A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, oneway_111@yahoo.com (ow) wrote:
> Have *never* seen ppl running Oracle or Sybase on Windows.
I haven't seen Sybase on Windows (only barely have seen it anywhere,
fitting with the comment made that it hides in the lucrative financial
industry); I _have_ seen Oracle deployed on Windows NT. (I was once
involved with a deployment on Novell Netware, which is _really_ odd,
as platforms go :-).)
That we don't see these things a lot may mean that we are seeing
somewhat "ghettoized" areas of the computer industry. I doubt Sybase
'does Windows' terribly much, but just because I don't see it doesn't
mean it doesn't exist.
wm(X,Y):-write(X),write('@'),write(Y). wm('aa454','freenet.carleton.ca').
Subject: SETI@home
Or perhaps a better subject title would be, "Watching paint dry, but
-- Brian Menyuk