Mailing lists [pgsql-odbc]
- ODBC problems with Visual Basic 6, but in Excel it works Steffen Brodowski
- Inquiry From Form [pgsql] Wayne Cheng
- Re: ODBC problems with Visual Basic 6, but in Excel it works Andrew Ayers
- Re: Problems with ORACLE Alejandro Fuentes González
- ODBC] ODBC problems with Visual Basic 6, but in Excel it works Steffen Brodowski
- LISTEN / NOTIFY Chris Gamache
- Duvida psqlODBC! j4ns.c
- Re: Duvida psqlODBC! Alejandro Fuentes González
- Error while working with odbc-driver
- multiple out parameters Dave Cramer
- error msg question Russ Cobbe
- Re: error msg question scott.marlowe
- Re: multiple out parameters Hiroshi Inoue
- of declare/fetch and strange HY010 errors Cyrille Chepelov
- Re: of declare/fetch and strange HY010 errors Cyrille Chepelov
- Testing gateway Marc G. Fournier
- large objects, openoffice, odbc Andre Felipe Machado
- Re: of declare/fetch and strange HY010 errors (resolved) Cyrille Chepelov
- ODBC Open cursors on views Shachar Shemesh
- app does not search for public schema qualifier Andre Felipe Machado
- Bug when looking for foreign keys Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca
- FW: ERROR: Bad numeric input format '.' on insert or update of numeric column with a zero value Steve Johnson
- Connection Error
- Re: FW: ERROR: Bad numeric input format '.' on insert or update Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Bug when looking for foreign keys Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Shachar Shemesh
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Shachar Shemesh
- Need ODBC developer ASAP Josh Berkus
- large objects and pg 7.3.x Andre Felipe Machado
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Tom Lane
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Tom Lane
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Andre Felipe Machado
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Shachar Shemesh
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Andre Felipe Machado
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Julie May
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x Andre Felipe Machado
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Shachar Shemesh
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views Hiroshi Inoue
- error connecting to PostgreSQL database Bob Nix
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x with Andre Felipe Machado
- Unexpected protocol character during authentication Doherty, Jim
- Re: ODBC Open cursors on views
- missing feature and bug Brad Langhorst
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x with Hiroshi Inoue
- Optimize the function names variable Shachar Shemesh
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x with Andre Felipe Machado
- Re: large objects and pg 7.3.x with Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Optimize the function names variable Hiroshi Inoue
- PostgreSQL ODBC: Bug with Insert when using parameters arrays ?? Jol Valentine
- fixes for psqlodbc-07.03.0100 - part 2 of 2 Hartmut Raschick
- fixes for psqlodbc-07.03.0100 - part 1 of 2 Hartmut Raschick
- fixes for psqlodbc-07.03.0100 - part 1 of 2 Hartmut Raschick
- Re: PostgreSQL ODBC: Bug with Insert when using parameters arrays ?? Jeff Eckermann
- libodbc programming tutorial (Graham)
- ODBC Source for Windows Bupp Phillips
- Re: ODBC Source for Windows Dave Page
- Re: ODBC Source for Windows Robert Treat
- Re: ODBC Source for Windows Jeff Eckermann
- Re: PostgreSQL ODBC: Bug with Insert when using parameters arrays Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: libodbc programming tutorial Benjamin Riefenstahl
- Re: PostgreSQL ODBC: Bug with Insert when using parameters arrays ?? Jol Valentine
- Re: ODBC Source for Windows Bob Nix
- help Burcu Akkan
- ODBC, SQLExecute and HY010 Brian J. Erickson
- Re: help Richard Huxton
- ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Chris Gamache
- Re: ODBC Connection Pooling (Windows 2000 MDAC 2.7 patched, pgodbc- Doug McNaught
- unnecessary auto-transaction-rollback from driver - part 1 of 2 Hartmut Raschick
- unnecessary auto-transaction-rollback from driver - part 2 of 2 Hartmut Raschick
- Some corrections on psqlodbc driver Franco Violi
- Re: Some corrections on psqlodbc driver Simeó Reig (Informes Incofisa)
- Re: Some corrections on psqlodbc driver Franco Violi