Thread: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

"Alexey V. Borzov"

The problem is: from time to time, PostgreSQL seems to crash.
Inspection of the logs revealed the following:

Сен 18 15:53:06 arbat logger: FATAL 1:  File '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does not exist or no read permission.

Well, '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does exist, it has read permission
for user 'postgres' (I made it world readable, in fact, after I
discovered this).

Now, two questions:
1) Who the hell needs to read this file?
2) Why can't he do it?

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov

Re: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

The Hermit Hacker
On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Alexey V. Borzov wrote:

> Greetings.
> The problem is: from time to time, PostgreSQL seems to crash.
> Inspection of the logs revealed the following:
> ��� 18 15:53:06 arbat logger: FATAL 1:  File '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does not exist or no read permission.
> Well, '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does exist, it has read permission
> for user 'postgres' (I made it world readable, in fact, after I
> discovered this).
> Now, two questions:
> 1) Who the hell needs to read this file?
> 2) Why can't he do it?

What version fo PostgreSQL are you running?

Re[2]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

"Alexey V. Borzov"

Monday, September 18, 2000, 10:38:37 PM, you wrote:
>> уЕО 18 15:53:06 arbat logger: FATAL 1:  File '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does not exist or no read permission.
>> Well, '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does exist, it has read permission
>> for user 'postgres' (I made it world readable, in fact, after I
>> discovered this).
>> Now, two questions:
>> 1) Who the hell needs to read this file?
>> 2) Why can't he do it?

THH> What version fo PostgreSQL are you running?

I forgot the most important part...
PostgreSQL 7.0.2
And it runs on Linux 2.2.17 SMP (The box has two Intel Pentiums II)

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov

Re[2]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

Charles Tassell
Maybe  it was moved for PostGres v7 (I'm still using 6.5.3 because it works
and I'm too lazy to upgrade. :-) but in older versions the PG_VERSION file
was in the data directory (ie, /usr/local/pgsql/data/ )  Try checking what
you are using for a data dir ("locate pg_database" should tell you what dir
it is) and move PG_VERSION in there.  Of course, your data dir could be
/var/lib/pgsql, I dunno what evils RedHat does to the default Postgres
install path.

At 01:49 AM 9/19/00, Alexey V. Borzov wrote:
>Monday, September 18, 2000, 10:38:37 PM, you wrote:
> >> óÅÎ 18 15:53:06 arbat logger: FATAL 1:  File
> '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does not exist or no read permission.
> >>
> >> Well, '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does exist, it has read permission
> >> for user 'postgres' (I made it world readable, in fact, after I
> >> discovered this).
> >>
> >> Now, two questions:
> >> 1) Who the hell needs to read this file?
> >> 2) Why can't he do it?
>THH> What version fo PostgreSQL are you running?
>I forgot the most important part...
>PostgreSQL 7.0.2
>And it runs on Linux 2.2.17 SMP (The box has two Intel Pentiums II)
>Yours, Alexey V. Borzov

Re: Re[2]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

Tom Lane
"Alexey V. Borzov" <> writes:
> Greetings.
> Monday, September 18, 2000, 10:38:37 PM, you wrote:
>>> ��� 18 15:53:06 arbat logger: FATAL 1:  File '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does not exist or no read permission.
>>> Well, '/var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION' does exist, it has read permission
>>> for user 'postgres' (I made it world readable, in fact, after I
>>> discovered this).

There is also supposed to be a PG_VERSION file in each database
subdirectory.  For example, on my setup:

$ find /opt/postgres -name 'PG_VERSION'

If you accidentally deleted one of these per-database PG_VERSION files
then future connects to that database would fail with the above
message.  To recover (assuming that was your only mistake), copy the
top-level PG_VERSION into the subdirectory.

            regards, tom lane

Re[4]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

"Alexey V. Borzov"
Hello Tom,

Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 8:24:01 PM, you wrote:
TL> There is also supposed to be a PG_VERSION file in each database
TL> subdirectory.

TL> If you accidentally deleted one of these per-database PG_VERSION files
TL> then future connects to that database would fail with the above
TL> message.  To recover (assuming that was your only mistake), copy the
TL> top-level PG_VERSION into the subdirectory.

Nope, that's not the problem. I just checked and every DB has its own
PG_VERSION. Besides, _all_ of the databases are accessed on regular
basis (I'm speaking of a website), but the crashes occur only once in
a while (like, once a week)...

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov

Re: Re[4]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

Tom Lane
"Alexey V. Borzov" <> writes:
> Nope, that's not the problem. I just checked and every DB has its own
> PG_VERSION. Besides, _all_ of the databases are accessed on regular
> basis (I'm speaking of a website), but the crashes occur only once in
> a while (like, once a week)...

Does anything else get flaky on that system at the same times?

I'm wondering if you could be running out of kernel filetable slots,
so that the open of PG_VERSION is failing with ENFILE.  (This would be
the trouble spot just because it's the first file a new backend tries
to open, and being a new backend it has no possible recovery tactic
like closing other files.  Once a backend is up and running it can
usually survive ENFILE open failures by closing off other files.)

Being out of kernel filetable slots would usually cause a lot of
unrelated programs to start having troubles too, though, so I'd think
you'd be seeing other symptoms as well.

If that's it, the solution is either to alter your kernel parameters to
increase NFILE, or to reduce the allowed number of concurrent backends,
or both.

If you're not sure, you could modify the failing code (it's in
ValidatePgVersion() in src/utils/version.c) to print the kernel errno
value as part of the error message.

            regards, tom lane

Latest JDBC Driver? Where?

"Mike Cannon-Brookes"
Hi guys,

Where can I get a compiled version of the latest JDBC driver? The one I have
(downloaded from FTP a few days ago) gives errors when using
DatabaseMetaData - which seem to be fixed in CVS ages ago.



RE: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

"Robert D. Nelson"
>I'm wondering if you could be running out of kernel filetable slots,
>so that the open of PG_VERSION is failing with ENFILE.  (This would be

An interesting slashdot thread (that's saying alot, since I despise the
place ;) yesterday mentioned putting cached stuff in RAM drives. Would that
alleviate the problem, if one could load just the PG_VERSION's in there, or
would it still need to allocate it when it was trying to read it? Don't
think it's a real solution, merely curious :)

Rob Nelson

RE: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

The Hermit Hacker
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Robert D. Nelson wrote:

> >I'm wondering if you could be running out of kernel filetable slots,
> >so that the open of PG_VERSION is failing with ENFILE.  (This would be
> An interesting slashdot thread (that's saying alot, since I despise the
> place ;) yesterday mentioned putting cached stuff in RAM drives. Would that
> alleviate the problem, if one could load just the PG_VERSION's in there, or
> would it still need to allocate it when it was trying to read it? Don't
> think it's a real solution, merely curious :)

It still needs a file descritpor for each file opened ... for my system,
the default was somethign like 4k file descriptors, which I was blowing
away on a regular basis.  I ended up finally settling on 32k file
descriptors and the problem hasn't resurfaced ... I wasn't getting a
PG_VERSION file problem, but that appears to be the direction Tom is
thinking right now ...

Re[6]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

Alexey Borzov
Greetings, Tom!

At 20.09.2000, 10:41, you wrote:

TL> "Alexey V. Borzov" <> writes:
>> Nope, that's not the problem. I just checked and every DB has its own
>> PG_VERSION. Besides, _all_ of the databases are accessed on regular
>> basis (I'm speaking of a website), but the crashes occur only once in
>> a while (like, once a week)...
TL> I'm wondering if you could be running out of kernel filetable slots,
TL> so that the open of PG_VERSION is failing with ENFILE.  (This would be
TL> the trouble spot just because it's the first file a new backend tries
TL> to open, and being a new backend it has no possible recovery tactic
TL> like closing other files.  Once a backend is up and running it can
TL> usually survive ENFILE open failures by closing off other files.)

  This MIGHT be problem. I'm not sure, as it wasn't me who compiled
  the kernel for the box, but I'll look into it...

  Well, last question then: I wasn't too specific, but the problem
  with this crash is that not ONE SINGLE backend fails, but ALL OF
  THEM AT ONCE: someone comes running to me and shouts 'our site is
  down!', when I login and type 'ps eax | grep postgres' there
  are no postgres processes in memory... Which is strange, as I
  connect to Postgres from PHP, and use `persistent` connections, so
  the backends which are in memory should have already read their
  Is it as it should be with ENFILE failure?

TL> If that's it, the solution is either to alter your kernel parameters to
TL> increase NFILE, or to reduce the allowed number of concurrent backends,
TL> or both.
  Guess we should increase file slots, as reducing the number of
  backends is definitely NOT an option.

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov

Re: Re[6]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

The Hermit Hacker
On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Alexey Borzov wrote:

> Greetings, Tom!
> At 20.09.2000, 10:41, you wrote:
> TL> "Alexey V. Borzov" <> writes:
> >> Nope, that's not the problem. I just checked and every DB has its own
> >> PG_VERSION. Besides, _all_ of the databases are accessed on regular
> >> basis (I'm speaking of a website), but the crashes occur only once in
> >> a while (like, once a week)...
> TL> I'm wondering if you could be running out of kernel filetable slots,
> TL> so that the open of PG_VERSION is failing with ENFILE.  (This would be
> TL> the trouble spot just because it's the first file a new backend tries
> TL> to open, and being a new backend it has no possible recovery tactic
> TL> like closing other files.  Once a backend is up and running it can
> TL> usually survive ENFILE open failures by closing off other files.)
>   This MIGHT be problem. I'm not sure, as it wasn't me who compiled
>   the kernel for the box, but I'll look into it...
>   Well, last question then: I wasn't too specific, but the problem
>   with this crash is that not ONE SINGLE backend fails, but ALL OF
>   THEM AT ONCE: someone comes running to me and shouts 'our site is
>   down!', when I login and type 'ps eax | grep postgres' there
>   are no postgres processes in memory... Which is strange, as I
>   connect to Postgres from PHP, and use `persistent` connections, so
>   the backends which are in memory should have already read their
>   PG_VERSIONs...
>   Is it as it should be with ENFILE failure?

that is as it was when we were hitting it ... we are actually running a db
on 4 seperate ports, and we would see one db beign down and the rest
running happily along ...  as soon as one db goes for that last slot and
can't find it, that one would completely shut down, as its the 'parent
process' that appears to be the one going for it ...

Resolved! (was: Re[8]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?)

Alexey Borzov
     Well, thanks to everybody who helped!

     It was indeed the problem with opening files - the limit was set
to 1024 with more than 100 possible backends...

     Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to change the error message in
the future versions of Postgres, 'cause now it is somewhat...
misleading... ;->

Greetings, The Hermit Hacker!

At 21.09.2000, 13:34, you wrote:
>>   Well, last question then: I wasn't too specific, but the problem
>>   with this crash is that not ONE SINGLE backend fails, but ALL OF
>>   THEM AT ONCE: someone comes running to me and shouts 'our site is
>>   down!', when I login and type 'ps eax | grep postgres' there
>>   are no postgres processes in memory... Which is strange, as I
>>   connect to Postgres from PHP, and use `persistent` connections, so
>>   the backends which are in memory should have already read their
>>   PG_VERSIONs...
>>   Is it as it should be with ENFILE failure?

THH> that is as it was when we were hitting it ... we are actually running a db
THH> on 4 seperate ports, and we would see one db beign down and the rest
THH> running happily along ...  as soon as one db goes for that last slot and
THH> can't find it, that one would completely shut down, as its the 'parent
THH> process' that appears to be the one going for it ...

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov

Re: Resolved! (was: Re[8]: WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?)

Tom Lane
Alexey Borzov <> writes:
>      It was indeed the problem with opening files - the limit was set
> to 1024 with more than 100 possible backends...

>      Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to change the error message in
> the future versions of Postgres, 'cause now it is somewhat...
> misleading... ;->

I've tried of late to make sure that all file-open calls in the backend
will include the kernel errno string in their failure error messages.
There may still be a few stragglers but most of 'em should report
something about "too many open files" if they fail.

            regards, tom lane



    When ever a normal user (anyaccount besides "postgres") tries to
run psql they get the following message:

Connection to database 'dank' failed.
FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user "chrisp" is not in "pg_shadow"

How do i fix this?

Re: users

Neil Conway
On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 10:36:53PM +0000, Chris wrote:
> Greetings,
>     When ever a normal user (anyaccount besides "postgres") tries to
> run psql they get the following message:
> Connection to database 'dank' failed.
> FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user "chrisp" is not in "pg_shadow"

You probably have not added any users to the database. For more info,
check out:

You may also want to create a database for each user to access. For more
info on that, see this page:

Finally, now is probably a good time to secure Postgres by setting up
pg_hba.conf . It's documented here:



Neil Conway <>
Get my GnuPG key from:
Encrypted mail welcomed

Blaming guns for Columbine is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'Donnell
being fat.


Re: users

Read this tutorial it has got everyting you need to know about psql.
Document herewith attached

On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Chris wrote:
> Greetings,
>     When ever a normal user (anyaccount besides "postgres") tries to
> run psql they get the following message:
> Connection to database 'dank' failed.
> FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user "chrisp" is not in "pg_shadow"
> How do i fix this?
