Thread: Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda in

Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda in

Jean-Michel POURE
Le Lundi 11 Février 2002 12:33, Gavin Sherry a écrit :
> The addition of trigger and rule/view
> recompilation is a convenience at best and there are alternatives to
> ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN. Take a look at the TODO list: the most urgent
> items relate to replication/clustering, point-in-time recovery and
> row-reuse. All in all, it is these features which are much more desirably
> to current and prospective users.

Many projects ask users to vote for priority features.
Who can speak for end-users? Gavin, we need a pool in the to-do-list ...
These are hackers priorities which ***may** differ from end-user ones.

1) End-user point of view

My humble and personnal opinion, shared by many end-users, is that CREATE
TABLE AS (or whatever based on CREATE TABLE AS and UPDATE FROM) is not a
valid alternative. A database sysadmin with 500 tables, triggers and rules
cannot use alternatives. We need some basic features :
- to modify schema objects (CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW, CREATE OR REPLACE
- to drop schema objects (ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN).

I would be very please if some users could express themselves. What is your
opinion as regards CREATE TABLE AS, ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN, etc...

What is the end-user priority for such features in 7.3 ?

2) Use of libgda to query legacy databases

Would it be possible to add this feature in the the to-do-list (very low
priority = in the long run):
" use libgda to query legacy databases (Oracle, Sybase, MySQL) transparently
from PostgreSQL in order to access both data (tables, views) and schema
objects (triggers, functions, rules, types, etc..)".

Is this computer fiction to attach Oracle tables in PostgreSQL using libgda?
I can't tell and I would be happy to know the hackers' opinion.

Best regards,
Jean-Michel POURE

Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda in

Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 03:58:43PM +0100, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:

> My humble and personnal opinion, shared by many end-users, is that
> CREATE TABLE AS (or whatever based on CREATE TABLE AS and UPDATE
> FROM) is not a valid alternative. A database sysadmin with 500
> tables, triggers and rules cannot use alternatives. We need some
> basic features :
> - to modify schema objects (CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW, CREATE OR REPLACE
> - to drop schema objects (ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN).
> I would be very please if some users could express themselves. What
> is your opinion as regards CREATE TABLE AS, ALTER TABLE DROP
> COLUMN, etc...

Low priority.  You can work around these limitations without too much
difficulty.  Point-in-time recovery is currently _impossible_.  If
one is going to add features, it is better to concentrate on adding
big, category-killer features than refining little features that can
be worked around.

That said, Postgres is free.  You can do what you like with it.  If
anyone wants to work on "create or replace", &c., s/he is free to do
so.  If it's that important to you, implement it yourself, or pay one
of the able developers to work on a feature you want.  Heck, even if
you pay for the feature to be implemented, it'll cost you less than
Oracle licenses.

Andrew Sullivan                               87 Mowat Avenue
Liberty RMS                           Toronto, Ontario Canada
<>                              M6K 3E3
                                         +1 416 646 3304 x110

Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda in

Jean-Michel POURE
Le Lundi 11 Février 2002 16:52, Andrew Sullivan a écrit :
> If it's that important to you, implement it yourself, or pay one
> of the able developers to work on a feature you want.

Thanks for the information. If you help us, I pay you a beer in Paris. Dave
Page will probably too in Oxford, so that makes two beers. Dave Page is
working hard on pgAdmin2 writing thousands lines of code. As for myself, I
will concentrate on something comparable to pgAdmin2 in a libgda / GTK+
environment because I think Windows has no future.

priorities for us at pgAdmin team ( I don't
know PostgreSQL internals, but it should take a few days/weeks to an
experienced hacker to add these features.

So why should I do it myself ? We are a community after all. We are not
working for money but helping each others. If we are bringing pgAdmin to a
large audience, we need more help from hackers on what we consider important :

It should be possible to modify or drop any schema object (with a priority on
views, triggers and columns). This is absolute priority for us. Can anyone
help us? Can we make sure it will be added to 7.3? Thanks in advance.

Jean-Michel POURE

Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda

Jan Wieck
Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> priorities for us at pgAdmin team ( I don't
> know PostgreSQL internals, but it should take a few days/weeks to an
> experienced hacker to add these features.


    I think you underestimate the problem a little.

    Doing  CREATE OR REPLACE is not that trivial as you appear to
    think.  The existing PL handlers (for PL/Tcl and PL/pgSQL  at
    least)   identify   functions  by  their  pg_proc  OID.   The
    functions body text is parsed only on the first call to  that
    function during the entire session. So changing the functions
    prosrc attribute after having called it already wouldn't take
    effect until the next "session". But changing the OID as well
    corrupts existing SPI plans in other functions plus rules.

    Now it might be possible to tell  your  function  handler  to
    recompile that function at the next call without changing the
    OID, but how do you tell the function  handlers  in  all  the
    other  concurrently running backends to do so after finishing
    their current transaction?

    The reason for this feature not beeing implemented yet is not
    "that just noone is in the mood for".  It is that the general
    multiuser support structures aren't in  place  and  a  little
    local sandbox-hack just wouldn't cut it.



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Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <> writes:
>     Now it might be possible to tell  your  function  handler  to
>     recompile that function at the next call without changing the
>     OID, but how do you tell the function  handlers  in  all  the
>     other  concurrently running backends to do so after finishing
>     their current transaction?

This is in fact all dealt with for CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION, but
Jan's point holds also for CREATE OR REPLACE other-stuff.  The syntax
change alone is the least of one's worries when implementing such

We were foolish enough to accept a patch for CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
that did not deal with propagating the changes, and had to do a lot of
work to clean up after it.  We will not be so forgiving next time...

            regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda

Jean-Michel POURE
Le Lundi 11 Février 2002 20:35, Jan Wieck a écrit :
>     Now it might be possible to tell  your  function  handler  to
>     recompile that function at the next call without changing the
>     OID, but how do you tell the function  handlers  in  all  the
>     other  concurrently running backends to do so after finishing
>     their current transaction?
>     The reason for this feature not beeing implemented yet is not
>     "that just noone is in the mood for".  It is that the general
>     multiuser support structures aren't in  place  and  a  little
>     local sandbox-hack just wouldn't cut it.

Thank you for the explaination. I feel stupid. Please, don't flame me for
this now :

Could PostgreSQL be working in two modes : development (SET DEVELOPMENT MODE)
and production (SET PRODUCTION MODE).

1) In development mode, each object has an md5 signature showing whether the
object is updated or not. If the object has changed, it is reloaded. This
would work even in a cluster. Object modification and deletion would only be
allowed in development mode.

2) In production, object deletion and modification would not be possible. No
need for md5 signatures then.

Switching from production <-> development would only be possible after all
transactions have ended. Pretty stupid, I agree, but this would make life
easier. Just my 0,00002 cents.


Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda

Karl DeBisschop
On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 09:58, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> Le Lundi 11 Février 2002 12:33, Gavin Sherry a écrit :
> > The addition of trigger and rule/view
> > recompilation is a convenience at best and there are alternatives to
> > ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN. Take a look at the TODO list: the most urgent
> > items relate to replication/clustering, point-in-time recovery and
> > row-reuse. All in all, it is these features which are much more desirably
> > to current and prospective users.
> Many projects ask users to vote for priority features.
> Who can speak for end-users? Gavin, we need a pool in the to-do-list ...
> These are hackers priorities which ***may** differ from end-user ones.
> 1) End-user point of view
> My humble and personnal opinion, shared by many end-users, is that CREATE
> TABLE AS (or whatever based on CREATE TABLE AS and UPDATE FROM) is not a
> valid alternative. A database sysadmin with 500 tables, triggers and rules
> cannot use alternatives. We need some basic features :
> - to modify schema objects (CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW, CREATE OR REPLACE
> - to drop schema objects (ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN).
> I would be very please if some users could express themselves. What is your
> opinion as regards CREATE TABLE AS, ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN, etc...

FWIW, As a user, I still would put my priorities more like Gavin did.
Replication/cluistering is top for me, followed by point-in-time
recovery. Row reuse would be good, although maybe I differ a little in
that I would like 'CREATE OR REPLACE' syntax a liitle more. ALTER TABLE
DROP COLUMN doen't do much for me - it's nice, but for the few case
where my DB design was not up to snuff, I just rename and carry the
column on until my next major upgrade.

Of course my say-so is moot. It's been my experience that people who
vote by suppying code tend to be weight somewhat more hevily in this
process. And I can't think of any way I'd rather have it.

> What is the end-user priority for such features in 7.3 ?
> 2) Use of libgda to query legacy databases
> Would it be possible to add this feature in the the to-do-list (very low
> priority = in the long run):
> " use libgda to query legacy databases (Oracle, Sybase, MySQL) transparently
> from PostgreSQL in order to access both data (tables, views) and schema
> objects (triggers, functions, rules, types, etc..)".

Easy enough to do in middleware. Just in the fantasy world in which I
somehow spoke for developers' time, I still wouldn't mark this too high
on my priority list.

So there's a little user feedback for you. Hope it helps.

Karl DeBisschop
Director, Software Engineering & Development
Learning Network / Information Please /

Re: [HACKERS] Feature enhancement request : use of libgda in

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
> priorities for us at pgAdmin team
> ( I don't
> know PostgreSQL internals, but it should take a few days/weeks to an
> experienced hacker to add these features.

I can see the utility of CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW, however for me the DROP
COLUMN is way more useful.  I can't begin to express how annoying it is to
not be able to drop a column.  Sooo annoying...

> So why should I do it myself ? We are a community after all. We are not
> working for money but helping each others. If we are bringing
> pgAdmin to a
> large audience, we need more help from hackers on what we
> consider important :

To a certain extent I agree.  I have definitely seen times where I have
spent hours and hours and hours of coding doing something that a core
developer can do in no time, but just isn't inclined to do.

As an aside: did anyone read my post about SET NOT NULL?  I am happy to
implement this for 7.3, but no-one answered my questions about if it's in
the parser or not, and where to put the code?

> It should be possible to modify or drop any schema object (with a
> priority on
> views, triggers and columns). This is absolute priority for us.
> Can anyone
> help us? Can we make sure it will be added to 7.3? Thanks in advance.

The other side of this is that you are using a completely free product coded
by volunteers.  There's no way you can make sure it will be added - all you
can do is to try to convince a developer to implement it.  Again, if I sat
down for a week of coding, I might be able to do it, but someone more
familiar with postgres can probably do it in a day...


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