On 17/06 17.48, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> Also, I need help to update the details for operating systems/distros
> and install methods that I don't know myself. I'd appreciate it if
> someone who does could look at e.g. the RedHat pages and then
> construct similar pages for the following OSes (either send me the
> text, or just do a fork+pullreq on github):
OK one comment about the details for Solaris. I can't easily access
non-web stuff from within the firewall, but it's just one small
I'd like to remove OpenSolaris form the list of "Solarises" mentioned;
I replaced that with Solaris 11 several minor versions ago, so Solaris
10 and 11 will be the platforms packaged for in the foreseeable
- Bjorn (Solaris tar ball builder)