Mailing lists [pgsql-odbc]
- Re: Some corrections on psqlodbc driver Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: unnecessary auto-transaction-rollback from driver - part 1 of Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: signoff Bob Nix
- Re: Some corrections on psqlodbc driver Franco Violi
- Re: Some corrections on psqlodbc driver Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: ODBC, SQLExecute and HY010 Hiroshi Inoue
- Change connection (IP, or Databasename) E. Zorn (RDG-rational) postsql
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Chris Gamache
- Suppressing public. in tables names Paul Cochrane
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Bruce Momjian
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Chris Gamache
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, Oliver Elphick
- Change connection (IP, or Databasename) E. Zorn (RDG-rational)
- BLOBs in PG 7.3.4 on cygwin for Windows Relaxin
- Inquiry From Form [pgsql] Michael James
- psqlODBC Bug Report - Issue with Reverse Engineering PostgreSQL Database in Visio 2002 Gary Faulkner
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Chris Gamache
- Re: Change connection (IP, or Databasename) Jeff Eckermann
- cursors in asp Dave Cramer
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Change connection (IP, or Databasename) E. Zorn (RDG-rational) postsql
- Re: Change connection (IP, or Databasename) Henry Alfke
- Re: Change connection (IP, or Databasename) E. Zorn (RDG-rational) postsql
- ODBC and client-side result sets Relaxin
- Re: Change connection (IP, or Databasename) Henry Alfke
- cursors in asp Dave Cramer
- Re: ODBC, SQLExecute and HY010 Brian J. Erickson
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Chris Gamache
- Re: psqlODBC Bug Report - Issue with Reverse Engineering PostgreSQL Database in Visio 2002 Hiroshi Inoue
- Large Object Problem John K. Herreshoff
- Date Formats Brian Furey
- ODBC in VB6 DanPerlman
- Question: ODBC connection across 2 disimilar NT Domains (Lord Corwin)
- Re: ODBC in VB6 Andrew Ayers
- PostgreSQL ODBC modification request Rafi Einstein
- ADO Case Sensitivity in Win2000/XP Greg Campbell
- Re: ADO Case Sensitivity in Win2000/XP Andrew Ayers
- Re: ADO Case Sensitivity in Win2000/XP Greg Campbell
- Re: ADO Case Sensitivity in Win2000/XP Oliver Elphick
- Re: Large Object Problem: solution John K. Herreshoff
- reprtedly deleted records in access Muehlencord, Joern
- DSN-less connection... Thomas LeBlanc
- Limiting the number of records in Execute Query Raj Shooj-Q16466
- visual basic
- Re: visual basic Jeff Eckermann
- Re: Limiting the number of records in Execute Query Tom Lane
- ADO Server Cursors and OID Greg Campbell
- Re: DSN-less connection... Andrew Ayers
- Re: visual basic Andrew Ayers
- Re: ADO Server Cursors and OID Andrew Ayers
- Win32 ODBC 'Unexpected protocol character during authentication' Andreas Hinz
- visual basic
- which odbc driver to use Noel R. Villamor
- Limiting the number of records in Execute Query Raj Shooj-Q16466
- how to compile the odbc source? (Mark Renton)
- Re: which odbc driver to use Dave Page
- Re: Win32 ODBC 'Unexpected protocol character during Andreas Hinz
- Re: how to compile the odbc source? Greg Campbell
- ODBC API Brian Furey
- Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Mikhail Umorin
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Mikhail Umorin
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Mikhail Umorin
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Thomas Wegner
- Re: how to compile the odbc source? Relaxin
- Re: how to compile the odbc source? Jeff Eckermann
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Mikhail Umorin
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Mikhail Umorin
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Richard Combs
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Hiroshi Inoue
- SQLBrowseConnect: Invalid string or buffer length Michele Gius
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems: SUCCESS! Mikhail Umorin
- Re: [HACKERS] Killing the backend to cancel a long waiting query Tom Lane
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems: Richard Combs
- Re: SQLBrowseConnect: Invalid string or buffer length Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: [HACKERS] Killing the backend to cancel a long waiting query Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems: Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: SQLBrowseConnect: Invalid string or buffer length Michele Gius
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems: Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems: Mikhail Umorin
- LF <-> CR/LF conversion Travel Jadoo
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems: SUCCESS! Noel R. Villamor
- Re: how to compile the odbc source? Relaxin
- problem with multiple result sets (Albert Graef)
- Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems Richard Combs
- Killing the backend to cancel a long waiting query Paulo Scardine
- odbc.sql Johann Zuschlag
- Re: problem with multiple result sets Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: LF <-> CR/LF conversion Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: problem with multiple result sets Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: problem with multiple result sets (Albert Graef)
- Re: Suppressing public. in tables names Mainlander
- Password encryption / SSL / SSH Mainlander
- Re: Suppressing public. in tables names Dave Page
- Re: Password encryption / SSL / SSH Richard Huxton
- Trouble compiling for Solaris 8 Nishad Prakash
- Fw: NonDelphiException may come from psqlodbc? SZŰCS Gábor
- C/C++ interpreter Ch for ODBC (Wayne W. Cheng)
- ODBC (swiss)
- Fixed pool of memory for SQLGetData (KV Rao)
- ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future Relaxin
- Re: Trouble compiling for Solaris 8
- Re: ODBC Janet Borschowa
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future Amanjit Gill
- Re: ODBC Rommel the iCeMAn
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the f Janet Borschowa
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future Andrew Ayers
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the f Rommel the iCeMAn
- MS Project and PostgreSQL Tomasz Bartusiak
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future John K. Herreshoff
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future Steve Lutz
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future Dave Page
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the future Stephen Frost
- Re: FUD!! ODBC will not be supported by Microsoft in the f Andrew Ayers