Michael Meskes wrote:<br /><blockquote cite="mid:20010620104335.A10444@feivel.fam-meskes.de" type="cite"><pre
wrap="">OnWed, Jun 20, 2001 at 09:13:13AM +0200, Pedro Abelleira Seco wrote:<br /></pre><blockquote type="cite"><pre
wrap="">-Phppgadmin is a web based tool. You need a PHP<br />enabled web server. Most end users/admins don't want<br
/>tohave to configure a web server, PHP ("what is<br />PHP?") and to have a poor interface (I'm talking about<br />web
basedinterfaces in general, not the phppgadmin in<br />particular).<br /></pre></blockquote><pre wrap=""><br />Maybe,
butthen you are platform independent.<br /><br /></pre></blockquote><br /> First, we need a set of tasks that the
softwarewould need to be able to do. These tasks, may answer your questions or at least help decide which environment
wouldbest suit your admin tool.<br /><br /> AFIAA, there exists a port of Java for just about every OS that PostgreSQL
supports,not that it should be the only reason for choosing it. Not that my vote counts, but I'd go for the java
approachand be willing to code a lot on the interface, anyone else interested?<br /><br /> To start this list off, the
GoodIdea (tm):<br /><br /><ul><li>User Management<ul><li>Create<li>List<br /><li>Modify<ul><li>Change Password<li>Grant
permissions<li>GroupMembership</ul><li>Delete</ul><li> Database Management<ul><li>Create<li>List<br
/></ul></ul><br/> This is one of the big things that PostgreSQL has been missing for sometime. Personally, I believe
thatit would benefit both developers and users.<br /><br /> Regardless, that's my two bits...<br /><br />