Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 1073741824 Tomas Vondra
- Re: Recreating functions after starting the database server. Steven Lembark
- Re: Recreating functions after starting the database server. David G. Johnston
- Unexpected ErrorMessage reply to SSLRequest Michał Muskała
- Re: Please help me understand unlogged tables Jeff Janes
- Re: Please help me understand unlogged tables Michael Paquier
- Re: PG Sharding Steven Lembark
- Re: Issue with WAL logs temporary not replaying Eugene Pirogov
- Re: Information on savepoint requirement within transctions Robert Zenz
- Master-Slave error: the database system is starting up Сергей Злобин
- Re: Master-Slave error: the database system is starting up Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: PG Sharding Dan Wierenga
- What is your psql tip? Joshua D. Drake
- Re: Searching Postgresql Database with psycopg2 Rob Sargent
- Re: Searching Postgresql Database with psycopg2 David Kohn
- Rolls Andrew Bartley
- Re: Rolls Rob Sargent
- Re: Rolls Andrew Bartley
- Re: Rolls David G. Johnston
- Re: Recreating functions after starting the database server.
- Re: Issue with WAL logs temporary not replaying Tomas Vondra
- Re: pgaudit? Devrim Gündüz
- Re: pgaudit? Simon Riggs
- Ensure extension exists Geoffrey Hoffman
- Create schema with in a specific database from a script file Abhra Kar
- Re: Create schema with in a specific database from a script file Melvin Davidson
- Re: Create schema with in a specific database from a script file Abhra Kar
- Re: Create schema with in a specific database from a script file Melvin Davidson
- Create schema with in a specific database from a script file David G. Johnston
- Re: Master-Slave error: the database system is starting up Sargez
- Re: Master-Slave error: the database system is starting up Daniel Westermann
- Re: PG Sharding Matej
- FATAL: failed to create a backend connection Vikas Sharma
- Re: FATAL: failed to create a backend connection Pavan Teja
- Increasing size of array items without locking Rowan Seymour
- Postgres Planner "Inconsistency"? Renzo Bertuzzi
- Re: Unexpected ErrorMessage reply to SSLRequest Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Ensure extension exists Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Ensure extension exists geoff hoffman
- Re: Postgres Planner "Inconsistency"? Laurenz Albe
- pgAdmin questions bob gailer
- Re: pgAdmin questions Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgAdmin questions bob gailer
- Re: pgAdmin questions Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgAdmin questions bob gailer
- Looking for workaround to avoid deadlock when using exclusionconstraint Mark Scheffer
- Replication slots for cascading replication. Tore Halvorsen
- weird result by changing type enum array to text array of a column Thomas Poty
- Re: weird result by changing type enum array to text array of acolumn rob stone
- Re: weird result by changing type enum array to text array of a column Thomas Poty
- Regex Replace with 2 conditions Denisa Cirstescu
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions Francisco Olarte
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions Tom Lane
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions David G. Johnston
- RE: Regex Replace with 2 conditions Denisa Cirstescu
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions Francisco Olarte
- Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Jeremy Finzel
- Found non-empty schema without metadata table error while migrating Abhra Kar
- Re: Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Michael Paquier
- Parallel Query - Can it be used within functions? Michael Krüger
- Re: Parallel Query - Can it be used within functions? Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Jeremy Finzel
- Function execution is taking more than 2hrs Raghavendra Rao J S V
- Re: Function execution is taking more than 2hrs Laurenz Albe
- Re: PostgreSQL Active-Active Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: PostgreSQL Active-Active Stephen Frost
- Re: Pgcrypto (PostgreSQL 10) on Debain 9? Magnus Hagander
- Pgcrypto (PostgreSQL 10) on Debain 9? Thiemo Kellner
- pgcrypto.gen_random_uuid() or uuid-ossp.uuid_generate_v4()? Thiemo Kellner
- Re: Pgcrypto (PostgreSQL 10) on Debain 9? Thiemo Kellner, NHC Barhufpflege
- Re: pgcrypto.gen_random_uuid() or uuid-ossp.uuid_generate_v4()? Adam Brusselback
- Re: pgcrypto.gen_random_uuid() or uuid-ossp.uuid_generate_v4()? Thiemo Kellner, NHC Barhufpflege
- Re: pgcrypto.gen_random_uuid() or uuid-ossp.uuid_generate_v4()? Tom Lane
- Re: pgcrypto.gen_random_uuid() or uuid-ossp.uuid_generate_v4()? Thiemo Kellner, NHC Barhufpflege
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions George Neuner
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions David G. Johnston
- Re: Pgcrypto (PostgreSQL 10) on Debain 9? Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions George Neuner
- Re: Found non-empty schema without metadata table error whilemigrating Adrian Klaver
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions Francisco Olarte
- Re: Regex Replace with 2 conditions George Neuner
- pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert rottermann
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server Murtuza Zabuawala
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server Adrian Klaver
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server Adrian Klaver
- solution: Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server robert
- Re: pgadmin4: not possible to create server Adrian Klaver
- Re: Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Michael Paquier
- Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Adrian Klaver
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Adrian Klaver
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Adrian Klaver
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Adrian Klaver
- Re: Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Jeremy Finzel
- Re: Pgcrypto (PostgreSQL 10) on Debain 9? Michael Paquier
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Shreeyansh Dba
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Shreeyansh Dba
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: [solved] Pgcrypto (PostgreSQL 10) on Debain 9? Thiemo Kellner
- Documentation section F Thiemo Kellner
- "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" David Gauthier
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" David G. Johnston
- Re: Master-Slave error: the database system is starting up Sargez
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" David Gauthier
- BDR, ERROR: previous init failed, manual cleanup is required Zhu, Joshua
- Re: Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Jeremy Finzel
- Critical errors during logical decoding Colin Morelli
- Re: Documentation section F Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Critical errors during logical decoding Colin Morelli
- Salvador Jacinto
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startuppacket" Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Critical errors during logical decoding Tomas Vondra
- Re: Critical errors during logical decoding Colin Morelli
- Re: BDR, ERROR: previous init failed, manual cleanup is required Dan Wierenga
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" David Gauthier
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" David Gauthier
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startuppacket" Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Adrian Klaver
- Re: Fwd: postgres instalation Adrian Klaver
- Re: Critical errors during logical decoding Tomas Vondra
- Re: Alter table set logged hanging after writing out all WAL Michael Paquier
- Re: Documentation section F Thiemo Kellner, NHC Barhufpflege
- List all columns referencing an FK Andreas Joseph Krogh
- PITR Multiple recoveries Sébastien Boutté
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" David Gauthier
- Re: "could not receive data from client" && "incomplete startup packet" Tom Lane
- Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: PITR Multiple recoveries Jeff Janes
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' David G. Johnston
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- there is a great difference between the query execution time and the log record time
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution time andthe log record time Adrian Klaver
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution time andthe log record time Francisco Olarte
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution timeand the log record time nemo
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution timeand the log record time nemo
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution time andthe log record time Adrian Klaver
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution timeand the log record time 邓彪
- Re: there is a great difference between the query execution time andthe log record time Adrian Klaver
- 回复:there is a great difference between the query execution time and the log record time 邓彪
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- RE: BDR, ERROR: previous init failed, manual cleanup is required Zhu, Joshua
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: 回复:there is a great difference between the query execution time and the log record time Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Melvin Davidson
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Melvin Davidson
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Melvin Davidson
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' David G. Johnston
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' David G. Johnston
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' David G. Johnston
- DOW is 0-based? Igal @
- Re: DOW is 0-based? Igor Korot
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' David G. Johnston
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: PITR Multiple recoveries Sébastien Boutté
- Re: DOW is 0-based? Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' David G. Johnston
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- testing for DEFAULT insert value in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE query Geoff Winkless
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Adrian Klaver
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Francisco Olarte
- Re: Odd behavior with 'currval' Steven Hirsch
- Migrating Postgresql from Linux x86 Clive Anglin
- Re: Migrating Postgresql from Linux x86 Carlos Martinez
- New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Nicolas Paris
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Adrian Klaver
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Nicolas Paris
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet David G. Johnston
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Tomas Vondra
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Tomas Vondra
- execute block like Firebird does PegoraroF10
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Fabrízio de Royes Mello
- Re: execute block like Firebird does PegoraroF10
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Pavel Stehule
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Steven Lembark
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Fabrízio de Royes Mello
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Thiemo Kellner
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Andres Freund
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Nicolas Paris
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Andres Freund
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Nicolas Paris
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Andres Freund
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Nicolas Paris
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Andres Freund
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Adrian Klaver
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Nicolas Paris
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Tom Lane
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Andres Freund
- RE: Migrating Postgresql from Linux x86 Clive Anglin
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Tom Lane
- Fwd: persistent read cache Sand Stone
- Remove default privilege from DB Durumdara
- RE: Remove default privilege from DB Charles Clavadetscher
- Re: execute block like Firebird does PegoraroF10
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Magnus Hagander
- Re: New Copy Formats - avro/orc/parquet Tom Lane
- Trying to the behavior of a parallel query with with a change in thetransaction isolation mode Luis Carril
- Re: Trying to the behavior of a parallel query with with a changein the transaction isolation mode Alvaro Herrera
- Barman 2.3 errors GALLIANO Nicolas
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Adrian Klaver
- Re: execute block like Firebird does David G. Johnston
- Re: execute block like Firebird does PegoraroF10
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Adrian Klaver
- Re: persistent read cache Steve Atkins
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Daniel Verite
- Re: execute block like Firebird does PegoraroF10
- Re: execute block like Firebird does David G. Johnston
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Adrian Klaver
- Re: execute block like Firebird does PegoraroF10
- oracle_fdw Question chiru r
- Re: oracle_fdw Question Venkata B Nagothi
- I do not get the point of the information_schema Thiemo Kellner
- pglogical in postgres 9.6 greigwise
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema Tom Lane
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 Adrian Klaver
- Re: persistent read cache Sand Stone
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 greigwise
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 greigwise
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 Adrian Klaver
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 Adrian Klaver
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 greigwise
- Re: Barman 2.3 errors Michael Paquier
- RE: Barman 2.3 errors Ahmed, Nawaz
- Re: Connection loosing at some places - caused by firewall Durumdara
- Samuel Oceguera
- Re: oracle_fdw Question Laurenz Albe
- Require assistance in Postgres + Hibernate : Error:java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal Vinodh NV
- Re: Trying to the behavior of a parallel query with with a change inthe transaction isolation mode Luis Carril
- RE: Barman 2.3 errors GALLIANO Nicolas
- Prepared statements (PREPARE and JDBC) are a lot slower than "normal"ones. Robert Zenz
- Re: Prepared statements (PREPARE and JDBC) are a lot slower than"normal" ones. Laurenz Albe
- Re: session_replication_role meaning? Luca Ferrari
- Re: Require assistance in Postgres + Hibernate : Error:java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal rob stone
- Re: Require assistance in Postgres + Hibernate : Error:java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal Francisco Olarte
- Re: Require assistance in Postgres + Hibernate : Error:java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal Francisco Olarte
- Multiple postmasters running from same directory Vikas Sharma
- Re: Multiple postmasters running from same directory Laurenz Albe
- Re: Require assistance in Postgres + Hibernate : Error:java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal Vinodh NV
- Re: Multiple postmasters running from same directory Tom Lane
- Re: Require assistance in Postgres + Hibernate : Error:java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal Francisco Olarte
- Re: Multiple postmasters running from same directory Francisco Olarte
- Re: Multiple postmasters running from same directory Tom Lane
- cursors and function question armand pirvu
- Re: cursors and function question David G. Johnston
- Re: Multiple postmasters running from same directory Vikas Sharma
- Re: cursors and function question Adrian Klaver
- Re: Multiple postmasters running from same directory Tom Lane
- Re: cursors and function question armand pirvu
- Re: cursors and function question David G. Johnston
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 Adrian Klaver
- Re: cursors and function question armand pirvu
- Re: cursors and function question Adrian Klaver
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 greigwise
- Windows 10 Pro issue Dale Seaburg
- Re: Windows 10 Pro issue Adrian Klaver
- Re: Connection loosing at some places - caused by firewall George Neuner
- Re: Windows 10 Pro issue Adrian Klaver
- How do I get rid of database test-aria Sherman Willden
- Re: How do I get rid of database test-aria Charles Clavadetscher
- Re: How do I get rid of database test-aria Adrian Klaver
- Re: cursors and function question armand pirvu
- Re: Windows 10 Pro issue Cyclix
- Re: oracle_fdw Question chiru r
- PostgreSQL Download Thiagarajan Lakshminarayanan
- Re: cursors and function question Adrian Klaver
- Re: cursors and function question David G. Johnston
- Re: PostgreSQL Download Adrian Klaver
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema Peter J. Holzer
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema David G. Johnston
- Re: How do I get rid of database test-aria Sherman Willden
- Re: How do I get rid of database test-aria Adrian Klaver
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema Peter J. Holzer
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema David G. Johnston
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema Tom Lane
- Table Partitioning: Sequence jump issue 10 in 10 with serialdatatype DrakoRod
- Re: Table Partitioning: Sequence jump issue 10 in 10 with serial datatype David G. Johnston
- Re: Table Partitioning: Sequence jump issue 10 in 10 with serialdatatype DrakoRod
- unsubsribe Welkin
- Re: cursors and function question armand pirvu
- Re: pglogical in postgres 9.6 Jeremy Finzel
- Re: Table Partitioning: Sequence jump issue 10 in 10 with serialdatatype Alban Hertroys
- Using standby for read-only queries in production and DML operationson primary. Konstantin Evteev
- Re: execute block like Firebird does Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
- Re: Split read/write queries between 2 servers (one master and oneslave with streaming replication)? Venkateswaran
- RE: Barman 2.3 errors GALLIANO Nicolas
- Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 pavan95
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 Melvin Davidson
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 David G. Johnston
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 Pavan Teja
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 David G. Johnston
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 Pavan Teja
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 Melvin Davidson
- postgres connection with port option in shell script Abhra Kar
- Re: postgres connection with port option in shell script Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: postgres connection with port option in shell script David G. Johnston
- Regarding pg_multixact/members folder size cleanup in postgres 9.3.6. Yogesh Sharma
- Re: Regarding pg_multixact/members folder size cleanup in postgres 9.3.6. David G. Johnston
- Re: Table Partitioning: Sequence jump issue 10 in 10 with serialdatatype DrakoRod
- Re: Windows 10 Pro issue Adrian Klaver
- Re: Split read/write queries between 2 servers (one master and oneslave with streaming replication)? Pierre Timmermans
- Re: Split read/write queries between 2 servers (one master and oneslave with streaming replication)? Melvin Davidson
- Re: Split read/write queries between 2 servers (one master and oneslave with streaming replication)? Pierre Timmermans
- Re: Regarding pg_multixact/members folder size cleanup in postgres 9.3.6. Yogesh Sharma
- Re: Regarding pg_multixact/members folder size cleanup in postgres 9.3.6. Yogesh Sharma
- Re: I do not get the point of the information_schema Eric Hanson
- Slowly Changing Dimension implementation Thiemo Kellner
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 Michael Paquier
- Re: Upgrading from Postgresql 9.1 to 10 pavan95
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Durumdara
- RE: Remove default privilege from DB Charles Clavadetscher
- Can parallel vacuum commands lead to a lock in Postgres 10.2 Meikel Bisping
- Trigger (or something similar) on table rename? Ken Tanzer
- Re: Trigger (or something similar) on table rename? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Trigger (or something similar) on table rename? Tom Lane
- Re: Trigger (or something similar) on table rename? Paul Jungwirth
- vacuumdb --all Parallel Feature Request Don Seiler
- query's performance hmidi slim
- Re: Can parallel vacuum commands lead to a lock in Postgres 10.2 PT
- Re: query's performance PT
- postgres not starting Azimuddin Mohammed
- postgres not starting Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: postgres not starting geoff hoffman
- Re: postgres not starting Alan Hodgson
- Re: postgres not starting Alan Hodgson
- Database health check/auditing Tim Cross
- Re: Database health check/auditing Melvin Davidson
- Re: Database health check/auditing Tim Cross
- Re: Database health check/auditing Melvin Davidson
- Re: postgres not starting Laurenz Albe
- Re: postgres not starting Laurenz Albe
- Re: postgres not starting Jorge Torralba
- Re: postgres not starting Jorge Torralba
- postgres started without auto vaccum Azimuddin Mohammed
- postgres started without auto vaccum Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Pradeep Kumar
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Pradeep Kumar
- Re: Database health check/auditing Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Parallel Query - Can it be used within functions? Michael Krüger
- Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Thiemo Kellner
- strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql mariusz
- Re: strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql David G. Johnston
- Re: strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql Pavel Stehule
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Durumdara
- Re: Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Pavel Stehule
- Re: strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql mariusz
- Re: strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql David G. Johnston
- Re: strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql mariusz
- Re: Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Thiemo Kellner, NHC Barhufpflege
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Adrian Klaver
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Adrian Klaver
- Re: Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Daniel Verite
- Re: Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Thiemo Kellner
- RE: Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Igor Neyman
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Durumdara
- Re: strange construct with RETURN within plpgsql Pavel Stehule
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Durumdara
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB David G. Johnston
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Stephen Frost
- Re: Database health check/auditing Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Tom Lane
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB Stephen Frost
- Re: Database health check/auditing Melvin Davidson
- Re: Remove default privilege from DB David G. Johnston
- Re: Database health check/auditing Ibrahim Edib Kokdemir
- Re: Database health check/auditing Thomas Kellerer
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Azimuddin Mohammed
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Melvin Davidson
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Melvin Davidson
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Adrian Klaver
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Adrian Klaver
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Laurenz Albe
- Re: postgres started without auto vaccum Laurenz Albe
- Re: Database health check/auditing Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- gathering ownership and grant permissions chris
- Re: Database health check/auditing Melvin Davidson
- Re: Database health check/auditing Tim Cross
- Re: Database health check/auditing Tim Cross
- Re: gathering ownership and grant permissions Melvin Davidson
- Re: gathering ownership and grant permissions chris
- Re: Database health check/auditing Tim Cross
- Re: Database health check/auditing Tim Cross
- Re: Database health check/auditing Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- Re: gathering ownership and grant permissions chris
- shared_buffers 8GB maximum Vitaliy Garnashevich
- Re: gathering ownership and grant permissions Melvin Davidson
- Re: Dynamic PL/pgSQL select query: value association propblem Thiemo Kellner
- Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on the schema"public" by default Olegs Jeremejevs
- Re: Trigger (or something similar) on table rename? Ken Tanzer
- Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? Ken Tanzer
- Re: Trigger (or something similar) on table rename? Tom Lane
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default David G. Johnston
- Re: Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? Tom Lane
- Re: Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? David G. Johnston
- Re: Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? Tom Lane
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum George Neuner
- Re: Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? geoff hoffman
- Re: Database health check/auditing George Neuner
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Tomas Vondra
- List policy/procedures [was Database health check/auditing] Tim Cross
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Jeff Janes
- Re: Database health check/auditing Tom Lane
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Vitaliy Garnashevich
- Re: Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? Ken Tanzer
- Join query hmidi slim
- Re: postgres connection with port option in shell script Abhra Kar
- Re: Any hope for more specific error message for "value too long..."? Tom Lane
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default Olegs Jeremejevs
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default David G. Johnston
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default Olegs Jeremejevs
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default Tim Clarke
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default David G. Johnston
- Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Rationale for PUBLIC having CREATE and USAGE privileges on theschema "public" by default Olegs Jeremejevs
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Adrian Klaver
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Adrian Klaver
- query performance hmidi slim
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Adrian Klaver
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Adrian Klaver
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Adrian Klaver
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Tim Cross
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Tim Cross
- Re: query performance David Rowley
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Vitaliy Garnashevich
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Pavel Stehule
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Tomas Vondra
- Re: query performance Tomas Vondra
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Adrian Klaver
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Vick Khera
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 [FIXED] Rich Shepard
- Re: READ COMMITTED vs. index-only scans Jacek Kołodziej
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Tim Cross
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Tim Cross
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Rich Shepard
- Re: Need to fix one more glitch in upgrade to -10.2 Tim Cross
- pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Michael Paquier
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Michael Paquier
- Deadlock with 2 processes waiting on transactionids and lockingunrelated tables David Wheeler
- Re: Deadlock with 2 processes waiting on transactionids and lockingunrelated tables Rene Romero Benavides
- Re: Deadlock with 2 processes waiting on transactionids and lockingunrelated tables David Wheeler
- Migrate2Postgres - A new tool for migration from other DBMSs Igal Sapir
- Re: Deadlock with 2 processes waiting on transactionids and lockingunrelated tables Rene Romero Benavides
- Re: Join query Laurenz Albe
- Re: Connection loosing at some places - caused by firewall Durumdara
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Vitaliy Garnashevich
- Re: shared_buffers 8GB maximum Vitaliy Garnashevich
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Simon Riggs
- Error when compiling postgresql 9.6.7 with Visual Studio 15.5.6 Aditya Nugraha
- Empty ./share/timezone/UTC and failure to set UTC as timezone Sasa Vilic
- Re: Error when compiling postgresql 9.6.7 with Visual Studio 15.5.6 Tom Lane
- Re: Empty ./share/timezone/UTC and failure to set UTC as timezone Tom Lane
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: Empty ./share/timezone/UTC and failure to set UTC as timezone Sasa Vilic
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby David Steele
- Re: Error when compiling postgresql 9.6.7 with Visual Studio 15.5.6 Thomas Munro
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Don Seiler
- Re: pgBackRest backup from standby Martin Marques
- Re: Error when compiling postgresql 9.6.7 with Visual Studio 15.5.6 Aditya Nugraha
- Re: Error when compiling postgresql 9.6.7 with Visual Studio 15.5.6 Tom Lane
- Re: Deadlock with 2 processes waiting on transactionids and lockingunrelated tables David Wheeler
- Re: Error when compiling postgresql 9.6.7 with Visual Studio 15.5.6 Michael Paquier
- Performance issues during backup Dylan Luong
- Re: Connection loosing at some places - caused by firewall George Neuner
- stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()" option Abhra Kar
- Re: Performance issues during backup Laurenz Albe
- Re: Performance issues during backup Rene Romero Benavides
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()"option Adrian Klaver
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()"option Adrian Klaver
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()" option Abhra Kar
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()"option Adrian Klaver
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()" option Abhra Kar
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()"option Alban Hertroys
- Crear Una FUNTION usando ROW_NUMBER yeli
- Re: stored procedure call is not working with "select procedure()" option Abhra Kar
- Re: Performance issues during backup Stephen Frost
- Re: Crear Una FUNTION usando ROW_NUMBER Hellmuth Vargas
- Re: query performance PT
- Re: Crear Una FUNTION usando ROW_NUMBER yeli
- Getting a primitive numeric value from "DatumGetNumeric"? Demitri Muna
- Re: Getting a primitive numeric value from "DatumGetNumeric"? Tom Lane
- Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which I plan tofilter later Alexander Farber
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Martin Moore
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Alexander Farber
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Alexander Farber
- Installing 9.6.6 to a RHEL 6.7 server with no Internet access Ron Johnson
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Bill Moran
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Martin Moore
- Re: Installing 9.6.6 to a RHEL 6.7 server with no Internet access Alvaro Aguayo Garcia-Rada
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Martin Moore
- Building PostgreSQL old version from source to test vulnerability CVE-2017-7546 Julián Jiménez González
- Re: Installing 9.6.6 to a RHEL 6.7 server with no Internet access Ron Johnson
- initdb when data/ folder has mount points Ron Johnson
- Understanding query planner cpu usage Lucas Fairchild-Madar
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points Rich Shepard
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points Tom Lane
- Re: Understanding query planner cpu usage Tom Lane
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points Ron Johnson
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points Tom Lane
- Re: Understanding query planner cpu usage Lucas Fairchild-Madar
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points David Steele
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Tomas Vondra
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Tomas Vondra
- PostgreSQL backup stategies Luis Marin
- Re: PostgreSQL backup stategies Melvin Davidson
- Re: Understanding query planner cpu usage Tom Lane
- oracle to postgresql conversion tool Marcin Giedz
- Re: oracle to postgresql conversion tool Venkata B Nagothi
- Re: oracle to postgresql conversion tool Pavel Stehule
- Re: oracle to postgresql conversion tool Pawan Sharma
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points Michael Paquier
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Alexander Farber
- Selecting the most recent timestamptz Alexander Farber
- Re: Selecting the most recent timestamptz Laurenz Albe
- Re: Selecting the most recent timestamptz Alexander Farber
- Re: Selecting the most recent timestamptz Alexander Farber
- Re: Selecting the most recent timestamptz Ken Tanzer
- Re: Selecting the most recent timestamptz Alexander Farber
- Re: Building PostgreSQL old version from source to testvulnerability CVE-2017-7546 Christoph Berg
- Re: Building PostgreSQL old version from source to test vulnerability CVE-2017-7546 Julián Jiménez González
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points David Steele
- Re: initdb when data/ folder has mount points Ron Johnson
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later Bill Moran
- Any reason not to show "null input" (strict) column in \df+ output? David G. Johnston
- Re: Any reason not to show "null input" (strict) column in \df+ output? Tom Lane
- On error mesage (0x80090325) whilst installing Apps Stack Builder Pablo Liendo
- Re: On error mesage (0x80090325) whilst installing Apps Stack Builder Adrian Klaver
- Re: On error mesage (0x80090325) whilst installing Apps Stack Builder Steve Atkins
- Re: Understanding query planner cpu usage Lucas Fairchild-Madar
- Re: On error mesage (0x80090325) whilst installing Apps StackBuilder Alan Hodgson
- Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range that includesa particular date Ken Tanzer
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Adrian Klaver
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Ken Tanzer
- Re: Getting a primitive numeric value from "DatumGetNumeric"? Demitri Muna
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Adrian Klaver
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Ken Tanzer
- RE: Performance issues during backup Dylan Luong
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Adrian Klaver
- Re: Getting a primitive numeric value from "DatumGetNumeric"? Michael Paquier
- Re: Performance issues during backup PT
- Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later David Rowley
- Re: Getting a primitive numeric value from "DatumGetNumeric"? Tom Lane
Postgres hangs for the query "lock table
in exclusive mode" Vinodh NV - Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Adrian Klaver
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Adrian Klaver
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Paul Jungwirth
Re: Postgres hangs for the query "lock table
in exclusive mode" David G. Johnston - Re: Not sure if I should CREATE INDEX for text columns on which Iplan to filter later PT
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date mariusz
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Viktor Fougstedt
- PQConsumeinput stuck on recv Andre Oliveira Freitas
- Re: PQConsumeinput stuck on recv Andres Freund
- Re: Getting a primitive numeric value from "DatumGetNumeric"? Demitri Muna
- Location to specify C compiler option in C extension Demitri Muna
- Trigger file behavior with the standby Keiko Oda
- Re: PQConsumeinput stuck on recv Andre Oliveira Freitas
- Re: Location to specify C compiler option in C extension Tom Lane
- Re: PQConsumeinput stuck on recv Andres Freund
- Re: Location to specify C compiler option in C extension Demitri Muna
- Re: Query error: could not resize shared memory segment Thomas Munro
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date Ken Tanzer
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date (aggregates) Ken Tanzer
- Unexpected behavior with transition tables in update statementtrigger Tom Kazimiers
- pg_update to a new machine? Ron Johnson
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Stephen Frost
- extract properties from certificates jotpe
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Ron Johnson
- Re: extract properties from certificates Tom Lane
- Re: extract properties from certificates jotpe
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Stephen Frost
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Ron Johnson
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Stephen Frost
- Re: pg_update to a new machine? Ron Johnson
- Re: extract properties from certificates jotpe
- Re: extract properties from certificates Adrian Klaver
- Re: extract properties from certificates jotpe
- Re: extract properties from certificates Adrian Klaver
- pg_dumpall SET default_transaction_read_only = off (was Re: == PostgreSQL Weekly News - January 28 2018 ==) Tom Lane
- Re: pg_dumpall SET default_transaction_read_only = off (was Re: ==PostgreSQL Weekly News - January 28 2018 ==) Karsten Hilbert
- is libpq and openssl 1.1.* compatible? Konstantin Izmailov
- Re: is libpq and openssl 1.1.* compatible? Adrian Klaver
- Re: is libpq and openssl 1.1.* compatible? Michael Paquier
- Re: is libpq and openssl 1.1.* compatible? Konstantin Izmailov
- Re: is libpq and openssl 1.1.* compatible? Michael Paquier
- Re: Unexpected behavior with transition tables in update statement trigger Thomas Munro
- Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Łukasz Jarych
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Manuel Gómez
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Łukasz Jarych
- merge statement gives error Abhra Kar
- Re: Unexpected behavior with transition tables in update statementtrigger Tom Kazimiers
- Re: merge statement gives error Thomas Kellerer
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! geoff hoffman
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Alan Gano
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Łukasz Jarych
- psql '\copy to' and unicode escapes Steven Hirsch
- Re: psql '\copy to' and unicode escapes David G. Johnston
- Parallel Aware Marwan Almaymoni
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! geoff hoffman
- system catalog permissions PropAAS DBA
- Re: system catalog permissions Joshua D. Drake
- Re: system catalog permissions Tom Lane
- Re: system catalog permissions Paul Jungwirth
- Re: system catalog permissions David G. Johnston
- Re: system catalog permissions Melvin Davidson
- Re: is libpq and openssl 1.1.* compatible? Konstantin Izmailov
- Why is tuple_percent so low? Sam Saffron
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Łukasz Jarych
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Łukasz Jarych
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Thiemo Kellner
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Thiemo Kellner
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date (aggregates) mariusz
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date (aggregates) mariusz
- Re: Why is tuple_percent so low? David Rowley
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Christian Keil
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date (aggregates) mariusz
- Re: Feature request: separate logging Greg Stark
- selecting timestamp chris
- Re: selecting timestamp Adrian Klaver
- Re: selecting timestamp David G. Johnston
- Re: selecting timestamp Joe Conway
- index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns Hadi Moshayedi
- index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns Hadi Moshayedi
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns Tom Lane
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns David G. Johnston
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns Tom Lane
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns David G. Johnston
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns Andres Freund
- Re: Creating complex track changes database - challenge! Thiemo Kellner
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date (aggregates) Ken Tanzer
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns David Rowley
- Re: index-only-scan when there is an index on all columns Andres Freund
- Re: Parallel Query - Can it be used within functions? Michael Krüger
- Re: Parallel Query - Can it be used within functions? Michael Krüger
- Re: Given a set of daterange, finding the continuous range thatincludes a particular date (aggregates) mariusz
- How to avoid trailing zero (after decimal point) for numeric typecolumn pkashimalla
- Enforce primary key on every table during dev? Jeremy Finzel
- Re: Enforce primary key on every table during dev? Achilleas Mantzios
- Re: Enforce primary key on every table during dev? John McKown
- Re: Enforce primary key on every table during dev? Adrian Klaver
- Re: Enforce primary key on every table during dev? Melvin Davidson
- Re: Enforce primary key on every table during dev? John McKown
- Re: Enforce primary key on every table during dev? David G. Johnston
- Parallel index creation & pg_stat_activity Phil Florent
- Re: Parallel index creation & pg_stat_activity Andres Freund
- Re: Parallel index creation & pg_stat_activity Andres Freund