Re: BUG #18568: BUG: Result wrong when do group by on partition table! - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From Tender Wang
Subject Re: BUG #18568: BUG: Result wrong when do group by on partition table!
Whole thread Raw
In response to BUG #18568: BUG: Result wrong when do group by on partition table!  (PG Bug reporting form <>)
Responses Re: BUG #18568: BUG: Result wrong when do group by on partition table!
Re: BUG #18568: BUG: Result wrong when do group by on partition table!
回复: BUG #18568: BUG: Result wrong when do group by on partition table!
List pgsql-bugs

PG Bug reporting form <> 于2024年8月6日周二 15:01写道:
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18568
Logged by:          Webbo Han
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 16.3
Operating system:   centos 7.6

First, we create one case-insensitive collation use ICU:
        CREATE COLLATION case_insensitive (
                provider = icu,
                locale = 'und-u-ks-level2',
                deterministic = false

Then, we create the partition table, meanwhile we set the collation of
column c to `case_insensitive`,
and set partkey's collation to 'C'.
        SET enable_partitionwise_aggregate TO true;
        SET enable_partitionwise_join TO true;
        SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO 0;
        SET enable_incremental_sort TO off;
        CREATE TABLE pagg_tab (c text collate case_insensitive) PARTITION BY LIST(c
collate "C");
        CREATE TABLE pagg_tab_p1 PARTITION OF pagg_tab FOR VALUES IN ('a', 'b',
'c', 'd');
        CREATE TABLE pagg_tab_p2 PARTITION OF pagg_tab FOR VALUES IN ('e', 'f',
        CREATE TABLE pagg_tab_p3 PARTITION OF pagg_tab FOR VALUES IN ('B', 'C',
'D', 'E');
        INSERT INTO pagg_tab SELECT substr('abcdeABCDE', (i % 10) +1 , 1) FROM
generate_series(0, 2999) i;
        ANALYZE pagg_tab;

We do group by on the table pagg_tab use `case_insensitive` collation, we
hope group key is case-insensitive.
but we find the execution result is not what we expected.
        postgres=# SELECT c collate case_insensitive, count(c) FROM pagg_tab GROUP
BY c collate case_insensitive;
         c | count
         A |   300
         e |   300
         E |   300
         D |   300
         C |   300
         B |   300
         d |   300
         c |   300
         b |   300
         a |   300
        (10 rows)

The reason is the function group_by_has_partkey() do not check partkey's
collation, that lead to explain error.
        postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT c collate case_insensitive, count(c) FROM
pagg_tab GROUP BY c collate case_insensitive ;
                                              QUERY PLAN
         Append  (cost=12.00..60.15 rows=10 width=10)
           ->  HashAggregate  (cost=12.00..12.02 rows=2 width=10)
                 Group Key: pagg_tab.c
                 ->  Seq Scan on pagg_tab_p2 pagg_tab  (cost=0.00..9.00 rows=600
           ->  HashAggregate  (cost=24.00..24.04 rows=4 width=10)
                 Group Key: pagg_tab_1.c
                 ->  Seq Scan on pagg_tab_p3 pagg_tab_1  (cost=0.00..18.00
rows=1200 width=2)
           ->  HashAggregate  (cost=24.00..24.04 rows=4 width=10)
                 Group Key: pagg_tab_2.c
                 ->  Seq Scan on pagg_tab_p1 pagg_tab_2  (cost=0.00..18.00
rows=1200 width=2)
        (10 rows)

So, group_by_has_partkey() need to verify if the partkey's collation matches
the groupkey,
meanwhile, if groupkey is RelabelType node and it's collation equal to
partkey's, it should
also set variable `found` to true.

Yeah, I can reproduce $subject on HEAD.
But  I found this when debug into group_by_has_partkey(), as below:
call nodeToString(groupexprs):
VAR : varcollid 16384
call nodeToString(partexpr):
VAR: varcollid 16384

So the collid of partkey and groupexpr is same, so add check here may not fix this issue.

I continue to find out why the collation id of partkey is 16384(e.g. case_insensitive). The partkey expr info is
set in set_baserel_partition_key_exprs(), which it uses partkey->parttypcoll[cnt] value not  partkey->partcollation value.

And partkey->parttypcoll[cnt] is assigned from pg_attribute , which is the column c meta data. 
Should we use partkey->partcollation value?  I try to fix that in the attached patch. I add your case in the test, and I don't find
failed regress.

Tender Wang

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