On Sunday, June 14, 2020, Pavel Stehule <
pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
so 13. 6. 2020 v 13:41 odesílatel Nina Marlow <postgresql.2020@t-net.ruhr> napsal:
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS and DROP TABLE are consistent now. The message is
> ""xxx" is not a view", it is not ""xxx" doesn't exist".
Yes, but according to the documentation, there shouldn't be an error at all ("Do not throw an error if the *view* does not exist."). It doesn't say, "do not throw an error if the *object* does not exist", but "if the *view* does not exist". This is very clear to me.
So it's either a documentation error or a code error. It cannot be none.
I prefer to fix the documentation. Current behavior looks a little bit more practical and a little bit more safe, although I can understand very well the different opinion.
How is the proposed behavior more risky? And no, the current behavior does not have any uniquely practical use. Its only benefit is that it is how things have worked forever and that is only because its flaws are rarely encountered in practice.
David J.