BUG #18569: Memory leak in Postgres Enterprise server - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From PG Bug reporting form
Subject BUG #18569: Memory leak in Postgres Enterprise server
Msg-id 18569-ba603937af37b1b6@postgresql.org
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: BUG #18569: Memory leak in Postgres Enterprise server
List pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18569
Logged by:          Abhisek Sahu
Email address:      absahu@informatica.com
PostgreSQL version: 16.3
Operating system:   Redhat Linux8

We are encountering a issue with our PostgreSQL database, which is impacting
our operations.
Issue Description:
Our Informatica repository setup is enabled with PostgreSQL 16.2 database.
We are running multiple concurrent operations for extended periods (10 to 12
hours), which is resulting in database connection errors.
Error Details:
We have observed that memory consumption by PostgreSQL processes increases
gradually over time. Eventually, this leads to out-of-memory errors and
process termination. The log entries are as follows-

We also noticed that until the application either hangs or we manually
terminate the connection on our side, the memory used by these processes on
the PostgreSQL server continues to increase. This has led to severe
performance issues and frequent database connection errors.
Additional Information:
PostgreSQL Server/Client Version: PostgreSQL 16.2
Connector in Use: LibPQ
We have also attached our Repository logs, PostgreSQL server logs and DB
logs. Based on our analysis, it seems that processes are being killed due to
out-of-memory errors, as indicated by the logs from around 17:02
We would appreciate your assistance in analyzing and resolving this memory
leak issue as soon as possible.

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