"Ross J. Reedstrom" wrote: >Background: >The project I'm working on is using ColdFusion as it's middleware, >accessing
aPostgreSQL backend. To date, we've had to run on NT, using >ODBC to the DB on a separate box. Allaire is in the
processof releasing >a real live Linux version of their software (a native port, this time) >which I've been beta
testing.I was pleased to discover that the unixODBC >driver worked (although I had to hand configure it into
ColdFusion.)> >Current news: >I just pulled the latest beta, and low and behold, it's checking to see >if PostgreSQL is
installed,in order to install examples! It missed on my >box, since I run a Debian install, not the RedHat it's
expecting,but >they're on the right track. Yep, the pgsql datasources are configurable >from within the CF adminstrator
If you can give me a contact, I would like to help them set it up as a
Debian package.
Oliver Elphick Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver PGP key from public servers; key
ID32B8FAA1 ======================================== "O come, let us worship and bow down; let us
kneel before the LORD our maker." Psalms 95:6