Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: Enhancement request: enable FIRST/LAST_value() also as a regular aggregate (not only as windowing function) Tom Lane
- Re: 11beta crash/assert caused by parameter type changes Vik Fearing
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication is Unable to use Notification Events Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication is Unable to use Notification Events Tom Lane
- Re: Enhancement request: enable FIRST/LAST_value() also as a regularaggregate (not only as windowing function) matshyeq
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Andres Freund
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Andres Freund
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication is Unable to use Notification Events Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication is Unable to use Notification Events Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Andres Freund
- Re: BUG #15293: Stored Procedure Triggered by Logical Replication isUnable to use Notification Events Andres Freund
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Nico Williams
- Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andrew Gierth
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending) patents? Isaac Morland
- Re: Avoid extra Sort nodes between WindowAggs when sorting can bereused Daniel Gustafsson
- "WIP: Data at rest encryption" patch and, 2 phase commit. Toshi Harada
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Jeremy Finzel
- Re: Possible performance regression in version 10.1 with pgbenchread-write tests. Thomas Munro
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andres Freund
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andrew Gierth
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Tom Lane
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Gavin Flower
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andres Freund
- Re: [HACKERS] plpgsql - additional extra checks Tomas Vondra
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Tom Lane
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andres Freund
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andrew Gierth
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andrew Gierth
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andres Freund
- Re: Add SKIP LOCKED to VACUUM and ANALYZE Michael Paquier
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Andres Freund
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Andres Freund
- RE: Locking B-tree leafs immediately in exclusive mode Imai, Yoshikazu
- Re: [HACKERS] plpgsql - additional extra checks Pavel Stehule
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs David Fetter
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Michael Paquier
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Michael Paquier
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Nico Williams
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? jonasmehler46
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Chapman Flack
- Re: [HACKERS] Optional message to user when terminating/cancellingbackend Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending) patents? Benjamin Scherrey
- Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11beta1 on Debian Amit Langote
- Re: ToDo: show size of partitioned table Amit Langote
- Re: ToDo: show size of partitioned table Pavel Stehule
- Re: Online enabling of checksums Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: Locking B-tree leafs immediately in exclusive mode Simon Riggs
- Re: Online enabling of checksums Sergei Kornilov
- Re: Global snapshots Arseny Sher
- Fwd: Re[2]: Alter index rename concurrently to Andrey Klychkov
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP: Data at rest encryption Antonin Houska
- Re: "WIP: Data at rest encryption" patch and, 2 phase commit. Antonin Houska
- Re: Locking B-tree leafs immediately in exclusive mode Alexander Korotkov
- Re: Locking B-tree leafs immediately in exclusive mode Alexander Korotkov
- Re: Locking B-tree leafs immediately in exclusive mode Alexander Korotkov
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Dmitry Dolgov
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Dmitry Dolgov
- Using test_ddl_deparse as an extension Jeremy Finzel
- Optimizer misses big in 10.4 with BRIN index Arcadiy Ivanov
- Re: [HACKERS] WAL logging problem in 9.4.3? Michael Paquier
- Re: Explain buffers wrong counter with parallel plans Jonathan S. Katz
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster David Steele
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster Andres Freund
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster David Steele
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? David Fetter
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster Andres Freund
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andrew Gierth
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster David Steele
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Nico Williams
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster Tom Lane
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Nico Williams
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster Andres Freund
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Nico Williams
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster Tom Lane
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster David Steele
- Re: Missing pg_control crashes postmaster David Steele
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Andres Freund
- Re: LLVM jit and matview Andres Freund
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Chapman Flack
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Andres Freund
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Andrew Gierth
- Re: Using test_ddl_deparse as an extension Alvaro Herrera
- Re: no partition pruning when partitioning using array type Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Optimizer misses big in 10.4 with BRIN index Tomas Vondra
- Re: Allow COPY's 'text' format to output a header Cynthia Shang
- Re: Allow COPY's 'text' format to output a header Cynthia Shang
- Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending)patents? Nico Williams
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Nico Williams
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs Nico Williams
- Re: JIT breaks PostGIS Christoph Berg
- Re: JIT breaks PostGIS Andres Freund
- Re: Early WIP/PoC for inlining CTEs David Fetter
- Re: JIT breaks PostGIS Christoph Berg
- Re: JIT breaks PostGIS Andres Freund
- Re: JIT breaks PostGIS Christoph Berg
- Re: JIT breaks PostGIS Andres Freund
- PartitionDispatch's partdesc field Robert Haas
- Re: Expression errors with "FOR UPDATE" and postgres_fdw withpartition wise join enabled. Robert Haas
- BLOB / CLOB support in PostgreSQL Vladimir Sitnikov
- BLOB / CLOB support in PostgreSQL Vladimir Sitnikov
- Re: Expression errors with "FOR UPDATE" and postgres_fdw with partition wise join enabled. Tom Lane