Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Multi-tenancy with RLS Haribabu Kommi
- Re: In-core regression tests for replication, cascading, archiving, PITR, etc. Michael Paquier
- Re: Test code is worth the space Jim Nasby
- Re: TAP tests are badly named Noah Misch
- Re: replication slot restart_lsn initialization Michael Paquier
- Re: replication slot restart_lsn initialization Andres Freund
- Re: replication slot restart_lsn initialization Shulgin, Oleksandr
- Re: replication slot restart_lsn initialization Andres Freund
- Configure checks and optimizations/crc32 tests Andres Freund
- query in PostgreSQL Rahul Majumdar/TVM/TCS
- Re: query in PostgreSQL Thomas Munro
- Re: commitfest app bug/feature Magnus Hagander
- Re: Test code is worth the space Simon Riggs
- Re: Configure checks and optimizations/crc32 tests Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: buildfarm does not test "make check" Robert Haas
- Re: TAP tests are badly named Andrew Dunstan
- Re: TAP tests are badly named Andrew Dunstan
- Re: buildfarm does not test "make check" Andrew Dunstan
- why can the isolation tester handle only one waiting process? Robert Haas
- Re: RFC: replace pg_stat_activity.waiting with something more descriptive Alexander Korotkov
- Re: RFC: replace pg_stat_activity.waiting with something more descriptive Tom Lane
- Re: why can the isolation tester handle only one waiting process? Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Configure checks and optimizations/crc32 tests Andres Freund
- Re: Configure checks and optimizations/crc32 tests Andres Freund
- Management of simple_eval_estate for plpgsql DO blocks Tom Lane
- How to compile, link and use a C++ extension jacques klein
- Re: How to compile, link and use a C++ extension Andres Freund
- Re: How to compile, link and use a C++ extension Tom Lane
- Re: why can the isolation tester handle only one waiting process? Robert Haas
- Re: How to compile, link and use a C++ extension Peter Geoghegan
- Re: How to compile, link and use a C++ extension Andres Freund
- Re: Management of simple_eval_estate for plpgsql DO blocks Andrew Dunstan
- Re: How to compile, link and use a C++ extension Andrew Dunstan
- Re: Raising our compiler requirements for 9.6 Andres Freund
- Re: why can the isolation tester handle only one waiting process? Alvaro Herrera
- FDW question - how to identify columns to populate in response? Bear Giles
- Re: FDW question - how to identify columns to populate in response? Tom Lane
- alter-table-1 isolation test spec contains a duplicate step name Robert Haas
- Re: alter-table-1 isolation test spec contains a duplicate step name Tom Lane
- [RFC] allow 'semester' in functions EXTRACT, DATE_PART, TO_CHAR and so on. Dickson S. Guedes