Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: Timezone difference between Oracle SYSDATE and PostgreSQL timestamp functions Vinayak
- Re: Performance issue with postgres_fdw Guillaume Lelarge
- Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Albe Laurenz
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Tom Lane
- copymanager question swaroop
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Tom Lane
- Re: copymanager question David G Johnston
- Re: WAL receive process dies Patrick Krecker
- Displaying a wide column with psql Philip Rhoades
- Re: Displaying a wide column with psql Adrian Klaver
- Re: Displaying a wide column with psql David G Johnston
- Re: Displaying a wide column with psql Tom Lane
- Re: copymanager question Craig Ringer
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Arnaud Lesauvage
- Re: copymanager question David G Johnston
- Re: Expected behaviour of \d in regexp with exponent numbers ? Vick Khera
- Re: Re: Timezone difference between Oracle SYSDATE and PostgreSQL timestamp functions Adrian Klaver
- Re: alter column to varchar without view drop/re-creation Emi Lu
- Re: copymanager question swaroop
- Re: copymanager question swaroop
- Re: copymanager question Adrian Klaver
- Re: copymanager question Adrian Klaver
- Question about gin index not used on a tsv column Patrick Dung
- Re: Question about gin index not used on a tsv column David G Johnston
- puzzled by "commit" Logging statement duration Day, David
- Re: puzzled by "commit" Logging statement duration David G Johnston
- Re: adding a nullable column of type domain w/ check constraint runs checks? Joe Van Dyk
- Re: Question about gin index not used on a tsv column Patrick Dung
- jsonb and comparison operators Joe Van Dyk
- Re: jsonb and comparison operators Peter Geoghegan
- Re: jsonb and comparison operators Joe Van Dyk
- Re: jsonb and comparison operators Oleg Bartunov
- || operator Vinayak
- Re: || operator Pavel Stehule
- Re: || operator Szymon Guz
- Re: || operator Pavel Stehule
- Re: || operator Adrian Klaver
- Re: || operator Kevin Grittner
- Re: || operator Pavel Stehule
- Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Alanoly Andrews
- Re: Question about gin index not used on a tsv column Patrick Dung
- Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Craig James
- Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Alanoly Andrews
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- drop/create/alter amongst difference schemas as non-super user Emi Lu
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- Re: drop/create/alter amongst difference schemas as non-super user Adrian Klaver
- Re: copymanager question swaroop
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- GiST index question Eric Fleming
- Re: free RAM not being used for page cache Kevin Goess
- Any Postgres experts not afraid of the camera? Mike Christensen
- Re: || operator Vinayak
- Re: GiST index question Michael Paquier
- Re: || operator Pavel Stehule
- Re: || operator Vinayak
- Merge requirements between offline clients and central database Sameer Thakur
- Re: GiST index question Giuseppe Broccolo
- Re: copymanager question Craig Ringer
- Re: || operator Vinayak
- Re: || operator Pavel Stehule
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Alanoly Andrews
- Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. David G Johnston
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. David G Johnston
- Employee modeling question Nelson Green
- Re: free RAM not being used for page cache Shaun Thomas
- Re: Employee modeling question François Beausoleil
- Re: || operator Brett Mc Bride
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Alanoly Andrews
- Re: GiST index question Eric Fleming
- Re: free RAM not being used for page cache Kevin Goess
- Re: Employee modeling question Nelson Green
- Re: Employee modeling question Robin
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- how to pass tablename to a function A L.
- Re: how to pass tablename to a function Adrian Klaver
- Re: how to pass tablename to a function David G Johnston
- how to pass tablename to a function alecinvan
- CONCAT function Vinayak
- Exists subquery in an update ignores the effects of the update itself Jeff Janes
- Re: Exists subquery in an update ignores the effects of the update itself David G Johnston
- Re: Employee modeling question Nelson Green
- Re: Merge requirements between offline clients and central database Kevin Grittner
- Re: Employee modeling question John McKown
- Re: how to pass tablename to a function Igor Neyman
- Re: Exists subquery in an update ignores the effects of the update itself Kevin Grittner
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Alanoly Andrews
- Re: Employee modeling question Nelson Green
- Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. David G Johnston
- Re: Employee modeling question Rich Shepard
- count on cascading deletes Eildert Groeneveld
- Querying a time range across multiple partitions Cal Heldenbrand
- Re: count on cascading deletes Kevin Grittner
- Re: count on cascading deletes Adrian Klaver
- Re: count on cascading deletes David G Johnston
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Alban Hertroys
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions John R Pierce
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Cal Heldenbrand
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Cal Heldenbrand
- Re: Re: [ADMIN] Cannot retrieve images inserted through VB and odbc, after a table reorganization. Adrian Klaver
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions David G Johnston
- inserting a text file via json john.tiger
- psql and tab-delimited output Abelard Hoffman
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Thomas Kellerer
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Adrian Klaver
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Abelard Hoffman
- Re: CONCAT function Tom Lane
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Adrian Klaver
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Abelard Hoffman
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Alban Hertroys
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output David G Johnston
- Decreasing performance in table partitioning Herouth Maoz
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Adrian Klaver
- Re: Decreasing performance in table partitioning Tom Lane
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Jeff Janes
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Jeff Janes
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Jeff Janes
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions John R Pierce
- xlog min recovery request is past current point -- is it real problem? Sergey Burladyan
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Melvin Davidson
- Re: Decreasing performance in table partitioning Huang, Suya
- Re: xlog min recovery request is past current point -- is it real problem? Michael Paquier
- Re: inserting a text file via json Emanuel Calvo
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Cal Heldenbrand
- Introducing Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM) damien clochard
- How to restore backup database klo uo
- Re: How to restore backup database Adrian Klaver
- Re: How to restore backup database klo uo
- Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: How to restore backup database Adrian Klaver
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Abelard Hoffman
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Abelard Hoffman
- Re: How to restore backup database klo uo
- Last active time for a database Jeff Janes
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Andreas Brandl
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions John R Pierce
- Issue with to_timestamp function Lou Oquin
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Merlin Moncure
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Melvin Davidson
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Jerry Sievers
- Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins
- Re: Querying a time range across multiple partitions Jeff Janes
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Abelard Hoffman
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Adrian Klaver
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Melvin Davidson
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Adrian Klaver
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Adrian Klaver
- Re: Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins Tom Lane
- Re: Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins Michael Paquier
- Re: CONCAT function Vinayak
- Re: Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins Michael Paquier
- Advisory lock grant order Yossi Cohen
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins Tom Lane
- Re: Advisory lock grant order Tom Lane
- Re: Last active time for a database Michael Paquier
- Re: psql and tab-delimited output Adrian Klaver
- Convincing STABLE functions to run once Dan Wells
- stackbuilder Ramesh T
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Lou Oquin
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Lou Oquin
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Lou Oquin
- Re: Convincing STABLE functions to run once Tom Lane
- Re: stackbuilder John R Pierce
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Adrian Klaver
- Re: Convincing STABLE functions to run once Merlin Moncure
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Adrian Klaver
- Re: Pgpool starting problem Ellen
- Re: Pgpool starting problem Jay at Verizon
- Re: Convincing STABLE functions to run once Alban Hertroys
- Re: Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins Michael Paquier
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL David Boreham
- Re: Crash in 9.4 Beta when partially collapsing left outer joins Tom Lane
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Decreasing performance in table partitioning Herouth Maoz
- Re: Decreasing performance in table partitioning Herouth Maoz
- Re: Issue with to_timestamp function Lou Oquin
- Aggregating over nodes in hierarchical trees McGehee, Robert
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL John DeSoi
- CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Vinayak
- Re: stackbuilder Ramesh T
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Albe Laurenz
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Jerry Sievers
- Re: stackbuilder Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: stackbuilder Adrian Klaver
- Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- Re: Regarding timezone Tom Lane
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Joshua D. Drake
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Stephen Frost
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Steve Atkins
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Allan Kamau
- PostgreSQL Portable Daniel Begin
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable John R Pierce
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Steve Atkins
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Steve Crawford
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL John DeSoi
- Re: Decreasing performance in table partitioning Huang, Suya
- Re: Async IO HTTP server frontend for PostgreSQL Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Rémi Cura
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Karsten Hilbert
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable George Neuner
- Re: Introducing Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM) Huang, Suya
- Re: Introducing Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM) damien clochard
- Re: Aggregating over nodes in hierarchical trees
- permission denied for schema topology Iain Mott
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Rémi Cura
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Iain Mott
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Rémi Cura
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Iain Mott
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Daniel Begin
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Adrian Klaver
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Tom Lane
- Re: Introducing Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM) Huang, Suya
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Craig Ringer
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Craig Ringer
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Vinayak
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- PostgreSQL service account on Windows 7: Use a virtual account Craig Ringer
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- Re: CREATE SYNONYM in PostgreSQL Vinayak
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Iain Mott
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable George Neuner
- Re: PostgreSQL Portable Rémi Cura
- Re: Regarding timezone Adrian Klaver
- Re: permission denied for schema topology Adrian Klaver
- 2 left joins causes seqscan Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: 2 left joins causes seqscan Kevin Grittner
- Re: 2 left joins causes seqscan Willy-Bas Loos
- Any experiences running PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on compressed Btrfs on Linux? Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
- Re: Any experiences running PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on compressed Btrfs on Linux? Joe Conway
- Re: Any experiences running PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on compressed Btrfs on Linux? Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Any experiences running PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on compressed Btrfs on Linux? Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
- After upgrade from 9.2.9 to 9.3.5 got reduced contention Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
- Re: After upgrade from 9.2.9 to 9.3.5 got reduced contention Bruce Momjian
- pg_stat_replication in 9.3 Torsten Förtsch
- Re: 2 left joins causes seqscan Kevin Grittner
- Re: 2 left joins causes seqscan Tom Lane
- Re: pg_stat_replication in 9.3 Andy Colson
- Re: pg_stat_replication in 9.3 Torsten Förtsch
- Re: pg_stat_replication in 9.3 Tom Lane
- Re: pg_stat_replication in 9.3 Torsten Förtsch
- Feature request: temporary schemas cowwoc
- Re: 2 left joins causes seqscan Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Nick Guenther
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas cowwoc
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Nick Guenther
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Adrian Klaver
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas cowwoc
- PgToolkit 1.0.2 release testing Sergey Konoplev
- Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Testing truthiness of GUC variables? Abelard Hoffman
- Re: Testing truthiness of GUC variables? Abelard Hoffman
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Marti Raudsepp
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Chris Travers
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Bill Moran
- sp-gist vs gist - ltree datatype Misa Simic
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Zenaan Harkness
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Achilleas Mantzios
- Re: Testing truthiness of GUC variables? Kevin Grittner
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Tim Clarke
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Adrian Klaver
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Rob Sargent
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Adrian Klaver
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Michael Paquier
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Michael Paquier
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Pgpool starting problem Jay at Verizon
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Adrian Klaver
- BDR Error recovery
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Rob Sargent
- BDR DML Only
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Szymon Guz
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Alberto Cabello Sánchez
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Thomas Kellerer
- Re: BDR DML Only Christoph Moench-Tegeder
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- pgcluu error AI Rumman
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? David G Johnston
- Re: pgcluu error David G Johnston
- Re: Testing truthiness of GUC variables? Abelard Hoffman
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Szymon Guz
- pg_dump does not include database-level user-defined GUC variables? Abelard Hoffman
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Pete Hollobon
- Re: (Solved) Decreasing performance in table partitioning Herouth Maoz
- Re: BDR DML Only Andres Freund
- Re: BDR Error recovery Andres Freund
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- londiste repair on a 3rd machine Willy-Bas Loos
- FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command Emi Lu
- Re: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command Adrian Klaver
- Sequences in foreign tables Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: pg_dump does not include database-level user-defined GUC variables? Kevin Grittner
- Re: pg_dump does not include database-level user-defined GUC variables? Pavel Stehule
- Re: 2 left joins causes seqscan Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: Sequences in foreign tables Michael Paquier
- Re: Sequences in foreign tables Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: BDR DML Only
- Re: pg_dump does not include database-level user-defined GUC variables? Michael Paquier
- Re: BDR DML Only Andres Freund
- Re: Sequences in foreign tables Michael Paquier
- Re: BDR DML Only
- Re: BDR DML Only Andres Freund
- Re: [HACKERS] Need guidance to startup Michael Paquier
- Re: pg_dump does not include database-level user-defined GUC variables? Adrian Klaver
- orphan records in pg_class Andrzej Pilacik
- Re: PostgreSQL service account on Windows 7: Use a virtual account Michael Paquier
- Re: orphan records in pg_class Michael Paquier
- Re: (Solved) Decreasing performance in table partitioning Huang, Suya
- Postgresql out of memory during big transaction Marc Van Olmen
- Re: pg_dump does not include database-level user-defined GUC variables? Abelard Hoffman
- Re: Postgresql out of memory during big transaction Tom Lane
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- encoding confusion with \copy command Martin Waite
- pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Adrian Klaver
- Re: pg_multixact issues Andres Freund
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command Martin Waite
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command Adrian Klaver
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: Regarding timezone Adrian Klaver
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command Adrian Klaver
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- strange problem with not existing roles
- Re: Regarding timezone Adrian Klaver
- Re: strange problem with not existing roles Adrian Klaver
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command Martin Waite
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas cowwoc
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- Re: Regarding timezone Tom Lane
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- Re: Regarding timezone Adrian Klaver
- Re: Regarding timezone Dev Kumkar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: Regarding timezone Adrian Klaver
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Pavel Stehule
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Adrian Klaver
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Adrian Klaver
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command John DeSoi
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command Adrian Klaver
- Re: encoding confusion with \copy command John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Tom Lane
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Chris Travers
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Misa Simic
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Andres Freund
- Re: strange problem with not existing roles
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? David G Johnston
- Re: strange problem with not existing roles Adrian Klaver
- I want the stupidest possible binary export David Rysdam
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export Szymon Guz
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export Adrian Klaver
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export Jov
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export David Rysdam
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export David Rysdam
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export Nicklas Avén
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Szymon Guz
- Re: I want the stupidest possible binary export David Rysdam
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: strange problem with not existing roles
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Szymon Guz
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? Robert Nix
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? John R Pierce
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Guy Rouillier
- Re: strange problem with not existing roles Adrian Klaver
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Shaun Thomas
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? David G Johnston
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Shaun Thomas
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Adrian Klaver
- a couple questions about convert()
- How to run a second instance on the same server? Andreas
- Re: How to run a second instance on the same server? John R Pierce
- Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? Jov
- Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? David G Johnston
- Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? Robert Nix
- Re: Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? Robert Nix
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Watching Views Nick Guenther
- 64-bit TXID? cowwoc
- Re: 64-bit TXID? Peter Geoghegan
- Reserved keywords and qualified identifiers cowwoc
- cloning database Philipp Kraus
- Re: Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? Alban Hertroys
- Re: Reserved keywords and qualified identifiers David G Johnston
- Re: cloning database Alban Hertroys
- Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? David Johnston
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Szymon Guz
- Re: cloning database Albe Laurenz
- ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Marius Grama
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Andres Freund
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Gavin Flower
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: How can i monitor exactly what (partition) tables are accessed by a query? Alban Hertroys
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Szymon Guz
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Chris Travers
- Re: cloning database hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Bill Moran
- Re: cloning database Craig Ringer
- Re: pg_multixact issues Emanuel Calvo
- Re: pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: a couple questions about convert() Tom Lane
- corruption in system tables (9.1.13) Jan-Pieter Cornet
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? cowwoc
- PROBLEM Service Alert: hostname/check_postgres_old_transaction is CRITICAL ** Adarsh Sharma
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Dmitriy Igrishin
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Rob Sargent
- Oleg's talk in Japan Tatsuo Ishii
- Re: PROBLEM Service Alert: hostname/check_postgres_old_transaction is CRITICAL ** Jan-Pieter Cornet
- Re: Why isn't Java support part of Postgresql core? Chris Travers
- can't restore database created with pg_dump Eric Smith
- Re: can't restore database created with pg_dump Adrian Klaver
- Re: cloning database Philipp Kraus
- Re: can't restore database created with pg_dump Adrian Klaver
- Re: cloning database David G Johnston
- Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Andreas Joseph Krogh
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Bill Moran
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Andreas Joseph Krogh
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Adrian Klaver
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Andreas Joseph Krogh
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Adrian Klaver
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Andreas Joseph Krogh
- Re: Strategy for moving a large DB to another machine with least possible down-time Andy Colson
- Detecting query timeouts properly Evan Martin
- Re: can't restore database created with pg_dump Eric Smith
- unique index on embedded json object Lee Jason
- Re: unique index on embedded json object John R Pierce
- Re: unique index on embedded json object Peter Geoghegan
- Re: a couple questions about convert()
- Re: Detecting query timeouts properly Albe Laurenz
- Re: Feature request: temporary schemas Pete Hollobon
- Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Xiang Gan
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Adrian Klaver
- Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Anthony Burden
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Adrian Klaver
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance (UNCLASSIFIED) Anthony Burden
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Albe Laurenz
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Paul Jungwirth
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Neil Tiffin
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Merlin Moncure
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Merlin Moncure
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Stephen Frost
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) John McKown
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Rob Sargent
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Tim Clarke
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) John McKown
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Merlin Moncure
- Re: Postgre SQL SHA-256 Compliance Karsten Hilbert
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) David G Johnston
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Tom Lane
- large table Luke Coldiron
- Re: large table Alan Hodgson
- Re: large table Bill Moran
- Re: large table Luke Coldiron
- Re: large table Luke Coldiron
- Re: large table John R Pierce
- Re: large table Eduardo Morras
- Re: large table Bill Moran
- Re: large table Luke Coldiron
- Question about Vacuum and Replication failures in 9.3.5 Joel Avni
- Re: Question about Vacuum and Replication failures in 9.3.5 Adrian Klaver
- Higher chance of deadlock due to ANALYZE VERBOSE / SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE? Dean Toader
- Re: Higher chance of deadlock due to ANALYZE VERBOSE / SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE? Tom Lane
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Xiang Gan
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Tom Lane
- Re: Question about Vacuum and Replication failures in 9.3.5 Joel Avni
- Re: Question about Vacuum and Replication failures in 9.3.5 Joel Avni
- wide row insert via Postgres jdbc driver Sameer Kumar
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Abelard Hoffman
- Re: ALTER TEXT field to VARCHAR(1024) Jeff Janes
- Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Craig Ringer
- csv import error Eugenio Trumpy
- Re: csv import error FarjadFarid\(ChkNet\)
- Re: csv import error Rémi Cura
- Fw: strange problem with not existing roles
- Re: csv import error FarjadFarid\(ChkNet\)
- Re: wide row insert via Postgres jdbc driver Bill Moran
- Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Seref Arikan
- Re: csv import error Eugenio Trumpy
- Re: csv import error FarjadFarid\(ChkNet\)
- Re: wide row insert via Postgres jdbc driver Thomas Kellerer
- Re: wide row insert via Postgres jdbc driver Bill Moran
- Re: Employee modeling question Nelson Green
- Re: csv import error Eugenio Trumpy
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Vick Khera
- Re: Question about Vacuum and Replication failures in 9.3.5 Adrian Klaver
- Unexpected syntax error when using JSON -> in 9.3.5 Seamus Abshere
- Will there be a JSON operator like ->> but returning numeric? Seamus Abshere
- Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Daniel Lenski
- Re: Unexpected syntax error when using JSON -> in 9.3.5 David G Johnston
- Re: Unexpected syntax error when using JSON -> in 9.3.5 Tom Lane
- Re: Will there be a JSON operator like ->> but returning numeric? Tom Lane
- fmgr_oldstyle in extensions Paul Ramsey
- Re: fmgr_oldstyle in extensions Andres Freund
- Re: fmgr_oldstyle in extensions Paul Ramsey
- deadlock of lock-waits (on transaction and on tuple) using same update statement Andrej Vanek
- Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Nick Guenther
- Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Alan Hodgson
- Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Adrian Klaver
- Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Daniel Lenski
- which Update quicker Emi Lu
- Re: which Update quicker Daniele Varrazzo
- Re: which Update quicker Steve Crawford
- Fwd: Re: Where art thou, plpython2.dll? (EDB installer) Nick Guenther
- pg_dump: [archiver] -C and -c are incompatible options Carlos Carcamo
- Re: pg_dump: [archiver] -C and -c are incompatible options Adrian Klaver
- Re: pg_dump: [archiver] -C and -c are incompatible options Tom Lane
- Re: pg_dump: [archiver] -C and -c are incompatible options David G Johnston
- JSONB spaces in text presentation Ilya I. Ashchepkov
- Re: PROBLEM Service Alert: hostname/check_postgres_old_transaction is CRITICAL ** Adarsh Sharma
- JSONB spaces in text presentation Ilya I. Ashchepkov
- JSONB spaces in text presentation Ilya I. Ashchepkov
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation John R Pierce
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Ilya I. Ashchepkov
- Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Thomas Kellerer
- Re: pg_dump: [archiver] -C and -c are incompatible options Tom Lane
- Custom type literal conversion Chris Bandy
- Re: Custom type literal conversion hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Merlin Moncure
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Adrian Klaver
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Seref Arikan
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Adrian Klaver
- How to clone CURRENT_DATE to SYSDATE ? Emanuel Araújo
- readonly user Stefan Carl
- Question about row_number() ordering semantics Fred Jonsson
- Re: [ADMIN] readonly user Geoff Winkless
- Why can't I select un-grouped columns when grouping by a (non-primary) unique key? Daniel Lenski
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Ilya I. Ashchepkov
- Re: Question about row_number() ordering semantics Tom Lane
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Ilya I. Ashchepkov
- Re: deadlock of lock-waits (on transaction and on tuple) using same update statement Bill Moran
- Re: Why can't I select un-grouped columns when grouping by a (non-primary) unique key? Alberto Cabello Sánchez
- Re: Why can't I select un-grouped columns when grouping by a (non-primary) unique key? Geoff Montee
- Transaction completion timing Steve Dodd
- Re: Transaction completion timing Tom Lane
- Re: Why can't I select un-grouped columns when grouping by a (non-primary) unique key? Daniel Lenski
- Re: Why can't I select un-grouped columns when grouping by a (non-primary) unique key? Daniel Lenski
- Re: Why can't I select un-grouped columns when grouping by a (non-primary) unique key? Tom Lane
- Re: Custom type literal conversion Chris Bandy
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Oleg Bartunov
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation John R Pierce
- Re: How to clone CURRENT_DATE to SYSDATE ? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Transaction completion timing Steve Dodd
- Re: JSONB spaces in text presentation Seref Arikan
- spgist index not getting used Paul Ramsey
- Re: spgist index not getting used Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Tatsuo Ishii
- Re: spgist index not getting used Paul Ramsey
- Re: spgist index not getting used Tom Lane
- Re: spgist index not getting used Paul Ramsey
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Xiang Gan
- Re: deadlock of lock-waits (on transaction and on tuple) using same update statement Andrej Vanek
- Re: deadlock of lock-waits (on transaction and on tuple) using same update statement Andrej Vanek
- Re: How to clone CURRENT_DATE to SYSDATE ? Emanuel Araújo
- Re: How to clone CURRENT_DATE to SYSDATE ? Pavel Stehule
- Re: Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Michael Paquier
- Re: How to clone CURRENT_DATE to SYSDATE ? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Installing Postgresql on Linux Friendlyarm Adrian Klaver
- Re: deadlock of lock-waits (on transaction and on tuple) using same update statement Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Kevin Grittner
- Re: Re: Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Tatsuo Ishii
- Re: Synchronous replication + pgPool: not all transactions immediately visible on standby Tatsuo Ishii
- Off Topic: Anybody reading this via George Neuner
- Re: Off Topic: Anybody reading this via Ian Pilcher
- Re: wide row insert via Postgres jdbc driver Sameer Kumar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Postgres Standby Derek Giri
- Procedure after failover Paul Jungwirth
- Re: Procedure after failover Paul Jungwirth
- PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Roopeshakumar Narayansa Shalgar (rshalgar)
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device David G Johnston
- password in recovery.conf Nelson Green
- Re: password in recovery.conf Bosco Rama
- advice sought - general approaches to optimizing queries around "event streams" Jonathan Vanasco
- Re: advice sought - general approaches to optimizing queries around "event streams" Gavin Flower
- Re: advice sought - general approaches to optimizing queries around "event streams" Brent Wood
- Re: password in recovery.conf DrakoRod
- Re: password in recovery.conf Adrian Klaver
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] Nelson Green
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] John R Pierce
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] Adrian Klaver
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] John R Pierce
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] Gavin Flower
- Window function with valued based range frames? David G Johnston
- Re: Window function with valued based range frames? Tom Lane
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] Nelson Green
- Re: password in recovery.conf [SOLVED] Nelson Green
- Postgres as key/value store snacktime
- Re: Postgres as key/value store Gavin Flower
- Re: Postgres as key/value store Thomas Kellerer
- call pl/pgsql function from main pl/pgsql function Mehdi Ravanbakhsh
- Re: call pl/pgsql function from main pl/pgsql function David G Johnston
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Roopeshakumar Narayansa Shalgar (rshalgar)
- Re: call pl/pgsql function from main pl/pgsql function Jov
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Adrian Klaver
- how to see "where" SQL is better than PLPGSQL Gerardo Herzig
- Re: [SQL] how to see "where" SQL is better than PLPGSQL Pavel Stehule
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Tom Lane
- Re: [SQL] how to see "where" SQL is better than PLPGSQL Gerardo Herzig
- Re: [SQL] how to see "where" SQL is better than PLPGSQL Pavel Stehule
- table versioning approach (not auditing) Abelard Hoffman
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Gavin Flower
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Felix Kunde
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Jonathan Vanasco
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Nick Guenther
- PG 9.3 Switch streaming to wal shipping Andy Colson
- BDR Global Sequences
- Re: PG 9.3 Switch streaming to wal shipping Andy Colson
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Abelard Hoffman
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Jonathan Vanasco
- Re: PG 9.3 Switch streaming to wal shipping Adrian Klaver
- Re: PG 9.3 Switch streaming to wal shipping Andy Colson
- Re: Postgres as key/value store Jonathan Vanasco
- synchronize DTAP Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: BDR Global Sequences Andres Freund
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Felix Kunde
- Re: PANIC: could not create file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7884": No space left on device Eric Veldhuyzen
- Re: BDR Global Sequences
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Alvaro Herrera
- Re: synchronize DTAP Brent Wood
- Re: table versioning approach (not auditing) Adam Brusselback
- Re: [SQL] pg_multixact issues Dev Kumkar
- ability to return number of rows inserted into child partition tables request Roger Pack
- improving speed of query that uses a multi-column "filter" ? Jonathan Vanasco