dropped columns Tom Lane
- Re: Corrupted sequences Tom Lane
- Re: PostgreSQL and XML scott.marlowe
- Re: Corrupted sequences scott.marlowe
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL scott.marlowe
- Re: Corrupted sequences Francisco Reyes
- Re: Corrupted sequences Francisco Reyes
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Dennis Gearon
- Re: A question .... Bruce Momjian
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Bruce Momjian
- Re: Corrupted sequences scott.marlowe
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: Corrupted sequences Francisco Reyes
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL scott.marlowe
- Re: Corrupted sequences Dennis Gearon
- Re: Corrupted sequences Francisco Reyes
- LIMIT/OFFSET doesn't work on PL/PGSQL Fernando Papa
- Re: Is there any procedure to start postgre database server automatically P G
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: The folding of unquoted names to lower case in PostgreSQL Dennis Gearon
- Re: LIMIT/OFFSET doesn't work on PL/PGSQL Tom Lane
- Re: LIMIT/OFFSET doesn't work on PL/PGSQL Fernando Papa
- query optimisation Abdul-wahid Paterson
- Re: query optimisation Mike Mascari
- Re: query optimisation Tom Lane