Mailing lists [pgsql-interfaces]
- libpgtcl: pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection (Gerhard Hintermayer)
- Re: pgaccess 0.98.8 beta 1 - the show starts Teo
- Re: libpgtcl: pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection Tom Lane
- Re: libpgtcl: pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection Gerhard Hintermayer
- Re: libpgtcl: pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection Tom Lane
- Re: libpgtcl modifications Bruce Momjian
- 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries Tom Lane
- [HACKERS] 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries Lee Kindness
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Dave Page
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Dave Page
- Re: [ODBC] [HACKERS] ODBC Driver moved to GBorg ... Vince Vielhaber
- Re: [ODBC] [HACKERS] ODBC Driver moved to GBorg ... Vince Vielhaber
- Re: [HACKERS] 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries Tom Lane
- Attempt to connect to database using libpq++ PgDatabase class fails because CONNECTION_BAD Paul Meisenheimer
- Re: FreeBSD -pthread -lpq problem... Frédéric Boucher
- cheng
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Matthew T. OConnor
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Matthew T. OConnor
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Christopher Kings-Lynne
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Dave Page
- 7.2.1 failure to complie C programs (Rex Recio)
- Re: pgaccess - where to store the own data terry
- Re: 7.2.1 failure to complie C programs Tom Lane
- Re: ECGP - varchar in struct? Michael Meskes
- Fatal error Jean-Denis Girard
- Re: Fatal error Tom Lane
- Libpq.dll Source Code Achmad Amin
- Re: Libpq.dll Source Code Steve Howe
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Ross J. Reedstrom
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Iavor Raytchev
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Ross J. Reedstrom
- Re: [HACKERS] pgaccess - where to store the own data Brett Schwarz
- the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas Iavor Raytchev
- Re: [pgaccess-developers] the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas Brett Schwarz
- Re: [pgaccess-developers] the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas Iavor Raytchev
- Re: [pgaccess-developers] the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas John L. Turner
- Re: the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas terry
- Re: the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas Iavor Raytchev
- Re: the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas terry
- Re: the current 'schema' tab - renaming ideas Iavor Raytchev
- libpq, threads and connection reset Joe Murphy
- Re: libpq, threads and connection reset Joe Murphy
- Re: libpq, threads and connection reset Tom Lane
- libpq, threads and connection reset Joe Murphy
- Setting up pgaccess on Win2k James
- Re: Setting up pgaccess on Win2k Iavor Raytchev
- Re: libpq, threads and connection reset Joe Murphy
- [ANN] pyPgSQL 2.2 is released Gerhard Häring
- Need for speed John huttley
- Views in pgaccess Rene Kiessig
- Re: Views in pgaccess Brett Schwarz
- ODBC problem/question Michael Meskes
- BusinessExchange Iavor Raytchev
- Connecting R to PostgreSQL Adam Witney
- Re: Connecting R to PostgreSQL Tom Lane
- Re: Connecting R to PostgreSQL Steven O'Toole
- Re: [HACKERS] ODBC problem/question Dave Page
- Accessing Postgresl from PB 6.0 GSSC Mail
- pg_exec not returning after 16 calls/ libpgtcl (Gerhard Hintermayer)
- PG classes for C++ Joerg Sommer
- Re: PG classes for C++ Tom Lane
- Re: PG classes for C++ Jeroen T. Vermeulen
- Re: Connecting R to PostgreSQL Adam Witney
- Re: pg_exec not returning after 16 calls/ libpgtcl Bruce Momjian
- question on pgaccess installation Recto, Angelo
- Pgaccess on MacOSX Adam Witney
- Re: Pgaccess on MacOSX.... solved Adam Witney
- Re: question on pgaccess installation C. Maj
- Re: Pgaccess on MacOSX.... solved C. Maj
- Re: Pgaccess on MacOSX.... solved Adam Witney
- Re: question on pgaccess installation C. Maj
- Re: question on pgaccess installation C. Maj
- unsubscribe Sascha Bohnenkamp
- Re: question on pgaccess installation Brett Schwarz
- Cannot Statically Link libpq.a Emilio Recio
- Re: Cannot Statically Link libpq.a Emilio Recio
- Re: Cannot Statically Link libpq.a Emilio Recio
- Meaning of/ handling of ECPG_NOTICE_* ?? William West
- unsubscribe v j
- unsubscribe Marcos Luiz Onisto
- unsubscribe Sandeep Chibber
- unsubscribe Gordon A. Campbell
- Has someone compiled PostgreSQL JDBC with gcj ? Constantin Teodorescu
- ECPG - Clarfication of '-t', 'autocommit', BEGIN? William West
- Re: ECPG - Clarfication of '-t', 'autocommit', BEGIN? Michael Meskes
- Is there Pg PPM module (perl, win32) ? Paul
- ecpg help Gary Knopp
- Re: Meaning of/ handling of ECPG_NOTICE_* ?? William West
- IDENT authentication failed for user postgres G.LeeJohnson
- Re: IDENT authentication failed for user postgres Gerhard Häring
- Re: IDENT authentication failed for user postgres Steve Howe
- Re: IDENT authentication failed for user postgres Gerhard Häring
- Re: IDENT authentication failed for user postgres Steve Howe
- Re: IDENT authentication failed for user G.LeeJohnson
- type mismatch G.LeeJohnson
- Re: ecpg help Jim Parker
- Re: IDENT authentication failed for user postgres Gerhard Häring
- Re: ecpg help Michael Meskes
- Re: ecpg help Michael Meskes
- unsubscribe Ivan Manuel Andrade Muñoz