I have tried to create a min(oid) aggregate, but when I use it, I get
the message `ERROR: fmgr_info: function 108994: cache lookup failed'.
What does this mean, please?
I created it thus:
create function oid4smaller (oid, oid) returns oid as
'/home/olly/cprogs/oidcompare.so' language 'c';
create aggregate min (basetype = oid, sfunc1 = oid4smaller,
stype1 = oid, stype2 = oid);
The C file is compiled and linked thus (for Linux x86):
$ gcc -o oidcompare.o -c -I/usr/include/postgresql oidcompare.c
$ gcc -shared -o oidcompare.so oidcompare.o
and it says:
#include <postgresql/postgres.h>
Oid oid4smaller(Oid o1, Oid o2) {
return (o1 < o2 ? o1 : o2);
Oid oid4larger(Oid o1, Oid o2) {
return (o1 > o2 ? o1 : o2);
Oliver Elphick Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
"The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to
all that call upon him in truth."
Psalms 145:18