Hi Olivier-san.
Although I tried the problem as out of order, I'm not reproduced....
Sorry, Please send me the procedure or data made to reproduce
be obtained? If possible, please specify the procedure for step by step.
I appreciate your perseverance.
Hiroshi Saito
----- Original Message -----
From: "Olivier Bouiron" <o.bouiron@isc84.org>
To: "Dave Page" <dpage@postgresql.org>; <pgadmin-support@postgresql.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] Bug on the beta release: table cell editor
> Hi.
> This is one of the table that I use, and I have the problem with it too.
> But as I said to Hiroshi Saito, I use the beta 1, I've just seen few minutes ago that the beta 2
> was released.
> I have the problem evry time for the last value that i change.
> I've tested again to use the refresh buton and the new value disepear and the old value takes the
> place.
> -- Table: dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> -- DROP TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd;
> CREATE TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> (
> idspecialite integer NOT NULL,
> code text,
> libelle text NOT NULL,
> idforme integer NOT NULL,
> quantite integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
> volume real DEFAULT -1,
> dosage real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
> visible boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dsi_pha_ucd_id_seq'::regclass),
> oldidpres integer,
> oldidprod integer,
> CONSTRAINT dsi_pha_ucd_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> ALTER TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd OWNER TO postgres;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO postgres;
> GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsi.dsi_pha_ucd TO infocentre WITH GRANT OPTION;
> -- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code
> -- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_spe_code;
> CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_spe_code
> ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> USING btree
> (code);
> -- Index: dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd
> -- DROP INDEX dsi.index_dsi_pha_ucd;
> CREATE INDEX index_dsi_pha_ucd
> ON dsi.dsi_pha_ucd
> USING btree
> (idspecialite);
> Regards,
> Olivier Bouiron
> Institut Sainte Catherine
> Tél: 04 90 27 57 43
> Dave Page a écrit :
>> Olivier Bouiron wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm using the pgAdmin 1.8 beta release and i've found a bug.
>>> When i use the graphical editor in order to change some values on a
>>> table, evry time, the last value that i change is not saved, and i'm
>>> sure that the edition of the cell stopped.
>>> I don't kow if you have seen this problem...
>>> I'm using pgAdmin on Window XP SP2, and my data base is a postgres 8.1
>>> running on a linux Fedora OS.
>> I cannot reproduce any issue along these lines. Can anyone else?
>> Regards, Dave
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings