I'm having a bit of authentication trouble. I'm trying to use 'crypt'
authentication. PostgreSQL 7.1beta5. My pg_hba.conf is as follows:
#local all trust
local all crypt passtest
When I do 'local all trust', everything works fine. When I invert the
comment, it doesn't.
I created file passtest using pg_passwd, with the following
ownerships/permissions. I've recreated it several times, to make sure
I didn't make a typo when I entered the password.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres 43 Mar 16 12:38 passtest
1006$ psql -d rpeterso -U rpeterso -W
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
(switch to 'local all crypt passtest')
rpeterso@pagoda ~
1007$ psql -d rpeterso -U rpeterso -W
psql: Password authentication failed for user 'rpeterso'
Am I missing something?
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