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Oleg Bartunov, CEO Postgres Professional and PostgreSQL Major Contributor gave a talk on JSONB performance at PGConf NYC 2021. After the presentation, EnterpriseDB’s Simon Riggs, another PostgreSQL Major Contributor proposed to create a PostgreSQL JSON workgroup (JSON Special Interest Group, JSIG). This group, consisting of several community members, will work together to enhance JSON functionality in Postgres for different use cases.
The Standard edition of Postgres Pro DBMS 14.1.1 has become available, along with new minor releases for the following versions: Std, Std 10.19.1, Std 11.14.1, Std 12.9.1 and Std 13.5.1.
PGConf.Russia Gathers 500+ IT Professionals at a Hybrid Online+Offline Event
25-26 October PGConf.Russia 2021 was held in a hybrid format to accommodate both online and offline participants. Postgres Professional organized this notable event for the 8th time; more than 500 people attended it virtually and in person. Software developers, database administrators, and top managers from the IT industry exchanged PostgreSQL best practices and shared their experience with the world’s most advanced open source database. Representatives of Intel, Yandex, EnterpriseDB, DBeaver Corp, Delivery Hero, and many other companies and organizations were speaking at PGConf.
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PGConf.Online 2021 wrap-up: 57 talks, 30 international speakers, 2000+ registrants!
PGConf.Online wrapped up 10 days ago, and we want to share some important stats with you. We were glad to have welcomed 2000+ registrants this year with 700-900 of them joining us online each day! The total attendance/registration rate for all three days was near 75%, which is amazing!

Celebrating Women Who Code in Postgres Pro
In early March, before International Women’s Day, we asked our female tech professionals a few questions and were surprised by some of them providing us answers :) Let’s celebrate women who code working here at Postgres Pro and have a look at what they are up to!

Postgres Professional is now sponsoring Psycopg development!
Postgres Professional has become one of the main sponsors backing the development of the Psycopg library, the most popular PostgreSQL adapter for the Python programming language.

Postgres Professional at FOSDEM 2021
It’s this time of the year again, and FOSDEM is coming! In 2021, Postgres Professional is really well-represented in the PostgreSQL devroom, as we have 5 talks accepted by the Committee. Let’s take a look at all presentations to be given by our team at this conference.
Postgres Pro Standard 13.1.1 was released by the Postgres Professional team on December 18, 2020. This release is based on the corresponding version of the upstream PostgreSQL DBMS and includes a number of enhancements listed in this announcement.

pg_probackup 2.3.0 has been released
A new version of pg_probackup, a backup tool developed by Postgres Pro team, has been released

Postgres Pro Standard released
Postgres Pro Standard has been released today. It is based on PostgreSQL 9.6.2 and contains the new upstream fixes and Postgres Pro extensions updates, including pg_pathman, pg_probackup and sr_plan.

Leonid Libkin from the University of Edinburgh will give a talk "Making SQL Queries Correct on Databases with Nulls" 9 August at 14:00
What is the scientifically correct way if using NULLs ?

ora2pg improved by 45%
Gilles Darold from the french company Dalibo, the ora2pg author, has blogged that the performance improvement given by the Svetlana's patch can be as high as 45%.
Henrietta will present a talk on Temporal and Bi-Temporal databases at the PostgresPrpo seminar at 2 Mar 2016.
Six hundred and eight participants, including sponsors and speakers joined PGCONF.Russia 2016 on Feb.3 - Feb.5.