create dataset - Search results

Scalable Real-time Product Search using PostgreSQL with Citus

CREATE INDEX text_idx ON product USING GIN (product_text_search(name, description)); We don't have a large product dataset

Queries in PostgreSQL: 2. Statistics

CREATE INDEX and REINDEX . The system also updates statistics during vacuuming. To collect statistics, the analyzer randomly selects 300 × default_statistics_target rows (the default value is 100, so 30,000 rows in total

Queries in PostgreSQL: 4. Index scan

created large enough to accommodate this maximum number of tuples (32 bytes per standard page). The Bitmap Heap Scan node scans the bitmap chunk by chunk, goes to the corresponding pages, and fetches

А deep dive into PostgreSQL query optimizations

creating historic workload repository containing various metrics listed below: SQL Query statistics DML statistics Metrics related to indexes usage Top growing tables Top tables by Delete/Update operations. Metrics related to vacuum and autovacuum process. User

Optimizing PostgreSQL queries: questions and answers

create a bottleneck when dealing with large datasets. The NOT EXISTS clause, in its turn, will lead to anti joins without any SubPlans . The EXISTS clause requires the planner to assess the unique row counts

Millions of Queries per Second: PostgreSQL and MySQL’s Peaceful Battle at Today’s Demanding

CREATE ACCESS METHOD command, generic WAL interface, lockfree Pin/UnpinBuffer, index-based search for regular expressions and much more. So we have a pretty decent cast for this particular play! Sveta : Dimitri Kravtchuk regularly publishes detailed