Thread: There is an invalid value for cidr type in the "Table 8.22. cidr Type Input Examples"

The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


On the page:
in the "Table 8.22. cidr Type Input Examples" 
is invalid value for CIDR notation: 2001:4f8:3:ba:​2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1/128

PG Doc comments form <> writes:
> On the page:
> in the "Table 8.22. cidr Type Input Examples" 
> is invalid value for CIDR notation: 2001:4f8:3:ba:​2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1/128

The value is correct as displayed:

=# select '2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1/128'::cidr;
(1 row)

However, if you try to copy-and-paste it from the web page,
you do indeed get a syntax error, or at least I do using Safari.
The reason is that there's a zero-width space hiding in there:


and apparently copy-and-paste converts that into something
that cidr_in doesn't like.  It doesn't like regular space
there either, so that's not so surprising.

I believe the &zwsp; got put in there to provide a line-break
opportunity and thus remove overwidth-line warnings in the
PDF docs build.  There are a fair number of other places where
we do the same thing, although perhaps they are less likely
to be something somebody would try to copy-and-paste.

On the whole I'm inclined to do nothing here; these docs have to
satisfy a number of requirements, and "every example should be
copy-and-pasteable" doesn't seem like a good constraint to add.
Another idea perhaps could be to remove enough digits from the
example that it doesn't cause overwidth warnings in the PDF ---
but I'm not sure that's feasible in a 3-column table.  Or we
could just drop this one example.

            regards, tom lane

On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 4:30 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:

On the whole I'm inclined to do nothing here; these docs have to
satisfy a number of requirements, and "every example should be
copy-and-pasteable" doesn't seem like a good constraint to add.
Another idea perhaps could be to remove enough digits from the
example that it doesn't cause overwidth warnings in the PDF ---
but I'm not sure that's feasible in a 3-column table.  Or we
could just drop this one example.

Another option, write:
"Same as input."
in the other two columns - so one doesn't have to look closely at some 30 characters of hex to prove to themselves the inputs and outputs are indeed identical.

Would do it elsewhere for consistency - it also does make the case stand out which I think is a plus and part of the point of the table.

David J.

"David G. Johnston" <> writes:
> Another option, write:
> "Same as input."
> in the other two columns - so one doesn't have to look closely at some 30
> characters of hex to prove to themselves the inputs and outputs are indeed
> identical.

Oh, I like that, if it makes the table narrow enough.  Probably need
to set it in italics or something to make it obviously not-data.

> Would do it elsewhere for consistency

Right, we'd have to do it in each entry of this table (that it
is correct for).

            regards, tom lane