I have created a table with a serial ID (sequenced) key_id field which
is also the PRIMARY KEY using pgAdmin. I've looked at the create table
statement. It has a WITHOUT OIDS clause. Table works fine, but I seem to
be unable to make ADO server side cursors. (VB).
Is there a key to enabling server side cursors.
I can link the table in Access and browse it and change field values. It
gives the impression of server side cursor, although I do not know if
that is what it is really doing. The DAO engine->pgODBC may be (must be)
behaving differently than my ADO code->pgODBC.
I know I can work around with client side cursors for selects, and use
INSERT,UPDATE executable queries. But with inserts/updates that have
many fields or needing to escape (/') text fields that might contain
quotes, the coding can get a little hairy compared to updating a cursor
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