> I thought I would pick up this thread again. A couple of weeks ago,
> Robert Bernier offered to pick up a bit of advertising for keyword
> search for PostgreSQL on his own budget.
Hmmm. I really don't think internet search engines are where we need to
focus on getting the word out:
1) We already come up toward the top of the results for a lot of relevant
terms, like "Postgres" "postgreSQL", "open source database",
"object-relational", etc.
2) People who spend a lot of time on the internet are liable to have heard
of us anyway.
3) Several of PostgreSQL's commercial supporters already buy keywords.
As such, I really think the focus should be finding ways into print
publications which put PostgreSQL in front of people who wouldn't
necessarily spend their time evaluating IT on the web.
All that being said, I'll point out that Electronic Frontier, the leading
brokerage for keyword marketing, runs PostgreSQL and would probably be
willing to help out.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco