Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- RE: Optionally automatically disable logical replication subscriptions on error
- Re: set TESTDIR from perl rather than Makefile Andres Freund
- Re: WIP: System Versioned Temporal Table Corey Huinker
- Re: pgsql: Add support for building with ZSTD. Michael Paquier
- Re: pg_upgrade verbosity when redirecting output to log file Andres Freund
- Re: Uniforms the errors msgs at tuplestore paths Michael Paquier
- Re: Uniforms the errors msgs at tuplestore paths Ranier Vilela
- Re: Trap errors from streaming child in pg_basebackup to exit early Michael Paquier
- Re: Fix overflow in DecodeInterval Joseph Koshakow
- RE: Failed transaction statistics to measure the logical replication progress
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Masahiko Sawada
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Amit Kapila
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Amit Kapila
- Separate the result of \watch for each query execution (psql) Noboru Saito
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Andres Freund
- pg_stat_get_replication_slot and pg_stat_get_subscription_worker incorrectly marked as proretset Michael Paquier
- Re: postgres_fdw: commit remote (sub)transactions in parallel during pre-commit Etsuro Fujita
- Re: pg_stat_get_replication_slot and pg_stat_get_subscription_worker incorrectly marked as proretset Masahiko Sawada
- Re: Separate the result of \watch for each query execution (psql) Pavel Stehule
- Re: postgres_fdw: commit remote (sub)transactions in parallel during pre-commit Etsuro Fujita
- Re: Optionally automatically disable logical replication subscriptions on error Peter Smith
- Re: Assert in pageinspect with NULL pages Alexander Lakhin
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Amit Kapila
- Re: Slow standby snapshot Michail Nikolaev
- Re: Condition pushdown: why (=) is pushed down into join, but BETWEEN or >= is not? Andy Fan
- RE: Synchronizing slots from primary to standby
- Re: Condition pushdown: why (=) is pushed down into join, but BETWEEN or >= is not? Andy Fan
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Andres Freund
- Re: Make relfile tombstone files conditional on WAL level Dilip Kumar
- Re: Patch a potential memory leak in describeOneTableDetails() Kyotaro Horiguchi
- RE: Failed transaction statistics to measure the logical replication progress
- Re: Accommodate startup process in a separate ProcState array slot instead of in MaxBackends slots. Yura Sokolov
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Amit Kapila
- Re: Patch a potential memory leak in describeOneTableDetails() Daniel Gustafsson
- RE: Failed transaction statistics to measure the logical replication progress
- show schema.collate in explain(verbose on)
- Re: [BUG] Logical replication failure "ERROR: could not map filenode "base/13237/442428" to relation OID" with catalog modifying txns Drouvot, Bertrand
- Re: pgcrypto: Remove internal padding implementation Peter Eisentraut
- Re: pg_stat_get_replication_slot and pg_stat_get_subscription_worker incorrectly marked as proretset Amit Kapila
- Re: pg_stat_get_replication_slot and pg_stat_get_subscription_worker incorrectly marked as proretset Michael Paquier
- Re: pg_stat_get_replication_slot and pg_stat_get_subscription_worker incorrectly marked as proretset Amit Kapila
- Re: set TESTDIR from perl rather than Makefile Andrew Dunstan
- speed up a logical replica setup Euler Taveira
- RE: Optionally automatically disable logical replication subscriptions on error
- Re: initdb / bootstrap design Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Separate the result of \watch for each query execution (psql) Noboru Saito
- Using Test::More test functions for pg_rewind Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: Trap errors from streaming child in pg_basebackup to exit early Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: [PATCH] Improve amcheck to also check UNIQUE constraint in btree index. Maxim Orlov
- Re: pg_upgrade verbosity when redirecting output to log file Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: Using Test::More test functions for pg_rewind Andrew Dunstan
- Support logical replication of DDLs Zheng Li
- Re: postgres_fdw: commit remote (sub)transactions in parallel during pre-commit Fujii Masao
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats David G. Johnston
- Re: Reducing power consumption on idle servers Simon Riggs
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats Andres Freund
- Re: Design of pg_stat_subscription_workers vs pgstats David G. Johnston
- Re: pg_upgrade verbosity when redirecting output to log file Andres Freund
- making pg_regress less noisy by removing boilerplate Andres Freund
- Re: Reducing power consumption on idle servers Chapman Flack
- Re: Add checkpoint and redo LSN to LogCheckpointEnd log message Fujii Masao
- Re: making pg_regress less noisy by removing boilerplate Tom Lane
- Re: show schema.collate in explain(verbose on) Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres restart in the middle of exclusive backup and the presence of backup_label file Nathan Bossart
- Re: making pg_regress less noisy by removing boilerplate Andres Freund
- Re: RFC: Logging plan of the running query Fujii Masao
- Re: making pg_regress less noisy by removing boilerplate Tom Lane
- Re: Time to drop plpython2? Mark Wong
- Re: Add DBState to pg_control_system function Fujii Masao
- Re: Time to drop plpython2? Andres Freund
- Re: making pg_regress less noisy by removing boilerplate Andres Freund
- Re: Add index scan progress to pg_stat_progress_vacuum Imseih (AWS), Sami
- Re: Add index scan progress to pg_stat_progress_vacuum Nathan Bossart
- Re: Emit a warning if the extension's GUC is set incorrectly Tom Lane
- Re: List of all* PostgreSQL EXTENSIONs in the world Joel Jacobson
- Re: Time to drop plpython2? Tom Lane
- Re: Reducing power consumption on idle servers Simon Riggs
- Re: Documentation about PL transforms Chapman Flack
- External data files possible? Chris Cleveland
- Re: Emit a warning if the extension's GUC is set incorrectly Florin Irion
- Re: External data files possible? Andres Freund
- Re: List of all* PostgreSQL EXTENSIONs in the world Joel Jacobson
- Re: Optionally automatically disable logical replication subscriptions on error Peter Smith
- TAP output format in pg_regress Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: row filtering for logical replication Euler Taveira
- Re: speed up a logical replica setup Andres Freund