Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: PG periodic Error on W2K Magnus Hagander
- usage for 'with recursive'? hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Please Help ! Error with Access 2003 hengky liwandouw
- Re: Please Help ! Error with Access 2003 Magnus Hagander
- Re: Assistance with Query Optimisation? Isak Hansen
- Re: usage for 'with recursive'? Kenneth Downs
- cast bytea to text Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: [HACKERS] urgent: upgraded to 8.2, getting kernel panics Merlin Moncure
- Re: Please Help ! Error with Access 2003 Bill Moran
- Re: cast bytea to text Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: [HACKERS] urgent: upgraded to 8.2, getting kernel panics Magnus Hagander
- Re: cast bytea to text Peter Eisentraut
- TSearch2: Can't build gendict output Hannes Dorbath
- Re: TSearch2: Can't build gendict output Hannes Dorbath
- Re: Recursive/Wildcard Object Ownership Change Brian A. Seklecki
- Re: why can't I increase shared buffers to higher value? Brian A. Seklecki
- Re: PG periodic Error on W2K Tom Lane
- strange behaviour with sub-select and pl/pgSQL Robert Partyka
- Re: Bad performace of a query Kaloyan Iliev
- 8.1.8 Installer Fails on Win2k Server Saqib Awan
- 2d array issues John Gant
- Constructors for dates, times, and timestamps Andrew T. Robinson
- Re: PostgreSQL 8.2.3, Jboss 4.0.3 and postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc4 Andy Dale
- Re: Bad performace of a query Kaloyan Iliev
- Re: performance of partitioning? Brent Wood
- postgres init script reports failure, but postmaster started IN Conny
- supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Shiva Sarna
- Can I getting a unique ID from a select Timasmith
- Re: General Ledger db design Brent Wood
- US Highschool database in postgres mobil
- postgres powered search engine John
- Bug in row locking? (Ing. Pavel Hanák)
- Re: PG periodic Error on W2K Magnus Hagander
- Re: General Ledger db design Merlin Moncure
- creating a function with a variable table name George Nychis
- Re: supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Hannes Dorbath
- Re: supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Bill Moran
- Re: Can I getting a unique ID from a select Bill Moran
- Re: supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Joshua D. Drake
- Re: creating a function with a variable table name Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Why does "group by" need to match select fields? Erik Jones
- Re: postgres init script reports failure, but postmaster started Tom Lane
- Re: supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Constructors for dates, times, and timestamps Tom Lane
- ftell mismatch with expected position Jan Muszynski
- Re: creating a function with a variable table name A. Kretschmer
- Re: Constructors for dates, times, and timestamps Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: cast bytea to text Albe Laurenz
- get username of user calling function? George Nychis
- Re: creating a function with a variable table name George Nychis
- Re: Why does "group by" need to match select fields? Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: Why does "group by" need to match select fields? Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: creating a function with a variable table name A. Kretschmer
- Re: get username of user calling function? A. Kretschmer
- Re: Bug in row locking? Tom Lane
- Re: How often do I need to reindex tables? Vivek Khera
- Re: get username of user calling function? George Nychis
- Re: US Highschool database in postgres Ron Johnson
- Re: PG periodic Error on W2K
- Re: get username of user calling function? David Legault
- Re: supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Bill Moran
- Re: get username of user calling function? George Nychis
- Re: /libexec/ Shared object "" not found Palle Girgensohn
- Re: cast bytea to text Willy-Bas Loos
- Re: get username of user calling function? David Legault
- Re: Josh Berkus
- PostgreSQL primary (sequence) key issue (Ruby/Rails) Andrew Madu
- Re: PostgreSQL primary (sequence) key issue (Ruby/Rails) Joshua D. Drake
- Re: PostgreSQL primary (sequence) key issue (Ruby/Rails) Russ Brown
- hardware question - LSI MegaRaid 8480e Alan Hodgson
- who uses tsearch2 John Smith
- Re: Constructors for dates, times, and timestamps Andrew T. Robinson
- Connections over SSH tunnels closing after idle time Jerry Sievers
- Re: hardware question - LSI MegaRaid 8480e Merlin Moncure
- Re: who uses tsearch2 Magnus Hagander
- Re: PG periodic Error on W2K Paul Lambert
- Re: strange behaviour with sub-select and pl/pgSQL Tom Lane
- is pg_standby over nfs expected to work? Merlin Moncure
- Re: Assistance with Query Optimisation? Shaun Johnston
- rpm containing pgdump Frank Church
- Re: supporting 2000 simultaneous connections. Mariano Mara
- Re: rpm containing pgdump Jorge Godoy
- Fun with Cursors- how to rewind a cursor Postgres User
- Constraint validation Demian Lessa
- Re: Fun with Cursors- how to rewind a cursor Tom Lane
- Re: Constraint validation Tom Lane
- Thanks to all Paul Lambert
- Re: Thanks to all Terry Fielder
- Add items to a record variable eddy sanchez
- SOLVED: Re: PostgreSQL primary (sequence) key issue (Ruby/Rails) Andrew Madu
- Re: Fun with Cursors- how to rewind a cursor Postgres User