Thread: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Olivier Bouiron
I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a 
table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm 
sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1 
running on a linux Fedora OS.

Thanks for all your work and good luck for that new version!

Best regards

(Sorry for my english, i'm french...)

Olivier Bouiron
Institut Sainte Catherine

Tél: 04 90 27 57 43

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

"Hiroshi Saito"

Umm, Probably,
In order to edit the data, each row in the table must be uniquely identifiable.

This can be done using the OID, or a primary key. If none of them exist,

the table is read only. Note that views can't be edited and are read only by

design; updatable views (using rules) are not supported at this time.


What thing is the table which you define?


Hiroshi Saito

From: "Olivier Bouiron"

> Hi.
> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a table, evry time, the last 
> value that i change is not saved, and i'm sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1 running on a linux Fedora 
> OS.
> Thanks for all your work and good luck for that new version!
> Best regards
> (Sorry for my english, i'm french...)
> -- 
> Olivier Bouiron
> Institut Sainte Catherine
> Tél: 04 90 27 57 43
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Dave Page
Olivier Bouiron wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
> running on a linux Fedora OS.

I cannot reproduce any issue along these lines. Can anyone else?

Regards, Dave

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

"Hiroshi Saito"
It seems that a problem is in somewhere. 
Anyhow, I investigate this. At all angles.
I result will be reported.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Page" <>

> Olivier Bouiron wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
>> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
>> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
>> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
>> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
>> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
>> running on a linux Fedora OS.
> I cannot reproduce any issue along these lines. Can anyone else?
> Regards, Dave
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
>       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
>       match

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Olivier Bouiron
This is one of the table that I use, and I have the problem with it too.
But as I said to Hiroshi Saito, I use the beta 1, I've just seen few 
minutes ago that the beta 2 was released.
I have the problem evry time for the last value that i change.
I've tested again to use the refresh buton and the new value disepear 
and the old value takes the place.

-- Table: dsi.dsi_pha_ucd

-- DROP TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd;

CREATE TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
( idspecialite integer NOT NULL, code text, libelle text NOT NULL, idforme integer NOT NULL, quantite integer NOT NULL
DEFAULT1, volume real DEFAULT -1, dosage real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true, id integer NOT
NULLDEFAULT nextval('dsi_pha_ucd_id_seq'::regclass), oldidpres integer, oldidprod integer, CONSTRAINT dsi_pha_ucd_pkey
ALTER TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO infocentre WITH GRANT OPTION;

-- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code

-- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code;

CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_spe_code ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd USING btree (code);

-- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd

-- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd;

CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_ucd ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd USING btree (idspecialite);


Olivier Bouiron
Institut Sainte Catherine

Tél: 04 90 27 57 43

Dave Page a écrit :
> Olivier Bouiron wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
>> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
>> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
>> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
>> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
>> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
>> running on a linux Fedora OS.
> I cannot reproduce any issue along these lines. Can anyone else?
> Regards, Dave

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Derrick Betts
Just a thought.. Are you leaving the cell (cursor being moved to a 
different cell) in order to commit the change before you refresh the table?


Olivier Bouiron wrote:
> Hi.
> This is one of the table that I use, and I have the problem with it too.
> But as I said to Hiroshi Saito, I use the beta 1, I've just seen few 
> minutes ago that the beta 2 was released.
> I have the problem evry time for the last value that i change.
> I've tested again to use the refresh buton and the new value disepear 
> and the old value takes the place.
> -- Table: dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> -- DROP TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd;
> CREATE TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> (
>  idspecialite integer NOT NULL,
>  code text,
>  libelle text NOT NULL,
>  idforme integer NOT NULL,
>  quantite integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
>  volume real DEFAULT -1,
>  dosage real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
>  visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
>  id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dsi_pha_ucd_id_seq'::regclass),
>  oldidpres integer,
>  oldidprod integer,
>  CONSTRAINT dsi_pha_ucd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> ALTER TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd OWNER TO postgres;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO postgres;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO infocentre WITH GRANT OPTION;
> -- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code
> -- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code;
> CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_spe_code
>  ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
>  USING btree
>  (code);
> -- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd
> -- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd;
> CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_ucd
>  ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
>  USING btree
>  (idspecialite);
> Regards,
> Olivier Bouiron
> Institut Sainte Catherine
> Tél: 04 90 27 57 43
> Dave Page a écrit :
>> Olivier Bouiron wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
>>> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
>>> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
>>> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
>>> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
>>> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
>>> running on a linux Fedora OS.
>> I cannot reproduce any issue along these lines. Can anyone else?
>> Regards, Dave
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

"Hiroshi Saito"
Hi Olivier-san.

Although I tried the problem as out of order, I'm not reproduced....
Sorry, Please send me the procedure or data made to reproduce
be obtained? If possible, please specify the procedure for step by step.
I appreciate your perseverance.

Hiroshi Saito

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Olivier Bouiron" <>
To: "Dave Page" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

> Hi.
> This is one of the table that I use, and I have the problem with it too.
> But as I said to Hiroshi Saito, I use the beta 1, I've just seen few minutes ago that the beta 2 
> was released.
> I have the problem evry time for the last value that i change.
> I've tested again to use the refresh buton and the new value disepear and the old value takes the 
> place.
> -- Table: dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> -- DROP TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd;
> CREATE TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> (
>  idspecialite integer NOT NULL,
>  code text,
>  libelle text NOT NULL,
>  idforme integer NOT NULL,
>  quantite integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
>  volume real DEFAULT -1,
>  dosage real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
>  visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
>  id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dsi_pha_ucd_id_seq'::regclass),
>  oldidpres integer,
>  oldidprod integer,
>  CONSTRAINT dsi_pha_ucd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> ALTER TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd OWNER TO postgres;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO postgres;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO infocentre WITH GRANT OPTION;
> -- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code
> -- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code;
> CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_spe_code
>  ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
>  USING btree
>  (code);
> -- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd
> -- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd;
> CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_ucd
>  ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
>  USING btree
>  (idspecialite);
> Regards,
> Olivier Bouiron
> Institut Sainte Catherine
> Tél: 04 90 27 57 43
> Dave Page a écrit :
>> Olivier Bouiron wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
>>> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
>>> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
>>> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
>>> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
>>> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
>>> running on a linux Fedora OS.
>> I cannot reproduce any issue along these lines. Can anyone else?
>> Regards, Dave
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Guillaume Lelarge
Olivier Bouiron a écrit :
> The problem only happen when I edit just the 100 last lines of the table.
> This is how i do:
> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
> 3)Tape the new value
> 4)'Enter'
> 5)Then I can close the frame or clik on the refresh button, the result
> will be the same: I see the old value taking place in the cell
> But if I do that;
> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
> 3)Tape the new value
> 4)'Enter'
> 2)Click on a 2nd cell I want to edit
> 3)Tape the new value
> 4)'Enter'
> 5)Then just the second cell will keep its old value, the first is ok...
> Hope this could help you...

I've done some tests. I have the same issue than Olivier when I use
Enter (not Return, but Enter... the key of the numeric pad). It seems
Enter key is not handled in the same way than Return key. I'll look at
the source code tonight.


<!-- -->

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Olivier Bouiron

The problem only happen when I edit just the 100 last lines of the table.
This is how i do:
1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
2)Click on the cell I want to edit
3)Tape the new value
5)Then I can close the frame or clik on the refresh button, the result 
will be the same: I see the old value taking place in the cell

But if I do that;
1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
2)Click on the cell I want to edit
3)Tape the new value
2)Click on a 2nd cell I want to edit
3)Tape the new value
5)Then just the second cell will keep its old value, the first is ok...

Hope this could help you...

Olivier Bouiron
Institut Sainte Catherine

Tél: 04 90 27 57 43

Guillaume Lelarge a écrit :
> Bonjour Olivier,
> Olivier Bouiron a écrit :
>> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
>> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
>> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
>> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
>> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
>> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
>> running on a linux Fedora OS.
> Je me demandais si le problème avait été résolu avec l'aide d'Hiroshi,
> de Dave et de Derrick ou si le problème se posait toujours ? si oui,
> peux-tu m'indiquer la procédure exacte que tu suis pour mettre à jour
> une ligne ? (je veux dire clic par clic, touche par touche.
> Merci.
> À bientôt.

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

"Hiroshi Saito"

Yes, Good point:-). Then, I had other problems in the portion.
I want to repeal the operation....( not accept key Enter)
However, I think that the review of Dave is required for this.

*** pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp.orig    2007-07-30 09:34:37.000000000 +0000
--- pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp 2007-07-30 09:36:29.000000000 +0000
*** 644,649 ****
--- 644,655 ----                 fileMenu->Enable(MNU_SAVE, true);                 editMenu->Enable(MNU_UNDO, true);
+             else
+             {
+                 if (keycode > WXK_SCROLL)
+                     return;
+             }
+             break;     }     event.Skip();

Hiroshi Saito

From: "Guillaume Lelarge"

> Olivier Bouiron a écrit :
>> The problem only happen when I edit just the 100 last lines of the table.
>> This is how i do:
>> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
>> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 5)Then I can close the frame or clik on the refresh button, the result
>> will be the same: I see the old value taking place in the cell
>> But if I do that;
>> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
>> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 2)Click on a 2nd cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 5)Then just the second cell will keep its old value, the first is ok...
>> Hope this could help you...
> I've done some tests. I have the same issue than Olivier when I use
> Enter (not Return, but Enter... the key of the numeric pad). It seems
> Enter key is not handled in the same way than Return key. I'll look at
> the source code tonight.
> Regards.
> -- 
> Guillaume.
> <!--
> -->
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings 

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Guillaume Lelarge
Guillaume Lelarge a écrit :
> Olivier Bouiron a écrit :
>> The problem only happen when I edit just the 100 last lines of the table.
>> This is how i do:
>> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
>> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 5)Then I can close the frame or clik on the refresh button, the result
>> will be the same: I see the old value taking place in the cell
>> But if I do that;
>> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
>> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 2)Click on a 2nd cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 5)Then just the second cell will keep its old value, the first is ok...
>> Hope this could help you...
> I've done some tests. I have the same issue than Olivier when I use
> Enter (not Return, but Enter... the key of the numeric pad). It seems
> Enter key is not handled in the same way than Return key. I'll look at
> the source code tonight.

OK. I've commited a fix on SVN. It should appear on beta 3.

Thanks for the report.


<!-- -->

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

Dave Page
Hiroshi Saito wrote:
> Hi.
> Yes, Good point:-). Then, I had other problems in the portion.
> I want to repeal the operation....( not accept key Enter)
> However, I think that the review of Dave is required for this.
> pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp
> *** pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp.orig    2007-07-30 09:34:37.000000000 +0000
> --- pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp 2007-07-30 09:36:29.000000000 +0000
> ***************
> *** 644,649 ****
> --- 644,655 ----
>                  fileMenu->Enable(MNU_SAVE, true);
>                  editMenu->Enable(MNU_UNDO, true);
>              }
> +             else
> +             {
> +                 if (keycode > WXK_SCROLL)
> +                     return;
> +             }
> +
>              break;
>      }
>      event.Skip();

I'm not clear what this is trying to do - can you describe the problem
some more?

(I'm not entirely sure what key WXK_SCROLL is - scroll lock perhaps? Or
one that is on a Japanese keyboard? (for those that haven't used one,
they have numerous extra keys and modes that won't be familiar)).

Regards, Dave.

Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor

"Hiroshi Saito"

From: "Dave Page"

> I'm not clear what this is trying to do - can you describe the problem
> some more?
> (I'm not entirely sure what key WXK_SCROLL is - scroll lock perhaps? Or
> one that is on a Japanese keyboard? (for those that haven't used one,
> they have numerous extra keys and modes that won't be familiar)).

Sorry, I killed other functions now and he understood that the problem was not 
solved yet...It seems that the problem is in somewhere else. Event processing is 
complicated. Probably, This problem is originating in wxWidgets...
I investigate continuously. 

Hiroshi Saito