Thread: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi


I'm seeking to improve the \conninfo meta-command in psql. Currently, it provides limited information about the current connection. I believe that expanding it using the concept of "plus" [+] could ease the work of DBAs, SysAdmins, DevOps, etc., who manage a large volume of databases and/or multiple PostgreSQL servers. The objective of this enhancement is to obtain quick information about the current connection (session). I believe that for a PostgreSQL administrator, it is not feasible to write a plpgsql function and apply it to all databases (for example, imagine managing over 200 databases). I have an example on GitHub of a plpgsql function demonstrating exactly what I believe is impractical for the daily routine of a PostgreSQL professional. I see psql's meta-commands as significant allies in daily work in productive environments.

Note: As this is a prototype, I will adjust the rest (documentation, tests, etc.) once an agreement is reached.

Use cases for both the current and improved command bellow.

Connection 1 ("remote server"):

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5433 -U postgres -d postgres

psql (17devel, server 16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5433".
postgres=# \conninfo+
 Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |     Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Server Version | 16.1
 Server Address |
 Server Port    | 5433
 Client Address |
 Client Port    | 52716
 Session PID    | 21624
(8 rows)

Connection 2 (socket):

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql

psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
      Current Connection Information
    Attribute     |         Value
 Info             | Connected via socket!
 Database         | postgres
 User             | postgres
 Socket Directory | /tmp
 Server Version   | 17devel
 Server Port      | 5432
 Session PID      | 27586
(7 rows)

Connection 3 (localhost):
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |   Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Host           | localhost
 Server Version | 17devel
 Server Address | ::1/128
 Server Port    | 5432
 Client Address | ::1/128
 Client Port    | 46824
 Session PID    | 27598
(9 rows)

Connection 4 (
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |    Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Server Version | 17devel
 Server Address |
 Server Port    | 5432
 Client Address |
 Client Port    | 34876
 Session PID    | 27624
(8 rows)

Maiquel O. Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 05:27:01PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> I'm seeking to improve the \conninfo meta-command in psql. Currently, it
> provides limited information about the current connection. I believe that
> expanding it using the concept of "plus" [+] could ease the work of DBAs,
> SysAdmins, DevOps, etc., who manage a large volume of databases and/or
> multiple PostgreSQL servers. The objective of this enhancement is to
> obtain quick information about the current connection (session). I
> believe that for a PostgreSQL administrator, it is not feasible to write
> a plpgsql function and apply it to all databases (for example, imagine
> managing over 200 databases). I have an example on GitHub
> of a plpgsql function demonstrating exactly what I believe is impractical
> for the daily routine of a PostgreSQL professional. I see psql's
> meta-commands as significant allies in daily work in productive
> environments.

This seems like a reasonable idea to me.

> postgres=# \conninfo+
>  Current Connection Information
>    Attribute    |     Value
> ----------------+----------------
>  Database       | postgres
>  User           | postgres
>  Server Version | 16.1
>  Server Address |
>  Server Port    | 5433
>  Client Address |
>  Client Port    | 52716
>  Session PID    | 21624
> (8 rows)

My first reaction is that this should instead return a single row with the
same set of columns for any connection type (the not-applicable ones would
just be set to NULL).  That would match the other meta-commands like \l and
\du, and you could still get an expanded display with \x if needed.  Also,
I think it would simplify the code a bit.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Erik Wienhold
On 2024-02-06 19:19 +0100, Nathan Bossart wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 05:27:01PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> > postgres=# \conninfo+
> >  Current Connection Information
> >    Attribute    |     Value
> > ----------------+----------------
> >  Database       | postgres
> >  User           | postgres
> >  Server Version | 16.1
> >  Server Address |
> >  Server Port    | 5433
> >  Client Address |
> >  Client Port    | 52716
> >  Session PID    | 21624
> > (8 rows)
> My first reaction is that this should instead return a single row with the
> same set of columns for any connection type (the not-applicable ones would
> just be set to NULL).  That would match the other meta-commands like \l and
> \du, and you could still get an expanded display with \x if needed.  Also,
> I think it would simplify the code a bit.

+1 for a single-row result and triggering expanded display with \x for
consistency with other commands.


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
  On 2024-02-06 19:19 +0100, Nathan Bossart wrote:
  > On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 05:27:01PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  > > postgres=# \conninfo+
  > >  Current Connection Information
  > >    Attribute    |     Value
  > > ----------------+----------------
  > >  Database       | postgres
  > >  User           | postgres
  > >  Server Version | 16.1
  > >  Server Address |
  > >  Server Port    | 5433
  > >  Client Address |
  > >  Client Port    | 52716
  > >  Session PID    | 21624
  > > (8 rows)
  > My first reaction is that this should instead return a single row with the
  > same set of columns for any connection type (the not-applicable ones would
  > just be set to NULL).  That would match the other meta-commands like \l and
  > \du, and you could still get an expanded display with \x if needed.  Also,
  > I think it would simplify the code a bit.
  +1 for a single-row result and triggering expanded display with \x for
  consistency with other commands.


I made the adjustment in the code and updated the patch. I believe this is the format suggested by you all. Would this be it?

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5433 -U postgres -d postgres
psql (17devel, server 16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5433".
postgres=# \conninfo+
  Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |      Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Server Version | 16.1
 Server Address |
 Server Port    | 5433
 Client Address |
 Client Port    | 56606
 Session PID    | 2424
(8 rows)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |  Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Server Version | 17devel
 Server Address |
 Server Port    | 5432
 Client Address |
 Client Port    |
 Session PID    | 30216
(8 rows)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |  Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Server Version | 17devel
 Server Address | ::1/128
 Server Port    | 5432
 Client Address | ::1/128
 Client Port    | 46872
 Session PID    | 30220
(8 rows)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
   Attribute    |    Value
 Database       | postgres
 User           | postgres
 Server Version | 17devel
 Server Address |
 Server Port    | 5432
 Client Address |
 Client Port    | 34924
 Session PID    | 30223
(8 rows)

Maiquel O. Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 08:52:09PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> I made the adjustment in the code and updated the patch. I believe this
> is the format suggested by you all. Would this be it?

I was thinking something more like

  SELECT pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
         current_user AS "User",
         pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
         pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() AS "Server Address",
         pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
         pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() AS "Client Address",
         pg_catalog.inet_client_port() AS "Client Port",
         pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID";

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 03:06:05PM -0600, Nathan Bossart wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 08:52:09PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
>> I made the adjustment in the code and updated the patch. I believe this
>> is the format suggested by you all. Would this be it?
> I was thinking something more like
>   SELECT pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
>          current_user AS "User",
>          pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
>          pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() AS "Server Address",
>          pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
>          pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() AS "Client Address",
>          pg_catalog.inet_client_port() AS "Client Port",
>          pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID";

... although that seems to be missing items like the socket directory and
the host.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
  On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 08:52:09PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  > I made the adjustment in the code and updated the patch. I believe this
  > is the format suggested by you all. Would this be it?
  I was thinking something more like
    SELECT pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
           current_user AS "User",
           pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
           pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() AS "Server Address",
           pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
           pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() AS "Client Address",
           pg_catalog.inet_client_port() AS "Client Port",
           pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID";


Good, I had misunderstood. I liked this adjustment. Now it truly aligns with the central idea of the other extended meta-commands.

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5433 -U postgres -d postgres
psql (17devel, server 16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo+
                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID
 postgres | postgres | 16.1           |  | 5433 |  |       57112 |       22120
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo+
                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        |                | 5432 |                |             |       31430
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo+
                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432 | ::1            |       46918 |       31433
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo+
                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        |      | 5432 |      |       34970 |       31435
(1 row)

Maiquel O. Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
  On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 03:06:05PM -0600, Nathan Bossart wrote:
  > On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 08:52:09PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  >> I made the adjustment in the code and updated the patch. I believe this
  >> is the format suggested by you all. Would this be it?
  > I was thinking something more like
  >   SELECT pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
  >          current_user AS "User",
  >          pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
  >          pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() AS "Server Address",
  >          pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
  >          pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() AS "Client Address",
  >          pg_catalog.inet_client_port() AS "Client Port",
  >          pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID";
  ... although that seems to be missing items like the socket directory and
  the host.


My initial idea has always been that they should continue to appear because \conninfo+ should show all the things that \conninfo shows and add more information. I think that's the purpose of the 'plus.' Now we're on a better path than the initial one. We can still add the socket directory and the host.

Maiquel O. Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 09:45:54PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> My initial idea has always been that they should continue to appear
> because \conninfo+ should show all the things that \conninfo shows and
> add more information. I think that's the purpose of the 'plus.' Now we're
> on a better path than the initial one. We can still add the socket
> directory and the host.


Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
  On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 09:45:54PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  > My initial idea has always been that they should continue to appear
  > because \conninfo+ should show all the things that \conninfo shows and
  > add more information. I think that's the purpose of the 'plus.' Now we're
  > on a better path than the initial one. We can still add the socket
  > directory and the host.


I believe it's resolved reasonably well this way:

  pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
  current_user AS "User",
  pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
    WHEN pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
    ELSE pg_catalog.inet_server_addr()::text
  END AS "Server Address",
  pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
    WHEN pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
    ELSE pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()::text
  END AS "Client Address",
    WHEN pg_catalog.inet_client_port() IS NULL
    ELSE pg_catalog.inet_client_port()::text
  END AS "Client Port",
  pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID",
    WHEN pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories') = ''
    ELSE pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories')
  END AS "Socket Directory",
      pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
      AND pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
      pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() = pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()
    THEN 'localhost'
    ELSE pg_catalog.inet_server_addr()::text
  END AS "Host";

See below the tests:

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                   Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        | NULL           | 5432 | NULL           | NULL        |       14348 | /tmp             | NULL
(1 row)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        | ::1/128        | 5432 | ::1/128        | 46988       |       14353 | /tmp             | localhost
(1 row)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h ::1
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "::1" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        | ::1/128        | 5432 | ::1/128        | 46990       |       14356 | /tmp             | localhost
(1 row)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        |   | 5432 |   | 35042       |       14359 | /tmp             | localhost
(1 row)

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5433 -U postgres -d postgres
psql (17devel, server 16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5433".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                      Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres | 16.1           | | 5433 | | 52783       |       18212 | NULL             | localhost
(1 row)

Maiquel O. Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Erik Wienhold
On 2024-02-07 05:13 +0100, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
>   On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 09:45:54PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
>   > My initial idea has always been that they should continue to appear
>   > because \conninfo+ should show all the things that \conninfo shows and
>   > add more information. I think that's the purpose of the 'plus.' Now we're
>   > on a better path than the initial one. We can still add the socket
>   > directory and the host.
>   Agreed.
> --//--
> I believe it's resolved reasonably well this way:
>   pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
>   current_user AS "User",
>   pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
>   CASE
>     WHEN pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
>     THEN 'NULL'
>     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_server_addr()::text
>   END AS "Server Address",

Should be NULL instead of string 'NULL'.  So the entire CASE expression
is redundant and you can just return pg_catalog.inet_server_addr().

>   pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
>   CASE
>     WHEN pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
>     THEN 'NULL'
>     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()::text
>   END AS "Client Address",
>   CASE
>     WHEN pg_catalog.inet_client_port() IS NULL
>     THEN 'NULL'
>     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_client_port()::text
>   END AS "Client Port",

Same here.

>   pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID",
>   CASE
>     WHEN pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories') = ''
>     THEN 'NULL'
>     ELSE pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories')
>   END AS "Socket Directory",

The CASE expression can be simplified to:

    nullif(pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories'), '')

>   CASE
>     WHEN
>       pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
>       AND pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
>     THEN 'NULL'
>     WHEN
>       pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() = pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()
>     THEN 'localhost'

Is it safe to assume localhost here?  \conninfo prints localhost only
when I connect with psql -hlocalhost:

    $ psql -hlocalhost postgres
    psql (16.1)
    postgres=# \conninfo
    You are connected to database "postgres" as user "ewie" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
    postgres=# \q

    $ psql -h127.0.0.1 postgres
    psql (16.1)
    postgres=# \conninfo
    You are connected to database "postgres" as user "ewie" on host "" at port "5432".

>     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_server_addr()::text
>   END AS "Host";


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Pavel Luzanov
This is a good idea about extended connection info.

On 07.02.2024 07:13, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}SELECT
  current_user AS "User",
This will be inconsistent with \conninfo.
\conninfo returns authenticated user (PQuser), not the current_user.
It might be worth showing current_user, session_user, and authenticated user,
but I can't find the appropriate sql function for PQuser.

What about to include system_user function? It shows useful authentication details.

Also, it seems that the verbose parameter in the listConnectionInformation
is unnecessary.
Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
  On 2024-02-07 05:13 +0100, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  >   On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 09:45:54PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  >   > My initial idea has always been that they should continue to appear
  >   > because \conninfo+ should show all the things that \conninfo shows and
  >   > add more information. I think that's the purpose of the 'plus.' Now we're
  >   > on a better path than the initial one. We can still add the socket
  >   > directory and the host.
  >   Agreed.
  > --//--
  > I believe it's resolved reasonably well this way:
  >   pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
  >   current_user AS "User",
  >   pg_catalog.current_setting('server_version') AS "Server Version",
  >   CASE
  >     WHEN pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
  >     THEN 'NULL'
  >     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_server_addr()::text
  >   END AS "Server Address",

  Should be NULL instead of string 'NULL'.  So the entire CASE expression
  is redundant and you can just return pg_catalog.inet_server_addr().
  >   pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Port",
  >   CASE
  >     WHEN pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
  >     THEN 'NULL'
  >     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()::text
  >   END AS "Client Address",
  >   CASE
  >     WHEN pg_catalog.inet_client_port() IS NULL
  >      THEN 'NULL'
  >     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_client_port()::text
  >   END AS "Client Port",
  Same here.
  >   pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Session PID",
  >   CASE
  >     WHEN pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories') = ''
  >     THEN 'NULL'
  >     ELSE pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories')
  >   END AS "Socket Directory",
  The CASE expression can be simplified to:

          nullif(pg_catalog.current_setting('unix_socket_directories'), '')
  >   CASE
  >     WHEN
  >       pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
  >       AND pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
  >     THEN 'NULL'
  >     WHEN
  >       pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() = pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()
  >     THEN 'localhost'
  Is it safe to assume localhost here?  \conninfo prints localhost only
  when I connect with psql -hlocalhost:
          $ psql -hlocalhost postgres
          psql (16.1)
          postgres=# \conninfo
          You are connected to database "postgres" as user "ewie" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
          postgres=# \q
          $ psql -h127.0.0.1 postgres
          psql (16.1)
          postgres=# \conninfo
          You are connected to database "postgres" as user "ewie" on host "" at port "5432".

  >     ELSE pg_catalog.inet_server_addr()::text
  >   END AS "Host";


There really was no need for the CASES. However, they helped visualize the psql output since for the null value, no word is printed on the screen. I made the adjustment by removing this redundancy.

Regarding the "Host" column, the most reliable way to solve this, I believe, is by using the "host" variable. So it's necessary to declare char *host = PQhost(pset.db); in listConnectionInformation() and use it in the SQL (see patch v5). This way, we have the same return from \conninfo reliably.

Once again, I ran a series of tests.

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                       Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        |                | 5432        |                |             |       15898 | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                         Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47012 |       15900 | /tmp             | localhost
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h ::1
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "::1" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                       Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47014 |       15905 | /tmp             | ::1
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                         Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres | 17devel        |      | 5432        |      |       35066 |       15908 | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5432 -d postgres -U postgres
psql (17devel, server 14.3)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                          Current Connection Information
 Database |   User   | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |    Host
 postgres | postgres | 14.3           |    | 5432        |    |       60904 |       29264 |                  |

Maiquel O. Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
  This is a good idea about extended connection info.

  On 07.02.2024 07:13, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
  current_user AS "User",
This will be inconsistent with \conninfo. \conninfo returns authenticated user (PQuser), not the current_user. It might be worth showing current_user, session_user, and authenticated user, but I can't find the appropriate sql function for PQuser. What about to include system_user function? It shows useful authentication details. Also, it seems that the verbose parameter in the listConnectionInformation is unnecessary.



Tks Pavel.

Analyzing the functions' code more thoroughly, it seems to make more sense.
I liked your suggestions and implemented them for validation.
Regarding "system_user," I believe it is valid and also added it to the row.

"Also, it seems that the verbose parameter in the listConnectionInformation is unnecessary."
Could you point out exactly the line or code snippet you are referring to?

To print the string from the "Authenticated User" column, I chose to use PQuser(pset.db) directly. I did the same for the "Host" column, opting for PQhost(pset.db). This does not contradict the result of \conninfo.

Here are the tests as usual, and v6 patch.

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                  Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | Current User | Session User | System User | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres           | postgres     | postgres     |             | 17devel        |                | 5432        |                |             |       17240 | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h ::1
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "::1" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                  Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | Current User | Session User | System User | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres           | postgres     | postgres     |             | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47024 |       17242 | /tmp             | ::1
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                    Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | Current User | Session User | System User | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres           | postgres     | postgres     |             | 17devel        |      | 5432        |      |       35076 |       17245 | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                    Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | Current User | Session User | System User | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres           | postgres     | postgres     |             | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47028 |       17248 | /tmp             | localhost
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5433 -d postgres -U postgres
psql (17devel, server 16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5433".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                     Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | Current User | Session User | System User | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Session PID | Socket Directory |    Host
 postgres | postgres           | postgres     | postgres     |             | 16.1           |    | 5433        |    |       60115 |       28896 |                  |
(1 row)

Maiquel O. Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Pavel Luzanov
Hi, Maiquel!

On 07.02.2024 17:47, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;
"Also, it seems that the verbose parameter in the listConnectionInformation is unnecessary." Could you point out exactly the line or code snippet you are referring to?
+listConnectionInformation(const char *pattern, bool verbose)

I mean that parameter verbose is not used in the function body and listConnectionInformation called only in verbose mode.
Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
> Hi, Maiquel!
> On 07.02.2024 17:47, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> "Also, it seems that the verbose parameter in the listConnectionInformation is unnecessary." > Could you point out exactly the line or code snippet you are referring to?
> +bool > +listConnectionInformation(const char *pattern, bool verbose) > > I mean that parameter verbose is not used in the function body and listConnectionInformation called only in verbose mode.


There really was no need for the bool verbose. Therefore, it was removed.
Regarding the "system_user" function, as it is relatively new, I added
the necessary handling to avoid conflicts with versions lower than version 16.

I believe in v7 patch we have a quite substantial meta-command feature.

I validated the "System User" column for three versions. This way, we have a sample:

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres

psql (17devel, server 14.3)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                              Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |    Host
 postgres | postgres           | postgres     | postgres     |        9008 | 14.3           |    | 5432        |    |       63631 |                  |
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h -p 5433 -U postgres -d postgres
psql (17devel, server 16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5433".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                     Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |    Host
 postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres     |        3348 | 16.1           |    | 5433        |    |       63633 |                  |
(1 row)

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                    Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres     |       26147 | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47466 | /tmp             | localhost
(1 row)

Maiquel O. Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Pavel Luzanov

On 07.02.2024 23:13, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}

Regarding the "system_user" function, as it is relatively new, I added the necessary handling to avoid conflicts with versions lower than version 16.

Yes, that's rights.

A couple of doubts about the implementation details.
But keep in mind that I'm not very good at programming in the C language.
I hope for the help of more experienced developers.

+			if (db == NULL)
+				printf(_("You are currently not connected to a database.\n"));

This check is performed for \conninfo, but not for \conninfo+.

Some values (address, socket) are evaluated separately for \conninfo
(via C functions) and for \conninfo+ (via sql functions).
It may be worth evaluating them in one place. But I'm not sure about that.

The final version of the patch will require changes to the documentation and tests.

Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones
Hi Maiquel

On 07.02.24 21:13, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> I believe in v7 patch we have a quite substantial meta-command feature.
Thanks for implementing this. I find it very handy.

I was just wondering if a "permission denied" error for non-superusers
is the best choice for "\conninfo+":

postgres=> \conninfo+
ERROR:  permission denied to examine "unix_socket_directories"
DETAIL:  Only roles with privileges of the "pg_read_all_settings" role
may examine this parameter.

.. since it is not the case with "\conninfo":

postgres=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" via socket in
"/tmp" at port "5432".

Perhaps excluding the column from the result set or returning NULL in
the affected columns would be less confusing?

There are also some indentation issues in your patch:

indent with spaces.
    PGresult   *res;
indent with spaces.
    PQExpBufferData buf;
indent with spaces.
    printQueryOpt myopt = pset.popt;
indent with spaces.
indent with spaces.
warning: squelched 34 whitespace errors
warning: 39 lines add whitespace errors.

Looking forward to see the documentation and tests!


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
> Hi,
> On 07.02.2024 23:13, Maiquel Grassi wrote:

> Regarding the "system_user" function, as it is relatively new, I added > the necessary handling to avoid conflicts with versions lower than version 16.

> Yes, that's rights. > > A couple of doubts about the implementation details. > But keep in mind that I'm not very good at programming in the C language. > I hope for the help of more experienced developers. > > > 1. > + if (db == NULL) > + printf(_("You are currently not connected to a database.\n")); > > This check is performed for \conninfo, but not for \conninfo+. > > > 2. > Some values (address, socket) are evaluated separately for \conninfo > (via C functions) and for \conninfo+ (via sql functions). > It may be worth evaluating them in one place. But I'm not sure about that. > > The final version of the patch will require changes to the documentation and tests.


Hi Pavel,

First of all, thank you very much for your observations.

1. The connection check for the case of \conninfo+ is handled by "describe.c" itself since it deals with queries. I might be mistaken, but I believe that by using "printQuery()" via "describe.c", this is already ensured, and there is no need to evaluate the connection status.

2. I believe that by implementing the evaluations separately as they are, it becomes easier to perform future maintenance by minimizing the mixing of C code with SQL code as much as possible. However, certainly, the possibility of a better suggestion than mine remains open.

Maiquel O. Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
> On 07.02.24 21:13, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
>> I believe in v7 patch we have a quite substantial meta-command feature.
> Thanks for implementing this. I find it very handy.

> I was just wondering if a "permission denied" error for non-superusers
> is the best choice for "\conninfo+":

> postgres=> \conninfo+
> ERROR:  permission denied to examine "unix_socket_directories"
> DETAIL:  Only roles with privileges of the "pg_read_all_settings" role
> may examine this parameter.

> .. since it is not the case with "\conninfo":

> postgres=> \conninfo
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" via socket in
> "/tmp" at port "5432".

> Perhaps excluding the column from the result set or returning NULL in
> the affected columns would be less confusing?

> There are also some indentation issues in your patch:

> /home/jim/Downloads/v7-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch:142:
> indent with spaces.
>     PGresult   *res;
> /home/jim/Downloads/v7-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch:143:
> indent with spaces.
>     PQExpBufferData buf;
> /home/jim/Downloads/v7-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch:144:
> indent with spaces.
>     printQueryOpt myopt = pset.popt;
> /home/jim/Downloads/v7-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch:146:
> indent with spaces.
>     initPQExpBuffer(&buf);
> /home/jim/Downloads/v7-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch:148:
> indent with spaces.
>     printfPQExpBuffer(&buf,
> warning: squelched 34 whitespace errors
> warning: 39 lines add whitespace errors.

> Looking forward to see the documentation and tests!


Hi Jim,
Thank you for your support on this patch!
As I believe in its usability, I have been dedicating efforts to make it really interesting.
I hadn't thought about the permissioning issue for "unix_socket_directories". I appreciate that.
I thought about solving this situation using the same approach as \conninfo. I added the validation if (is_unixsock_path(host) && !(hostaddr && *hostaddr)) in the SQL part along with an "append". In case of a negative result, another "append" adds NULL.
Regarding the whitespace issue, before generating v8 patch file, I used pgindent to adjust each modified file. I believe it should be ok now. If you could verify, I'd be grateful.
Below are the tests after adjusting for the permissioning issues:

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                  Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres     |       31479 | 17devel        |                | 5432        |                |             | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=# CREATE USER maiquel;
postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -U maiquel -d postgres
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "maiquel" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=> \conninfo+
                                                                                  Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | maiquel            |             | maiquel      | maiquel      |       31482 | 17devel        |                | 5432        |                |             | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=> \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -U maiquel -d postgres
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "maiquel" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=> \conninfo+
                                                                                    Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | maiquel            |             | maiquel      | maiquel      |       31485 | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47482 |                  | localhost
(1 row)

postgres=> \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                                    Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |   Host
 postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres     |       31488 | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        | ::1            |       47484 |                  | localhost
(1 row)


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones
On 08.02.24 16:50, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Thank you for your support on this patch!
> As I believe in its usability, I have been dedicating efforts to make
> it really interesting.
> I hadn't thought about the permissioning issue for
> "unix_socket_directories". I appreciate that.
> I thought about solving this situation using the same approach as
> \conninfo. I added the validation if (is_unixsock_path(host) &&
> !(hostaddr && *hostaddr)) in the SQL part along with an "append". In
> case of a negative result, another "append" adds NULL.
> Regarding the whitespace issue, before generating v8 patch file, I
> used pgindent to adjust each modified file. I believe it should be ok
> now. If you could verify, I'd be grateful.
> Below are the tests after adjusting for the permissioning issues:
> [postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql
> psql (17devel)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=# \conninfo
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket
> in "/tmp" at port "5432".
> postgres=# \conninfo+
>             Current Connection Information
>  Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session
> User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port |
> Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory | Host
>  postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres
>     |       31479 | 17devel        |                | 5432        |  
>              |             | /tmp             |
> (1 row)
> postgres=# CREATE USER maiquel;
> postgres=# \q
> [postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -U maiquel -d postgres
> psql (17devel)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=> \conninfo
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "maiquel" via socket
> in "/tmp" at port "5432".
> postgres=> \conninfo+
>             Current Connection Information
>  Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session
> User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port |
> Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory | Host
>  postgres | maiquel            |             | maiquel      | maiquel
>      |       31482 | 17devel        |                | 5432        |  
>              |             | /tmp             |
> (1 row)
> postgres=> \q
> [postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -U maiquel -d postgres
> psql (17devel)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=> \conninfo
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "maiquel" on host
> "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
> postgres=> \conninfo+
>               Current Connection Information
>  Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session
> User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port |
> Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |   Host
>  postgres | maiquel            |             | maiquel      | maiquel
>      |       31485 | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        |
> ::1            |       47482 |                  | localhost
> (1 row)
> postgres=> \q
> [postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost
> psql (17devel)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=# \conninfo
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host
> "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
> postgres=# \conninfo+
>               Current Connection Information
>  Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session
> User | Session PID | Server Version | Server Address | Server Port |
> Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory |   Host
>  postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres
>     |       31488 | 17devel        | ::1            | 5432        |
> ::1            |       47484 |                  | localhost
> (1 row)
> Regards,
> Maiquel.

v8 no longer throws a permission denied error for non-superusers - it is
IMHO much nicer this way.

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql postgres -p 5432 -h -U jim
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \x
Expanded display is on.
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | jim
System User        |
Current User       | jim
Session User       | jim
Session PID        | 1321493
Server Version     | 17devel
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 49366
Socket Directory   |
Host               |

postgres=# SET ROLE foo;
postgres=> \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | jim
System User        |
Current User       | foo
Session User       | jim
Session PID        | 1321493
Server Version     | 17devel
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 49366
Socket Directory   |
Host               |

The patch now applies cleanly.

One thing I just noticed. The psql autocomplete feature does not suggest
the new + option of \conninfo. For instance, when typing "\connin[TAB]"
it automatically autocompletes to "\conninfo ". I guess it should also
be included in this patch.

I can do a more thorough review of the code when you add the
documentation and tests to the patch.



Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Erik Wienhold
On 2024-02-08 20:37 +0100, Jim Jones wrote:
> One thing I just noticed. The psql autocomplete feature does not suggest
> the new + option of \conninfo. For instance, when typing "\connin[TAB]"
> it automatically autocompletes to "\conninfo ". I guess it should also
> be included in this patch.

Modifiers such as + or S in \dS are not covered by autocompletion.
src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c only specifies backslash commands in their
basic form (without modifiers).

(\dS<TAB> actually autocompletes to \ds to my surprise)

> I can do a more thorough review of the code when you add the
> documentation and tests to the patch.

I noticed that the pattern parameter in listConnectionInformation is
unused.  exec_command_conninfo scans the pattern but \conninfo should
not accept any argument.  So the pattern can be removed entirely.


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
> v8 no longer throws a permission denied error for non-superusers - it is
> IMHO much nicer this way.

> $ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql postgres -p 5432 -h -U jim
> psql (17devel)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=# \x
> Expanded display is on.
> postgres=# \conninfo+
> Current Connection Information
> -[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
> Database           | postgres
> Authenticated User | jim
> System User        |
> Current User       | jim
> Session User       | jim
> Session PID        | 1321493
> Server Version     | 17devel
> Server Address     |
> Server Port        | 5432
> Client Address     |
> Client Port        | 49366
> Socket Directory   |
> Host               |
> postgres=# SET ROLE foo;
> postgres=> \conninfo+
> Current Connection Information
> -[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
> Database           | postgres
> Authenticated User | jim
> System User        |
> Current User       | foo
> Session User       | jim
> Session PID        | 1321493
> Server Version     | 17devel
> Server Address     |
> Server Port        | 5432
> Client Address     |
> Client Port        | 49366
> Socket Directory   |
> Host               |
> The patch now applies cleanly.
> One thing I just noticed. The psql autocomplete feature does not suggest
> the new + option of \conninfo. For instance, when typing "\connin[TAB]"
> it automatically autocompletes to "\conninfo ". I guess it should also
> be included in this patch.
> I can do a more thorough review of the code when you add the
> documentation and tests to the patch.
> Thanks!


Hi Jim,

It's not a psql standard to use tab-complete for commands ending with +.
You can verify this in the /* psql's backslash commands. */ section of
the file "/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c".

In v9, I started the documentation work and am open to suggestions.

> "I can do a more thorough review of the code when you add the

> documentation and tests to the patch."

Soon I'll be developing the tests. And that will be welcome.

Thanks a lot!

Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

>On 2024-02-08 20:37 +0100, Jim Jones wrote:
>> One thing I just noticed. The psql autocomplete feature does not suggest
>> the new + option of \conninfo. For instance, when typing "\connin[TAB]"
>> it automatically autocompletes to "\conninfo ". I guess it should also
>> be included in this patch.
>Modifiers such as + or S in \dS are not covered by autocompletion.
>src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c only specifies backslash commands in their
>basic form (without modifiers).
>(\dS<TAB> actually autocompletes to \ds to my surprise)
>> I can do a more thorough review of the code when you add the
>> documentation and tests to the patch.
>I noticed that the pattern parameter in listConnectionInformation is
>unused.  exec_command_conninfo scans the pattern but \conninfo should
>not accept any argument.  So the pattern can be removed entirely.


Hi Erik,

Exactly, in "\conninfo+" the "pattern" argument was not introduced and
therefore "listConnectionInformation()" can be declared (signed) without
any arguments. In the future, if necessary, and if there is a need to add
any "pattern", then that can be done. However, that's not the current
scenario. I removed everything related to the "pattern" from the patch.

Regarding "(\dS<TAB> actually autocompletes to \ds to my surprise)",
I was also surprised. I haven't studied the code yet to understand why
this happens. It seems curious to me. I'll try to understand this
implementation better.

I'm continuing the development of "\conninfo+" and now moving on to tests.

Tks a lot!

Maiquel Grassi.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones
Hi Erik

On 08.02.24 21:37, Erik Wienhold wrote:
> Modifiers such as + or S in \dS are not covered by autocompletion.
> src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c only specifies backslash commands in their
> basic form (without modifiers).
> (\dS<TAB> actually autocompletes to \ds to my surprise)
Aha... I never noticed it. Well, with most commands having 1 - 3
characters it is not a surprised I never used it :)
That "\dS<TAB>" autocompletes to "\ds " surprises me even more.
Thanks for pointing out!


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

On 08.02.24 21:37, Erik Wienhold wrote:
>> Modifiers such as + or S in \dS are not covered by autocompletion.
>> src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c only specifies backslash commands in their
>> basic form (without modifiers).
>> (\dS<TAB> actually autocompletes to \ds to my surprise)
>Aha... I never noticed it. Well, with most commands having 1 - 3
>characters it is not a surprised I never used it :)
>That "\dS<TAB>" autocompletes to "\ds " surprises me even more.
>Thanks for pointing out!


Good evening, dear all!

Here is the mechanism that implements this:

1673       /* Match the last N words before point, case-sensitively. */

1674 #define TailMatchesCS(...) \
1675       TailMatchesImpl(true, previous_words_count, previous_words, \

1676                               VA_ARGS_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
4824       else if (TailMatchesCS("\\ds*"))
4825             COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_sequences);

There is a rather large list of meta-commands that are handled by TailMatchesCS(...).

For example:
\ENCODING<TAB> autocompletes to \encoding
\eNcOdInG<TAB> autocompletes to \encoding
\dU<TAB> or \DU<TAB> autocompletes to \du

Including the command under discussion:
\CONNINFO<TAB> autocompletes to \conninfo

For the meta-commands[+], there is no autocomplete.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
Sorry if this has been brought up, but I noticed that some of the
information is listed below the result set:

    postgres=# \conninfo+
    Current Connection Information
    -[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
    Database           | postgres
    Authenticated User | nathan
    System User        | 
    Current User       | nathan
    Session User       | nathan
    Session PID        | 659410
    Server Version     | 17devel
    Server Address     | ::1
    Server Port        | 5432
    Client Address     | ::1
    Client Port        | 59886
    Socket Directory   | 
    Host               | ::1

    SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)

Shouldn't we move this information into the result set?  Separately, does
the server version really belong here?  I'm not sure I would consider that
to be connection information.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones
Hi Nathan

On 09.02.24 03:41, Nathan Bossart wrote:

> Separately, does
> the server version really belong here?  I'm not sure I would consider that
> to be connection information.
I tend to agree with you. The info there wouldn't hurt, but perhaps the
client version would be a better fit.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Pavel Luzanov
Hi, Maiquel!

The patch v10 build ends with a warning:
$ make -j --silent
describe.c:911:1: warning: no previous prototype for ‘listConnectionInformation’ [-Wmissing-prototypes]  911 | listConnectionInformation()      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

About terms.

postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \x \conninfo+
Expanded display is on.
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        | 
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Session PID        | 951112
Server Version     | 17devel
Server Address     | 
Server Port        | 5401
Client Address     | 
Client Port        | 
Socket Directory   | /tmp
Host               | 

It looks like "Session PID" is a new term for the server process identifier.
How about changing the name to "Backend PID" (from pg_backend_pid) or even PID (from pg_stat_activity)?

On 08.02.2024 17:58, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> 1. > + if (db == NULL) > + printf(_("You are currently not connected to a database.\n")); > > This check is performed for \conninfo, but not for \conninfo+.
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}
1. The connection check for the case of \conninfo+ is handled by "describe.c" itself since it deals with queries. I might be mistaken, but I believe that by using "printQuery()" via "describe.c", this is already ensured, and there is no need to evaluate the connection status.
I found that \conninfo and \conninfo+ act differently when the connection is broken.
I used pg_terminate_backend function from another session to terminate an open psql session.
After that, \conninfo does not see the connection break (surprisingly!), and \conninfo+ returns an error:

postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \conninfo+
FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command
server closed the connection unexpectedly	This probably means the server terminated abnormally	before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5401".

Another surprise is that this check: if (db == NULL) did not work in both cases.
Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>Sorry if this has been brought up, but I noticed that some of the

>information is listed below the result set:
  >      postgres=# \conninfo+
  >    Current Connection Information
  >      -[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
  >     Database           | postgres
  >      Authenticated User | nathan
  >      System User        |
  >      Current User       | nathan
  >      Session User       | nathan
  >     Session PID        | 659410
  >      Server Version     | 17devel
  >      Server Address     | ::1
  >      Server Port        | 5432
  >      Client Address     | ::1
  >      Client Port        | 59886
  >      Socket Directory   |
  >      Host               | ::1

  >      SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)

>Shouldn't we move this information into the result set?  Separately, does
>the server version really belong here?  I'm not sure I would consider that
>to be connection information.


Hi Nathan,

The "Server Version" information is closely related to the connection. However,
it does seem to be an element that does not belong to this set. I removed this
column and left only what is truly connection info.

Regarding the functions "printSSLInfo()" and "printGSSInfo()", I agree that we
should include them in the returned dataset (as two additional columns). A good
argument is that this will make more sense when using \x (Expanded display).
However, they are declared and defined within the "command.c" file. To make
calls to "printSSLInfo()" and "printGSSInfo()" within "describe.c", we would need
to move their declarations to a new header and create a new C file. I believe
something like "ssl_gss_info.h" and "ssl_gss_info.c". I'm not sure, but at first glance,
this is what occurs to me. Do you have any better or more concise suggestions
for resolving this?

Maiquel Grassi.


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Hi Pavel!
>The patch v10 build ends with a warning: >$ make -j --silent >describe.c:911:1: warning: no previous prototype for ‘listConnectionInformation’ [-Wmissing-prototypes] > 911 | listConnectionInformation() | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >About terms.

I resolved this in v11. I had forgotten to put
the 'void' inside the parentheses (describe.h and describe.c).

>postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \x \conninfo+ >Expanded display is on. >Current Connection Information >-[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------- >Database | postgres >Authenticated User | postgres >System User | >Current User | postgres >Session User | postgres >Session PID | 951112 >Server Version | 17devel >Server Address | >Server Port | 5401 >Client Address | >Client Port | >Socket Directory | /tmp >Host | >It looks like "Session PID" is a new term for the server process identifier. >How about changing the name to "Backend PID" (from pg_backend_pid) or even PID (from pg_stat_activity)?

You're right, it's better to stick with the proper terms already in use in PostgreSQL. This ensures that the user doesn't get confused. I've changed it to "Backend PID".
>On 08.02.2024 17:58, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> 1. > + if (db == NULL) > + printf(_("You are currently not connected to a database.\n")); > > This check is performed for \conninfo, but not for \conninfo+.
1. The connection check for the case of \conninfo+ is handled by "describe.c" itself since it deals with queries. I might be mistaken, but I believe that by using "printQuery()" via "describe.c", this is already ensured, and there is no need to evaluate the connection status.
>I found that \conninfo and \conninfo+ act differently when the connection is broken. >I used pg_terminate_backend function from another session to terminate an open psql session. >After that, \conninfo does not see the connection break (surprisingly!), and \conninfo+ returns an error: >postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \conninfo+ >FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command >server closed the connection unexpectedly >This probably means the server terminated abnormally >before or while processing the request. >The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.
For this case, I believe it's already resolved, because if you get a return indicating that the connection was terminated, and indeed it was,
then "describe.c" is handling it correctly. At least that's what
it seems like.
>postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \conninfo >You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5401".

Here it seems like we have an issue to be studied and subsequently resolved.

>Another surprise is that this check: if (db == NULL) did not work in both cases.
I will investigate further and, if necessary, remove it.

Here's v12, in the next version, I'll try to address the above situation.

Thanks a lot!
Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>Hi Nathan
>On 09.02.24 03:41, Nathan Bossart wrote:
>> Separately, does
>> the server version really belong here?  I'm not sure I would consider that
>> to be connection information.
>I tend to agree with you. The info there wouldn't hurt, but perhaps the
>client version would be a better fit.



I believe that if we include the server version, it would also be
necessary to include the version of psql. This would make it
clearer for the user. I agree that this won't make much difference
in practice, especially because we're interested in creating a setof
information directly related to the connection. I prefer to keep it
suppressed for now. In the future, if necessary, we can add this
information without any problem. In v12, "Server Version" is
already removed.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
Hmm, I noticed that this would call printSSLInfo() and printGSSInfo()
after listConnectionInformation.  It would be much better to show these
in tabular format as well and remove the calls to printSSL/GSSInfo.

I propose additional columns to the same \conninfo+ table; when SSL,
like this:

Database           | postgres
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | PQsslAttribute(protocol)
Cipher             | PQsslAttribute(cipher)
Compression        | PQsslAttribute(compression)

When GSS, like this

Database           | postgres
Host               |
Encryption         | GSS

(why don't we print anything else in printGSSInfo()?  That's weird.)

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —
"Pido que me den el Nobel por razones humanitarias" (Nicanor Parra)

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

>Hmm, I noticed that this would call printSSLInfo() and printGSSInfo()
>after listConnectionInformation.  It would be much better to show these
>in tabular format as well and remove the calls to printSSL/GSSInfo.
>I propose additional columns to the same \conninfo+ table; when SSL,
>like this:
>Database           | postgres
>Host               |
>Encryption         | SSL
>Protocol           | PQsslAttribute(protocol)
>Cipher             | PQsslAttribute(cipher)
>Compression        | PQsslAttribute(compression)
>When GSS, like this
>Database           | postgres
>Host               |
>Encryption         | GSS
>(why don't we print anything else in printGSSInfo()?  That's weird.)


Hi Álvaro,

Thank you for the suggestion. I will remove printSSLInfo() and printGSSInfo() and
incorporate the suggested fields into the tabular result of "\conninfo+".

If it's necessary to adjust printGSSInfo(), we can work on that as well. At first
glance, I leave it open for others to analyze and give their opinion.

I'd also like to ask for help with a difficulty. Currently, I'm working on

resolving this situation (highlighted by Pavel Luzanov). How can we
make \conninfo return the same message as \conninfo+ after closing
the current session in another session with pg_terminate_backend(pid)?

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql

psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
                                                                         Current Connection Information
 Database | Authenticated User | System User | Current User | Session User | Backend PID | Server Address | Server Port | Client Address | Client Port | Socket Directory | Host
 postgres | postgres           |             | postgres     | postgres     |       17281 |                | 5432        |                |             | /tmp             |
(1 row)

postgres=# 2024-02-09 09:15:24.152 -03 [17281] FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

Tks a lot!
Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

>Database           | postgres
>Host               |
>Encryption         | SSL
>Protocol           | PQsslAttribute(protocol)
>Cipher             | PQsslAttribute(cipher)
>Compression        | PQsslAttribute(compression)
>When GSS, like this
>Database           | postgres
>Host               |
>Encryption         | GSS


Hi PgHackers,

Columns were added for SSL and GSS.

For SSL, I conducted some tests as follows. For GSS, I will perform
them and intend to provide a sample here in the next interaction.

If anyone can and wants to test GSSAPI as well, I appreciate it.

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -p 5432 -x

psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 15809
Server Address     | ::1
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     | ::1
Client Port        | 56890
Socket Directory   |
Host               | localhost

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -p 5433 -x
psql (17devel, server 15.6)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5433".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, compression: off)
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 15811
Server Address     | ::1
Server Port        | 5433
Client Address     | ::1
Client Port        | 40622
Socket Directory   |
Host               | localhost
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.2
Cipher             | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Compression        | off

Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

>I found that \conninfo and \conninfo+ act differently when the connection is broken. >I used pg_terminate_backend function from another session to terminate an open psql session. >After that, \conninfo does not see the connection break (surprisingly!), and \conninfo+ returns an error: > >postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \conninfo+ >FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command >server closed the connection unexpectedly > This probably means the server terminated abnormally > before or while processing the request. >The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded. > >postgres@postgres(17.0)=# \conninfo >You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5401". > >Another surprise is that this check: if (db == NULL) did not work in both cases.


Hi Pavel!


The "if (db == NULL)" has been removed, as well
as the message inside it. To always maintain the
same error messages, I changed the validation of
"\conninfo" to match the validation used for "\conninfo+".
Therefore, now "\conninfo" and "\conninfo+" return
the same error when "pg_terminate_backend()" terminates
this session through another session. The result of
the adjustment is as follows:

Case 1 ("\conninfo+"):

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 24381
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        |
Socket Directory   | /tmp
Host               |

postgres=# \conninfo+
FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

Case 2 ("\conninfo"):

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 24539
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        |
Socket Directory   | /tmp
Host               |

postgres=# \conninfo
FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.

The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

In both cases, the sessions were terminated by another session.

Maiquel Grassi.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Pavel Luzanov

On 12.02.2024 17:16, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}

The "if (db == NULL)" has been removed, as well as the message inside it. To always maintain the same error messages, I changed the validation of "\conninfo" to match the validation used for "\conninfo+". Therefore, now "\conninfo" and "\conninfo+" return the same error when "pg_terminate_backend()" terminates this session through another session.

This make sense to me. Thank you for this work.
Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 12.02.24 15:16, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> (v14)
v14 applies cleanly and the SSL info is now shown as previously
suggested. Here is a more comprehensive test:

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=postgres
psql (17devel)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# SET ROLE foo;
postgres=> \conninfo+
Current Connection Information

Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | jim
System User        |,CN=jim,OU=WWU
IT,O=Universitaet Muenster,L=Muenster,ST=Nordrhein-Westfalen,C=DE
Current User       | foo
Session User       | jim
Backend PID        | 278294
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 54948
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

postgres=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host
"" (address "") at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

A little odd is that "Server Address" of \conninfo+ differs from
"address" of \conninfo...

I think the documentation could add a little more info than just this:

> When no + is specified, it simply prints a textual description of a
few connection options. When + is given, more complete information is
displayed as a table.

Perhaps briefly mentioning the returned columns or simply listing them
would be IMHO a nice addition. For some users the semantics of
"Authenticated User", "System User", "Current User" and "Session User"
can be a little confusing. And yes, I realize the current documentation
of \conninfo is already a little vague :).

Thanks for working on this


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>v14 applies cleanly and the SSL info is now shown as previously
>suggested. Here is a more comprehensive test:
>$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
>    hostaddr=
>    user=jim dbname=postgres
>    sslrootcert=server-certificates/server.crt
>    sslcert=jim-certificates/jim.crt
>    sslkey=jim-certificates/jim.key"
>psql (17devel)
>SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
>compression: off)
>Type "help" for help.
>postgres=# SET ROLE foo;
>postgres=> \conninfo+
>Current Connection Information
>-[ RECORD 1
>Database           | postgres
>Authenticated User | jim
>System User        |,CN=jim,OU=WWU
>IT,O=Universitaet Muenster,L=Muenster,ST=Nordrhein-Westfalen,C=DE
>Current User       | foo
>Session User       | jim
>Backend PID        | 278294
>Server Address     |
>Server Port        | 5432
>Client Address     |
>Client Port        | 54948
>Socket Directory   |
>Host               |
>Encryption         | SSL
>Protocol           | TLSv1.3
>Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
>Compression        | off
>postgres=> \conninfo
>You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host
>"" (address "") at port "5432".
>SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
>compression: off)

>A little odd is that "Server Address" of \conninfo+ differs from
>"address" of \conninfo...


Hi Jim!

Tests performed on CentOS Linux 7.

I made some further observations and concluded that there will
be more cases where the "address" from \conninfo will differ from
the "Server Address" from \conninfo+. Below is a more detailed example.

The input of "hostaddr" or "host" in the psql call can be any pointing to
"loopback local" and the connection will still be established. For example,
all of these are accepted:

Case (inet):
psql -x --host 0
psql -x --host
psql -x hostaddr=0
psql -x hostaddr=
All these examples will have "Server Address" =

Case (inet6):
psql -x --host ::
psql -x --host * (this entry is not accepted)
psql -x --host \*

psql -x --host "*"
psql -x hostaddr=::
psql -x hostaddr=*
All these examples will have "Server Address" = ::1

Thus, the inet_server_addr() function will return or ::1 which in some cases will differ from the "address" from \conninfo.

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x hostaddr=0

Password for user postgres:
psql (17devel)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# SET ROLE maiquel;
postgres=> \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "0" (address "") at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, compression: off)
postgres=> \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        | scram-sha-256:postgres
Current User       | maiquel
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 15205
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 57598
Socket Directory   |
Host               | 0
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.2
Cipher             | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Compression        | off

postgres=> \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.061 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.069 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.071 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.107 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.061/0.077/0.107/0.017 ms

As demonstrated above, "address" = and "Server Address" = are divergent.

In practice, these IPs are the "same", and the ping from the example proves it.

However, we are concerned here with the psql user, and this may seem confusing to them at
first glance. I would like to propose a change in "address" so that it always returns the same as
"Server Address", that is, to use the inet_server_address() function in "address".


[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x hostaddr=0

psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "0" (address "") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 26859
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 58254
Socket Directory   |
Host               | 0


>I think the documentation could add a little more info than just this:

>> When no + is specified, it simply prints a textual description of a
>>few connection options. When + is given, more complete information is
>>displayed as a table.

>Perhaps briefly mentioning the returned columns or simply listing them
>would be IMHO a nice addition. For some users the semantics of
>"Authenticated User", "System User", "Current User" and "Session User"
>can be a little confusing. And yes, I realize the current documentation
>of \conninfo is already a little vague :).

Your suggestion was well received, and I'will made the adjustment to make
the command description more comprehensive.

Here is version v15 where I sought to correct 'Adress' to make it the same
as 'Server Address'.

Could you perform the same test and validate?

Thank you so much!
Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi



In this version, I made a small adjustment to the indentation
of the \conninfo code and described the columns as returned
by \conninfo+ as suggested by Jim Jones.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 15.02.24 23:16, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Hi!
> (v16)
> In this version, I made a small adjustment to the indentation
> of the \conninfo code and described the columns as returned
> by \conninfo+ as suggested by Jim Jones.

I've performed the following tests with v16:

1) hostaddr=

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=postgres
    sslkey=jim-certificates/jim.key" -c "\conninfo+" -c "\conninfo"

Current Connection Information

Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | jim
System User        |,CN=jim,OU=WWU
IT,O=Universitaet Muenster,L=Muenster,ST=Nordrhein-Westfalen,C=DE
Current User       | jim
Session User       | jim
Backend PID        | 386839
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 35602
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host
"" (address "") at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

The same with non-superusers

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=postgres
    sslkey=jim-certificates/jim.key" -c "SET ROLE foo" -c "\conninfo+"
-c "\conninfo"
Current Connection Information

Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | jim
System User        |,CN=jim,OU=WWU
IT,O=Universitaet Muenster,L=Muenster,ST=Nordrhein-Westfalen,C=DE
Current User       | foo
Session User       | jim
Backend PID        | 547733
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 58508
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host
"" (address "") at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

2) -h

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -h -c
"\conninfo+" -c "\conninfo"
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 399670
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 44174
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host
"" at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

3) via socket

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -c "\conninfo+" -c
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 394273
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        |
Socket Directory   | /tmp
Host               |

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket
in "/tmp" at port "5432".

4) -h

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -h -c
"\conninfo+" -c "\conninfo"
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 396070
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 52528
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host
"" at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

5) -h localhost

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -h localhost -c
"\conninfo+" -c "\conninfo"
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 397056
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 53578
Socket Directory   |
Host               | localhost
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host
"localhost" (address "") at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

6) -h 0

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -h 0 -c "\conninfo+"
-c "\conninfo"
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 406342
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 38674
Socket Directory   |
Host               | 0
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "0"
(address "") at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

7) -h - As you mentioned, this is one of the cases where host
and "server address" differ.
   I am not sure if it is an issue. Perhaps the other reviewers might
have an opinion on it

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -h -c
"\conninfo+" -c "\conninfo"
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 404395
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 54806
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
Encryption         | SSL
Protocol           | TLSv1.3
Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression        | off

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host
"" at port "5432".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off)

> I would like to propose a change in "address" so that it always
returns the same as
> "Server Address", that is, to use the inet_server_address() function
in "address".

I'm not sure of the impact of this change in the existing \conninfo - at
least the cfbot and "make -j check-world" didn't complain.
I'll take a closer look at it as soon we have test cases.


+        <term><literal>\conninfo[+]</literal></term>
         Outputs information about the current database connection.
+        When no <literal>+</literal> is specified, it simply prints
+        a textual description of a few connection options.
+        When <literal>+</literal> is given, more complete information
+        is displayed as a table.
+        </para>

To keep it consistent with the other options, we might wanna use "+ is
appended" instead of "+ is specified" or "+ is given"

+        When <literal>+</literal> is given, more complete information
+        is displayed as a table.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+        "Database", "Authenticated User", "System User" (only for
PostgreSQL 16 or higher),
+        "Current User", "Session User", "Backend PID", "Server
Address", "Server Port",
+        "Client Address", "Client Port", "Socket Directory", and "Host"
columns are listed
+        by default when <literal>\conninfo+</literal> is invoked. The
columns "Encryption",
+        "Protocol", "Cipher", and "Compression" are added to this
output when TLS (SSL)
+        authentication is used. The same applies to GSS authentication
is used, where the
+        "GSSAPI" column is also added to the
<literal>\conninfo+</literal> output.

I think that a list with a brief description of all columns would be
more interesting in this case (it is just a suggestion based on personal
taste, so feel to ignore it)

I had something along these lines in mind:

Outputs a string containing information about the current database
When + is appended, it outputs a table containing the following columns:

* Database: lorem ipsum
* Authenticated User:lorem ipsum
* System User: lorem ipsum
* Current User: lorem ipsum
* Session User: lorem ipsum
* Backend PID: lorem ipsum
* Server Address: lorem ipsum
* Server Port: lorem ipsum
* Client Address:lorem ipsum
* Client Port: lorem ipsum
* Socket Directory: lorem ipsum
* Host: lorem ipsum

TLS (SSL) authentication

These columns are added to the table TLS (SSL) authentication is used

* Encryption:lorem ipsum
* Cipher:lorem ipsum
* Protocol:lorem ipsum

GSS authentication ...



Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
Thanks for your work on this.  I haven't been keeping up with the
discussion, but I took a quick look at the latest patch.

+        <para>
+        "Database", "Authenticated User", "System User" (only for PostgreSQL 16 or higher),
+        "Current User", "Session User", "Backend PID", "Server Address", "Server Port",
+        "Client Address", "Client Port", "Socket Directory", and "Host" columns are listed
+        by default when <literal>\conninfo+</literal> is invoked. The columns "Encryption",
+        "Protocol", "Cipher", and "Compression" are added to this output when TLS (SSL)
+        authentication is used. The same applies to GSS authentication is used, where the
+        "GSSAPI" column is also added to the <literal>\conninfo+</literal> output.

I might be alone on this, but I think this command should output the same
columns regardless of the version, whether it's using SSL, etc. and just
put NULL in any that do not apply.  IMHO that would simplify the code and
help prevent confusion.  Plus, I'm not aware of any existing meta-commands
that provide certain columns conditionally.

+    if (PQsslInUse(pset.db))
+    {
+        protocol = PQsslAttribute(pset.db, "protocol");
+        cipher = PQsslAttribute(pset.db, "cipher");
+        compression = PQsslAttribute(pset.db, "compression");
+        appendPQExpBuffer(&buf,
+                          "  ,'SSL' AS \"Encryption\",\n"
+                          "  '%s' AS \"Protocol\",\n"
+                          "  '%s' AS \"Cipher\",\n"
+                          "  '%s' AS \"Compression\"\n",
+                          protocol ? protocol : _("unknown"),
+                          cipher ? cipher : _("unknown"),
+                          (compression && strcmp(compression, "off") != 0) ? _("on") : _("off"));
+    }

Could we pull some of this information from pg_stat_ssl instead of from
libpq?  The reason I suggest this is because I think it would be nice if
the query that \conninfo+ uses could be copy/pasted as needed and not rely
on hard-coded values chosen by the client.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi


>7) -h - As you mentioned, this is one of the cases where host
>and "server address" differ.
>   I am not sure if it is an issue. Perhaps the other reviewers might
>have an opinion on it

>$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x -U postgres -h -c
>"\conninfo+" -c "\conninfo"
>Current Connection Information
>-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
>Database           | postgres
>Authenticated User | postgres
>System User        |
>Current User       | postgres
>Session User       | postgres
>Backend PID        | 404395
>Server Address     |
>Server Port        | 5432
>Client Address     |
>Client Port        | 54806
>Socket Directory   |
>Host               |
>Encryption         | SSL
>Protocol           | TLSv1.3
>Cipher             | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
>Compression        | off

I believe we don't actually have a problem here. To me, this makes sense.
I'm not a Networking expert, but from my standpoint, any string or IP
accepted by the "host" parameter of psql, pointing to "" or to "::1", is correct.
I see it as a convention (would need to revisit Tanenbaum's books haha),
and I don't think there's a need to modify it. But as you mentioned, if someone
with more Networking knowledge could weigh in, a suggestion would be welcome.

>I'm not sure of the impact of this change in the existing \conninfo - at
>least the cfbot and "make -j check-world" didn't complain.
>I'll take a closer look at it as soon we have test cases.

This type of modification, in principle, does not generate errors as we
are only changing the display on screen of the strings already previously stored.

>To keep it consistent with the other options, we might wanna use "+ is
>appended" instead of "+ is specified" or "+ is given"

It seems to me that "appended" sounds good. I opted for it.
Following your suggestion, and merging this with the existing
previous ideas from the documentation, I've created a provisional
prototype of the column descriptions. At a later stage, I'll place the
descriptions correctly by removing placeholders (blah blah blah).
Along with this, I'll evaluate an iteration suggested by Nathan Bossart,

who also proposed changes.

Thank you for your work.

Maiquel Grassi.


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

Hi Nathan!


>I might be alone on this, but I think this command should output the same
>columns regardless of the version, whether it's using SSL, etc. and just
>put NULL in any that do not apply. IMHO that would simplify the code and
>help prevent confusion. Plus, I'm not aware of any existing meta-commands
>that provide certain columns conditionally.

I implemented your suggestion. Now, whenever the \conninfo+ command is
invoked, all columns will appear. Contextually inappropriate cases will return
NULL. I also adjusted the names of the columns related to SSL to make this
information clearer for the user. I haven't focused on documenting the
columns yet. I will do that soon.

>Could we pull some of this information from pg_stat_ssl instead of from
>libpq? The reason I suggest this is because I think it would be nice if
>the query that \conninfo+ uses could be copy/pasted as needed and not rely
>on hard-coded values chosen by the client.

I've been considering using the views "pg_stat_ssl" and "pg_stat_gssapi"; however,
I realized that dealing with version-related cases using them is more complicated.

Let me explain the reasons:

The "pg_stat_ssl" view is available from >= PG 9.5, and the "pg_stat_gssapi" view is
available from >= PG 12. The "compression" column was removed from the
"pg_stat_ssl" from >= PG 14. All of these cases introduce greater complexity in
maintaining the SQL. The central idea from the beginning has always been to show
the user all the information from \conninfo and extend it in \conninfo+. The absence
of the "compression" column in version 14 and above makes dealing with this even
more complicated, and not showing it seems to contradict \conninfo.

SSL support has been available since version 7.1 (see documentation); if there was

support before that, I can't say. In this regard, it may seem strange, but there are still
many legacy systems running older versions of PostgreSQL. Just yesterday, I assisted
a client who is still using PG 8.2. In these cases, using the "pg_stat_ssl" and
"pg_stat_gssapi" views would not be possible because they don't exist on the server.
I believe that psql should cover as many cases as possible when it comes to compatibility
with older versions (even those no longer supported). In this case, concerning SSL and
GSS, I think libpq is better prepared to handle this.

I may be mistaken in my statement and I welcome any better suggestions. For now, I've
maintained the implementation using libpq as it seems to be working well and is not
contradicting \conninfo. If you have any suggestions on how to work around the absence
of the "compression" column, we can reconsider how to implement it without using libpq.


[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x -h -p 5432

Password for user postgres:
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        | scram-sha-256:postgres
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 22431
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5432
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 51300
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
SSL Connection     | f
SSL Protocol       |
SSL Cipher         |
SSL Compression    |
GSSAPI             | f

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x -h -p 5433
Password for user postgres:
psql (17devel, server 15.6)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5433".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, compression: off)
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------------------------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 22438
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5433
Client Address     |
Client Port        | 36016
Socket Directory   |
Host               |
SSL Connection     | t
SSL Protocol       | TLSv1.2
SSL Cipher         | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
SSL Compression    | off
GSSAPI             | f

Thank you very much for your sugestions and help!
Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi


Adjusted the description of each column in the documentation as promised.
I used the existing documentation as a basis for each SQL function used,
as well as for functions and views related to SSL and GSSAPI (documentation).

If you can validate, I appreciate it.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 02:53:43PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> The "pg_stat_ssl" view is available from >= PG 9.5, and the "pg_stat_gssapi" view is
> available from >= PG 12. The "compression" column was removed from the
> "pg_stat_ssl" from >= PG 14. All of these cases introduce greater complexity in
> maintaining the SQL. The central idea from the beginning has always been to show
> the user all the information from \conninfo and extend it in \conninfo+.

IMHO we should use the views whenever possible (for the reason stated
above [0]).  I think it's okay if we need to fall back to a different
approach for older versions.  But presumably we'll discontinue psql support
for these old server versions at some point, at which point we can simply
delete the dead code that doesn't use the views.

> The absence
> of the "compression" column in version 14 and above makes dealing with this even
> more complicated, and not showing it seems to contradict \conninfo.

I would be okay with using PQsslAttribute() for all versions for this one
since any remaining support for this feature is on its way out.  Once psql
no longer supports any versions that allow SSL compression, we could
probably remove it from \conninfo[+] completely or hard-code it to "off".

> SSL support has been available since version 7.1 (see documentation); if there was
> support before that, I can't say. In this regard, it may seem strange, but there are still
> many legacy systems running older versions of PostgreSQL. Just yesterday, I assisted
> a client who is still using PG 8.2. In these cases, using the "pg_stat_ssl" and
> "pg_stat_gssapi" views would not be possible because they don't exist on the server.
> I believe that psql should cover as many cases as possible when it comes to compatibility
> with older versions (even those no longer supported). In this case, concerning SSL and
> GSS, I think libpq is better prepared to handle this.

At the moment, the psql support cutoff appears to be v9.2 (see commit
cf0cab8), which has been out of support for over 6 years.  If \conninfo+
happens to work for older versions, then great, but I don't think we should
expend too much energy in this area.


Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 02:53:43PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
>> The "pg_stat_ssl" view is available from >= PG 9.5, and the "pg_stat_gssapi" view is
>> available from >= PG 12. The "compression" column was removed from the
>> "pg_stat_ssl" from >= PG 14. All of these cases introduce greater complexity in
>> maintaining the SQL. The central idea from the beginning has always been to show
>> the user all the information from \conninfo and extend it in \conninfo+.

>IMHO we should use the views whenever possible (for the reason stated
>above [0]).  I think it's okay if we need to fall back to a different
>approach for older versions.  But presumably we'll discontinue psql support
>for these old server versions at some point, at which point we can simply
>delete the dead code that doesn't use the views.

>> The absence
>> of the "compression" column in version 14 and above makes dealing with this even
>> more complicated, and not showing it seems to contradict \conninfo.

>I would be okay with using PQsslAttribute() for all versions for this one
>since any remaining support for this feature is on its way out.  Once psql
>no longer supports any versions that allow SSL compression, we could
>probably remove it from \conninfo[+] completely or hard-code it to "off".

>> SSL support has been available since version 7.1 (see documentation); if there was
>> support before that, I can't say. In this regard, it may seem strange, but there are still
>> many legacy systems running older versions of PostgreSQL. Just yesterday, I assisted
>> a client who is still using PG 8.2. In these cases, using the "pg_stat_ssl" and
>> "pg_stat_gssapi" views would not be possible because they don't exist on the server.
>> I believe that psql should cover as many cases as possible when it comes to compatibility
>> with older versions (even those no longer supported). In this case, concerning SSL and
>> GSS, I think libpq is better prepared to handle this.

>At the moment, the psql support cutoff appears to be v9.2 (see commit
>cf0cab8), which has been out of support for over 6 years.  If \conninfo+
>happens to work for older versions, then great, but I don't think we should
>expend too much energy in this area.
Sorry for the delay. I will make the adjustments as requested soon.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 10:02:21PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Sorry for the delay. I will make the adjustments as requested soon.

Looking forward to it.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
Hi Maiquel,

On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 10:02:21PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Sorry for the delay. I will make the adjustments as requested soon.

We have only a few weeks left before feature-freeze for v17.  Do you think
you will be able to send an updated patch soon?

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services:

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 10:02:21PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Sorry for the delay. I will make the adjustments as requested soon.

Looking forward to it.


Hi Nathan!

Sorry for the delay, I was busy with other professional as well as personal activities.

I made all the changes you suggested. I removed the variables and started using
views "pg_stat_ssl" and "pg_stat_gssapi". I handled the PostgreSQL versioning regarding the views used.

Here's a brief demonstration of the result:

[postgres@localhost ~]$ /home/pgsql-17devel/bin/psql -E -x -p 5433

psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo+
/******** QUERY *********/
  pg_catalog.current_database() AS "Database",
  'postgres' AS "Authenticated User",
  pg_catalog.system_user() AS "System User",
  pg_catalog.current_user() AS "Current User",
  pg_catalog.session_user() AS "Session User",
  pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() AS "Backend PID",
  pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() AS "Server Address",
  pg_catalog.current_setting('port') AS "Server Port",
  pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() AS "Client Address",
  pg_catalog.inet_client_port() AS "Client Port",
  '/tmp' AS "Socket Directory",
      pg_catalog.inet_server_addr() IS NULL
      AND pg_catalog.inet_client_addr() IS NULL
    ELSE '/tmp'
  END AS "Host",
  (SELECT gss_authenticated AS "GSSAPI"
  FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_gssapi
  WHERE pid = pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid()),
  ssl.ssl AS "SSL Connection",
  ssl.version AS "SSL Protocol",
  ssl.cipher AS "SSL Cipher",
  NULL AS "SSL Compression"
  pg_catalog.pg_stat_ssl ssl
  pid = pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid()

Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
Database           | postgres
Authenticated User | postgres
System User        |
Current User       | postgres
Session User       | postgres
Backend PID        | 29007
Server Address     |
Server Port        | 5433
Client Address     |
Client Port        |
Socket Directory   | /tmp
Host               |
GSSAPI             | f
SSL Connection     | f
SSL Protocol       |
SSL Cipher         |
SSL Compression    |

Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
> Hi Nathan!

> Sorry for the delay, I was busy with other professional as well as personal activities.

> I made all the changes you suggested. I removed the variables and started using
> views "pg_stat_ssl" and "pg_stat_gssapi". I handled the PostgreSQL versioning regarding the views used.


Olá Nathan!

I think we are very close to possibly finishing this patch, and
I would like your help to do it. Is there any correction you
deem necessary still?

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"



Thanks for working on this.


I have a few comments about the current patch.


1/ I looked through other psql-meta commands and the “+” adds details but

does not change output format. In this patch, conninfo and conninfo+

have completely different output. The former is a string with all the details

and the latter is a table. Should conninfo just be a table with the minimal info

and additional details can be displayed with "+" appended?


instead of \conninfo displaying a string


You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "127.0.01" (address "") at port "5432".


It can instead display the same information in table format


Current Connection Information

-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------+-----------------------

Database                      | postgres

Authenticated User    | postgres

Socket Directory         |

Host                              |

Port                               | 5432


and \conninfo+ can show the rest of the details


Current Connection Information

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+----------------------------

Database                     | postgres

Authenticated User   | postgres

Socket Directory        |

Host                             |

Port                             | 5432

Backend PID               | 1234




2/ GSSAPI details should show the full details, such as "principal",

"encrypted" and "credentials_delegated".


This also means that pg_stat_ssl will need to be joined with pg_stat_gssapi



pg_catalog.pg_stat_ssl ssl LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_gssapi gssapi

ON = = pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid()



3/ A very nice to have is "Application Name", in the case one

sets the application_name within a connection or in the connection string.




Sami Imseih

Amazon Web Services (AWS)




RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Hi Sami!


First and foremost, thank you very much for the review.

> 1/ I looked through other psql-meta commands and the “+” adds details but

> does not change output format. In this patch, conninfo and conninfo+

> have completely different output. The former is a string with all the details

> and the latter is a table. Should conninfo just be a table with the minimal info

> and additional details can be displayed with "+" appended?

The initial and central idea was always to keep the metacommand
"\conninfo" in its original state, that is, to preserve the string as it is.
The idea of "\conninfo+" is to expand this to include more information.
If I change the "\conninfo" command and transform it into a table,
I would have to remove all the translation part (files) that has already
been implemented in the past. I believe that keeping the string and
its translations is a good idea and there is no great reason to change that.

> 2/ GSSAPI details should show the full details, such as "principal",

> "encrypted" and "credentials_delegated".

In this new patch, I added these columns. I handled the 'server versions'
for cases where the 'credentials_delegated' column is not in the view.
It turned out well. Thank you for the idea.

3/ A very nice to have is "Application Name", in the case one

sets the application_name within a connection or in the connection string.

I did the same here. I liked your idea and added this column in the SQL.

Look below to see how it turned out after it's finished.

Exemple 1:

[postgres@localhost ~]$ /home/pgsql-17devel/bin/psql -x -p 5432

psql (17devel, server 15.6)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+---------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
Backend PID                  | 19439
Server Address               |
Server Port                  | 5432
Client Address               |
Client Port                  |
Socket Directory             | /tmp
Host                         |
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated |

Exemple 2:

[postgres@localhost ~]$ /home/pgsql-17devel/bin/psql -x -p 5000
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5000".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+---------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
Backend PID                  | 19468
Server Address               |
Server Port                  | 5000
Client Address               |
Client Port                  |
Socket Directory             | /tmp
Host                         |
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | f

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"

Thank you for the updated patch.

First and foremost, thank you very much for the review.

> The initial and central idea was always to keep the metacommand
> "\conninfo" in its original state, that is, to preserve the string as it is.
> The idea of "\conninfo+" is to expand this to include more information.
> If I change the "\conninfo" command and transform it into a table,
> I would have to remove all the translation part (files) that has already
> been implemented in the past. I believe that keeping the string and
> its translations is a good idea and there is no great reason to change that.

You are right. Not much to be gained to change this.


For the current patch, I have a few more comments.


1/ The output should be reorganized to show the fields that are part of “conninfo” first.


I suggest it should look like this:


Current Connection Information

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+---------

Database                     | postgres

Authenticated User           | postgres

Socket Directory             | /tmp

Host                         |

Server Port                  | 5432

Server Address               |

Client Address               |

Client Port                  |

Backend PID                  | 30846

System User                  |

Current User                 | postgres

Session User                 | postgres

Application Name             | psql

SSL Connection               | f

SSL Protocol                 |

SSL Cipher                   |

SSL Compression              |

GSSAPI Authenticated         | f

GSSAPI Principal             |

GSSAPI Encrypted             | f

GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | f



With regards to the documentation. I think it's a good idea that every field has an

description. However, I have some comments:


1/ For the description of the conninfo command, what about simplifying like below?


"Outputs a string displaying information about the current database connection. When + is appended, more details about the connection are displayed in table format:"


2/ I don't think the descriptions need to start with "Displays". It is very repetitive.


3/ For the "Socket Directory" description, this could be NULL if the host was not specified.


what about the below?


"The socket directory of the connection. NULL if the host or hostaddr are specified for the connection"


4/ For most of the fields, they are just the output of a function, such as "pg_catalog.system_user()". What about the docs simply

link to the documentation of the function. This way we are not copying descriptions and have to be concerned if the description

of the function changes in the future.


5/ "true" and "false", do not need double quotes. This is not the convention used in other places docs.












RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>  For the current patch, I have a few more comments.

>  1/ The output should be reorganized to show the fields that are part of “conninfo” first.

>  With regards to the documentation. I think it's a good idea that every field has an

>  description. However, I have some comments:

>  1/ For the description of the conninfo command, what about simplifying like below?

>  "Outputs a string displaying information about the current database connection. When + is appended, more details about the connection are displayed in table format:"

>  2/ I don't think the descriptions need to start with "Displays". It is very repetitive.

>  3/ For the "Socket Directory" description, this could be NULL if the host was not specified.

>  What about the below?

>  "The socket directory of the connection. NULL if the host or hostaddr are specified for the connection"

>  4/ For most of the fields, they are just the output of a function, such as "pg_catalog.system_user()". What about the docs simply

>  link to the documentation of the function. This way we are not copying descriptions and have to be concerned if the description

>  of the function changes in the future.

>  5/ "true" and "false", do not need double quotes. This is not the convention used in other places docs.


Hi Sami!


I did everything you mentioned earlier, that is, I followed all your suggestions. However,
I didn't complete item 4. I'm not sure, but I believe that linking it to the documentation
could confuse the user a bit. I chose to keep the descriptions as they were. However, if
you have any ideas on how we could outline it, let me know and perhaps we can
implement it.

Thank you so much!


[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x -p 5000 -h

psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5000".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+----------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
Socket Directory             |
Host                         |
Server Port                  | 5000
Server Address               |
Client Address               |
Client Port                  | 33100
Backend PID                  | 2974
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | f

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x -p 5432 -h localhost
Password for user postgres:
psql (17devel, server 15.6)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "localhost" (address "::1") at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+----------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
Socket Directory             |
Host                         | localhost
Server Port                  | 5432
Server Address               | ::1
Client Address               | ::1
Client Port                  | 57010
Backend PID                  | 3000
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | 

Maiquel Grassi.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera

Note that, in the patch as posted, the column names are not
translatable.  In order to be translatable, the code needs to do
something like

        "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
        "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
        "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
        "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n",
        _("SSL Connection"),
        _("SSL Protocol"),
        _("SSL Cipher"),
        _("SSL Compression"));

instead of 

                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Connection\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Protocol\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Cipher\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Compression\",\n");

Please list me as reviewer for this patch, as I provided significant
guidance before it was even posted.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Note that, in the patch as posted, the column names are not
translatable.  In order to be translatable, the code needs to do
something like

                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n",
                _("SSL Connection"),
                _("SSL Protocol"),
                _("SSL Cipher"),
                _("SSL Compression"));

instead of

                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Connection\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Protocol\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Cipher\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Compression\",\n");

Please list me as reviewer for this patch, as I provided significant
guidance before it was even posted.




Yes Álvaro, I have already appointed you as the patch reviewer.
It's true, even before publishing it on Commifest, you have
already provided good ideas and guidance.

I adjusted the translation syntax for the SSL and GSSAPI columns.
After your validation, that is, an okay confirmation that it's fine, I'll
proceed with the others.


[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x -p 5000 -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "5000".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+----------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
Socket Directory             |
Host                         |
Server Port                  | 5000
Server Address               |
Client Address               |
Client Port                  | 52966
Backend PID                  | 1693
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | f

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"

>. However,
> I didn't complete item 4. I'm not sure, but I believe that linking it to the documentation
> could confuse the user a bit. I chose to keep the descriptions as they were. However, if
> you have any ideas on how we could outline it, let me know and perhaps we can
> implement it.


That is fair, after spending some time thinking about this, it is better

to make the documentation as crystal clear as possible.


I do have some rewording suggestions for the following fields.




The database name of the connection.


Authenticated User:

The authenticated database user of the connection.


Socket Directory:

The Unix socket directory of the connection. NULL if host or hostaddr are specified.



The host name or address of the connection. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Server Port:

The IP address of the connection. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Server Address:

The IP address of the host name. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Client Address:

The IP address of the client connected to this backend. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Client Port:

The port of the client connected to this backend. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Backend PID:

The process id of the backend for the connection.


Application name:

<literal>psql<literal> is the default for a psql connection

unless otherwise specified in the <xref linkend="guc-application-name"/>

configuration parameter.


For System User, you should use the full definition here

The current path is missing the full description.







Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Mar-31, Maiquel Grassi wrote:

> Yes Álvaro, I have already appointed you as the patch reviewer.
> It's true, even before publishing it on Commifest, you have
> already provided good ideas and guidance.


> I adjusted the translation syntax for the SSL and GSSAPI columns.
> After your validation, that is, an okay confirmation that it's fine, I'll
> proceed with the others.

I meant those columns to be just examples, but this should be applied to
all the other columns in the output as well.

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —
"No necesitamos banderas
 No reconocemos fronteras"                  (Jorge González)

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi


> I meant those columns to be just examples, but this should be applied to
> all the other columns in the output as well.

Applied the translation to all columns.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera

Yeah, that's what I meant about the translations, thanks.

Two more comments,

- You don't need a two-level conditional here
    if (pset.sversion >= 90500)
        if (pset.sversion < 140000)
                              "  ssl.ssl AS \"%s\",\n"
                              "  ssl.version AS \"%s\",\n"
                              "  ssl.cipher AS \"%s\",\n"
                              "  ssl.compression AS \"%s\",\n",
                              _("SSL Connection"),
                              _("SSL Protocol"),
                              _("SSL Cipher"),
                              _("SSL Compression"));
        if (pset.sversion >= 140000)
                              "  ssl.ssl AS \"%s\",\n"
                              "  ssl.version AS \"%s\",\n"
                              "  ssl.cipher AS \"%s\",\n"
                              "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n",
                              _("SSL Connection"),
                              _("SSL Protocol"),
                              _("SSL Cipher"),
                              _("SSL Compression"));
                          "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                          "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                          "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                          "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n",
                          _("SSL Connection"),
                          _("SSL Protocol"),
                          _("SSL Cipher"),
                          _("SSL Compression"));

  Instead you can just do something like

  if (pset.version >= 140000)
    one thing;
  else if (pset.version > 90500)
    second thing;
    third thing;

  This also appears where you add the GSSAPI columns; and it's also in the
  final part where you append the FROM clause, though it looks a bit
  different there.

- You have three lines to output a semicolon at the end of the query
  based on version number.  Remove the first two, and just have a final
  one where the semicolon is added unconditionally.

- I don't think one <para> for each item in the docs is reasonable.
  There's too much vertical whitespace in the output.  Maybe do this

        database connection. When <literal>+</literal> is appended,
        more details about the connection are displayed in table

          <term>Database:</term> The name of the current
          database on this connection.

          <term>Authenticated User:</term> The authenticated
          user at the time of psql connection with the server.

- This text is wrong to start with "Returns the":

    System User: Returns the authentication method and the identity (if
    any) that the user presented during the authentication cycle before
    they were assigned a database role. It is represented as
    auth_method:identity or NULL if the user has not been authenticated.

  That minor point aside, I disagree with Sami about repeating the docs
  for system_user() here.  I would just say "The authentication data
  provided for this connection; see the function system_user() for more
  details." with a link to the appropriate section of the docs.  Making
  us edit this doc if we ever modify the behavior of the function is not

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —
"We're here to devour each other alive"            (Hobbes)

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"
> That minor point aside, I disagree with Sami about repeating the docs
> for system_user() here. I would just say "The authentication data
> provided for this connection; see the function system_user() for more
> details." 

+1. FWIW; Up the thread [1], I did mention we should link to the functions page,
but did not have a very strong opinion on that. 

I do like your suggestion and the same should be done for "Current User" 
and "Session User" as well. 




RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

The database name of the connection.


Authenticated User:

The authenticated database user of the connection.


Socket Directory:

The Unix socket directory of the connection. NULL if host or hostaddr are specified.



The host name or address of the connection. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Server Port:

The IP address of the connection. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Server Address:

The IP address of the host name. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Client Address:

The IP address of the client connected to this backend. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Client Port:

The port of the client connected to this backend. NULL if a Unix socket is used.


Backend PID:

The process id of the backend for the connection.


Application name:

<literal>psql<literal> is the default for a psql connection

unless otherwise specified in the <xref linkend="guc-application-name"/>

configuration parameter.



Hi Sami,
I considered your suggestions and Álvaro's suggestions
Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Amigos, boa tarde!


>    if (pset.version >= 140000)
>      one thing;
>    else if (pset.version > 90500)
>      second thing;
>   else
>      third thing;
>    This also appears where you add the GSSAPI columns; and it's also in the
>    final part where you append the FROM clause, though it looks a bit
>    different there.
>    - You have three lines to output a semicolon at the end of the query
>    based on version number.  Remove the first two, and just have a final
>    one where the semicolon is added unconditionally.

Adjustment made.

>      - I don't think one <para> for each item in the docs is reasonable.
>      There's too much vertical whitespace in the output.  Maybe do this
>      instead:
>        [...]
>        database connection. When <literal>+</literal> is appended,
>        more details about the connection are displayed in table
>        format:
>        <simplelist>
>         <member>
>          <term>Database:</term> The name of the current
>          database on this connection.
>         </member>
>         <member>
>           <term>Authenticated User:</term> The authenticated
>           user at the time of psql connection with the server.
>         </member>
>         ...
>        </simplelist>

Adjustment made. But I think it needs a review glance.

>      - This text is wrong to start with "Returns the":
>      System User: Returns the authentication method and the identity (if
>      any) that the user presented during the authentication cycle before
>      they were assigned a database role. It is represented as
>      auth_method:identity or NULL if the user has not been authenticated.
>     That minor point aside, I disagree with Sami about repeating the docs
>     for system_user() here.  I would just say "The authentication data
>     provided for this connection; see the function system_user() for more
>     details." with a link to the appropriate section of the docs.  Making
>     us edit this doc if we ever modify the behavior of the function is not
>     great.

Here I considered your suggestion (Sami and Álvaro's). However, I haven't yet
added the links for the functions system_user(), current_user(), and session_user().
I'm not sure how to do it. Any suggestion on how to create/add the link?

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"

> Here I considered your suggestion (Sami and Álvaro's). However, I haven't yet
> added the links for the functions system_user(), current_user(), and session_user().
> 'm not sure how to do it. Any suggestion on how to create/add the link?

Here is an example [1] where the session information functions are referenced.

The public doc for this example is in [2].


Something similar can be done here. For example:


The session user's name; see the <function>session_user()</function> function in

<xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.








RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Hello Sami,


>  Here is an example [1] where the session information functions are referenced.

>  The public doc for this example is in [2].

>  Something similar can be done here. For example:

The session user's name; see the <function>session_user()</function> function in

>  <xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.

I updated the patch.

Thank you for this help.

Maiquel Grassi.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"

Building the docs fail for v26. The error is:


ref/psql-ref.sgml:1042: element member: validity error : Element term is not declared in member list of possible children




I am able to build up to v24 before the <para> was replaced with <listitem><member>


I tested building with a modified structure as below; the <listitem> is a <para>

that has a <simplelist> within it.  Each field is a simple list member and

the the name of the fields should be <literal>.


      <varlistentry id="app-psql-meta-command-conninfo">




        Outputs a string displaying information about the current

        database connection. When <literal>+</literal> is appended,

        more details about the connection are displayed in table



       <member><literal>Database:</literal>The database name of the connection.</member>

       <member><literal>Authenticated User:</literal>The authenticated database user of the connection.</member>

       <member><literal>Current User:</literal>The user name of the current execution context;

          see the <function>current_user()</function> function in

          <xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.</member>









RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Building the docs fail for v26. The error is:


ref/psql-ref.sgml:1042: element member: validity error : Element term is not declared in member list of possible children




I am able to build up to v24 before the <para> was replaced with <listitem><member>


I tested building with a modified structure as below; the <listitem> is a <para>

that has a <simplelist> within it.  Each field is a simple list member and

the the name of the fields should be <literal>.


      <varlistentry id="app-psql-meta-command-conninfo">




        Outputs a string displaying information about the current

        database connection. When <literal>+</literal> is appended,

        more details about the connection are displayed in table



       <member><literal>Database:</literal>The database name of the connection.</member>

       <member><literal>Authenticated User:</literal>The authenticated database user of the connection.</member>

       <member><literal>Current User:</literal>The user name of the current execution context;

          see the <function>current_user()</function> function in

          <xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.</member>






Hi Sami!
I made the adjustment in the documentation.
Thank you for the time dedicated to this feature.
Maiquel Grassi.


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
Hi folks,


I made a modification to a variable in the 'host' column in the archive 'describe.c'.


[postgres@localhost ~]$ /home/pgsql-17devel/bin/psql -x -p 5432
psql (17devel, server 15.6)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+---------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
Socket Directory             | /tmp
Host                         |
Server Port                  | 5432
Server Address               |
Client Address               |
Client Port                  |
Backend PID                  | 26728
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated |

postgres=# \q
[postgres@localhost ~]$ /home/pgsql-17devel/bin/psql -x -p 5000
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5000".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+---------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
Socket Directory             | /tmp
Host                         |
Server Port                  | 5000
Server Address               |
Client Address               |
Client Port                  |
Backend PID                  | 26730
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | f

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Peter Eisentraut
The existing \conninfo command gets its values from libpq APIs.  You are 
changing all of this to make a server query, which is a totally 
different thing.  If we wanted to take a change like this, I don't think 
it should be reusing the \conninfo command.

But I don't really see the point of this.  The information you are 
querying is already available in various system views.  This proposal is 
just a shorthand for a collection of various random things some people 
like to see.  Like, by what reason is application name included as 
connection info?  Why not any other session settings?  What about 
long-term maintenance: By what logic should things be added to this?

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
The existing \conninfo command gets its values from libpq APIs.  You are
changing all of this to make a server query, which is a totally
different thing.  If we wanted to take a change like this, I don't think
it should be reusing the \conninfo command.

But I don't really see the point of this.  The information you are
querying is already available in various system views.  This proposal is
just a shorthand for a collection of various random things some people
like to see.  Like, by what reason is application name included as
connection info?  Why not any other session settings?  What about
long-term maintenance: By what logic should things be added to this?


Hello Peter, thank you for your participation.
No, "they are not random things that random people like to see", that's not true.
Have you read the entire conversation from the beginning? We have already
discussed it a bit and I have provided an explanation about the motivation to
implement this expansion of the "\conninfo" command. The thing is, if you
have really been or worked as a DBA on a daily basis, taking care of many
databases and PostgreSQL clusters, something like this additional command
is the shortcut that every DBA needs. The application name was a suggestion
from a member. If you think it's not necessary, we can remove it. Furthermore,
if you believe that the patch is not well implemented, you, being a PostgreSQL guru,
tell me how I can improve the current patch and we move towards v29. I'm not in
a hurry, I just want it to be implemented in the best possible shape.

Best regards,
Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Apr-04, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> But I don't really see the point of this.  The information you are querying
> is already available in various system views.  This proposal is just a
> shorthand for a collection of various random things some people like to see.
> Like, by what reason is application name included as connection info?  Why
> not any other session settings?  What about long-term maintenance: By what
> logic should things be added to this?

Usability is precisely the point.  You could also claim that we don't
need \dconfig, since you could get the same thing by querying
pg_settings for non-default settings.  But \dconfig is very handy.  I
expect \conninfo+ to be equally useful.  We don't give up command
history just on the grounds that you can obtain the same effect by
retyping the command.

I'm not sure to what extent is it useful to make a distinction between
the values that the client knows from those that the server knows.  If
it is, then we can redefine \conninfo+ to use the client values.

The point about application_name is a valid one.  I guess it's there
because it's commonly given from the client side rather than being set
server-side, even though it's still a GUC.  Arguably we could remove it
from \conninfo+, and claim that nothing that shows up in \dconfig should
also appear in \conninfo+.  Then users should get in the habit of using
both to obtain a full picture.  This sounds to me a very good compromise

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —
Tom: There seems to be something broken here.
Teodor: I'm in sackcloth and ashes...  Fixed.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Tom Lane
Maiquel Grassi <> writes:
>> The existing \conninfo command gets its values from libpq APIs.  You are
>> changing all of this to make a server query, which is a totally
>> different thing.  If we wanted to take a change like this, I don't think
>> it should be reusing the \conninfo command.

FWIW, I agree with Peter's concern here, for a couple of reasons:

* If \conninfo involves a server query, then it will fail outright
if the server is in an aborted transaction, or if there's something
wrong with the connection --- which seems like one of the primary
cases where you'd wish to use \conninfo.

* What if there's a discrepancy between what libpq thinks and what
the server thinks?  (This is hardly unlikely for, say, host names.)
In the current situation you can use \conninfo to investigate the
client-side parameters and then use a manual query to see what the
server thinks.  If we replace \conninfo with a server query then
there is no way at all to verify libpq parameters from the psql
command line.

So I concur that \conninfo should continue to report on libpq values
and nothing else.  We can certainly talk about expanding it within
that charter, if there's useful stuff it doesn't show now.  But a
command that retrieves settings from the server should be a distinct

            regards, tom lane

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>> The existing \conninfo command gets its values from libpq APIs.  You are
>> changing all of this to make a server query, which is a totally
>> different thing.  If we wanted to take a change like this, I don't think
>> it should be reusing the \conninfo command.

FWIW, I agree with Peter's concern here, for a couple of reasons:

* If \conninfo involves a server query, then it will fail outright
if the server is in an aborted transaction, or if there's something
wrong with the connection --- which seems like one of the primary
cases where you'd wish to use \conninfo.

* What if there's a discrepancy between what libpq thinks and what
the server thinks?  (This is hardly unlikely for, say, host names.)
In the current situation you can use \conninfo to investigate the
client-side parameters and then use a manual query to see what the
server thinks.  If we replace \conninfo with a server query then
there is no way at all to verify libpq parameters from the psql
command line.

So I concur that \conninfo should continue to report on libpq values
and nothing else.  We can certainly talk about expanding it within
that charter, if there's useful stuff it doesn't show now.  But a
command that retrieves settings from the server should be a distinct


Well, I can revert \conninfo to its original state and keep \conninfo+
as it is, perhaps removing the application name, as I believe everything
else is important for a DBA/SysAdmin. Do you think we can proceed
with the patch this way? I am open to ideas that make \conninfo not
limited to just four or five basic pieces of information and easily bring
everything else to the screen.

Maiquel Grassi.

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi


I left the command \conninfo in its original form.
I removed the 'Application Name' column from the \conninfo+ command.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"
> The point about application_name is a valid one. I guess it's there
> because it's commonly given from the client side rather than being set
>server-side, even though it's still a GUC. Arguably we could remove it
> from \conninfo+, and claim that nothing that shows up in \dconfig should
> also appear in \conninfo+. Then users should get in the habit of using
> both to obtain a full picture. This sounds to me a very good compromise
> actually.

Perhaps another reason to remove "application_name" is because the
value can be modified after the connection is established. If that is also
another good reason, the same can be said about "Current User"
and "Session User" as those could be modified with SET commands.

This way conninfo could be only for attributes that will not change
during the lifetime of the connection.

Also, I just realized that pg_stat_ssl and pg_stat_gssapi will both return 0
rows if there is a set role/set session authorization, this means \conninfo+
will return empty.

postgres=> select current_user;
(1 row)

postgres=> select * from pg_stat_ssl ;
  pid  | ssl | version |           cipher            | bits | client_dn | client_serial | issuer_dn 
 27223 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 |           |               | 
(1 row)

postgres=> set role = user2;
postgres=> select * from pg_stat_ssl ;
 pid | ssl | version | cipher | bits | client_dn | client_serial | issuer_dn 
(0 rows)

postgres=> select current_user;
(1 row)

postgres=> reset role;
postgres=> select current_user;
(1 row)

postgres=> select * from pg_stat_ssl ;
  pid  | ssl | version |           cipher            | bits | client_dn | client_serial | issuer_dn 
 27223 | t   | TLSv1.2 | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 |  256 |           |               | 
(1 row)



Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Peter Eisentraut
On 04.04.24 18:15, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Well, I can revert \conninfo to its original state and keep \conninfo+
> as it is, perhaps removing the application name, as I believe everything
> else is important for a DBA/SysAdmin. Do you think we can proceed
> with the patch this way? I am open to ideas that make \conninfo not
> limited to just four or five basic pieces of information and easily bring
> everything else to the screen.

The original \conninfo was designed to report values from the libpq API 
about what libpq connected to.  And the convention in psql is that "+" 
provide more or less the same information but a bit more.  So I think it 
is wrong to make "\conninfo+" something fundamentally different than 

And even more so if it contains information that isn't really 
"connection information".  For example, current_user() doesn't make 
sense here, I think.

I mean, if you want to add a command \some_useful_status_information, we 
can talk about that, but let's leave \conninfo to what it does.

But I think there are better ways to implement this kind of server-side 
status, for example, with a system view.

One problem in this patch is that it has no tests.  Any change in any of 
the involved functions or views will silently break this.  (Note that 
plain \conninfo doesn't have this problem to this extent because it only 
relies on libpq function calls.  Also, a system view would not have this 

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"Imseih (AWS), Sami"
> The original \conninfo was designed to report values from the libpq API
> about what libpq connected to. And the convention in psql is that "+"
> provide more or less the same information but a bit more. So I think it
> is wrong to make "\conninfo+" something fundamentally different than
> "\conninfo".

That is a fair argument. Looking at this a bit more, it looks like we can
enhance the GSSAPI output of conninfo to get the fields that GSSAPI fields that
conninfo+ was aiming for

Right now it just shows:

printf(_("GSSAPI-encrypted connection\n"));

but we can use libpq to get the other GSSAPI attributes in the output.

> And even more so if it contains information that isn't really
> "connection information". For example, current_user() doesn't make
> sense here, I think.

> I mean, if you want to add a command \some_useful_status_information, we
> can talk about that, but let's leave \conninfo to what it does.

> But I think there are better ways to implement this kind of server-side
> status, for example, with a system view.

What about a \sessioninfo command that shows all the
information for the current session, PID, app_name, current_user,
session_user, system_user, client_address, client_port, etc.

These will be the fields that we cannot gather if the connection is
broken for whatever reason.

The distinction here is \sessioninfo are the details after the connection
is established and could possibly be changed during the connection.



RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi

Is there someone willing to help me with this development and guide the patch so that it can be committed one day?


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Nathan Bossart
On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 12:37:21PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> Is there someone willing to help me with this development and guide the
> patch so that it can be committed one day?

From a quick skim of the latest messages in this thread, it sounds like
there are a couple of folks who think \conninfo (and consequently
\conninfo+) should only report values from the libpq API.  I think they
would prefer server-side information to be provided via a system view or
maybe an entirely new psql meta-command.

IIUC a new system view would more-or-less just gather information from
other system views and functions.  A view would be nice because it could be
used outside psql, but I'm not sure to what extent we are comfortable
adding system views built on other system views.  Something like
\sessioninfo (as proposed by Sami) would look more similar to what you have
in your latest patch, i.e., we'd teach psql about a complicated query for
gathering all this disparate information.

IMHO a good way to help move this forward is to try implementing it as a
system view so that we can compare the two approaches.  I've had luck in
the past with implementing something a couple different ways to help drive


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
From a quick skim of the latest messages in this thread, it sounds like
there are a couple of folks who think \conninfo (and consequently
\conninfo+) should only report values from the libpq API.  I think they
would prefer server-side information to be provided via a system view or
maybe an entirely new psql meta-command.

IIUC a new system view would more-or-less just gather information from
other system views and functions.  A view would be nice because it could be
used outside psql, but I'm not sure to what extent we are comfortable
adding system views built on other system views.  Something like
\sessioninfo (as proposed by Sami) would look more similar to what you have
in your latest patch, i.e., we'd teach psql about a complicated query for
gathering all this disparate information.

IMHO a good way to help move this forward is to try implementing it as a
system view so that we can compare the two approaches.  I've had luck in
the past with implementing something a couple different ways to help drive


Great Nathan, we can follow that path of the view. I leave it open for anyone in the thread who has been following from the beginning to start the development of the view. Even you, if you have the interest and time to do it. At this exact moment, I am involved in a "my baby born" project, so I am unable to stop to look into this. If someone wants to start, I would appreciate it.
Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

I have read the entire thread discussion. I understood the importance of this enhancement related to /conninfo+ meta command. I really appreciate the efforts of Maiquel and suggestions made by the reviewers. According to best of my understanding, libpq API should be used instead of creating server query for conninfo+ meta command. Building on the patch (v29) provided by Maiquel, I made changes to retrieve some extra information related to connection from libpq API.

Extra information includes:
- Protocol Version
- SSL Connection
- GSSAPI Authenticated
- Client Encoding
- Server Encoding
- Session User
- Backend PID

Output of \conninfo+:
  1. $ bin/psql --port=5430 postgres -h localhost psql (18devel) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \conninfo+ You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" on host "localhost" (address "") at port "5430". Protocol Version: 3 SSL Connection: no GSSAPI Authenticated: no Client Encoding: UTF8 Server Encoding: UTF8 Session User: hunaid Backend PID: 163816

I have also edited the documentation and added it to the patch. Please let me know if any changes are required.

Hunaid Sohail

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 5:32 PM Maiquel Grassi <> wrote:
From a quick skim of the latest messages in this thread, it sounds like
there are a couple of folks who think \conninfo (and consequently
\conninfo+) should only report values from the libpq API.  I think they
would prefer server-side information to be provided via a system view or
maybe an entirely new psql meta-command.

IIUC a new system view would more-or-less just gather information from
other system views and functions.  A view would be nice because it could be
used outside psql, but I'm not sure to what extent we are comfortable
adding system views built on other system views.  Something like
\sessioninfo (as proposed by Sami) would look more similar to what you have
in your latest patch, i.e., we'd teach psql about a complicated query for
gathering all this disparate information.

IMHO a good way to help move this forward is to try implementing it as a
system view so that we can compare the two approaches.  I've had luck in
the past with implementing something a couple different ways to help drive


Great Nathan, we can follow that path of the view. I leave it open for anyone in the thread who has been following from the beginning to start the development of the view. Even you, if you have the interest and time to do it. At this exact moment, I am involved in a "my baby born" project, so I am unable to stop to look into this. If someone wants to start, I would appreciate it.
Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones
Hi Hunaid

On 02.08.24 14:11, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> I have also edited the documentation and added it to the patch. Please
> let me know if any changes are required.

I just wanted to review this patch again but v30 does not apply

=== Applying patches on top of PostgreSQL commit ID d8df7ac5c04cd17bf13bd3123dcfcaf8007c6280 ===
/etc/rc.d/jail: WARNING: Per-jail configuration via jail_* variables  is obsolete.  Please consider migrating to
=== applying patch ./v30-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
gpatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.

I will set the status to "Waiting on Author".


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 10.09.24 06:32, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> I have attached a rebased patch.


Is \conninfo+ no longer supposed to return the results in tabular form?
At least it wasn't the case till v28.

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -d postgres -h 0 -c "\conninfo+"
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host "0"
(address "") at port "5432".
Protocol Version: 3
SSL Connection: no
GSSAPI Authenticated: no
Client Encoding: UTF8
Server Encoding: UTF8
Session User: jim
Backend PID: 579041

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -d postgres -h -c "\conninfo+"
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host
"" at port "5432".
Protocol Version: 3
SSL Connection: no
GSSAPI Authenticated: no
Client Encoding: UTF8
Server Encoding: UTF8
Session User: jim
Backend PID: 579087

Sorry if I missed that in the thread.

v31 has a couple of small indentation problems:

indent with spaces.
    show_verbose = strchr(cmd, '+') ? true : false;
trailing whitespace.

Checking patch doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml...
Checking patch src/bin/psql/command.c...
Checking patch src/bin/psql/help.c...
Applied patch doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml cleanly.
Applied patch src/bin/psql/command.c cleanly.
Applied patch src/bin/psql/help.c cleanly.
warning: 2 lines add whitespace errors.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Sep-10, Jim Jones wrote:

> Is \conninfo+ no longer supposed to return the results in tabular form?
> At least it wasn't the case till v28.

I suspect the reason it's no longer a table is that it was previously a
query (which is easily printed as a table by calling printQuery) and now
it's just a client-side thing, and Hunaid didn't know how to handle that
as a table.  The good news is, it should be really easy to do
printTableInit(), then a bunch of printTableAddHeader() and
printTableAddCell(), end with printTable().  I think the tabular format
is better for sure.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —
"La primera ley de las demostraciones en vivo es: no trate de usar el sistema.
Escriba un guión que no toque nada para no causar daños." (Jakob Nielsen)

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones
On 11.09.24 10:16, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> I have made the requested changes. Now output is returned in tabular 
> form. Indentation/whitespace issues are fixed.
> $bin/psql --port=5430 postgres
> postgres=# \conninfo+
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" via socket 
> in "/tmp" at port "5430".
>     Connection Information
>       Parameter       | Value
> ----------------------+--------
>  Protocol Version     | 3
>  SSL Connection       | no
>  GSSAPI Authenticated | no
>  Client Encoding      | UTF8
>  Server Encoding      | UTF8
>  Session User         | hunaid
>  Backend PID          | 121800
> (7 rows)

Thanks for working on this.

Any particular reason for the design change? In v28 it returned a table 
with a single row and multiple columns --- one column per attribute. But 
now it returns multiple rows. In this case, I was expecting 1 row with 7 
columns instead of 7 rows with 2 columns.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail
Hi Jim,

On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 3:03 PM Jim Jones <> wrote:
Thanks for working on this.

Any particular reason for the design change? In v28 it returned a table
with a single row and multiple columns --- one column per attribute. But
now it returns multiple rows. In this case, I was expecting 1 row with 7
columns instead of 7 rows with 2 columns.

I am not sure which design you are referring to.
I haven't applied the v28 patch but the original author in thread [1] provided sample output. The output is in tabular form with 2 columns and multiple rows.

Hunaid Sohail

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 11.09.24 13:35, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 3:03 PM Jim Jones <>
> wrote:
>     Thanks for working on this.
>     Any particular reason for the design change? In v28 it returned a
>     table
>     with a single row and multiple columns --- one column per
>     attribute. But
>     now it returns multiple rows. In this case, I was expecting 1 row
>     with 7
>     columns instead of 7 rows with 2 columns.
> I am not sure which design you are referring to.
> I haven't applied the v28 patch but the original author in thread [1]
> provided sample output. The output is in tabular form with 2 columns
> and multiple rows.
It may look like this, but it is a single record --- mind the header "-[
RECORD 1 ]----------------+---------".
psql was called in expanded mode:

> $ /home/pgsql-17devel/bin/psql -x -p 5432

"-x" or "--expanded"


$ psql postgres -xc "SELECT 'foo' col1, 'bar' col2"
-[ RECORD 1 ]
col1 | foo
col2 | bar


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 13.09.24 06:49, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> $ bin/psql --port=5430 postgres
> psql (18devel)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=# \conninfo+
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" via socket
> in "/tmp" at port "5430".
>                                                   Connection Information
>  Protocol Version | SSL Connection | GSSAPI Authenticated | Client
> Encoding | Server Encoding | Session User | Backend P
> ID
> ---
>  3                | no             | no                   | UTF8      
>      | UTF8            | hunaid       | 55598
> (1 row)


I just noticed that messages' order has been slightly changed. The
message "You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" via
socket in "/tmp" at port "5430" used to be printed after the table, and
now it is printed before.

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=postgres
    port=54322" -c "\conninfo+"

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host "0"
(address "") at port "54322".
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+--------
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | no
GSSAPI Authenticated | no
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Session User         | jim
Backend PID          | 2419033

It is IMHO a little strange because the "SSL connection" info keeps
being printed in the end. I would personally prefer if they're printed
together --- preferably after the table. But I'm not sure if there's any
convention for that.

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=postgres
    sslkey=jim-certificates/jim.key" -c "\conninfo+"

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host
"" (address "") at port "54322".
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+--------
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | yes
GSSAPI Authenticated | no
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Session User         | jim
Backend PID          | 2421556

SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off, ALPN: postgresql)

Also, there are a few compilation warnings regarding const qualifiers:

command.c:810:49: warning: assignment discards ‘const’ qualifier from
pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
  810 |                                 client_encoding =
PQparameterStatus(pset.db, "client_encoding");
      |                                                 ^
command.c:811:49: warning: assignment discards ‘const’ qualifier from
pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
  811 |                                 server_encoding =
PQparameterStatus(pset.db, "server_encoding");
      |                                                 ^
command.c:812:46: warning: assignment discards ‘const’ qualifier from
pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
  812 |                                 session_user =
PQparameterStatus(pset.db, "session_authorization");


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail
Hi Jim,

On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 4:27 PM Jim Jones <> wrote:
I just noticed that messages' order has been slightly changed. The
message "You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" via
socket in "/tmp" at port "5430" used to be printed after the table, and
now it is printed before.

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=postgres
    port=54322" -c "\conninfo+"

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "jim" on host "0"
(address "") at port "54322".
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+--------
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | no
GSSAPI Authenticated | no
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Session User         | jim
Backend PID          | 2419033

It is IMHO a little strange because the "SSL connection" info keeps
being printed in the end. I would personally prefer if they're printed
together --- preferably after the table. But I'm not sure if there's any
convention for that.

I agree that both messages should be printed together. IMO the message
"You are connected to database..." should be printed at the top, no? Because it shows important info that the user may be interested to see first. Then we can combine the ssl message.

postgres=# \x
Expanded display is on.
postgres=# \conninfo+
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" on host "localhost" (address "") at port "5430".
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off, ALPN: postgresql)
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-------
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | yes
GSSAPI Authenticated | no
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Session User         | hunaid
Backend PID          | 109092

Also, there are a few compilation warnings regarding const qualifiers:

Noted. I will fix them in the next patch.

Hunaid Sohail 

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Sep-14, Hunaid Sohail wrote:

> I agree that both messages should be printed together. IMO the message
> "You are connected to database..." should be printed at the top, no?
> Because it shows important info that the user may be interested to see
> first. Then we can combine the ssl message.
> postgres=# \x
> Expanded display is on.
> postgres=# \conninfo+
> You are connected to database "postgres" as user "hunaid" on host
> "localhost" (address "") at port "5430".
> SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
> compression: off, ALPN: postgresql)
> Connection Information
> -[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-------
> Protocol Version     | 3
> SSL Connection       | yes
> GSSAPI Authenticated | no
> Client Encoding      | UTF8
> Server Encoding      | UTF8
> Session User         | hunaid
> Backend PID          | 109092

I don't understand why this is is printing half the information in
free-form plain text and the other half in tabular format.  All these
items that you have in the free-form text lines should be part of the
table, I think.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —
#error "Operator lives in the wrong universe"
  ("Use of cookies in real-time system development", M. Gleixner, M. Mc Guire)

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> I don't understand why this is is printing half the information in
> free-form plain text and the other half in tabular format.  All these
> items that you have in the free-form text lines should be part of the
> table, I think.

+1, that was my reaction as well.  I can see the point of showing
those items the same way as plain \conninfo does, but I think
we're better off just making \conninfo+ produce a table and nothing

            regards, tom lane

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 16.09.24 08:51, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> I have attached a new patch that now prints all info in tabular format
> for \conninfo+. I have also made the table output dynamic, so if the
> connection uses SSL, the columns in the table will expand accordingly.
It looks much cleaner now.
> I have also updated the documentation.

The CF bot is still giving some warnings:

command.c:886:79: error: ‘alpn’ may be used uninitialized
  886 |                                         printTableAddCell(&cont,
(alpn && alpn[0] != '\0') ? alpn : _("none"), false, false);
command.c:803:50: note: ‘alpn’ was declared here
  803 |                                                 *alpn;
      |                                                  ^~~~
command.c:885:82: error: ‘compression’ may be used uninitialized
  885 |                                         printTableAddCell(&cont,
(compression && strcmp(compression, "off") != 0) ? _("on") : _("off"),
false, false);
command.c:802:50: note: ‘compression’ was declared here
  802 |                                                 *compression,
      |                                                  ^~~~~~~~~~~
command.c:884:41: error: ‘cipher’ may be used uninitialized
  884 |                                         printTableAddCell(&cont,
cipher ? cipher : _("unknown"), false, false);
command.c:801:50: note: ‘cipher’ was declared here
  801 |                                                 *cipher,
      |                                                  ^~~~~~
command.c:883:41: error: ‘protocol’ may be used uninitialized
  883 |                                         printTableAddCell(&cont,
protocol ? protocol : _("unknown"), false, false);
command.c:800:42: note: ‘protocol’ was declared here
  800 |                                 char    *protocol,
      |                                          ^~~~~~~~

I have a few questions regarding this example:

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=db port=5432

psql (18devel)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off, ALPN: postgresql)
Type "help" for help.

db=# SET ROLE foo;

db=> SELECT current_user, session_user;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+----
current_user | foo
session_user | jim

db=> \conninfo+
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-----------------------
Database             | db
Current User         | jim
Session User         | jim
Host                 |
Host Address         |
Port                 | 5432
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | yes
SSL Protocol         | TLSv1.3
Cipher               | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression          | off
ALPN                 | postgresql
GSSAPI Authenticated | no
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Backend PID          | 315187

* The value of "Current User" does not match the function current_user()
--- as one might expcect. It is a little confusing, as there is no
mention of "Current User" in the docs. In case this is the intended
behaviour, could you please add it to the docs?

* "SSL Connection" says "yes", but the docs say: "True if the current
connection to the server uses SSL, and false otherwise.". Is it supposed
to be like this? I haven't checked other similar doc entries..


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2024-Sep-16, Jim Jones wrote:

> * The value of "Current User" does not match the function current_user()
> --- as one might expcect. It is a little confusing, as there is no
> mention of "Current User" in the docs. In case this is the intended
> behaviour, could you please add it to the docs?

It is intended.  As Peter said[1], what we wanted was to display
client-side info, so PQuser() is the right thing to do.  Now maybe
"Current User" is not the perfect column header, but at least the
definition seems consistent with the desired end result.  Now, I think
the current docs saying to look at session_user() are wrong, they should
point to the libpq docs for the function instead; something like "The
name of the current user, as returned by PQuser()" and so on.
Otherwise, in the cases where these things differ, it is going to be
hard to explain.


> * "SSL Connection" says "yes", but the docs say: "True if the current
> connection to the server uses SSL, and false otherwise.". Is it supposed
> to be like this? I haven't checked other similar doc entries..

Yeah, I think we should print what a boolean value would look like from
SQL, so "true" rather than "yes".

I think the code structure is hard to follow.  It would be simpler if it
was a bunch of

/* Database */
printTableAddHeader(&cont, _("Database"), true, 'l');
printTableAddCell(&cont, db, false, false);
/* Port */
printTableAddHeader(&cont, _("Por"), true, 'l');
printTableAddCell(&cont, PQport(pset.db), false, false);
/* ... */

And so on.  I don't think the printTable() API forces you to set all
headers first followed by all cells.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> On 2024-Sep-16, Jim Jones wrote:
>> * The value of "Current User" does not match the function current_user()
>> --- as one might expcect. It is a little confusing, as there is no
>> mention of "Current User" in the docs. In case this is the intended
>> behaviour, could you please add it to the docs?

> It is intended.  As Peter said[1], what we wanted was to display
> client-side info, so PQuser() is the right thing to do.  Now maybe
> "Current User" is not the perfect column header, but at least the
> definition seems consistent with the desired end result.

Seems like "Session User" would be closer to being accurate, since
PQuser()'s result does not change when you do SET ROLE etc.

> Now, I think
> the current docs saying to look at session_user() are wrong, they should
> point to the libpq docs for the function instead; something like "The
> name of the current user, as returned by PQuser()" and so on.

Sure, but this does not excuse choosing a misleading column name
when there are better choices readily available.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 8:31 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> On 2024-Sep-16, Jim Jones wrote:
>> * The value of "Current User" does not match the function current_user()
>> --- as one might expcect. It is a little confusing, as there is no
>> mention of "Current User" in the docs. In case this is the intended
>> behaviour, could you please add it to the docs?

> It is intended.  As Peter said[1], what we wanted was to display
> client-side info, so PQuser() is the right thing to do.  Now maybe
> "Current User" is not the perfect column header, but at least the
> definition seems consistent with the desired end result.

Seems like "Session User" would be closer to being accurate, since
PQuser()'s result does not change when you do SET ROLE etc.

> Now, I think
> the current docs saying to look at session_user() are wrong, they should
> point to the libpq docs for the function instead; something like "The
> name of the current user, as returned by PQuser()" and so on.

Sure, but this does not excuse choosing a misleading column name
when there are better choices readily available.

Maybe we can rename "Current User" to "Authenticated User" just like the previous author because it is a user returned by PQuser().

For the "Session User", I believe it is working as expected, since session_user can be changed with SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION.

$ bin/psql "port=5430 sslmode=disable dbname=postgres" -x -h localhost

postgres=# \conninfo+
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+----------
Database             | postgres
Current User         | hunaid
Session User         | hunaid
Host                 | localhost
Host Address         |
Port                 | 5430
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | false
GSSAPI Authenticated | false
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Backend PID          | 1337

postgres=# set SESSION AUTHORIZATION postgres;
postgres=# \conninfo+
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+----------
Database             | postgres
Current User         | hunaid
Session User         | postgres
Host                 | localhost
Host Address         |
Port                 | 5430
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | false
GSSAPI Authenticated | false
Client Encoding      | UTF8
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Backend PID          | 1337

We can update the docs as follows:
Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser().
Session User: The session user's name.


Hunaid Sohail

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 26.09.24 09:15, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> This patch renames "Current User" to "Authenticated User" as suggested
> by me in my last email. I have also updated the documentation accordingly.

Could you perhaps in the documentation elaborate a bit more on the
difference between "Current User" and "Authenticated User"? IMHO a
couple of words on how exactly they differ would be very helpful, as
they show the same user in many cases.

> Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser()
> Session User: The session user's name.

Although a bit redundant, I'd argue that "SSL Compression" is better
than just "Compression".

Other than that, it looks much better now:

$ /usr/local/postgres-dev/bin/psql -x "\
    user=jim dbname=db

psql (18devel)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
compression: off, ALPN: postgresql)
Type "help" for help.

db=# SET client_encoding TO 'LATIN1';

db=# \conninfo+
Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-----------------------
Database             | db
Authenticated User   | jim
Session User         | jim
Host                 |
Host Address         |
Port                 | 54322
Protocol Version     | 3
SSL Connection       | true
SSL Protocol         | TLSv1.3
SSL Cipher           | TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Compression          | off
ALPN                 | postgresql
GSSAPI Authenticated | false
Client Encoding      | LATIN1
Server Encoding      | UTF8
Backend PID          | 874890


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 11:16 PM Jim Jones <> wrote:
On 26.09.24 09:15, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> This patch renames "Current User" to "Authenticated User" as suggested
> by me in my last email. I have also updated the documentation accordingly.

Could you perhaps in the documentation elaborate a bit more on the
difference between "Current User" and "Authenticated User"? IMHO a
couple of words on how exactly they differ would be very helpful, as
they show the same user in many cases.

There is no "Current User" in the conninfo+; as I mentioned, I have renamed it to "Authenticated User".
There are two users in the conninfo+: 'session' and 'authenticated'. Both are documented.
Although a bit redundant, I'd argue that "SSL Compression" is better
than just "Compression".


Hunaid Sohail 

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 01.10.24 06:27, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> There are two users in the conninfo+: 'session' and 'authenticated'.
> Both are documented.

Right. I meant "Session User"

> Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser()
> Session User: The session user's name.



Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 10:50 AM Jim Jones <> wrote:
Right. I meant "Session User"

> Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser()
> Session User: The session user's name.

Should I revert to the v34 docs for Session User, or is it fine as is?

<member><literal>Session User:</literal> The session user's name;
                see the <function>session_user()</function> function in
                <xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.</member>

Any other changes required?

Hunaid Sohail

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Jim Jones

On 02.10.24 06:48, Hunaid Sohail wrote:
> Should I revert to the v34 docs for Session User, or is it fine as is?

What I tried to say is that the current description is a bit vague ---
specially "Authenticated User".

> Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser()
> Session User: The session user's name.

I thought it would be nice to have a description that tells how both
Session and Authenticated users differ. IMHO *only* a reference to
PQuser() doesn't say much, but others might be ok with it. So let's see
what the other reviewers say.


RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>I thought it would be nice to have a description that tells how both
>Session and Authenticated users differ. IMHO *only* a reference to
>PQuser() doesn't say much, but others might be ok with it. So let's see
>what the other reviewers say.

Hi everyone,
I believe the difference between Session and Authenticated
users should indeed be made clearer, while still keeping
PQuser() in the description. Other than that, I think the
patch is as expected, meeting the initial proposal/idea of
this meta-command and thread. I would like a committer
who followed the development to volunteer for a thorough
technical review so that the patch can move forward to a
release candidate for a commit.

Maiquel Grassi.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

On Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 1:39 PM Maiquel Grassi <> wrote:
>I thought it would be nice to have a description that tells how both
>Session and Authenticated users differ. IMHO *only* a reference to
>PQuser() doesn't say much, but others might be ok with it. So let's see
>what the other reviewers say.

Hi everyone,
I believe the difference between Session and Authenticated
users should indeed be made clearer, while still keeping
PQuser() in the description. 

Based on my readings from the documentation [1] and [2], we can update user descriptions as follows:

Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser(), indicating the user who initiated or authenticated the current database connection.
Session User: The session user's name, which is initially the same as the authenticated user but can be changed with SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION. See the session_user() function in <xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.

Let me know if this is fine, then I can provide a new patch.

Hunaid Sohail

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"David G. Johnston"
On Thursday, October 3, 2024, Hunaid Sohail <> wrote:

Authenticated User: The name of the user returned by PQuser(), indicating the user who initiated or authenticated the current database connection.
Session User: The session user's name, which is initially the same as the authenticated user but can be changed with SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION. See the session_user() function in <xref linkend="functions-info-session-table"/> for more details.

It seems to me a more useful definition for what this command should print out is basically the entire contents of:

That page has three sections:
Connection Invariants
Current Status
Encryption (TLS)

I would suggest that we thus produce three tables - one for each.  In the case of SSL, a message saying “not used” instead of a table full of blanks probably suffices, though I’d lean to print all of what is available at all times.

Within that framework having \conninfo[+[CSE][…]] be the command - printing out only the table specified would be the behavior (specifying no suffix letters prints all three) - would be an option.

We could add a fourth table - Parameters (P) - for the various outputs of PQparameterStatus; thus making the Current Status section a bit more manageable

There are obviously some things psql wouldn’t expose (like password) - we should probably list them explicitly in an exception list, and maybe note as much on the libpq page.

Separately, I don’t see a reason to even show “Authenticated User” unless it is different than Session User - which means only in the rare case of a superuser invoking set session authorization.  It also isn’t guaranteed to be authenticated, which the docs do try to make a point of, so “Client User” would be more appropriate.

David J.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail
Hi David,

Thank you for your feedback.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2024 at 11:56 AM David G. Johnston <> wrote:
It seems to me a more useful definition for what this command should print out is basically the entire contents of:

That page has three sections:
Connection Invariants
Current Status
Encryption (TLS)

I would suggest that we thus produce three tables - one for each.  In the case of SSL, a message saying “not used” instead of a table full of blanks probably suffices, though I’d lean to print all of what is available at all times.

We can try this approach. I would also like to have other's opinions on this approach.

Most functions are already used, while some are not required (IMO). I have listed all the functions from the doc link you provided, along with my brief comments based on the latest patch (v35).

PQdb - already used
PQuser - already used
PQpass - no need
PQhost - already used
PQhostaddr - already used
PQport - already used
PQtty - no need
PQoptions - can be used

PQstatus - no need
PQtransactionStatus - can be used
PQparameterStatus - already used
PQprotocolVersion - already used
PQserverVersion  - no need
PQerrorMessage  - no need
PQsocket  - no need
PQbackendPID - already used
PQconnectionNeedsPassword  - no need
PQconnectionUsedPassword - can be used
PQconnectionUsedGSSAPI - already used

PQsslInUse - already used
PQsslAttribute - only key_bits attribute not used
PQsslAttributeNames  - no need
PQsslStruct  - no need
PQgetssl  - no need

For PQparameterStatus, some parameters are already used.
server_version and application_name were already discussed and removed in v12 and v29 respectively. Do we need other parameters?
Within that framework having \conninfo[+[CSE][…]] be the command - printing out only the table specified would be the behavior (specifying no suffix letters prints all three) - would be an option.

3 separate tables without suffix?

If others are okay with this, I can work on this approach and will provide a patch before the next CF.

Hunaid Sohail 

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

"David G. Johnston"
On Sun, Oct 6, 2024 at 11:17 PM Hunaid Sohail <> wrote:

PQpass - no need
I would include this as presence/absence.

I concur on all of the rest.

For PQparameterStatus, some parameters are already used.
server_version and application_name were already discussed and removed in v12 and v29 respectively. Do we need other parameters?

Ok, I'll need to go read the reasoning for why they are deemed unneeded and form an opinion one way or the other.

Within that framework having \conninfo[+[CSE][…]] be the command - printing out only the table specified would be the behavior (specifying no suffix letters prints all three) - would be an option.

3 separate tables without suffix?

Yes, the tables need headers specific to their categories.

I do like the idea of having 4 though, placing settings into their own.  Premised on having all or most of the available parameters being on the table.  If it only ends up being a few of them then keeping those in the status table makes sense.

David J.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

I provided a patch a month ago with a new approach as suggested by David. Unfortunately, it didn't get any attention in the November CF.

I would appreciate your feedback on whether we should proceed with this new approach or stick with the previous one.

Hunaid Sohail

RE: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>I provided a patch a month ago with a new approach as suggested by David. Unfortunately, it didn't get any attention in the November CF.
>I would appreciate your feedback on whether we should proceed with this new approach or stick with the previous one.
>Hunaid Sohail
The previous version was good to go and ready for a commit as soon as the final review is finalized. About David’s proposal, I’m still a little unsure, but it seems like it has a lot of potential. What do you all think? If it’s a strong direction to explore, maybe David could join us as a co-author and work with us to bring the feature.

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Sami Imseih
I spent time reviewing v36 today and I have some comments.
Overall I think it's in better shape and the value of being
able to get this information from a single command meta-command
is really useful.

But I have some comments. Sorry if I am re-hashing things
that have already been discussed.

1/ I am having a hard time making sense of the section "Current Status"
None of the values in that section can be changed in the lifetime
of a connection. The description "Current Status" makes it
seem like they can change.

2/ Can't this be simplified to:

"Connection Information": attributes that cannot be changed
during the life of a connection.

I think "Connection Encryption" seems unnecessary here as
well and it could be added to "Connection Information".

"Server Parameter Settings": This section should include
all under [1]. For example, "in_hot_standby" is very
useful, and so is "application_name". Why are they
not included?

3/ I think that if we are showing "Session Authorization",
we should also show "Role Name", since either one of those
values changing can result in a different "Superuser" value.
In the example below, the user may be confused in thinking
that "postgres" is not a superuser. Showing the role name
will make the picture clearer. What do you think?

postgres=# \conninfo+ P
Server Parameter Settings
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+---------
Superuser             | true
Client Encoding       | UTF8
Server Encoding       | UTF8
Session Authorization | postgres

postgres=# set role nosuper;
postgres=> \conninfo+ P
Server Parameter Settings
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+---------
Superuser             | false
Client Encoding       | UTF8
Server Encoding       | UTF8
Session Authorization | postgres


Sami Imseih
Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

1/ I am having a hard time making sense of the section "Current Status"
None of the values in that section can be changed in the lifetime
of a connection. The description "Current Status" makes it
seem like they can change.

Any suggestions?

2/ Can't this be simplified to:

"Connection Information": attributes that cannot be changed
during the life of a connection.
I will update the docs.
Since both "Current Status" and "Connection Information" contain attributes
that cannot be changed in the lifetime of a connection, they can be merged. Any feedback?
I think "Connection Encryption" seems unnecessary here as
well and it could be added to "Connection Information".
Yes, we can do that, but we’d be left with two tables:
"Connection Information" and "Server Parameter Settings". Does that work?

"Server Parameter Settings": This section should include
all under [1]. For example, "in_hot_standby" is very
useful, and so is "application_name". Why are they
not included?

There was a discussion about "application_name" earlier in the thread, and it was removed by the original author.
However, since we now have a separate table, it makes sense to include all parameters.

3/ I think that if we are showing "Session Authorization",
we should also show "Role Name", since either one of those
values changing can result in a different "Superuser" value.
In the example below, the user may be confused in thinking
that "postgres" is not a superuser. Showing the role name
will make the picture clearer. What do you think?

Agreed. However, since we're using the libpq API, I don't think we can retrieve the role name.
Maybe remove "Session Authorization" instead?

Hunaid Sohail 

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Sami Imseih
>> I think "Connection Encryption" seems unnecessary here as
>> well and it could be added to "Connection Information".
> Yes, we can do that, but we’d be left with two tables:
> "Connection Information" and "Server Parameter Settings". Does that work?

After looking at this ever more today, I think "Server Parameter Settings"
is confusing as well. I think "Connection Status" instead of
"Current Status" as is defined in v36 will work better.
This way we will have "Connection Info" and "Connection Status".
Connection Status will reflect the values of specific parameters
that the server reports.

>> "Server Parameter Settings": This section should include
>> all under [1]. For example, "in_hot_standby" is very
>> useful, and so is "application_name". Why are they
>> not included?
> There was a discussion about "application_name" earlier in the thread, and it was removed by the original author.
> However, since we now have a separate table, it makes sense to include all parameters.

Including all the parameters in [1] under
"Server Parameter Settings" (or "Connection Status")
seems like the easy choice here. Some may not be as useful as
others, but I don't think we should pick and choose either.
Maybe someone else has other thoughts about this?

> Agreed. However, since we're using the libpq API, I don't think we can retrieve the role name.
> Maybe remove "Session Authorization" instead?

We can include role by marking the "role" guc with
the GUC_REPORT flag in guc_tables.c. I really think
without it, the is_superuser field will be incomplete.
This is because either "role" or "session authorization"
will change the is_superuser.

A thought also, that if we do choose to report all the parameters
in [1], it should be coded in a more dynamic way. Maybe loop
through the conn->pstatus list? For example I see "search_path"
will be added to the list in the next release.




Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Hunaid Sohail

After looking at this ever more today, I think "Server Parameter Settings"
is confusing as well. I think "Connection Status" instead of
"Current Status" as is defined in v36 will work better.
This way we will have "Connection Info" and "Connection Status".
Connection Status will reflect the values of specific parameters
that the server reports.

Including all the parameters in [1] under
"Server Parameter Settings" (or "Connection Status")
seems like the easy choice here. Some may not be as useful as
others, but I don't think we should pick and choose either.
Maybe someone else has other thoughts about this?

Sure, let's wait for others' opinions.
We can include role by marking the "role" guc with
the GUC_REPORT flag in guc_tables.c. I really think
without it, the is_superuser field will be incomplete.
This is because either "role" or "session authorization"
will change the is_superuser.

Thanks! I will take a look.
A thought also, that if we do choose to report all the parameters
in [1], it should be coded in a more dynamic way. Maybe loop
through the conn->pstatus list? For example I see "search_path"
will be added to the list in the next release.

If we loop through conn->pstatus, we will be bypassing the official API.
The list is of type pgParameterStatus, which is an internal struct defined in libpq-int.h.
As the file's header warns, including this file can lead to issues. Or am I missing something?

Hunaid Sohail 

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
I suggest the attached, which gets 99% there with 10% of the
complexity, and has \conninfo (no plus sign) output this:

             Connection Information
       Parámetro       │         Valor          
 Base de Datos         │ alvherre
 Client User           │ alvherre
 Host                  │
 Port                  │ 55432
 Opciones              │ 
 Protocol Version      │ 3
 Password Used?        │ false
 GSSAPI Authenticated? │ false
 Backend PID           │ 1589499
 TLS Connection?       │ true
 TLS Library           │ OpenSSL
 TLS Protocol          │ TLSv1.3
 TLS Key Bits          │ 256
 TLS Cipher            │ TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 TLS Compression       │ false
 ALPN                  │ postgresql
 Superuser?            │ on
 Hot standby?          │ off
(18 filas)

I have added the parameters is_superuser and in_hot_standby only, and
stayed away from the libpq part of the patch to enumerate parameters.
ISTM a hardcoded list is fine.

Maybe keeping track of 'role' via ParameterStatus messages is a good
idea for reasons unrelated to this patch -- maybe it can be useful for
applications to be aware of role changes -- but I'm not 100% sure about
that, and in particular I'm not sure how heavy the protocol traffic is
going to be if such messages are emitted every time you run a security
invoker function or things like that.  So I'm leaving that part out for
now, and it's easy to do both the libpq patch and \conninfo.

Also, I don't see why we have to keep the current free-format \conninfo.
When you run a query, you get things like

# select 99 as "Luftballons";

You don't get "There were only 99 Luftballons" or any such nonsense, and I
don't see why \conninfo gets to play different rules.  So I got rid of

Do people hate the question marks?

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> Do people hate the question marks?

They feel not per our usual style.  I think the output
would be equally readable without them.

Otherwise, +1 for this general approach.  I agree we can just
kick the current output format to the curb.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Maiquel Grassi
>You don't get "There were only 99 Luftballons" or any such nonsense, and I
>don't see why \conninfo gets to play different rules.  So I got rid of

From my perspective across this, I support this approach.


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Sami Imseih
> Maybe keeping track of 'role' via ParameterStatus messages is a good
> idea for reasons unrelated to this patch -- maybe it can be useful for
> applications to be aware of role changes -- but I'm not 100% sure about
> that, and in particular I'm not sure how heavy the protocol traffic is
> going to be if such messages are emitted every time you run a security
> invoker function or things like that

With the latest version of the patch, 'role' is not needed as
'session authorization' is not shown either [1].

The latest version LGTM.


Sami Imseih
Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Tom Lane
Sami Imseih <> writes:
>> Maybe keeping track of 'role' via ParameterStatus messages is a good
>> idea for reasons unrelated to this patch -- maybe it can be useful for
>> applications to be aware of role changes -- but I'm not 100% sure about
>> that, and in particular I'm not sure how heavy the protocol traffic is
>> going to be if such messages are emitted every time you run a security
>> invoker function or things like that

> With the latest version of the patch, 'role' is not needed as
> 'session authorization' is not shown either [1].

FWIW, the server currently sends at most one ParameterStatus change
report per query.  So I don't think that there is a huge performance
argument against making 'role' be GUC_REPORT.  On the other hand,
supporting \conninfo is a pretty lousy argument for doing so ---
surely we don't need a constantly-updated value to support a
seldom-used command.  Moreover, if \conninfo depended on that
it wouldn't work with older servers.

If we want to include 'role' in this output, what I'd propose is to
have \conninfo issue "SHOW role", which is accepted by every server
version.  If it fails (say because we're in an aborted transaction),
just omit that row from the output.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Sami Imseih
> If we want to include 'role' in this output, what I'd propose is to
> have \conninfo issue "SHOW role", which is accepted by every server
> version.  If it fails (say because we're in an aborted transaction),
> just omit that row from the output.

v37- would have handled this as the list of PQ parameters was
dynamically generated and only those parameters
reported by the specific version of the server showed up in

Of course that may have led to confusion in which some versions
show role while others did not, but that could be dealt with in


Sami Imseih
Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2025-Feb-21, Sami Imseih wrote:

> > If we want to include 'role' in this output, what I'd propose is to
> > have \conninfo issue "SHOW role", which is accepted by every server
> > version.  If it fails (say because we're in an aborted transaction),
> > just omit that row from the output.
> v37- would have handled this as the list of PQ parameters was
> dynamically generated and only those parameters
> reported by the specific version of the server showed up in
> \conninfo+.

Okay, I have pushed this with some trivial tweaks -- removed the
question marks and capitalized a couple of words.  I also changed "Port"
to "Server Port" because I wasn't sure it was obvious it was that, and
maybe we want to list the client port as well (like pg_stat_activity

We can continue to discuss adding 'role', 'server authorization' and so
on, if people think they are going to be useful.  We can consider such a
decision an open item for 18.

I tried it with 9.2, which doesn't have in_hot_standby.  It shows like

55441 18devel 356833=# \conninfo
            Connection Information
      Parameter       │         Value          
 Database             │ alvherre
 Client User          │ alvherre
 Host                 │ localhost
 Host Address         │ ::1
 Server Port          │ 55441
 Options              │ 
 Protocol Version     │ 3
 Password Used        │ false
 GSSAPI Authenticated │ false
 Backend PID          │ 356833
 TLS Connection       │ true
 TLS Library          │ OpenSSL
 TLS Protocol         │ TLSv1.3
 TLS Key Bits         │ 256
 TLS Cipher           │ TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 TLS Compression      │ false
 ALPN                 │ none
 Superuser            │ on
 Hot Standby          │ unknown
(19 rows)

I think "unknown" here is okay, though we could probably say
"unsupported by server" or just set it to null.

Note that the boolean for superuser says 'on' instead of 'true'.  Maybe
we should make all the booleans use on/off instead of true/false?  Not

Now we need someone to implement the PQsslAttribute() equivalent for
GSS!  If only to prove that the effort of tweaking the TLS layer to
support multiple libraries ...

Also, there's a bunch of "(char *)" casts that are 100% due to
printTableAddCell() taking a char * instead of const char * for the cell
value.  That seems a bit silly, we should change that.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Alvaro Herrera
On 2025-Feb-22, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> Also, there's a bunch of "(char *)" casts that are 100% due to
> printTableAddCell() taking a char * instead of const char * for the cell
> value.  That seems a bit silly, we should change that.

Ah, but the problem is that most of the input cells there come from
PQgetValue which returns a char *, so we'd need different casts
elsewhere.  Nevermind this ...

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —
"Having your biases confirmed independently is how scientific progress is
made, and hence made our great society what it is today" (Mary Gardiner)

Re: Psql meta-command conninfo+

Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker
Alvaro Herrera <> writes:

> On 2025-Feb-22, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>> Also, there's a bunch of "(char *)" casts that are 100% due to
>> printTableAddCell() taking a char * instead of const char * for the cell
>> value.  That seems a bit silly, we should change that.
> Ah, but the problem is that most of the input cells there come from
> PQgetValue which returns a char *, so we'd need different casts
> elsewhere.  Nevermind this ...

Also, it calls mbvalidate(cell, ...), which can modify the contents
(stripping out invalid characters), so we'd better hope all the possible
PQsslAttribute() values are valid UTF-8 or we've got possible UB on our

- ilmari