We were having some trouble doing updates to our database,
a lot of our database sort of works like this:
dbfunc(data) somedatatype *data;
{somedatatype *existing_row;
existing_row = exists_in_table(data);
if (existing_row != NULL) { update_table(existing_row, count = count + data->count)} else
Is there anything built into postgresql to accomplish this without
the "double" work that goes on here?
something like: update_row_but_insert_if_it_doesn't_exist(data, update = 'count = count + data->count');
Meaning, if a row matching the 'new' data exists, update it, otherwise
store our new data as a new record?
It seems like the database has to do an awful amount of extra work
for our application because we haven't figured out how to do this
Any pointers?
-Alfred Perlstein - [bright@wintelcom.net|alfred@freebsd.org]