Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: pg_upgrade not preserving comments on predefined roles Chapman Flack
- Re: alter table set TABLE ACCESS METHOD Jeff Davis
- Re: Replication slot stats misgivings Masahiko Sawada
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Tom Lane
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Noah Misch
- Re: Replication slot stats misgivings Amit Kapila
- Re: Race condition in recovery? Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: [BUG]"FailedAssertion" reported in lazy_scan_heap() when running logical replication Andres Freund
- Parallel scan with SubTransGetTopmostTransaction assert coredump Pengchengliu
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Andres Freund
- Re: Parallel scan with SubTransGetTopmostTransaction assert coredump Andres Freund
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Tom Lane
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Andres Freund
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Thomas Munro
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Tom Lane
- Re: Implementing Incremental View Maintenance Yugo NAGATA
- doc issue missing type name "multirange" in chapter title Pavel Stehule
- Re: Race condition in recovery? Dilip Kumar
- Re: Identify missing publications from publisher while create/alter subscription. Japin Li
- Re: Identify missing publications from publisher while create/alter subscription. Dilip Kumar
- RE: [bug?] Missed parallel safety checks, and wrong parallel safety
- Re: Removing unneeded self joins Andrey Lepikhov
- Re: few ideas for pgbench Pavel Stehule
- Re: AlterSubscription_refresh "wrconn" wrong variable? Peter Smith
- Re: Race condition in recovery? Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: few ideas for pgbench Fabien COELHO
- RE: Allow batched insert during cross-partition updates
- Re: few ideas for pgbench Pavel Stehule
- Re: Race condition in recovery? Dilip Kumar
- Re: [PATCH] Full support for index LP_DEAD hint bits on standby Michail Nikolaev
- batch fdw insert bug (Postgres 14) Pavel Stehule
- Re: Asynchronous Append on postgres_fdw nodes. Andrey Lepikhov
- Re: Bogus collation version recording in recordMultipleDependencies Thomas Munro
- Re: pg_receivewal makes a bad daemon Magnus Hagander
- Re: pg_receivewal makes a bad daemon Magnus Hagander
- Re: Asynchronous Append on postgres_fdw nodes. Andrey Lepikhov
- Re: Asynchronous Append on postgres_fdw nodes. Andrey Lepikhov
- Re: batch fdw insert bug (Postgres 14) Pavel Stehule
- Query regarding RANGE Partitioning Nitin Jadhav
- Re: Query regarding RANGE Partitioning Ashutosh Bapat
- Re: [BUG] Logical replication failure "ERROR: could not map filenode "base/13237/442428" to relation OID" with catalog modifying txns ahsan hadi
- Re: Identify missing publications from publisher while create/alter subscription. Bharath Rupireddy
- Re: Identify missing publications from publisher while create/alter subscription. Dilip Kumar
- Re: Logical Replication - behavior of TRUNCATE ... CASCADE Dilip Kumar
- RE: batch fdw insert bug (Postgres 14)
- Re: Query regarding RANGE Partitioning Jeevan Ladhe
- Re: Yet another fast GiST build Andrey Borodin
- Re: Identify missing publications from publisher while create/alter subscription. vignesh C
- Re: Use simplehash.h instead of dynahash in SMgr Yura Sokolov
- Re: Multi-Column List Partitioning Jeevan Ladhe
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Tom Lane
- Re: Copyright on perl files Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Why do we have perl and sed versions of Gen_dummy_probes? Andrew Dunstan
- Re: cache lookup failed for statistics object 123 Tomas Vondra
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Asynchronous Append on postgres_fdw nodes. Etsuro Fujita
- Re: Asynchronous Append on postgres_fdw nodes. Etsuro Fujita
- Inherited UPDATE/DELETE vs async execution Etsuro Fujita
- Draft back-branch release notes are up Tom Lane
- Parallelize correlated subqueries that execute within each worker James Coleman
- [PATCH] Add configure cache checkpoints before fatal checks Joel Jacobson
- Re: Draft back-branch release notes are up Matthias van de Meent
- Re: Draft back-branch release notes are up Tom Lane
- Re: Why do we have perl and sed versions of Gen_dummy_probes? Tom Lane
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Tom Lane
- Re: Why do we have perl and sed versions of Gen_dummy_probes? Andres Freund
- Re: Why do we have perl and sed versions of Gen_dummy_probes? Andres Freund
- Re: Draft back-branch release notes are up Jonathan S. Katz
- Re: Draft back-branch release notes are up Tom Lane
- Re: [HACKERS] Comparing primary/HS standby in tests Andres Freund
- Re: Processing btree walks as a batch to parallelize IO James Coleman
- plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Pavel Stehule
- Re: Why do we have perl and sed versions of Gen_dummy_probes? Andrew Dunstan
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Pavel Stehule
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Yura Sokolov
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Tomas Vondra
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Pavel Stehule
- Re: Draft back-branch release notes are up Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Andres Freund
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough David Rowley
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Pavel Stehule
- JSON doc example (matchiness) Erik Rijkers
- Re: Draft back-branch release notes are up Tom Lane
- Re: Anti-critical-section assertion failure in mcxt.c reached by walsender Tom Lane
- Re: batch fdw insert bug (Postgres 14) Tomas Vondra
- Re: batch fdw insert bug (Postgres 14) Pavel Stehule
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough David Rowley
- Re: Binary search in ScalarArrayOpExpr for OR'd constant arrays James Coleman
- Re: plan with result cache is very slow when work_mem is not enough Tomas Vondra
- Re: Processing btree walks as a batch to parallelize IO Greg Stark
- Re: Processing btree walks as a batch to parallelize IO Peter Geoghegan
- Will Postgres12 installed on a RHEL 6 server continue to function after the server get O/S upgrade to RHEL 7? Peter Lee