Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: [GENERAL] Expensive query Herouth Maoz
- Help C prog and sql varchar column pgateau .
- Looking for webmaster... The Hermit Hacker
- Ecpg does not work properly
- float8 to text converter Memphisto
- PostgreSQL binary distribution for AIX? Memphisto
- Upcoming 6.4 release issues Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues dustin sallings
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues The Hermit Hacker
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues dustin sallings
- [Fwd: postgreSQL v6.4 - foreign key] (Johann Hueppeler)
- Re: [GENERAL] float8 to text converter Jose' Soares
- Re: [GENERAL] Transaction aborted? Jose' Soares
- View-Problem Konstantin Agouros
- Re: [GENERAL] float8 to text converter Memphisto
- RE: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues Jason
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues - WinNT Chris Williams
- Support for images? Gilley, Charles H.
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues - WinNT The Hermit Hacker
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues - WinNT Bruce Momjian
- extensions to pg_user Lorenzo Huerta
- cache lookup failed Lyn K. Finman
- Bug report for 6.4Beta5 (Is this the right place?) A James Lewis
- BLOBS from psql... A James Lewis
- Re: [GENERAL] Support for images? Peter T Mount
- Re: [GENERAL] BLOBS from psql... Peter T Mount
- compile rex
- PLEASE...SOMEONE COMMENT: PostgreSQL 6.4BETA not using indexes with subselects Marcus Mascari
- php config Luc Lalonde
- ... Ulf Mehlig
- Re: your mail Bruce Momjian
- Something caught in the hose? Christophe Pettus
- November 4th, 1998: PostgreSQL v6.4 Released The Hermit Hacker
- casting float8 type Bob Dusek
- Rules aren't saved by pg_dump !!! Constantin Teodorescu
- Re: [GENERAL] casting float8 type Ulf Mehlig
- Help with PostgreSQL... Joe Fisher
- age('now',date::datetime) Bob Dusek
- Re: [GENERAL] casting float8 type Bob Dusek
- insert problem. Memphisto
- The problem I described... Memphisto
- Re: [GENERAL] November 4th, 1998: PostgreSQL v6.4 Released Juan Carlos Castro y Castro
- Multiple rule action syntax Constantin Teodorescu
- RE: [GENERAL] age('now',date::datetime) Mario Filipe
- Epoch Time, conversion? A James Lewis
- RE: [GENERAL] insert problem. Jackson, DeJuan
- RE: [GENERAL] age('now',date::datetime) Jackson, DeJuan
- RE: [GENERAL] Epoch Time, conversion? Jackson, DeJuan
- Muiltiple commands to psql yeilds a bad COPY Bryan White
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues - WinNT Chris Williams
- backend problem, 2nd turn. Ulf Mehlig
- Re: [GENERAL] age('now',date::datetime) Bob Dusek
- timespan Bob Dusek
- Re: [GENERAL] Upcoming 6.4 release issues - WinNT The Hermit Hacker
- Re: [GENERAL] timespan Ulf Mehlig
- Re: [GENERAL] timespan A James Lewis
- Index on int8 Michael Contzen
- pg_hba.conf woes Adriaan Joubert
- Re: [GENERAL] pg_hba.conf woes Adriaan Joubert
- Re: [GENERAL] timespan Ulf Mehlig
- PostgreSQL 6.4 problems on Linux. Kevin Lo
- PostgreSQL 6.4 problems on Linux. Kevin Lo
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 6.4 problems on Linux. Fabio Mancinelli
- 6.1 vs 6.3.2 performance Bill Moore
- view problem Dustin Sallings
- Re: [GENERAL] timespan Bob Dusek
- max(), datetimes, and indexes Dustin Sallings
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 6.4 problems on Linux. Oliver Elphick
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 6.4 problems on Linux. Kevin Lo
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 6.4 problems on Linux. Oliver Elphick
- Connecting to a database as a specific user. Darryl Ross
- New PgAccess 0.92 beta 1 has been released Constantin Teodorescu
- Is this a datetime/date bug Michael A. Koerber SR
- Searching Large Objects Dirk Elmendorf
- OORDBMS root
- dump problems: Dustin Sallings
- Case insensitive "contains" search Wim Ceulemans
- Re: [GENERAL] Case insensitive "contains" search Herouth Maoz
- 6.5 and FreeBSD 3.0-RELEASE? Mike Meyer
- Re: [GENERAL] Case insensitive "contains" search Postgres DBA
- Re: [GENERAL] Case insensitive "contains" search Oleg Broytmann
- postgreSQL 6.3.2 and AIX Memphisto
- drop database failed Fuad Abdallah
- PostgreSQL - multiuser. Memphisto
- Re: [GENERAL] drop database failed Adriaan Joubert
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL - multiuser. Herouth Maoz
- Re: [GENERAL] dump problems: Bruce Momjian
- Incrementing a Serial Field Bob Kruger
- info Bill Moore
- Re: [GENERAL] Case insensitive "contains" search Ulf Mehlig
- Re: [GENERAL] Incrementing a Serial Field Herouth Maoz
- is NULL = NULL true or false? Gene Selkov, Jr.
- Re: [GENERAL] postgreSQL 6.3.2 and AIX David Hartwig
- Re: [GENERAL] Case insensitive "contains" search Charles Curley
- Re: [GENERAL] Incrementing a Serial Field David Hartwig
- 'now' is the future Robert Church
- Re: [GENERAL] Incrementing a Serial Field Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] Case insensitive "contains" search Gene Selkov Jr.
- Python interface and large objects? Mike Meyer
- Re: [GENERAL] dump problems: dustin sallings
- subscribtion Kirill Lisovsky
- Does 6.4 work with Irix 6.5.1 ? Fuad Abdallah
- Re: [GENERAL] postgreSQL 6.3.2 and AIX Memphisto
- Float Javier E Polo
- Re: [GENERAL] Does 6.4 work with Irix 6.5.1 ? The Hermit Hacker
- Re: [GENERAL] Float (Anatoly K. Lasareff)
- Re: [GENERAL] Does 6.4 work with Irix 6.5.1 ? Fuad Abdallah
- Re: [GENERAL] Float George Kousi
- Postgres vs. Oracle Bryan White
- rollback question... Lorenzo Huerta
- Re: [GENERAL] Does 6.4 work with Irix 6.5.1 ? Dustin Sallings
- Re: [GENERAL] Does 6.4 work with Irix 6.5.1 ? Dustin Sallings
- PL/pgSQL Sergei Chernev
- Re: [GENERAL] rollback question... Bruce Momjian
- there isn't a round(function) defined ? Constantin Teodorescu
- Postgres 6.4 load problem Robert Adam II
- Is 6.4 out? Memphisto
- Re: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL Sferacarta Software
- RE: [GENERAL] Is 6.4 out? Jackson, DeJuan
- Re: [GENERAL] rollback question... David Hartwig
- Re: [GENERAL] rollback question... A James Lewis
- Re: [INTERFACES] need information about storing methods Gene Selkov Jr.
- strange query plans, won't use index Dustin Sallings
- fmgr.h not found Ulf Mehlig
- vacuum errors... ??!!!! Bob Dusek
- Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) George Kousi
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- ... B
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) A James Lewis
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Brook Milligan
- [Fwd: A trouble with postgres] Edmund Mergl
- Re: [GENERAL] rollback question... A James Lewis
- Problem installing on AIX 4.2
- alter table ? Kevin Heflin
- How to restart postgresql?? 송기원
- How to restarting postmaster ?? 송기원
- Can't starting postmaster with -B 512 Option 송기원
- PGSQL 6.4 and C++ Functions Sven Hartrumpf
- Re: [GENERAL] alter table ? Postgres DBA
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- PL/pgSQL Sergei Chernev
- Update on: Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- WHO can help me to compile (6.4) ? Carsten Mathussek
- Re: [GENERAL] alter table ? Kevin Heflin
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Bruce Momjian
- RE: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL Sergei Chernev
- Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- Re: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL Bruce Momjian
- cyrillic recode support Postgres DBA
- Solved...Re: [GENERAL] Failing lo_import on RH 5.1 -- postgresql-6.3.2 (please help-I'm on my knees..) Jeroen Schaap
- Problem with 6.4 and "createdb -D" Jeff Hoffmann
- Re: [GENERAL] Problem with 6.4 and "createdb -D" Jeff Hoffmann
- unsubscribe Jiang Feng
- RE: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL Sergei Chernev
- Re: [GENERAL] alter table ? Herouth Maoz
- how to use "text" type data 송기원
- postgreSQL startup on AIX4.2 Memphisto
- Regression problem Herouth Maoz
- (no subject) Punyanjan Sen
- How to use text type field.... 송기원
- pg_dump Guy Durrieu
- where to find dbf2pg-3.0? Jeff Hoffmann
- How to rename a database in 6.3.2 Douglas T. Brown
- problem of upper/lower case in table names Charles-Edouard Ruault
- Re: [GENERAL] problem of upper/lower case in table names Jay O'Connor
- RE: [GENERAL] problem of upper/lower case in table names Taral
- Re: [INTERFACES] problem of upper/lower case in table names Peter T Mount
- RE: [GENERAL] problem of upper/lower case in table names Postgres DBA
- How do I COPY empty Datetimes?
- Unsigned int4 type Warwick Mitchell
- performance comparisons... Matthew Hixson
- PRoblem With Postgres Hitesh Kumar Gulati
- Re: [GENERAL] performance comparisons... Bryan White
- connection problem with ecpg Lincoln Spiteri
- Re: [GENERAL] connection problem with ecpg (SOLVED) Lincoln Spiteri
- How to compile correctly with gcc? eddie w
- ... Ryan McHale
- subscribe Statistical Solutions
- Re: [ADMIN] performance comparisons... Gavin M. Roy
- Large Objects David Giffin
- Re: Large Objects Jeroen Schaap
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: Large Objects James Oden
- Loading a database, why do I need superuser? Gilley, Charles H.
- RE: [GENERAL] Loading a database, why do I need superuser? Gilley, Charles H.
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: Large Objects Jeroen Schaap
- [GENERAL] Loading a database, why do I need superuser? Evan Howarth
- Date/time problem Oleg Broytmann
- Re: [GENERAL] Loading a database, why do I need superuser? Simon Drabble
- Monetary, Float Types Rob Cleveland
- FW: [GENERAL] Loading a database, ... Gilley, Charles H.
- Re: [GENERAL] Monetary, Float Types (D'Arcy J.M. Cain)
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: Large Objects Peter T Mount
- questions on multi-byte characters under postgresql 6.4 Hui Chun Kit, Jacky
- Questions on using multi-byte character in a field of a table (BIG5) Hui Chun Kit, Jacky
- Is Postgresql multilingual? Dimitris Logothetis
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: Large Objects dustin sallings
- Re: [GENERAL] Re: Large Objects Bruce Momjian
- Backup Matthew
- Converting Other DBes to Postgres & JDBC Dmitry Iv Popov
- ... Mose
- User Gallery and Third Party pages merged and rebuilt... The Hermit Hacker
- How to connect PostgreSQL via ODBC Driver... Ki won, Song
- Re: [GENERAL] Converting Other DBes to Postgres & JDBC Ulf Mehlig
- On archived databases Memphisto
- Unsubscribe rex
- Creating function and aggregate - problem Oliver Elphick
- ERROR: Unable to decode datetime Memphisto
- Simple question.... Summer
- Re: [GENERAL] User Gallery and Third Party pages merged and rebuilt... Peter T Mount
- Re: [GENERAL] Converting Other DBes to Postgres & JDBC Peter T Mount
- How to use dynamic sql...?? in ECPG..... Ki won, Song
- Re: [GENERAL] User Gallery and Third Party pages merged and rebuilt... The Hermit Hacker
- help me...postgres.... Ȳ¸¶´ã
- Re: [GENERAL] Simple question.... Matthew Hixson
- braindead postmaster Richard Jones
- unsubscribe Scot Jenkins
- Aggregates and Joins Bob Dusek
- Re: [GENERAL] Aggregates and Joins Oliver Elphick
- Re: [GENERAL] Aggregates and Joins Bob Dusek
- Using Postgres to for sysloging
- equivalent of sqlload? John Holland
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Herouth Maoz
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Sferacarta Software
- Postgres mentioned in Information Week Byron Nikolaidis
- Re: [INTERFACES] Postgres mentioned in Information Week Sbragion Denis
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Michael A. Koerber
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Jeff Hoffmann
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Michael A. Koerber
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Jeff Hoffmann
- table protections? Gilley, Charles H.
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Michael A. Koerber
- Re: [GENERAL] Aggregates and Joins PAX!
- Re: [GENERAL] table protections? Oleg Broytmann
- Problem with PlPgsql function on composite types (Anatoly K. Lasareff)
- [GENERAL] Typecasting datetype as date. How do I cope with NULLs? Stuart Rison
- A database on the Macintosh and Windows Paul van Erk
- PostgreSQL: copying data from file Dmitry Iv Popov
- WWW based IMAP reader... The Hermit Hacker
- Re: [GENERAL] Typecasting datetype as date. How do I cope with NULLs? (Anatoly K. Lasareff)
- Re: [GENERAL] Typecasting datetype as date. How do I cope with NULLs? Wim Ceulemans
- Re: [GENERAL] Typecasting datetype as date. How do I cope with NULLs? (Anatoly K. Lasareff)
- Re: [GENERAL] Typecasting datetype as date. How do I cope with NULLs? Stuart Rison
- ... (Felix Roske)
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: copying data from file Oleg Broytmann
- New Mailing List... The Hermit Hacker
- NOTICE: SIAssignBackendId: discarding tag 2147483647 Patrick Verdon
- int4 <--> varch2 conversions Roland Roberts
- PostgreSQL and WWW Dmitry Iv Popov
- pgsql-general Colin Smith
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL and WWW Ulf Mehlig
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Herouth Maoz
- Re: [GENERAL] Typecasting datetype as date. How do I cope with NULLs? Herouth Maoz
- Re: [GENERAL] equivalent of sqlload? Anton de Wet
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL and WWW Peter T Mount
- A quieter post Fabrizio Ermini
- Patch for pgsql.lib.php3 against 11-24 snapshot... (fwd) The Hermit Hacker
- (no subject) Alessandro Baldoni
- Deadlock on Linux Anand Surelia
- Can't upgrade to 6.4 Gregory Maxwell