creates database - Search results , p.4

JSONPath in PostgreSQL: committing patches and selecting apartments

databases instead. Performance of Postgres increased in 9.4, when, thanks to O. Bartunov, A. Korotkov and T. Sigaev, a binary variant of JSON appeared in Postgres - the type jsonb. Since it is not necessary

What is Baked in the Baker's Dozen?

CREATE DATABASE ... LOCALE The initdb and createdb utilities, as well as the CREATE COLLATION command

Indexes in PostgreSQL — 7 (GIN)

create index mail_messages_gist on mail_messages using gist(tsv); The size of indexes upon "vacuum full": fts=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('mail_messages_tsv_idx')) as gin, pg_size_pretty

Indexes in PostgreSQL — 6 (SP-GiST)

database, which was used to draw pictures with the world map. demo=# create index airports

Indexes in PostgreSQL — 4 (Btree)

database, and this time we will consider the aircraft table. It contains as few as nine rows, and the planner would choose not to use the index since the entire table fits one page

Indexes in PostgreSQL — 3 (Hash)

created. To avoid devising our own tables, from now on we will use the demo database

Indexes in PostgreSQL — 2

create an index, using a certain operator class by default. However, we can explicitly specify the operator class. This is a simple example of when the explicit specification is necessary: in a database

Indexes in PostgreSQL — 1

database objects mainly designed to speed up data access. They are auxiliary structures: each index can be deleted and recreated

Warsaw PgConf.EU 2017 has finished

database, which is verfied by years, and has wide enough functionality for any kind of user projects. Of course, much work is yet to be done. The SQL/JSON features are planned for 11th release, together

Millions of Queries per Second: PostgreSQL and MySQL’s Peaceful Battle at Today’s Demanding

database experts with years of hands-on experience. Sveta has worked as Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer in the Bugs Verification Group of the MySQL Support Group at Oracle for more than eight years