Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: Add error code for encryption failure in pgcrypto Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Preserve index data in pg_statistic across REINDEX CONCURRENTLY Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Preserve index data in pg_statistic across REINDEX CONCURRENTLY Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Preserve index data in pg_statistic across REINDEX CONCURRENTLY Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid null pointer dereference if error result lacks SQLSTATE. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix two issues in TOAST decompression. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix two issues in TOAST decompression. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow run-time pruning on nested Append/MergeAppend nodes David Rowley
- pgsql: Extend PageIsVerified() to handle more custom options Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Extend PageIsVerified() to handle more custom options Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Extend PageIsVerified() to handle more custom options Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Use Enum for top level logical replication message types. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Fix some grammar and typos in comments and docs Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix some grammar and typos in comments and docs Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix some grammar and typos in comments and docs Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix some grammar and typos in comments and docs Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix some grammar and typos in comments and docs Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix some grammar and typos in comments and docs Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Allow run-time pruning on nested Append/MergeAppend nodes Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Allow run-time pruning on nested Append/MergeAppend nodes David Rowley
- pgsql: Fix unstable partition_prune regression tests David Rowley
- pgsql: doc: Mention UNION/ORDER BY etc. keywords in section headers. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Track collation versions for indexes. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Remove pg_collation.collversion. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Clarify temporary table name shadowing in CREATE TABLE docs Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Add missing comma in list of SSL versions Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Add missing comma in list of SSL versions Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Add missing comma in list of SSL versions Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Add missing comma in list of SSL versions Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Use PG_GETARG_TRANSACTIONID where appropriate Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Second thoughts on TOAST decompression. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Second thoughts on TOAST decompression. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Rethink the generation rule for fmgroids.h macros. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Remove special checks for pg_rewrite.ev_qual and ev_action being Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix unportable use of getnameinfo() in pg_hba_file_rules view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix unportable use of getnameinfo() in pg_hba_file_rules view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix unportable use of getnameinfo() in pg_hba_file_rules view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix unportable use of getnameinfo() in pg_hba_file_rules view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix unportable use of getnameinfo() in pg_hba_file_rules view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix typos. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Remove use of deprecated containment operators in tests Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Use be_tls_* API for SSL information in sslinfo Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Improve error handling in backend OpenSSL implementation Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Use the non-deprecated TG_TABLE_MAME in test trigger Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Remove deprecated containment operators for built-in types Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Disallow ALTER TABLE ONLY / DROP EXPRESSION Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Disallow ALTER TABLE ONLY / DROP EXPRESSION Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Allow users with BYPASSRLS to alter their own passwords. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Improve error messages around REPLICATION and BYPASSRLS properti Tom Lane
- pgsql: Guard against core dump from uninitialized subplan. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Guard against core dump from uninitialized subplan. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Guard against core dump from uninitialized subplan. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Guard against core dump from uninitialized subplan. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Guard against core dump from uninitialized subplan. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Use INT64_FORMAT to print int64 variables in sort debug Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Fix get_useful_pathkeys_for_relation for volatile expressions Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Fix get_useful_pathkeys_for_relation for volatile expressions Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Use INT64_FORMAT to print int64 variables in sort debug Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Revert pg_relation_check_pages() Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Tolerate version lookup failure for old style Windows locale nam Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Use standard SIGHUP handler in syslogger. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Fujii Masao
- pgsql: pg_rewind: Move syncTargetDirectory() to file_ops.c Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: pg_rewind: Replace the hybrid list+array data structure with sim Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: pg_rewind: Refactor the abstraction to fetch from local/libpq so Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Refactor pg_rewind for more clear decision making. Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Enable hash partitioning of text arrays Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Enable hash partitioning of text arrays Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Enable hash partitioning of text arrays Peter Eisentraut
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix segmentation fault that commit ac22929a26 caused. Fujii Masao
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Remove useless entries for aggregate functions from fmgrtab.c. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Improve our ability to regurgitate SQL-syntax function calls. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Declare lead() and lag() using anycompatible not anyelement. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Tom Lane
- pgsql: Remove underflow error in float division with infinite divisor. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix unlinking of SLRU segments. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Fix nbtree cleanup-only VACUUM stats inaccuracies. Peter Geoghegan
- pgsql: Fix nbtree cleanup-only VACUUM stats inaccuracies. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Peter Eisentraut
- Re: pgsql: Get rid of the dedicated latch for signaling the startup process Fujii Masao
- Re: pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't throw an error for LOCK TABLE on a self-referential view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't throw an error for LOCK TABLE on a self-referential view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't throw an error for LOCK TABLE on a self-referential view. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't throw an error for LOCK TABLE on a self-referential view. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Peter Eisentraut
- Re: pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Magnus Hagander
- Re: pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Add pg_depend.refobjversion. Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Fix wal_consistency_checking nbtree bug. Peter Geoghegan
- pgsql: Use strlcpy instead of memcpy for copying the slot name in pgsta Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Add pg_strong_random_init function to initialize random number g Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: pg_prewarm: make autoprewarm leader use standard SIGHUP and SIGT Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Doc: undo mistaken adjustment to LOCK TABLE docs in back branche Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: undo mistaken adjustment to LOCK TABLE docs in back branche Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: undo mistaken adjustment to LOCK TABLE docs in back branche Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "pg_dump: Lock all relations, not just plain tables". Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Accept relations of any kind in LOCK TABLE". Tom Lane
- pgsql: First-draft release notes for 13.1. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Properly detoast data in brin_form_tuple Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Fix minor issues with new unicode {de,re}composition code Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Use the non-deprecated TG_TABLE_MAME in test trigger Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Add GUC_LIST_INPUT and GUC_LIST_QUOTE to unix_socket_directories Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Plug memory leak in index_get_partition Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Plug memory leak in index_get_partition Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Plug memory leak in index_get_partition Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Move catalog index declarations Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Move catalog toast table declarations Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix ecpg's mishandling of B'...' and X'...' literals. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix ecpg's mishandling of B'...' and X'...' literals. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: small release note updates. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid re-using output variables in new ecpg test case. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid re-using output variables in new ecpg test case. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Message style improvements Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Message style improvements Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Improve nbtree README's LP_DEAD section. Peter Geoghegan
- Re: pgsql: Fix redundant error messages in client tools Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix test for error message change Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix test for error message change Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix assertion in collation version lookup. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: In INSERT/UPDATE, use the table's real tuple descriptor as targe Tom Lane
- pgsql: In INSERT/UPDATE, use the table's real tuple descriptor as targe Tom Lane
- pgsql: In INSERT/UPDATE, use the table's real tuple descriptor as targe Tom Lane
- pgsql: Release notes for 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Release notes for 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Release notes for 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Release notes for 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Release notes for 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Release notes for 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: suppress PDF build warning in 9.6 branch. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Skip empty transaction stream in test_decoding. Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Skip empty transaction stream in test_decoding. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Fix parsePGArray() error checking in pg_dump. Thomas Munro
- Re: pgsql: Skip empty transaction stream in test_decoding. Amit Kapila
- Re: pgsql: Skip empty transaction stream in test_decoding. Dilip Kumar
- pgsql: doc: Add note about pg_settings and customized options into cata Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Remove incorrect %s in string Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Remove incorrect %s in string Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Remove analyze_new_cluster script from pg_upgrade Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Translation updates Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Translation updates Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Translation updates Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Translation updates Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Translation updates Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Translation updates Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: In security-restricted operations, block enqueue of at-commit us Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Ignore attempts to \gset into specially treated variables. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Remove ineffective heapam CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(). Peter Geoghegan
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify data type behavior of COALESCE and NULLIF. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Andrew Dunstan
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Andrew Dunstan
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 13.1. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 12.5. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 11.10. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 10.15. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 9.6.20. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 9.5.24. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Andrew Dunstan
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Tom Lane
- pgsql: jit: Add support for LLVM 12. Andres Freund
- pgsql: Remove -o option to postmaster Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Fix out of date comment Magnus Hagander
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Andrew Dunstan
- pgsql: pg_rewind: Fix thinko in parsing target WAL. Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Tom Lane
- pgsql: Tag refs/tags/REL9_6_20 was created
- pgsql: Tag refs/tags/REL_11_10 was created
- pgsql: Tag refs/tags/REL_12_5 was created
- pgsql: Tag refs/tags/REL9_5_24 was created
- pgsql: Tag refs/tags/REL_10_15 was created
- pgsql: Tag refs/tags/REL_13_1 was created
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: Work around cross-version-upgrade issues created by commit 9e38c Tom Lane
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: fix spelling "connction" to "connection" Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix and simplify some usages of TimestampDifference(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix cases of discarding result from list API functions Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Add pg_nodiscard decorations to some functions Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Add pg_nodiscard function declaration specifier Peter Eisentraut
- Re: pgsql: Declare assorted array functions using anycompatible not anyelem Andrew Dunstan
- pgsql: Remove vacuumdb --analyze-in-stages from pg_upgrade tests Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Remove line missed in previous commit Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Fix some stray whitespace in parser files Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Remove duplicate code in brin_memtuple_initialize Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Remove duplicate code in brin_memtuple_initialize Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Remove duplicate code in brin_memtuple_initialize Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Remove duplicate code in brin_memtuple_initialize Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Remove duplicate code in brin_memtuple_initialize Tomas Vondra
- pgsql: Remove useless SHA256 initialization when not using backup manif Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Remove useless SHA256 initialization when not using backup manif Michael Paquier
- pgsql: pg_stat_statements: track number of rows processed by REFRESH MA Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix name of the macro for getting signature length trgm_gist.c Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Fix name of the macro for getting signature length trgm_gist.c Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Use standard SIGHUP and SIGTERM handlers in walreceiver. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix typo in contrib/pg_trgm/pg_trgm--1.4--1.5.sql Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Fix typo in contrib/pg_trgm/pg_trgm--1.4--1.5.sql Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Clean up optional rules in grammar Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Allow pg_rewind to use a standby server as the source system. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: pg_trgm: fix crash in 2-item picksplit Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Remove tests that don't work on Windows. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: change wire protocol data type for history file content Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: wire protocol data type for history file content is bytea Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: wire protocol data type for history file content is bytea Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: wire protocol data type for history file content is bytea Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: wire protocol data type for history file content is bytea Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: wire protocol data type for history file content is bytea Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: wire protocol data type for history file content is bytea Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- Re: pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Alvaro Herrera
- Re: pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Erik Rijkers
- Re: pgsql: docs: mention that expression indexes need analyze Erik Rijkers
- Re: pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Remove another test that doesn't work on Windows. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Support negative indexes in split_part(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix some typos Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Doc: improve partitioning discussion in ddl.sgml. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: improve partitioning discussion in ddl.sgml. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: improve partitioning discussion in ddl.sgml. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: improve partitioning discussion in ddl.sgml. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Provide the OR REPLACE option for CREATE TRIGGER. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Handle equality operator in contrib/pg_trgm Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Fix alphabetic ordering in typedefs.list Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Add missing 'the' to pgtrgm.sgml Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Fix timing issue in pg_rewind test. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Suppress "warning: variable 'collcollate' set but not used". Tom Lane
- pgsql: nbtree: Demote incomplete split "can't happen" error. Peter Geoghegan
- pgsql: Fix fuzzy thinking about amcanmulticol versus amcaninclude. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix fuzzy thinking about amcanmulticol versus amcaninclude. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix fuzzy thinking about amcanmulticol versus amcaninclude. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix fuzzy thinking about amcanmulticol versus amcaninclude. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Relax INSERT privilege requirement for CTAS and matviews WITH NO Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Reword 'simple comparison' => 'inequality' in pgtrgm.sgml Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Make the standby server promptly handle interrupt signals. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Remove code handling removed deprecated containment operators Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Normalize comment in empty grammar rules Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Fix typo Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix typo Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix typo Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: improve wording of the need for analyze of exp. indexes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: adjust expression index analyze working some more Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: adjust expression index analyze working some more Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: adjust expression index analyze working some more Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: adjust expression index analyze working some more Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Remove unused and deprecated strategy numbers from BRIN code Peter Eisentraut
- Re: pgsql: doc: clarify where to find pg_type_d.h (PG 11+) and pg_type.h Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: clarify how to find pg_type_d.h in the install tree Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: doc: update bgwriter description Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Use "true" not "TRUE" in one ICU function call. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Use "true" not "TRUE" in one ICU function call. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Use "true" not "TRUE" in one ICU function call. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Use "true" not "TRUE" in one ICU function call. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Do not return NULL for error cases in satisfies_hash_partition() Tom Lane
- pgsql: Do not return NULL for error cases in satisfies_hash_partition() Tom Lane
- pgsql: Do not return NULL for error cases in satisfies_hash_partition() Tom Lane
- pgsql: Do not return NULL for error cases in satisfies_hash_partition() Tom Lane
- pgsql: Rename PGPROC->vacuumFlags to statusFlags Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't Insert() a VFD entry until it's fully built. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix 'skip-empty-xacts' option in test_decoding for streaming mod Amit Kapila
- pgsql: nbtree: Rename nbtinsert.c variables for consistency. Peter Geoghegan
- pgsql: indexcmds.c: reorder function prototypes Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Deprecate nbtree's BTP_HAS_GARBAGE flag. Peter Geoghegan
- pgsql: Add tab completion for CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER in psql Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Add more tests for hashing and hash-based plans Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: docs: Clarify that signal functions have no feedback. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Relax lock level for setting PGPROC->statusFlags Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Improve failure detection with array parsing in pg_dump Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Add BarrierArriveAndDetachExceptLast(). Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Hash support for row types Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Rename object in test to avoid conflict Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Further fixes for CREATE TABLE LIKE: cope with self-referential Tom Lane
- pgsql: Adjust DSM and DSA slot usage constants (back-patch). Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Adjust DSM and DSA slot usage constants (back-patch). Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Adjust DSM and DSA slot usage constants (back-patch). Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Remove undocumented IS [NOT] OF syntax. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: On macOS, use -isysroot in link steps as well as compile steps. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Emit log when restore_command succeeds but archived file faills Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Add collation versions for FreeBSD. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Replace a macro by a function Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Remove ability to independently select random number generator Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Make pg_rewind test case more stable. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: doc: Improve tableoid description Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Remove INSERT privilege check at table creation of CTAS and matv Michael Paquier
- pgsql: In geo_ops.c, represent infinite slope as Infinity, not DBL_MAX. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Extend the geometric regression test cases a little. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix FPeq() and friends to get the right answers for infinities. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Split copy.c into four files. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Fix a few comments that referred to copy.c. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Make some sanity-check elogs more verbose Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Improve wording of two error messages related to generated colum Tom Lane
- pgsql: Rename the "point is strictly above/below point" comparison oper Tom Lane
- pgsql: Don't hold ProcArrayLock longer than needed in rare cases Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Remove unnecessary #include. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Define pg_attribute_cold and pg_attribute_hot macros David Rowley
- pgsql: Improve compiler code layout in elog/ereport ERROR calls David Rowley
- pgsql: Fix unportable usage of __has_attribute David Rowley
- pgsql: Centralize logic for skipping useless ereport/elog calls. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Use macros instead of hardcoded offsets for LWLock initializatio Michael Paquier
- pgsql: doc: Get rid of unnecessary space character from some index item Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Move per-agg and per-trans duplicate finding to the planner. Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: pgsql: Move per-agg and per-trans duplicate finding to the planner. Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Move per-agg and per-trans duplicate finding to the planner. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Fix expected output: the order of agg permission checks changed. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Put "inline" marker on declarations of inline functions. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Tidy up definitions of pg_attribute_hot and pg_attribute_cold David Rowley
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Properly check index mark/restore in ExecSupportsMarkRestore. Andrew Gierth
- pgsql: Remove catalog function currtid() Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Stop gap fix for __attribute__((cold)) compiler bug in MinGW 8.1 David Rowley
- pgsql: Remove obsolete comment atop ri_PlanCheck. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Remove obsolete comment atop ri_PlanCheck. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Fix WaitLatch(NULL) on Windows. Thomas Munro
- pgsql: Make error hint from bind() failure more accurate Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Add support for abstract Unix-domain sockets Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: doc: Fix typos Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: tablefunc: Reject negative number of tuples passed to normal_ran Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Avoid spamming the client with multiple ParameterStatus messages Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: minor improvements for section 11.2 "Index Types". Tom Lane
- pgsql: In psql's \d commands, don't truncate attribute default values. Tom Lane
- pgsql: In psql's \d commands, don't truncate attribute default values. Tom Lane
- pgsql: In psql's \d commands, don't truncate attribute default values. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid spurious waits in concurrent indexing Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Use Enums for logical replication message types at more places. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: doc: Add description about re-analysis and re-planning of a prep Fujii Masao
- pgsql: pg_stat_statements: Track number of times pgss entries were deal Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Restore lock level to update statusFlags Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix replication of in-progress transactions in tablesync worker. Amit Kapila
- pgsql: Use standard SIGHUP and SIGTERM signal handlers in worker_spi. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Use standard SIGTERM signal handler die() in test_shm_mq worker. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix CLUSTER progress reporting of number of blocks scanned. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix CLUSTER progress reporting of number of blocks scanned. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix CLUSTER progress reporting of number of blocks scanned. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix a recently-introduced race condition in LISTEN/NOTIFY handli Tom Lane
- pgsql: Clean up after tests in src/test/locale/. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Retry initial slurp_file("current_logfiles"), in test 004_logrot Noah Misch
- pgsql: Retry initial slurp_file("current_logfiles"), in test 004_logrot Noah Misch
- pgsql: Retry initial slurp_file("current_logfiles"), in test 004_logrot Noah Misch
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Doc: clarify behavior of PQconnectdbParams(). Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix recently-introduced breakage in psql's \connect command. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Improve log message about termination of background workers. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Fix typo in comment. Fujii Masao
- pgsql: Remove leftover comments, left behind by removal of WITH OIDS. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Remove leftover comments, left behind by removal of WITH OIDS. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Remove leftover comments, left behind by removal of WITH OIDS. Heikki Linnakangas
- pgsql: Refactor parsing rules for option lists of EXPLAIN, VACUUM and A Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix miscomputation of direct_lateral_relids for join relations. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Prevent parallel index build in a standalone backend. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Prevent parallel index build in a standalone backend. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Prevent parallel index build in a standalone backend. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Prevent parallel index build in a standalone backend. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Remove configure-time probe for DocBook DTD. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Remove configure-time probe for DocBook DTD. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Remove configure-time probe for DocBook DTD. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Remove configure-time probe for DocBook DTD. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Document concurrent indexes waiting on each other Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix missing outfuncs.c support for IncrementalSortPath. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix missing outfuncs.c support for IncrementalSortPath. Tom Lane