Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Custom geometry, why slow? Paul Matthews
- CommitFest 2009-07: Remaining Patches Robert Haas
- Wisconsin benchmark Jeff Janes
- Re: Implementation of GROUPING SETS (T431: Extended grouping capabilities) Pavel Stehule
- Re: CommitFest 2009-07: Remaining Patches Pavel Stehule
- Re: FDW-based dblink Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: FDW-based dblink Itagaki Takahiro
- Re: CommitFest 2009-07: Remaining Patches Michael Meskes
- Re: DECLARE doesn't set/reset sqlca after DECLARE cursor Michael Meskes
- Re: pg_hba.conf: samehost and samenet Magnus Hagander
- Re: Filtering dictionaries support and unaccent dictionary Oleg Bartunov
- Re: DECLARE doesn't set/reset sqlca after DECLARE cursor Boszormenyi Zoltan
- Re: DECLARE doesn't set/reset sqlca after DECLARE cursor Michael Meskes
- Re: CommitFest 2009-07: Remaining Patches Robert Haas
- Re: Custom geometry, why slow? Tom Lane
- Re: uuid contrib don't compile in OpenSolaris Zdenek Kotala
- Re: CommitFest 2009-07: Remaining Patches Teodor Sigaev
- Re: pg_hba.conf: samehost and samenet Tom Lane
- psql password passing problem pascal Van Puymbroeck
- Re: psql password passing problem Serge Fonville
- Re: uuid contrib don't compile in OpenSolaris Emanuel Calvo Franco
- Fwd: TODO: fix priority of ordering of read and write light-weight locks Jeff Janes
- Re: CommitFest 2009-07: Remaining Patches Alvaro Herrera
- Re: freezing tuples ( was: Why is vacuum_freeze_min_age 100m? ) Tom Lane
- Re: Wisconsin benchmark Tom Lane
- More cruft left behind in doc directory Tom Lane
- Re: DECLARE doesn't set/reset sqlca after DECLARE cursor Boszormenyi Zoltan
- Re: Split-up ECPG patches Michael Meskes
- Re: ECPG support for struct in INTO list Boszormenyi Zoltan
- Re: Split-up ECPG patches Boszormenyi Zoltan
- Re: pg_hba.conf: samehost and samenet Stef Walter
- Re: pg_hba.conf: samehost and samenet Stef Walter
- Re: pg_hba.conf: samehost and samenet Tom Lane
- Re: freezing tuples ( was: Why is vacuum_freeze_min_age 100m? ) Jeff Davis
- Re: More cruft left behind in doc directory Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Wisconsin benchmark Euler Taveira de Oliveira