Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Advice on Database Schema Jennifer Lee
- Re: Advice on Database Schema Tony Grant
- Re: '' <> NULL Andrew Sullivan
- Re: Advice on Database Schema Jennifer Lee
- Re: [pgsql-advocacy] PL/Java (was: stored procedures) Robert Treat
- Re: Posts get losts Fernando Schapachnik
- Re: Unable to delete row on 7.3.2 with schemas (fwd) Fernando Schapachnik
- Turple level or object level OIDs? Flower Sun
- Re: '' <> NULL scott.marlowe
- trigger question.
Re: trigger question. Shridhar Daithankar
- Re: '' <> NULL Stephan Szabo
- Re: '' <> NULL Peter Eisentraut
- Re: trigger question. Dennis Gearon
- Cross-machine PL/pgSQL? David Olbersen
- Re: Cross-machine PL/pgSQL? Alvaro Herrera
- Issue with Rowid's during Oracle to Postgres convertion: Bodanapu, Sravan
- Re: PL/Java Laszlo Hornyak
- Persistent variables between cross-calls in C functions Fabio Furia Silva
- Re: Migrate Mysql to Posgresql Alain Reymond
- Migrate Mysql to Posgresql Olivier
- Re: PL/Java (was: stored procedures) ts
- database migration Hewi Yoatl
- Re: TEXT datatype and VB6... Andrew Ayers
- Re: Cross-machine PL/pgSQL? Darko Prenosil
- Re: Persistent variables between cross-calls in C functions Stephan Szabo
- Re: '' <> NULL scott.marlowe
- Re: Migrate Mysql to Posgresql scott.marlowe
- Re: TEXT datatype and VB6... Andrew Ayers
- Re: TEXT datatype and VB6... Dennis Gearon
- Re: trigger question. Jean-Luc Lachance
- log rotation script for server output Flower Sun
- Re: log rotation script for server output Bruno Wolff III
- Re: TEXT datatype and VB6... scott.marlowe
- Re: log rotation script for server output scott.marlowe
- Re: TEXT datatype and VB6... Andrew Ayers
- Re: trigger question. Dennis Gearon
- Re: TEXT datatype and VB6... Dennis Gearon
- Re: Advice on Database Schema James Gregory
- pg_dump (v-7.3.2) of individual schemas Tariq Muhammad
- Re: fairly current mysql v postgresql comparison need for Joel Rees
- Re: log rotation script for server output Medi Montaseri
- Re: log rotation script for server output Bruno Wolff III