Adrian Klaver <> writes:
>> psql -t -c "\copy (select mybinaryfield from mytable where key = 1) to
>> 'file'" with format binary
> From here:
> the above should be:
> psql -t -c "\copy (select mybinaryfield from mytable where key = 1) to
> 'file'" with binary
OK, good, that works. However, now I have the problem I suspected I
would: I get more than just the bytes that were in my field. 27 bytes
more, to be exact.
I already did -t for tuples-only and I'm only doing one row and column
so there's no separators there. Since it's a .gz file and 'file' no
longer recognizes it, I deduce that the magic cookie isn't at the
beginning of the file anymore and some of the 27 bytes must be at the
beginning of the file instead.
Is this a PG-specific binary format with a wrapper around my data or
just my data only?