Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- BUG #16472: Bug in to_timestamp ? PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16472: Bug in to_timestamp ? Alexander Korotkov
- BUG #16473: Marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006),ErrorCode(0) PG Bug reporting form
- Re[4]: Andrey Klychkov
- RE: pgbench bug / limitation Jawarilal, Manish
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- BUG #16474: Foreign key issue PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16472: Bug in to_timestamp ? Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16474: Foreign key issue Tom Lane
- RE: BUG #16474: Foreign key issue
- Re: BUG #16474: Foreign key issue Alvaro Herrera
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation David Rowley
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16472: Bug in to_timestamp ? 鄭旭宏
- Re: Michael Paquier
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation David Rowley
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16473: Marked as broken because ofSQLSTATE(08006),ErrorCode(0) Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Problem with accessing OTAST data in stored procedures Konstantin Knizhnik
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: BUG #16462: Update Statement destructive behaviour with joins Bruce Momjian
- Re: FailedAssertion("!OidIsValid(def->collOid)", File: "view.c",Line: 89) Alvaro Herrera
- Re: BUG #16473: Marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006),ErrorCode(0) Dave Cramer
- BUG #16475: mess up my laptop PG Bug reporting form
- Re: FailedAssertion("!OidIsValid(def->collOid)", File: "view.c",Line: 89) Thomas Munro
- Re: Explicit deterministic COLLATE fails with pattern matching operations on column with non-deterministic collation Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: BUG #16473: Marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006),ErrorCode(0) Brajendra Pratap Singh
- Re: BUG #16473: Marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006),ErrorCode(0) Dave Cramer
- Re: BUG #16468: Doc: release note 13, missing GUCenable_groupingsets_hash_disk Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16468: Doc: release note 13, missing GUCenable_groupingsets_hash_disk Michael Paquier
- BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrong key or corrupt data PG Bug reporting form
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Daniel Verite
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrongkey or corrupt data Jeff Janes
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- BUG #16477: Unable to edit and delete for certain row manually using db beaver PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16478: Unable to edit and delete for certain row manually using db beaver PG Bug reporting form
- Connexion postgresql Lauralee Orain
- Re: BUG #16478: Unable to edit and delete for certain row manuallyusing db beaver Francisco Olarte
- Re: BUG #16478: Unable to edit and delete for certain row manuallyusing db beaver Nanda Christanto
- BUG #16479: Error installing pg-admin3 PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16479: Error installing pg-admin3 David G. Johnston
- Re: posgres 12 bug (partitioned table) Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: time values past 24:00:00 (or rather 23:59:60) Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: posgres 12 bug (partitioned table) David Rowley
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Explicit deterministic COLLATE fails with pattern matching operations on column with non-deterministic collation Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- BUG #16480: Spool query with results. PG Bug reporting form
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation David Rowley
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- Re: BUG #16480: Spool query with results. David G. Johnston
- Re: time values past 24:00:00 (or rather 23:59:60) Christoph Berg
- BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication is Unable to use Notification Events PG Bug reporting form
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- BUG #16482: Input as table type to function is getting failed PG Bug reporting form
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Andres Freund
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Andres Freund
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- ERROR: Attempting to Install the pgAdmin 4 Web Interface on CentOS 7 Burgess, Freddie
- Re: ERROR: Attempting to Install the pgAdmin 4 Web Interface onCentOS 7 David G. Johnston
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Tom Lane
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- BUG #16483: pg_ctl -D $PREFIX/var/lib/postgresql start PG Bug reporting form
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: BUG #16483: pg_ctl -D $PREFIX/var/lib/postgresql start David G. Johnston
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replicationis Unable to use Notification Events Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replicationis Unable to use Notification Events Kyotaro Horiguchi
- BUG #16485: array_recv causes binary COPY to not work between postgres instances with arrays of custom types PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Daniel Gustafsson
- RE: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Vianello Fabio
- RE: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Vianello Fabio
- Re: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Euler Taveira
- Re: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Euler Taveira
- Re: Alvaro Herrera
- BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specified in connection string PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16487: EXPLAIN produces JSON with duplicate "Workers" arrays PG Bug reporting form
- pg_stat_statements: duplicated external query texts with MSY2 legrand legrand
- Re: BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specified in connection string Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16487: EXPLAIN produces JSON with duplicate "Workers" arrays Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specifiedin connection string David G. Johnston
- Re: BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specified in connection string Tom Lane
- pg_filedump tests fail on big endian systems Michael Hudson-Doyle
- Re: BUG #16040: PL/PGSQL RETURN QUERY statement never uses a parallel plan Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Michael Paquier
- Re: BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specified in connection string Tom Lane
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Andres Freund
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specifiedin connection string David G. Johnston
- Re: BUG #16486: Prompted password is ignored when password specifiedin connection string Alexander Lakhin
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Michael Paquier
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replicationis Unable to use Notification Events Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replicationis Unable to use Notification Events Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: BUG #16487: EXPLAIN produces JSON with duplicate "Workers" arrays Felix Geisendörfer
- BUG #16488: psql installation initdb PG Bug reporting form
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: BUG #16488: psql installation initdb Tom Lane
- Re: [Bus error] huge_pages default value (try) not fall back Odin Ugedal
- Postmaster Crashing - Postgres 11 when JIT is enabled Mukesh Chhatani
- Re: Postmaster Crashing - Postgres 11 when JIT is enabled Andres Freund
- Re: Postmaster Crashing - Postgres 11 when JIT is enabled Mukesh Chhatani
- Re: BUG #15285: Query used index over field with ICU collation insome cases wrongly return 0 rows Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
- RE: [Bus error] huge_pages default value (try) not fall back Fan Liu
- pg_cancel_backend() doesn't abort a transaction Andrei Zhidenkov
- Re: pg_cancel_backend() doesn't abort a transaction David G. Johnston
- RE: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrongkey or corrupt data Frank Gagnepain
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- BUG #16489: Cannot strictly compare arrays in jsonb_path_query call that uses vars PG Bug reporting form
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- BUG #16490: We cannot able to access production database remotely PG Bug reporting form
- Re: pg_stat_statements: duplicated external query texts with MSY2 Julien Rouhaud
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Michael Paquier
- Re: pg_cancel_backend() doesn't abort a transaction Andrei Zhidenkov
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: pg_stat_statements: duplicated external query texts with MSY2 Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 :Wrong key or corrupt data Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrongkey or corrupt data Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Andres Freund
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Andres Freund
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Andres Freund
- RE: pg_stat_statements: duplicated external query texts with MSY2 legrand legrand
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 :Wrong key or corrupt data Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrong key or corrupt data Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 :Wrong key or corrupt data Kyotaro Horiguchi
- RE: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Vianello Fabio
- RE: BUG #16481: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Vianello Fabio
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: BUG #16488: psql installation initdb baki baki
- Re: BUG #15285: Query used index over field with ICU collation insome cases wrongly return 0 rows Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
- BUG #16491: PostgreSQL will not install unless a local account is used PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16040: PL/PGSQL RETURN QUERY statement never uses a parallel plan Robert Haas
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Pavel Stehule
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- BUG #16493: posgresql has no entry in Volume Shadow Copy Service PG Bug reporting form
- Grant USAGE on schema is not reflecting. Shailesh Rangani
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Pavel Stehule
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation raf
- Re: BUG #15285: Query used index over field with ICU collation insome cases wrongly return 0 rows Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: BUG #16484: pg_regress fails with --outputdir parameter Michael Paquier
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Tatsuo Ishii
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Nina Marlow
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Pavel Stehule
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation David Rowley
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: BUG #16488: psql installation initdb Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Nina Marlow
- BUG #16494: cant use row['field name'] PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16494: cant use row['field name'] Pavel Stehule
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Pavel Stehule
- Re: BUG #16460: Error when executing REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA; Sandeep Thakkar
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Daniel Verite
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Kyle Kingsbury
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error Pavel Stehule
- Re: BUG #16492: DROP VIEW IF EXISTS error David G. Johnston
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Potential G2-item cycles under serializable isolation Thomas Munro
- Re: pgbench bug / limitation Fabien COELHO
- Re: BUG #16488: psql installation initdb baki baki
- BUG #16495: pgAdmin4 repo problem PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16496: can't move to next line on Query Editor PG Bug reporting form
- SELECT * FROM a WHERE id IN (sub query) . When sub query is incorrect . return all rows of table a 逗比请来的猴子
- Re: BUG #16496: can't move to next line on Query Editor Bruce Momjian
- Re: SELECT * FROM a WHERE id IN (sub query) . When sub query is incorrect . return all rows of table a Tom Lane
- Invalid memory alloc querying field type bytea Thompson, Shon
- Re: Invalid memory alloc querying field type bytea Tom Lane
- BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes are invalid or do not match PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16498: The master inserts data successfully when the standby stopped in synchronous stream replication PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16499: Escape Characters in FTS PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Michael Paquier
- BUG #16500: SQL Abend. select multi_key_columns_range_partition_table PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16501: Incorrect result. select multi_key_columns_range_partition_table PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16500: SQL Abend. select multi_key_columns_range_partition_table Etsuro Fujita
- RE: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Ram Pratap Maurya
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Jeff Janes
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes are invalid or do not match Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16498: The master inserts data successfully when the standby stopped in synchronous stream replication Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Stephen Frost
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16499: Escape Characters in FTS Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Stephen Frost
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Jeff Janes
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16500: SQL Abend. selectmulti_key_columns_range_partition_table Dmitry Dolgov
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Stephen Frost
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Stephen Frost
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- PG_UPGRADE FAILED FROM 9.5 to 11* Jaspreet Singh
- BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names PG Bug reporting form
- Re: PG_UPGRADE FAILED FROM 9.5 to 11* Bruce Momjian
- Problems at columns Mattia Romagnoli
- Re: PG_UPGRADE FAILED FROM 9.5 to 11* Tom Lane
- BUG #16503: excessive memory consumption. PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16503: excessive memory consumption. Tom Lane
- RE: PG_UPGRADE FAILED FROM 9.5 to 11* Jaspreet Singh
- Re: BUG #16501: Incorrect result. select multi_key_columns_range_partition_table David Rowley
- Re: Problems at columns David Rowley
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Michael Paquier
- BUG #16504: Wrapping query in EXISTS() causes sequential scans of tables PG Bug reporting form
- RE: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Ram Pratap Maurya
- RE: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes are invalid or do not match Ram Pratap Maurya
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- BUG #16505: ssl_crl_file bug? PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16504: Wrapping query in EXISTS() causes sequential scans of tables Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Euler Taveira
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Euler Taveira
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Maciek Sakrejda
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Julien Rouhaud
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Julien Rouhaud
- [PATCH] Stop using zic’s -p option. Paul Eggert
- Import/Export Issue on Mac Hanna Habte
- Re: [PATCH] Stop using zic’s -p option. Tom Lane
- install SQL issue NG Chia Wee
- Re: [PATCH] Stop using zic’s -p option. raf
- Re: [PATCH] Stop using zic’s -p option. Paul Eggert
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16502: EXPLAIN JSON format adds extra quotes around index names Julien Rouhaud
- Re: [PATCH] Stop using zic’s -p option. Paul Eggert
- BUG #16507: RTRIM function doesnt behave as expected for certain scenario PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16507: RTRIM function doesnt behave as expected for certain scenario Tom Lane
- PostgreSQL always uses own versions of *printf(), but does not export them Patrik Novotny
- Re: PostgreSQL always uses own versions of *printf(), but does not export them Tom Lane
- Very slow inserts when using postgres_fdw + declarative partitioning Hardik Bansal
- AW: Stranger Character Input Bug Wilm Hoyer
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrongkey or corrupt data Michael Paquier
- BUG #16508: using multi-host connection string when the first host is starting fails PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16476: pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea with compress-level=6 : Wrongkey or corrupt data Michael Paquier
- Re: Very slow inserts when using postgres_fdw + declarative partitioning Etsuro Fujita
- BUG #16509: Unable to change from 32 bit to 64 bit PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16509: Unable to change from 32 bit to 64 bit Daniel Gustafsson
- BUG #16510: Count Distinct with non distinct column in combination with string constants throws error PG Bug reporting form
- Bug: Postgresql with Postgis: Different result in coordinateconversion NAV4 <=> WGS84 in Linux and Windows Axel Zellner
- Re: BUG #16510: Count Distinct with non distinct column incombination with string constants throws error Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: BUG #16509: Unable to change from 32 bit to 64 bit Pierre Mantha
- Re: BUG #16510: Count Distinct with non distinct column in combination with string constants throws error Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16510: Count Distinct with non distinct column incombination with string constants throws error Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: BUG #16509: Unable to change from 32 bit to 64 bit Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: Bug: Postgresql with Postgis: Different result in coordinate conversion NAV4 <=> WGS84 in Linux and Windows Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #16509: Unable to change from 32 bit to 64 bit Pierre Mantha
- BUG #16511: Using '= all ( )' with empty table returns true PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16511: Using '= all ( )' with empty table returns true Tom Lane
- BUG #16512: Character considered as a number by regex but can not convert to numeric PG Bug reporting form
- Re: install SQL issue Sandeep Thakkar
- Re: install SQL issue NG Chia Wee
- Re: BUG #16512: Character considered as a number by regex but can not convert to numeric Tom Lane
- Re: install SQL issue Sandeep Thakkar
- BUG #16513: Postgresql HA Cluster PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16514: pg_dump v12 puts CREATE SCHEMA public statement into the backup file PG Bug reporting form
- Problem with pgadm4 Jose Alcantara
- Re: BUG #16514: pg_dump v12 puts CREATE SCHEMA public statement into the backup file Tom Lane
- Re: Problem with pgadm4 Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: BUG #16513: Postgresql HA Cluster Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- BUG #16515: Core dump in libgdal30 PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes areinvalid or do not match Michael Paquier
- RE: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes are invalid or do not match Ram Pratap Maurya
- BUG #16516: when testing jit get terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call' PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16517: Fast Shutdown sometimes is not working if we use logical decoding. PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16516: when testing jit get terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call' Hamid Akhtar
- Re: BUG #16516: when testing jit get terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call' Thomas Munro
- [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
- Re: BUG #16497: old and new pg_controldata WAL segment sizes are invalid or do not match Bruce Momjian
- BUG #16518: DBA on several PostgreSQL versions PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #16519: SET SESSION ROLE in plpgsql requires string literal. PG Bug reporting form
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Michael Meskes
- Re: BUG #16519: SET SESSION ROLE in plpgsql requires string literal. David G. Johnston
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
- Re: BUG #16519: SET SESSION ROLE in plpgsql requires string literal. Tom Lane
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Michael Meskes
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Tom Lane
- BUG #16520: Deleting from non-existent column in CTE removes all rows PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16519: SET SESSION ROLE in plpgsql requires string literal. David G. Johnston
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Michael Meskes
- Re: BUG #16520: Deleting from non-existent column in CTE removes all rows Tom Lane
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Michael Meskes
- Re: BUG #16520: Deleting from non-existent column in CTE removes all rows David G. Johnston
- Re: [BUG][PATCH] ecpg crash with bytea type and cursors Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
- BUG #16521: n_distinct_inherited does not affect child partitions when set on main partition PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #16521: n_distinct_inherited does not affect child partitions when set on main partition David Rowley