Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Hiroshi Saito
Subject Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor
Msg-id 011a01c7d28e$c26d9920$c601a8c0@HP22720319231
Whole thread Raw
In response to Bug on the beta release: table cell editor  (Olivier Bouiron <>)
Responses Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor
List pgadmin-support

Yes, Good point:-). Then, I had other problems in the portion.
I want to repeal the operation....( not accept key Enter)
However, I think that the review of Dave is required for this.

*** pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp.orig    2007-07-30 09:34:37.000000000 +0000
--- pgadmin/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp 2007-07-30 09:36:29.000000000 +0000
*** 644,649 ****
--- 644,655 ----                 fileMenu->Enable(MNU_SAVE, true);                 editMenu->Enable(MNU_UNDO, true);
+             else
+             {
+                 if (keycode > WXK_SCROLL)
+                     return;
+             }
+             break;     }     event.Skip();

Hiroshi Saito

From: "Guillaume Lelarge"

> Olivier Bouiron a écrit :
>> The problem only happen when I edit just the 100 last lines of the table.
>> This is how i do:
>> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
>> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 5)Then I can close the frame or clik on the refresh button, the result
>> will be the same: I see the old value taking place in the cell
>> But if I do that;
>> 1)I edit just the 100 last lines of the table using the popup menu
>> 2)Click on the cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 2)Click on a 2nd cell I want to edit
>> 3)Tape the new value
>> 4)'Enter'
>> 5)Then just the second cell will keep its old value, the first is ok...
>> Hope this could help you...
> I've done some tests. I have the same issue than Olivier when I use
> Enter (not Return, but Enter... the key of the numeric pad). It seems
> Enter key is not handled in the same way than Return key. I'll look at
> the source code tonight.
> Regards.
> -- 
> Guillaume.
> <!--
> -->
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings 

pgadmin-support by date:

From: Olivier Bouiron
Subject: Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor
From: Guillaume Lelarge
Subject: Re: Bug on the beta release: table cell editor